Homosexual boy scout is mad because he won't be given eagle badge

the only ones focusing on someone sucking dick is cowman.

I disagree. You are the one who continues to mention penises.

Another fail
the faggot knew the rules when he joined
Care to lie about the age again?

Three quotes from the article:

"Ryan has worked for nearly 12 years to become an Eagle Scout


Karen Andresen said her son, who joined when he was 6, put in extra hours to finish the Eagle requirements.


Under Scout rules, Ryan must earn his Eagle badge by his 18th birthday, which is Monday.

18 minus 12 is six.
I disagree. You are the one who continues to mention penises.

Another fail
the faggot knew the rules when he joined
Care to lie about the age again?

Why are you so obsessed with homosexuals?

Why are you deflecting from the fact I am a former boy scout defending the Boy Scouts for the rules they have always had?
You can twist this into anything to deflect from the facts.
The boy knew the rules when he joined
I disagree. You are the one who continues to mention penises.

Another fail
the faggot knew the rules when he joined
Care to lie about the age again?

Three quotes from the article:


Karen Andresen said her son, who joined when he was 6, put in extra hours to finish the Eagle requirements.


Under Scout rules, Ryan must earn his Eagle badge by his 18th birthday, which is Monday.

18 minus 12 is six.

I'll post this one more time.
From the Boy Scouts own web site.
Boy Scout Joining Requirements
Meet the age requirements. Be a boy who is 11 years old, or one who has completed the fifth grade or earned the Arrow of Light Award and is at least 10 years old, but is not yet 18 years old.
Give him the eagle badge he earned.

sorry, but if he didn't fulfill all of the requirements of the boy scouts, he didn't earn it. and he didn't. furthermore, there is no 'right' to a rank held in a private club. they don't owe him squat.

Then why did they let him do all that final work for nothing, when they were only going to deny him the badge?

i have no idea. i suspect that is an issue that is being discussed right now between the scoutmaster and his superiors. doesn't matter to the outcome, or to their right to make any decision they choose.

you need to get over this childish adoration of the word 'fair'. this kid is learning the adult lesson that 'fair' is a kindergarten nonsense word with no meaning in the real world, and it's past time you did, too.

He joined the Scouts when he was SIX. He would have had no idea he was gay, or what he thought about God. You couldn't kick him out when he discovered he was gay - he wouldn't have lied about his sexuality at the age of six, would he?

He also says that they all knew about his sexuality for years. He must have spoken up about it, so why didn't they kick him out then? Why wait until he had completed his project and then refuse to give him the badge?

He should get the badge because he has been a Scout for 12 years with no problems, and did everything required of him. He didn't lie to anyone.

what difference does it make whether he knew when he was six? they have the legal right to kick him out any time after he makes it known that he disagrees with the foundational principles of the group.

i have no idea why they timed it the way they did. doesn't matter. it's their decision to make, whenever they decide to make it, and you really need to understand that he has no 'right' to that badge, and that he didn't do everything that was required of him. he failed on the basic part of 'agreeing with the boy scout creed'.

So you actually think its fair that they knew about his homosexuality, but made him complete the final stage of his work to get that bade, and they knew full well that as soon as he finished, they would refuse to give him the badge, based on something they already knew about him?

That is not fucking fair at all.

no, dummy, i neither think it's 'fair' or 'unfair'. unlike you, i put no talismanic belief in baby talk like that. i think it's reality. this is how things are. life sometimes flatly refuses to be the way we want it to be. people sometimes refuse to change to conform to us. shit happens.

he knew who the boy scouts were and what they believed. everyone knows, because they've made no effort whatsoever to hide it. he thought he was 'special' and the exception to the rules, and that he could bypass them to make things be the way he wanted. it didn't work. time to accept it like a grown-up and move on, instead of whining and kicking feet like a tantruming toddler.
There are Mormon, Muslim and Jewish scouts. It has nothing to do with Christianity. There are agnostics who have high positions in the Scouts.

It's about being anti-gay.

you are aware that the mormon religion is, technically speaking, christian, right? and that the 'judeo' in 'judeo-christian' refers to judaism, aka the religion of jewish people? and that muslims claim that allah is the judeo-christian god?

or are you so busy rabidly hating religion that you've never bothered to learn anything about any of them?

I like to think of Mormonism as Christnanized Scientology. :D

you can think of them as anything you like. it'll matter to absolutely nobody, same as all your other thoughts.
How can they expect a child to grow up and not form his own opinions?

they don't. they expect a child to grow up and accept the consequences of his opinions and voicing them. it's called 'adulthood'.

They expected him to be brainwashed, in other words.

you're really a fucktard, aren't you?

done talking to vacuum. when you take your brain out of the shrinkwrap and plug it in, let me know.
Yeah, because we know that nonChristians NEVER cheat on their spouses, right?

lol, stupid shit

no, it's just okay for them to do it, because they never aspire to be anything but scum, anyway. being dissolute is okay if you embrace dissolute behavior. the sin - you should pardon the expression - is in having ever tried to be better than that in the first place.

Why is it okay for them to do it?

Oh wait excuse me, did religion fucking invent feelings and emotional connections and morality?

it's called 'sarcasm', shitforbrains. look it up. oh, and 'reading for comprehension'. give that a little investigation, too, would you?
He didn't break any damned rules! Being gay is not braking any rules, its something completely out of his control!

yes, dimwit, being openly gay is 'braking' the rules of the boy scouts. it doesn't matter if you like it or agree with it, because i really doubt the boy scouts of america have sent you any invites to their steering committee meetings, or intend to. it might occasionally come up for a vote, but you haven't been issued a ballot. why don't you try showing some of that 'tolerance' you leftist dipwads like to prattle about and mind your own frigging business?

Then why didn't they kick him out when they first heard the news that he was homosexual?

do i look like miss cleo to you, sparky? how in the hell should i know? i wasn't there. it doesn't matter. amazingly enough, there is no clause in the right to freedom of association that establishes a fucking time limit.

stop whining.
So is being left handed and having red hair. Your point?

that if you join a club that's exclusively for right-handed people, being left-handed is 'braking' the rules.

That wasn't my point. My point was that being left handed is, by very definition, abnormal and unnatural.

who cares what your point was? you asked what the other person's point was, so why the hell are you now babbling about your point? i'm answering your frigging question, dimwit. try to focus.
An estimated 10% of people in the world are homosexual.
An estimated 10% of people in the world are left handed.

Obviously this proves that left handed people are unnatural.

sorry, sparkles, but only about 3 percent of the population is homosexual. that number was debunked years ago in first-world countries. i'm sure the news will filter down yours eventually.

and left-handed people are abnormal. so what? unless one is insecure and needs constant reassurance of one's self-image, this is not a particularly big deal to accept.

Do you support denying equal rights to those who are left handed? Them being abnormal and all, you know.

considering that the only rights being discussed in this case are the first amendment rights of the boy scouts of america, i fail to see any relevance to your question, and i object to having my time wasted.
"Actually it does say he admitted he went against policy."

Ryan claims the scoutmaster knew about his sexual orientation well before he started the project and paperwork for the honor.

give him the badge and move on.

The Scout Master doesn't dictate BSA policy. If the Scout Master knew he was lying, the Scout Master should be tossed out also.
Myself. I dont trust the government at all.

Odd that you dont mind the government telling you what to do with your body when it comes to health care

Most right wingers are secretly in the closet. That should give you a reason as to why he focuses on penis so much.

It might seem kind of weird to some that I'm just throwing out these accusations of sexual obsession over the boy(both when young and older).

But in reality, that's what it is. It's a fixation these people have on sexual organs, and what they do with them. People are not judged by their character, they're judged by whether or not two dicks clash in mock swordfight or two vaginas scissor it up.

It's especially bad when these men and women start obsessing over the sexuality of children.


the only ones focusing on someone sucking dick is cowman.

The person I see concerned about sexuality of young children here is you.
You can't make your case so you throw out shit that isn't true because a former Boy Scout is defending the scouts for the rules they have against someone who knew about the rules when he took the oath.
You're such a loser to even make such an attempt.

Gee, a person willing to discriminate against children because of their sexuality and defend all others who would wish to do the same to children, and I'm the loser.

Good one.

Why do you hate children bigrebnc1775? First you obsess over what they do with their genitalia, either now or later in life, and then you hate on them for it.

You're no good for children. If you were ANY kind of decent boy scout, you would honor the greatest tenant of youth scouting, which is the education and well being of children. That's what scouting gives to the world. But no. You'd rather discriminate against those children instead. Line them up in order of how you like their sexuality. Completely destructive to children.

Good job.

"A Scout is Honest, Loyal, Kind, Obedient, Cheerful, Thrifty, Brave, Clean and Reverent."

The only thing you are, is fucking obedient. Obedient to the wicked men in the organization. Obedient to the very end, even if it is the demise of good children who can really benefit from the organization.

You must sleep well at night.
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Noomi why are you obsessed with forcing a private group into accepting something that goes against it's rules?

Because like all homosexuals they insist that you accept their deviant and immoral lifestyle choice as good, natural, decent and acceptable, they will tolerate NO other opinion on the matter. If you don't kiss their asses and tell them what they do is 100% moral, natural, good and decent they will label you as a hate filled, homophobic, poc that wishes to deny them their right to act animals, which is often their argument.
Noomi why are you obsessed with forcing a private group into accepting something that goes against it's rules?

Because like all homosexuals they insist that you accept their deviant and immoral lifestyle choice as good, natural, decent and acceptable, they will tolerate NO other opinion on the matter. If you don't kiss their asses and tell them what they do is 100% moral, natural, good and decent they will label you as a hate filled, homophobic, poc that wishes to deny them their right to act animals, which is often their argument.

All of the above, what I just said.

That goes for you too.

What kind of sick human beings discriminate against children, choosing which ones get to be educated and loved and which ones get to be tossed aside like garbage, based entirely on petty reasons such as sexual orientation.
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Noomi why are you obsessed with forcing a private group into accepting something that goes against it's rules?

Because like all homosexuals they insist that you accept their deviant and immoral lifestyle choice as good, natural, decent and acceptable, they will tolerate NO other opinion on the matter. If you don't kiss their asses and tell them what they do is 100% moral, natural, good and decent they will label you as a hate filled, homophobic, poc that wishes to deny them their right to act animals, which is often their argument.

All of the above, what I just said.

That goes for you too.

What kind of sick human beings discriminate against children, choosing which ones get to be educated and loved and which ones get to be tossed aside like garbage, based entirely on petty reasons such as sexual orientation.

The kind of people that believe in duty, honor, integrity, morality, truthfulness and obeying the rules. Forgeting for a minute that the kid is gay, and he KNEW that being openly gay was against the rules yet chose to ignore the rules and"come out" anyway, expecting some special priviledge just for him, (maybe because his mommy tells him how special he is), because of his sexual deviancy, let's look at his denial of one of the principle beleifs of the BSA, the very first item on their oath On my honor I will do my best To do my duty to God and my country. This kid says he doesn't believe in that portion of the oath, doing his duty to God, an oath he had to have taken hundreds of times over the years he spent in Scouting, making him a damn dishonorable liar. The next verse in the oath is "On my honor I will do my best...........to obey the Scout Law". Being gay is not obeying Scout law because Scout law demands that Scouts be obediant and reverent and breaking the rules is not being obediant and being a sodomite is not being reverent. So all in all, they are teaching the majority of the kids in Scouting the importance of following the oath you took, the importance of standing by your word, the importance of fearing God, the importance of honor and self respect and if the majority can be taught at the expenense of one, there is nothing wrong with that. The greater good for the greater majority of kids. This kid is unworthy of the honor and the Scouts are doing the right thing in denying him the honor because it's evident the kid has no honor and the kid broke his oath. The problem with this kid feeling bad is due 100% to people like you, who convince these kids that they're "special" and that the rules don't apply to them because being gay is a-ok and everyone has to confrom to their way of thinking. Well here's a bit of FYI for you. Not everyone thinks engaging in immoral and deviant homosexual pracitces is a-ok and they will never accept is as so.
Noomi why are you obsessed with forcing a private group into accepting something that goes against it's rules?

Because like all homosexuals they insist that you accept their deviant and immoral lifestyle choice as good, natural, decent and acceptable, they will tolerate NO other opinion on the matter. If you don't kiss their asses and tell them what they do is 100% moral, natural, good and decent they will label you as a hate filled, homophobic, poc that wishes to deny them their right to act animals, which is often their argument.

All of the above, what I just said.

That goes for you too.

What kind of sick human beings discriminate against children, choosing which ones get to be educated and loved and which ones get to be tossed aside like garbage, based entirely on petty reasons such as sexual orientation.

I'm welling to bet you were never in the scouts?
Myself. I dont trust the government at all.

Odd that you dont mind the government telling you what to do with your body when it comes to health care

It might seem kind of weird to some that I'm just throwing out these accusations of sexual obsession over the boy(both when young and older).

But in reality, that's what it is. It's a fixation these people have on sexual organs, and what they do with them. People are not judged by their character, they're judged by whether or not two dicks clash in mock swordfight or two vaginas scissor it up.

It's especially bad when these men and women start obsessing over the sexuality of children.


The person I see concerned about sexuality of young children here is you.
You can't make your case so you throw out shit that isn't true because a former Boy Scout is defending the scouts for the rules they have against someone who knew about the rules when he took the oath.
You're such a loser to even make such an attempt.

Gee, a person willing to discriminate against children because of their sexuality and defend all others who would wish to do the same to children, and I'm the loser.

Good one.

Why do you hate children bigrebnc1775? First you obsess over what they do with their genitalia, either now or later in life, and then you hate on them for it.

You're no good for children. If you were ANY kind of decent boy scout, you would honor the greatest tenant of youth scouting, which is the education and well being of children. That's what scouting gives to the world. But no. You'd rather discriminate against those children instead. Line them up in order of how you like their sexuality. Completely destructive to children.

Good job.

"A Scout is Honest, Loyal, Kind, Obedient, Cheerful, Thrifty, Brave, Clean and Reverent."

The only thing you are, is fucking obedient. Obedient to the wicked men in the organization. Obedient to the very end, even if it is the demise of good children who can really benefit from the organization.

You must sleep well at night.

Dude do yourself a favor, stop having gay wet dreams over this, you aren't making your case and in a court of law using your argument would get you held in contempt of court.
The facts are this
I'm defending the Boy Scouts which you seem to ignore
I was a Boy Scout
They are a private group with laws that must be maintained.
They are as follow

A Scout is:

and Reverent.

They take an oath at the beginning of every meeting and at the end of that meeting

On my honor, I will do my best
To do my duty to God and my country and to obey the Scout Law;
To help other people at all times;
To keep myself physically strong, mentally awake and morally straight.

Now the boy was being dishonest and was not morally straight according to Boy Scout standards and was not obeying the Scout law.
I am sure he knew he was homosexual at the age of six.
You must be a boy age 11 or older up age 18 to join the Boy scouts.

So how did he join the Boy Scouts if he was six?

He couldn't. He didn't join the Boy Scouts when he was six. He might have joined the Cub Scouts, but not the Boy Scouts. An 11 year old boy could not be a Cub Scout, and a six year old boy cannot be a Boy Scout.

If, somewhere between the time he joined the Cub Scouts and became eligible to join the Boy Scouts he determined he was gay, then he was ineligible to go from being a Cub Scout to being a Boy Scout.

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