Homosexual boy scout is mad because he won't be given eagle badge

What woman is that? I'd say that if you want to eat the popcorn and would buy it if not for your views, you buy the popcorn and not punish the kids for the awful people that run the organization. The money helps the children. More can be said about the cookie money for girl scouts than whatever the popcorn money does for the boy scouts however. Boy Scouts receive massive donations frequently.

since i'm in a generous mood today, i went back and found the specifics of your massive hypocrisy for you. you're welcome.

bodecea - who is technically female - said, on page four of this thread, 'Sadly, while going into our local grocery store, I had to, kindly, tell the Boy Scouts selling popcorn outside that I cannot buy from them.'

and from you, there was a resounding silence about this, despite the fact that several people on both sides of the aisle managed to notice and comment. you, i believe, were too busy obsessing about the kid's dick.

i am now awaiting you telling bodecea that she's a petty, vindictive little bitch taking her feelings about the organization out on the little boys.

i expect to hear crickets instead. or possibly more ranting about penises.

It's not me who cares about the sexuality of the boy. It's you and bigrebnc. You see, I'm the one who says "WHO CARES ABOUT THEIR SEXUALITY", whereas you are the ones who hone in on just what kind of sexual person they are.

Also. Silence? Oh I'm sorry, is it my job to respond to every post? I don't even read every post. I make posts, and I often respond to those who respond to me, and I go to other threads. If I get locked in a thread, it's typically my opponents I focus on. You know, just like everybody else.

really? i haven't said a single word about his genitalia or his sexual practices, and i defy you to find a single place in this thread that i have. all of my posts have been about the rights of the boy scouts of america to set their own membership rules. you, on the other hand, posted for almost two pages about his penis. so don't tell me how i care about his sexuality and you don't.

also . . . you're not required to respond to every post, but you are required to be evenhanded and unbiased in your treatment of certain attitudes and actions, unless you're perfectly happy with being known for the hypocritical bigot you are.

and finally, i note that you were so busy diverting, making excuses, and lies, that you still haven't gotten around to applying your vitriol for 'taking her feelings about the organization out on the little boys' to the other side of the equation. thank you for proving me right; you don't give a fat rat's ass about the kids. you called her a petty, vindictive bitch because she's a conservative; the exact same behavior is perfectly fine by you as long as it's by a liberal.

i knew you were a hypocrite; you knew you were a hypocrite; now you've told everyone else. congratulations.
The Boy Scouts do not represent ALL boys, just boys that are morally straight. There are plenty of agencies where morals aren't required that do the same thing. Boys can join them. I was a Girl Scout but I wouldn't support the Girl Scouts today. I won't even buy their cookies and I love their cookies.

Because you're a petty bitch.

It's one thing to simply not want to buy them, it's another to not buy them because you're a petty, vindictive little bitch who takes your feelings about the organization out on the girls.

I won't buy their cookies any longer either and it isn't taking anything out on the girls, they don't get money for the cookie sales, the Girl Scout organization does, and I for one won't support an organization that promotes values I disagree with. Guess you got no problem buying things from the American Family Assoc and other pro-family organizations huh?

oh, leftists are big believers in supporting freedom of all speech with their purchasing decisions. can we say, 'chick-fil-a'?
Because you're a petty bitch.

It's one thing to simply not want to buy them, it's another to not buy them because you're a petty, vindictive little bitch who takes your feelings about the organization out on the girls.

I won't buy their cookies any longer either and it isn't taking anything out on the girls, they don't get money for the cookie sales, the Girl Scout organization does, and I for one won't support an organization that promotes values I disagree with. Guess you got no problem buying things from the American Family Assoc and other pro-family organizations huh?

The girl scout organization puts that money into programs for girls and paying for more girls to be able to participate in activities. It's their biggest money maker for doing that.

You vindictively not buying cookies when you otherwise might, means that you're fine with robbing the chances for young girls to participate in a wonderful experience that will build them up for the future.

second time attacking people for withholding support of the girl scouts, without a single word for the same behavior directed at the boy scouts.

I applaud the Eagle Scouts who are sending back their eagle badges as protest of this open bigotry and hatred of children based solely on their sexuality.

who gives a fuck what's applauded by a bigoted hypocrite? i love how you tell us about it just like you're worthy of respect.
So how did he join the Boy Scouts if he was six?

He couldn't. He didn't join the Boy Scouts when he was six. He might have joined the Cub Scouts, but not the Boy Scouts. An 11 year old boy could not be a Cub Scout, and a six year old boy cannot be a Boy Scout.

If, somewhere between the time he joined the Cub Scouts and became eligible to join the Boy Scouts he determined he was gay, then he was ineligible to go from being a Cub Scout to being a Boy Scout.

i was going to say that i suspect his mother is conflating the cub scouts and the boy scouts.

at whatever point the kid decided he was going to come out, that's the point where he became ineligible to be a boy scout, and should in good conscience have left an organization he no longer agreed with.

But he told the staff at the club and they said it was okay, and that they would find a way around it.
Therefore he felt he had no reason to leave.
He couldn't. He didn't join the Boy Scouts when he was six. He might have joined the Cub Scouts, but not the Boy Scouts. An 11 year old boy could not be a Cub Scout, and a six year old boy cannot be a Boy Scout.

If, somewhere between the time he joined the Cub Scouts and became eligible to join the Boy Scouts he determined he was gay, then he was ineligible to go from being a Cub Scout to being a Boy Scout.

i was going to say that i suspect his mother is conflating the cub scouts and the boy scouts.

at whatever point the kid decided he was going to come out, that's the point where he became ineligible to be a boy scout, and should in good conscience have left an organization he no longer agreed with.

But he told the staff at the club and they said it was okay, and that they would find a way around it.
Therefore he felt he had no reason to leave.

maybe where you come from, random members of clubs set the rules and regulations on their own whims. around here, the rules are set by the people in charge.

and no one said he should feel like he should leave because someone told him he wouldn't be able to change the whole organization to suit himself. i said he should have felt the need to leave because he no longer agreed with their ideology. it's called 'having a conscience and principles', but i guess leftists don't know about those things. and as far as i can see, all out-of-the-closet homosexuals care about is proclaiming their sexuality from the rooftops, and then claiming invasion of privacy and victimhood when people notice.
I applaud the Eagle Scouts who are sending back their eagle badges as protest of this open bigotry and hatred of children based solely on their sexuality.

Hatred of children, you are a nut job.

The Boy Scouts hate gay people.

amazingly enough, it's possible to like someone without agreeing with them or approving of everything they do. i love - and like - many of my relatives while still thinking they're crazier than shithouse rats. i don't doubt for a second there are quite a few people you know who like you and still think you're a dumbass on certain topics. i'm sure they don't tell you, though, because your self-esteem seems much too fragile to handle reality.
Hatred of children, you are a nut job.

The Boy Scouts hate gay people.

amazingly enough, it's possible to like someone without agreeing with them or approving of everything they do. i love - and like - many of my relatives while still thinking they're crazier than shithouse rats. i don't doubt for a second there are quite a few people you know who like you and still think you're a dumbass on certain topics. i'm sure they don't tell you, though, because your self-esteem seems much too fragile to handle reality.

They must show tolerance and acceptance for homosexual people outside of the club, then. Because they sure as hell don't show them any acceptance within the club.
The Boy Scouts hate gay people.

amazingly enough, it's possible to like someone without agreeing with them or approving of everything they do. i love - and like - many of my relatives while still thinking they're crazier than shithouse rats. i don't doubt for a second there are quite a few people you know who like you and still think you're a dumbass on certain topics. i'm sure they don't tell you, though, because your self-esteem seems much too fragile to handle reality.

They must show tolerance and acceptance for homosexual people outside of the club, then. Because they sure as hell don't show them any acceptance within the club.

do they not sell dictionaries in australia? 'tolerance' and 'acceptance' are two very different things. one does not need to tolerate something one accepts. the pope has no need to tolerate catholics, for example. and no, there's no need whatsoever to accept someone into a private club who doesn't meet the criteria for being in the club. we don't let muslims come teach sunday school at my church, but that doesn't mean we hate them, or don't tolerate them in general. it means that my church is an organization with the stated goal of bringing like-minded people together. and the same is true of the boy scouts.
amazingly enough, it's possible to like someone without agreeing with them or approving of everything they do. i love - and like - many of my relatives while still thinking they're crazier than shithouse rats. i don't doubt for a second there are quite a few people you know who like you and still think you're a dumbass on certain topics. i'm sure they don't tell you, though, because your self-esteem seems much too fragile to handle reality.

They must show tolerance and acceptance for homosexual people outside of the club, then. Because they sure as hell don't show them any acceptance within the club.

do they not sell dictionaries in australia? 'tolerance' and 'acceptance' are two very different things. one does not need to tolerate something one accepts. the pope has no need to tolerate catholics, for example. and no, there's no need whatsoever to accept someone into a private club who doesn't meet the criteria for being in the club. we don't let muslims come teach sunday school at my church, but that doesn't mean we hate them, or don't tolerate them in general. it means that my church is an organization with the stated goal of bringing like-minded people together. and the same is true of the boy scouts.

You can accept someone without agreeing with their lifestyle. You can also tolerate them.
They must show tolerance and acceptance for homosexual people outside of the club, then. Because they sure as hell don't show them any acceptance within the club.

do they not sell dictionaries in australia? 'tolerance' and 'acceptance' are two very different things. one does not need to tolerate something one accepts. the pope has no need to tolerate catholics, for example. and no, there's no need whatsoever to accept someone into a private club who doesn't meet the criteria for being in the club. we don't let muslims come teach sunday school at my church, but that doesn't mean we hate them, or don't tolerate them in general. it means that my church is an organization with the stated goal of bringing like-minded people together. and the same is true of the boy scouts.

You can accept someone without agreeing with their lifestyle. You can also tolerate them.

i think i just said that, dumbass. you're the one who seems to think that disagreement equals hatred.
Because you're a petty bitch.

It's one thing to simply not want to buy them, it's another to not buy them because you're a petty, vindictive little bitch who takes your feelings about the organization out on the girls.

I won't buy their cookies any longer either and it isn't taking anything out on the girls, they don't get money for the cookie sales, the Girl Scout organization does, and I for one won't support an organization that promotes values I disagree with. Guess you got no problem buying things from the American Family Assoc and other pro-family organizations huh?

The girl scout organization puts that money into programs for girls and paying for more girls to be able to participate in activities. It's their biggest money maker for doing that.

You vindictively not buying cookies when you otherwise might, means that you're fine with robbing the chances for young girls to participate in a wonderful experience that will build them up for the future.

Not buying it bud. How many Conservative Christian groups that protest against gay marriage do you give money to? I mean after all, most of these organizations, even though the protest against homosexuality and homosexual marriage, they also feed hungry kids with the money they recieve and far as I'm concerned there is no more important "activity" than not starving. I mean these groups work against gay marriage, but they also feed, educate, clothe and shelter the poor. Just asking slick.
I applaud the Eagle Scouts who are sending back their eagle badges as protest of this open bigotry and hatred of children based solely on their sexuality.

Hatred of children, you are a nut job.

The Boy Scouts hate gay people.

You homos are freaking nuts. Disapproval of your immoral lifestyle and believing marriage is an institutiion between a man and a woman does not equal hate. I HATE child molestors, I disaprrove of homosexual behavior and gay marriage. You people are the most intolerant, bigoted jackasses in this nation. Face the facts, not everyone thinks two dudes sodomizing eachother, or two woman engaging in sexual behavior is moral, natural or decent behavior. Many think it to be corrupt, unnatural and sinful. Doesn't mean we all hate you, just means we think you're sick.
I applaud the Eagle Scouts who are sending back their eagle badges as protest of this open bigotry and hatred of children based solely on their sexuality.

who gives a fuck what's applauded by a bigoted hypocrite? i love how you tell us about it just like you're worthy of respect.

You have the ovaries to call ME the bigot, huh?

What a joke you are, woman.

One would think that god fearing decent Christian boy scouts would be open and accepting to gay youth. Love the Sinner, hate the Sin as they say. A lot of good you can do in the lives of a young gay individual, especially since scouting tends to create really independent strong minded individuals ready to benefit the world. That's what I see from the Girl Scouts. Sadly, if the boy scouts is pushing out people who want to keep up with this archaic policy, then I can say it failed in that endeavor.
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Hatred of children, you are a nut job.

The Boy Scouts hate gay people.

You homos are freaking nuts. Disapproval of your immoral lifestyle and believing marriage is an institutiion between a man and a woman does not equal hate. I HATE child molestors, I disaprrove of homosexual behavior and gay marriage. You people are the most intolerant, bigoted jackasses in this nation. Face the facts, not everyone thinks two dudes sodomizing eachother, or two woman engaging in sexual behavior is moral, natural or decent behavior. Many think it to be corrupt, unnatural and sinful. Doesn't mean we all hate you, just means we think you're sick.

Please explain to me how it isn't you who is the bigot.
I won't buy their cookies any longer either and it isn't taking anything out on the girls, they don't get money for the cookie sales, the Girl Scout organization does, and I for one won't support an organization that promotes values I disagree with. Guess you got no problem buying things from the American Family Assoc and other pro-family organizations huh?

The girl scout organization puts that money into programs for girls and paying for more girls to be able to participate in activities. It's their biggest money maker for doing that.

You vindictively not buying cookies when you otherwise might, means that you're fine with robbing the chances for young girls to participate in a wonderful experience that will build them up for the future.

second time attacking people for withholding support of the girl scouts, without a single word for the same behavior directed at the boy scouts.


I've already said what I have to say, you dumb twat. You're an especially dumb twat if you think I'm going to just simply attack non-idiots because you want me to. My main goal in this thread is to point out dumb twats like yourself who are detrimental to youth.

Only a couple more dumb twat mentions and I get a free Sub!

Cowman said:
if you want to eat the popcorn and would buy it if not for your views, you buy the popcorn and not punish the kids for the awful people that run the organization. The money helps the children.
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I applaud the Eagle Scouts who are sending back their eagle badges as protest of this open bigotry and hatred of children based solely on their sexuality.

who gives a fuck what's applauded by a bigoted hypocrite? i love how you tell us about it just like you're worthy of respect.

You have the ovaries to call ME the bigot, huh?

What a joke you are, woman.

One would think that god fearing decent Christian boy scouts would be open and accepting to gay youth. Love the Sinner, hate the Sin as they say. A lot of good you can do in the lives of a young gay individual, especially since scouting tends to create really independent strong minded individuals ready to benefit the world. That's what I see from the Girl Scouts. Sadly, if the boy scouts is pushing out people who want to keep up with this archaic policy, then I can say it failed in that endeavor.

doesn't take much in the way of ovaries to look up and state that the sky is blue, dimwit. your bigotry and hypocrisy couldn't be more apparent if you had a flashing neon sign over your head.

but please, tell me how i'm viewed as a joke by someone i already dismissed as human garbage. i need a good laugh.

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