Homosexual boy scout is mad because he won't be given eagle badge

You must be a boy age 11 or older up age 18 to join the Boy scouts.

So how did he join the Boy Scouts if he was six?

He couldn't. He didn't join the Boy Scouts when he was six. He might have joined the Cub Scouts, but not the Boy Scouts. An 11 year old boy could not be a Cub Scout, and a six year old boy cannot be a Boy Scout.

If, somewhere between the time he joined the Cub Scouts and became eligible to join the Boy Scouts he determined he was gay, then he was ineligible to go from being a Cub Scout to being a Boy Scout.

She will never comprehend that, I've pointed that out several times and included the Boy Scout web site link as a source she just ignored it, because someone from the source in the OP said the boy was six when he joined the Boy Scouts, it must be true then?
Myself. I dont trust the government at all.

Odd that you dont mind the government telling you what to do with your body when it comes to health care

You can't make your case so you throw out shit that isn't true because a former Boy Scout is defending the scouts for the rules they have against someone who knew about the rules when he took the oath.
You're such a loser to even make such an attempt.

Gee, a person willing to discriminate against children because of their sexuality and defend all others who would wish to do the same to children, and I'm the loser.

Good one.

Why do you hate children bigrebnc1775? First you obsess over what they do with their genitalia, either now or later in life, and then you hate on them for it.

You're no good for children. If you were ANY kind of decent boy scout, you would honor the greatest tenant of youth scouting, which is the education and well being of children. That's what scouting gives to the world. But no. You'd rather discriminate against those children instead. Line them up in order of how you like their sexuality. Completely destructive to children.

Good job.

"A Scout is Honest, Loyal, Kind, Obedient, Cheerful, Thrifty, Brave, Clean and Reverent."

The only thing you are, is fucking obedient. Obedient to the wicked men in the organization. Obedient to the very end, even if it is the demise of good children who can really benefit from the organization.

You must sleep well at night.

Dude do yourself a favor, stop having gay wet dreams over this, you aren't making your case and in a court of law using your argument would get you held in contempt of court.
The facts are this
I'm defending the Boy Scouts which you seem to ignore
I was a Boy Scout
They are a private group with laws that must be maintained.
They are as follow

A Scout is:

and Reverent.

They take an oath at the beginning of every meeting and at the end of that meeting

On my honor, I will do my best
To do my duty to God and my country and to obey the Scout Law;
To help other people at all times;
To keep myself physically strong, mentally awake and morally straight.

Now the boy was being dishonest and was not morally straight according to Boy Scout standards and was not obeying the Scout law.
Glad cow man finally sees it mine and the Boy Scouts way.
So how did he join the Boy Scouts if he was six?

He couldn't. He didn't join the Boy Scouts when he was six. He might have joined the Cub Scouts, but not the Boy Scouts. An 11 year old boy could not be a Cub Scout, and a six year old boy cannot be a Boy Scout.

If, somewhere between the time he joined the Cub Scouts and became eligible to join the Boy Scouts he determined he was gay, then he was ineligible to go from being a Cub Scout to being a Boy Scout.

She will never comprehend that, I've pointed that out several times and included the Boy Scout web site link as a source she just ignored it, because someone from the source in the OP said the boy was six when he joined the Boy Scouts, it must be true then?

This is very common among liberals. Simple facts elude them once they have a liberal hook to hang their cemented in beliefs on.
Glad cow man finally sees it mine and the Boy Scouts way.

Nope. I just see that you are absolutely willing to go to the ends of the earth for the organization rather than the children that make it up.

I was never a boy scout, but I am extremely familiar with scouting, particularly the girl scouts. That is an organization that is concerned for the girls, unlike you and the majority of the boy scouts. It doesn't matter if a girl is gay in the girl scouts.

Why? Because it's not about sexuality. It's about building girls of courage, confidence and character who make the world a better place.
The Boy Scouts do not represent ALL boys, just boys that are morally straight. There are plenty of agencies where morals aren't required that do the same thing. Boys can join them. I was a Girl Scout but I wouldn't support the Girl Scouts today. I won't even buy their cookies and I love their cookies.
Glad cow man finally sees it mine and the Boy Scouts way.

Nope. I just see that you are absolutely willing to go to the ends of the earth for the organization rather than the children that make it up.

I was never a boy scout, but I am extremely familiar with scouting, particularly the girl scouts. That is an organization that is concerned for the girls, unlike you and the majority of the boy scouts. It doesn't matter if a girl is gay in the girl scouts.

Why? Because it's not about sexuality. It's about building girls of courage, confidence and character who make the world a better place.

If he wants to be a Scout he MUST follow their rules, that's life
The Boy Scouts do not represent ALL boys, just boys that are morally straight. There are plenty of agencies where morals aren't required that do the same thing. Boys can join them. I was a Girl Scout but I wouldn't support the Girl Scouts today. I won't even buy their cookies and I love their cookies.

Because you're a petty bitch.

It's one thing to simply not want to buy them, it's another to not buy them because you're a petty, vindictive little bitch who takes your feelings about the organization out on the girls.
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The Boy Scouts do not represent ALL boys, just boys that are morally straight. There are plenty of agencies where morals aren't required that do the same thing. Boys can join them. I was a Girl Scout but I wouldn't support the Girl Scouts today. I won't even buy their cookies and I love their cookies.

Gee thanks now I have a reason to say hell no to girl scout cookies. I know plenty of other people who will now no longer buy those gay cookies.
"Actually it does say he admitted he went against policy."

Ryan claims the scoutmaster knew about his sexual orientation well before he started the project and paperwork for the honor.

give him the badge and move on.

The Scout Master doesn't dictate BSA policy. If the Scout Master knew he was lying, the Scout Master should be tossed out also.

as i said, i suspect there's some discussion going on between that scoutmaster and his superiors right about now.
The Boy Scouts do not represent ALL boys, just boys that are morally straight. There are plenty of agencies where morals aren't required that do the same thing. Boys can join them. I was a Girl Scout but I wouldn't support the Girl Scouts today. I won't even buy their cookies and I love their cookies.

Because you're a petty bitch.

It's one thing to simply not want to buy them, it's another to not buy them because you're a petty, vindictive little bitch who takes your feelings about the organization out on the girls.

And it's even worse to try to dictate how someone chooses to spend their money. I choose not to support anyone that supports the gay agenda.
And go out of my way to support those who oppose it.
You must be a boy age 11 or older up age 18 to join the Boy scouts.

So how did he join the Boy Scouts if he was six?

He couldn't. He didn't join the Boy Scouts when he was six. He might have joined the Cub Scouts, but not the Boy Scouts. An 11 year old boy could not be a Cub Scout, and a six year old boy cannot be a Boy Scout.

If, somewhere between the time he joined the Cub Scouts and became eligible to join the Boy Scouts he determined he was gay, then he was ineligible to go from being a Cub Scout to being a Boy Scout.

i was going to say that i suspect his mother is conflating the cub scouts and the boy scouts.

at whatever point the kid decided he was going to come out, that's the point where he became ineligible to be a boy scout, and should in good conscience have left an organization he no longer agreed with.
The Boy Scouts do not represent ALL boys, just boys that are morally straight. There are plenty of agencies where morals aren't required that do the same thing. Boys can join them. I was a Girl Scout but I wouldn't support the Girl Scouts today. I won't even buy their cookies and I love their cookies.

Because you're a petty bitch.

It's one thing to simply not want to buy them, it's another to not buy them because you're a petty, vindictive little bitch who takes your feelings about the organization out on the girls.

i note that you did not direct this same vitriol to the woman who said she tells nice little boys in scout uniforms outside the walmart that she can't buy their popcorn because she disagrees with the organization's policies. can you say, 'hypocrite'? how about 'bigot'? maybe 'kneejerk ideologue hack'?

it's a good thing you never had any credibility to begin with, because you would have just lost every scrap of it.
The Boy Scouts do not represent ALL boys, just boys that are morally straight. There are plenty of agencies where morals aren't required that do the same thing. Boys can join them. I was a Girl Scout but I wouldn't support the Girl Scouts today. I won't even buy their cookies and I love their cookies.

Because you're a petty bitch.

It's one thing to simply not want to buy them, it's another to not buy them because you're a petty, vindictive little bitch who takes your feelings about the organization out on the girls.

i note that you did not direct this same vitriol to the woman who said she tells nice little boys in scout uniforms outside the walmart that she can't buy their popcorn because she disagrees with the organization's policies. can you say, 'hypocrite'? how about 'bigot'? maybe 'kneejerk ideologue hack'?

it's a good thing you never had any credibility to begin with, because you would have just lost every scrap of it.

What woman is that? I'd say that if you want to eat the popcorn and would buy it if not for your views, you buy the popcorn and not punish the kids for the awful people that run the organization. The money helps the children. More can be said about the cookie money for girl scouts than whatever the popcorn money does for the boy scouts however. Boy Scouts receive massive donations frequently.
Because you're a petty bitch.

It's one thing to simply not want to buy them, it's another to not buy them because you're a petty, vindictive little bitch who takes your feelings about the organization out on the girls.

i note that you did not direct this same vitriol to the woman who said she tells nice little boys in scout uniforms outside the walmart that she can't buy their popcorn because she disagrees with the organization's policies. can you say, 'hypocrite'? how about 'bigot'? maybe 'kneejerk ideologue hack'?

it's a good thing you never had any credibility to begin with, because you would have just lost every scrap of it.

What woman is that? I'd say that if you want to eat the popcorn and would buy it if not for your views, you buy the popcorn and not punish the kids for the awful people that run the organization. The money helps the children. More can be said about the cookie money for girl scouts than whatever the popcorn money does for the boy scouts however. Boy Scouts receive massive donations frequently.

since i'm in a generous mood today, i went back and found the specifics of your massive hypocrisy for you. you're welcome.

bodecea - who is technically female - said, on page four of this thread, 'Sadly, while going into our local grocery store, I had to, kindly, tell the Boy Scouts selling popcorn outside that I cannot buy from them.'

and from you, there was a resounding silence about this, despite the fact that several people on both sides of the aisle managed to notice and comment. you, i believe, were too busy obsessing about the kid's dick.

i am now awaiting you telling bodecea that she's a petty, vindictive little bitch taking her feelings about the organization out on the little boys.

i expect to hear crickets instead. or possibly more ranting about penises.
i note that you did not direct this same vitriol to the woman who said she tells nice little boys in scout uniforms outside the walmart that she can't buy their popcorn because she disagrees with the organization's policies. can you say, 'hypocrite'? how about 'bigot'? maybe 'kneejerk ideologue hack'?

it's a good thing you never had any credibility to begin with, because you would have just lost every scrap of it.

What woman is that? I'd say that if you want to eat the popcorn and would buy it if not for your views, you buy the popcorn and not punish the kids for the awful people that run the organization. The money helps the children. More can be said about the cookie money for girl scouts than whatever the popcorn money does for the boy scouts however. Boy Scouts receive massive donations frequently.

since i'm in a generous mood today, i went back and found the specifics of your massive hypocrisy for you. you're welcome.

bodecea - who is technically female - said, on page four of this thread, 'Sadly, while going into our local grocery store, I had to, kindly, tell the Boy Scouts selling popcorn outside that I cannot buy from them.'

and from you, there was a resounding silence about this, despite the fact that several people on both sides of the aisle managed to notice and comment. you, i believe, were too busy obsessing about the kid's dick.

i am now awaiting you telling bodecea that she's a petty, vindictive little bitch taking her feelings about the organization out on the little boys.

i expect to hear crickets instead. or possibly more ranting about penises.

It's not me who cares about the sexuality of the boy. It's you and bigrebnc. You see, I'm the one who says "WHO CARES ABOUT THEIR SEXUALITY", whereas you are the ones who hone in on just what kind of sexual person they are.

Also. Silence? Oh I'm sorry, is it my job to respond to every post? I don't even read every post. I make posts, and I often respond to those who respond to me, and I go to other threads. If I get locked in a thread, it's typically my opponents I focus on. You know, just like everybody else.
the only ones focusing on someone sucking dick is cowman.

I disagree. You are the one who continues to mention penises.

Another fail
the faggot knew the rules when he joined
Care to lie about the age again?

I agree that as a private organization the Boy Scouts should be able to use any standard they see fit to judge members and potential members. However, if he truly revealed that he was gay before he started the project then it was simply not called for to wait for him to finish and then refuse to give him the badge. Of course they can do it as it's their organization to do as they please, but it's certainly not commendable. Additionally, comments such as "the faggot knew the rules when he joined", "so why do you have an obsession on someone sucking dicks?", and some of the other comments you made are certainly not friendly, courteous, kind, cheerful, and reverent.
The Boy Scouts do not represent ALL boys, just boys that are morally straight. There are plenty of agencies where morals aren't required that do the same thing. Boys can join them. I was a Girl Scout but I wouldn't support the Girl Scouts today. I won't even buy their cookies and I love their cookies.

Because you're a petty bitch.

It's one thing to simply not want to buy them, it's another to not buy them because you're a petty, vindictive little bitch who takes your feelings about the organization out on the girls.

I won't buy their cookies any longer either and it isn't taking anything out on the girls, they don't get money for the cookie sales, the Girl Scout organization does, and I for one won't support an organization that promotes values I disagree with. Guess you got no problem buying things from the American Family Assoc and other pro-family organizations huh?
The Boy Scouts do not represent ALL boys, just boys that are morally straight. There are plenty of agencies where morals aren't required that do the same thing. Boys can join them. I was a Girl Scout but I wouldn't support the Girl Scouts today. I won't even buy their cookies and I love their cookies.

Because you're a petty bitch.

It's one thing to simply not want to buy them, it's another to not buy them because you're a petty, vindictive little bitch who takes your feelings about the organization out on the girls.

I won't buy their cookies any longer either and it isn't taking anything out on the girls, they don't get money for the cookie sales, the Girl Scout organization does, and I for one won't support an organization that promotes values I disagree with. Guess you got no problem buying things from the American Family Assoc and other pro-family organizations huh?

The girl scout organization puts that money into programs for girls and paying for more girls to be able to participate in activities. It's their biggest money maker for doing that.

You vindictively not buying cookies when you otherwise might, means that you're fine with robbing the chances for young girls to participate in a wonderful experience that will build them up for the future.
Can't believe this is an issue, give the little bitch his freaking medal and kick his ass out.
I applaud the Eagle Scouts who are sending back their eagle badges as protest of this open bigotry and hatred of children based solely on their sexuality.

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