Homosexual boy scout is mad because he won't be given eagle badge

He shoukd leave the boy scouts. He doesn't agree with their creed. Why be in it?

that's what i don't get about leftists. why would you want to join an organization that believes and stands for something you don't agree with? i don't run out and join gay and lesbian clubs. i don't attend churches that teach god's acceptance of homosexual 'marriage'. do they not understand that the whole point of joining such organizations is to associate with people with whom you have those beliefs in common?

The lad joined when he was six. I don't think he was a homosexual atheist at the age of 6, do you?

This is your problem of not understanding America.

Boy Scout Joining Requirements
Meet the age requirements. Be a boy who is 11 years old, or one who has completed the fifth grade or earned the Arrow of Light Award and is at least 10 years old, but is not yet 18 years old.

He joined the Scouts when he was SIX. He would have had no idea he was gay, or what he thought about God. You couldn't kick him out when he discovered he was gay - he wouldn't have lied about his sexuality at the age of six, would he?

He also says that they all knew about his sexuality for years. He must have spoken up about it, so why didn't they kick him out then? Why wait until he had completed his project and then refuse to give him the badge?

He should get the badge because he has been a Scout for 12 years with no problems, and did everything required of him. He didn't lie to anyone.

what difference does it make whether he knew when he was six? they have the legal right to kick him out any time after he makes it known that he disagrees with the foundational principles of the group.

i have no idea why they timed it the way they did. doesn't matter. it's their decision to make, whenever they decide to make it, and you really need to understand that he has no 'right' to that badge, and that he didn't do everything that was required of him. he failed on the basic part of 'agreeing with the boy scout creed'.

So you actually think its fair that they knew about his homosexuality, but made him complete the final stage of his work to get that bade, and they knew full well that as soon as he finished, they would refuse to give him the badge, based on something they already knew about him?

That is not fucking fair at all.
He's an attention whore
There are Mormon, Muslim and Jewish scouts. It has nothing to do with Christianity. There are agnostics who have high positions in the Scouts.

It's about being anti-gay.

you are aware that the mormon religion is, technically speaking, christian, right? and that the 'judeo' in 'judeo-christian' refers to judaism, aka the religion of jewish people? and that muslims claim that allah is the judeo-christian god?

or are you so busy rabidly hating religion that you've never bothered to learn anything about any of them?
what difference does it make whether he knew when he was six? they have the legal right to kick him out any time after he makes it known that he disagrees with the foundational principles of the group.

i have no idea why they timed it the way they did. doesn't matter. it's their decision to make, whenever they decide to make it, and you really need to understand that he has no 'right' to that badge, and that he didn't do everything that was required of him. he failed on the basic part of 'agreeing with the boy scout creed'.

So you actually think its fair that they knew about his homosexuality, but made him complete the final stage of his work to get that bade, and they knew full well that as soon as he finished, they would refuse to give him the badge, based on something they already knew about him?

That is not fucking fair at all.
He's an attention whore

Yes, because he did all that work for nothing, he must be wanting attention.

FFS, the Boy Scouts were wrong. Admit it and grow up.

He joined the Scouts when he was SIX. He would have had no idea he was gay, or what he thought about God. You couldn't kick him out when he discovered he was gay - he wouldn't have lied about his sexuality at the age of six, would he?

He also says that they all knew about his sexuality for years. He must have spoken up about it, so why didn't they kick him out then? Why wait until he had completed his project and then refuse to give him the badge?

He should get the badge because he has been a Scout for 12 years with no problems, and did everything required of him. He didn't lie to anyone.

Except conform to the tenets of the organization.

How can they expect a child to grow up and not form his own opinions?

they don't. they expect a child to grow up and accept the consequences of his opinions and voicing them. it's called 'adulthood'.
There are Mormon, Muslim and Jewish scouts. It has nothing to do with Christianity. There are agnostics who have high positions in the Scouts.

It's about being anti-gay.

you are aware that the mormon religion is, technically speaking, christian, right? and that the 'judeo' in 'judeo-christian' refers to judaism, aka the religion of jewish people? and that muslims claim that allah is the judeo-christian god?

or are you so busy rabidly hating religion that you've never bothered to learn anything about any of them?

I like to think of Mormonism as Christnanized Scientology. :D
Christian hypocrites....What's new?

Exactly, brought to you by the same people who claim the moral high ground and then run off and cheat on their wives at the Baptist convention.

Yeah, because we know that nonChristians NEVER cheat on their spouses, right?

lol, stupid shit

no, it's just okay for them to do it, because they never aspire to be anything but scum, anyway. being dissolute is okay if you embrace dissolute behavior. the sin - you should pardon the expression - is in having ever tried to be better than that in the first place.
Sadly, while going into our local grocery store, I had to, kindly, tell the Boy Scouts selling popcorn outside that I cannot buy from them.

Why is it sad?

If you dont want to buy their popcorn because you think they should let fudge packers in their club, then dont buy it then.

Hell, you dont have to play the fucking martyr. Go buy your damn popcorn somewhere else, shit.

it's sad because bod thinks that imposing her screwed-up beliefs onto other people is more important than all the good the boy scouts have done over the decades they've existed. ideological hackery is always pretty sad to witness.
So you actually think its fair that they knew about his homosexuality, but made him complete the final stage of his work to get that bade, and they knew full well that as soon as he finished, they would refuse to give him the badge, based on something they already knew about him?

That is not fucking fair at all.
He's an attention whore

Yes, because he did all that work for nothing, he must be wanting attention.

FFS, the Boy Scouts were wrong. Admit it and grow up.

The Boy Scouts have a set of standards that have been in place since it's existence. He was at least 10 pr 11 when he joined the boy scouts and knew about the standards he joined with a cause or something his parents pushed. Was it for money or an agenda? That remains to be seen.
Now how about you do some research on the subject before you make another damn comment, since you think he was 6 when he joined the boy scouts.
Exactly, brought to you by the same people who claim the moral high ground and then run off and cheat on their wives at the Baptist convention.

Yeah, because we know that nonChristians NEVER cheat on their spouses, right?

lol, stupid shit

no, it's just okay for them to do it, because they never aspire to be anything but scum, anyway. being dissolute is okay if you embrace dissolute behavior. the sin - you should pardon the expression - is in having ever tried to be better than that in the first place.

Why is it okay for them to do it?

Oh wait excuse me, did religion fucking invent feelings and emotional connections and morality?
Exactly, brought to you by the same people who claim the moral high ground and then run off and cheat on their wives at the Baptist convention.

Yeah, because we know that nonChristians NEVER cheat on their spouses, right?

lol, stupid shit

No,of course they DO, the difference IS, the agnostics or atheists don't claim the moral high ground as the cheating hypocritical bible thumpers do. THATS THE DIFFERENCE, now who's the stupid shit?

that would still be you.
Boy Scout Oath or Promise

On my honor, I will do my best
To do my duty to God and my country and to obey the Scout Law;
To help other people at all times;
To keep myself physically strong, mentally awake and MORALLY STRAIGHT

The end

More ignorant nonsense from the right.

Homosexuals are just as moral as everyone else.

not according to the moral standards of the boy scouts. you did know that your own personal morality isn't the objective universal standard for everyone, right? and private religion-based organizations like the boy scouts have the legal right to set their own moral standard, despite the fact that it might totally disagree with yours?
The rules are wrong - because they KNEW about his homosexuality BEFORE they gave him his final task. Its not like he completed it and then said 'Hey, I'm gay, but give me the badge anyway'. They knew he was gay and made him do all that work when they never had any intention of giving him that badge!

That is just wrong.

Who says they never had any intention of giving him the badge? He broke the rules by being gay, and he then says they agreeed to "work around it". Perhaps the local chapter intended to work around it, but someone higher up the ladder overrode their agreement.

I'm not saying the rules are right or wrong, but as a private orgiznation they have the right to make them, and saying "I've been breaking the rules and they let me", isn't an excuse when they then stop letting you.

He didn't break any damned rules! Being gay is not braking any rules, its something completely out of his control!

yes, dimwit, being openly gay is 'braking' the rules of the boy scouts. it doesn't matter if you like it or agree with it, because i really doubt the boy scouts of america have sent you any invites to their steering committee meetings, or intend to. it might occasionally come up for a vote, but you haven't been issued a ballot. why don't you try showing some of that 'tolerance' you leftist dipwads like to prattle about and mind your own frigging business?
Who says they never had any intention of giving him the badge? He broke the rules by being gay, and he then says they agreeed to "work around it". Perhaps the local chapter intended to work around it, but someone higher up the ladder overrode their agreement.

I'm not saying the rules are right or wrong, but as a private orgiznation they have the right to make them, and saying "I've been breaking the rules and they let me", isn't an excuse when they then stop letting you.

He didn't break any damned rules! Being gay is not braking any rules, its something completely out of his control!

yes, dimwit, being openly gay is 'braking' the rules of the boy scouts. it doesn't matter if you like it or agree with it, because i really doubt the boy scouts of america have sent you any invites to their steering committee meetings, or intend to. it might occasionally come up for a vote, but you haven't been issued a ballot. why don't you try showing some of that 'tolerance' you leftist dipwads like to prattle about and mind your own frigging business?

Then why didn't they kick him out when they first heard the news that he was homosexual?
And this is why we have a Constitution, to protect citizens from the ignorance and hate exhibited by the likes of bigrebnc1775.

Clearly the need of the Constitution and its case law is as great today as anytime in this Nation’s history.

The constitution doesn't protect unmoral acts.
being a homo is unnatural.

So is being left handed and having red hair. Your point?

that if you join a club that's exclusively for right-handed people, being left-handed is 'braking' the rules.
they don't. they expect a child to grow up and accept the consequences of his opinions and voicing them. it's called 'adulthood'.

They expected him to be brainwashed, in other words.

He knew the rules and standards when he joined.

But he probably never suspected that you would have your mind on his penis even though he makes great accomplishments within the organization. Maybe he thought he'd be given a fair shake.

Really, that's all this is... an obsession over what kind of hole a young man puts his dick into.
They expected him to be brainwashed, in other words.

He knew the rules and standards when he joined.

He was fucking SIX when he joined.

Not possible

that's what i don't get about leftists. why would you want to join an organization that believes and stands for something you don't agree with? i don't run out and join gay and lesbian clubs. i don't attend churches that teach god's acceptance of homosexual 'marriage'. do they not understand that the whole point of joining such organizations is to associate with people with whom you have those beliefs in common?

The lad joined when he was six. I don't think he was a homosexual atheist at the age of 6, do you?

This is your problem of not understanding America.

Boy Scout Joining Requirements
Meet the age requirements. Be a boy who is 11 years old, or one who has completed the fifth grade or earned the Arrow of Light Award and is at least 10 years old, but is not yet 18 years old.

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