Homosexual propaganda week begins at middle school in Cali

so its "hatred" to not agree with your life style? What are these parents doing to cause "hate" ? disagreeing with you and other progressives? I dont agree with gay marriage, but does that mean that I hate gays? If there is any hate happening its coming from the progessive left.

You've got a lot of company. 90% of people polled feel it's important for a child to have both a mother and father: Poll. Please Vote. Did You Have a Mother & Father in Your Life?

Are they teaching that in schools? Probably not..
Hard to believe there are so many closed minded people in the Bay Area.
Pushing gay sex cult propaganda on children in school? Parent against that are "closed minded"? Then by definition any parent against bible study in class is also closed minded. Remember religion and state can't mix?

There is no such thing as a gay sex cult. Your argument is invalid
Meh who cares. They aren't brainwashing kids they're teaching them that gay people exist and they aren't monsters.
Well are they going to teach kids how to accept bulimics and that they aren't monsters either? Can we teach kids in school about Christians and that they also aren't monsters? No? Why not?
They teach kids everything they need to know in order to function in modern society. Of course they do teach about Christianity in respect to world history and civilization. If you want your child to learn any more than that about a faith, then you should be sending him / her to a religious based school.
Aw our resident homosexual propagandists just HATE parents having a say so in their kids upbringing! How totalitarian of you folks!

Aw our resident homosexual propagandists just HATE parents having a say so in their kids upbringing! How totalitarian of you folks!

After your parents did such a bang-up job I think more parents should get told.
Actually faggotry was never brought up in my home in discussions we were allowed to figure things out ourselves...funny how when you let kids learn things themselves they come to usually CORRECT conclusion..in this case that homosexuality is a mental disease and a degeneracy.
Aw our resident homosexual propagandists just HATE parents having a say so in their kids upbringing! How totalitarian of you folks!
Letting the parents having a say so in sex education has been such a success, right? :rolleyes:

Ya really want to go there? Libtards are in charge now and like another poster said allowing men to shower with girls....Its MY child I will dictate what they are taught and not taught.

Sad to see that such a racist piece of shit as you has kids. Funny part is you propose to speak for conservatives or republicans, your ideology is closer to the intolerant leftist fascists.
so its "hatred" to not agree with your life style? What are these parents doing to cause "hate" ? disagreeing with you and other progressives? I dont agree with gay marriage, but does that mean that I hate gays? If there is any hate happening its coming from the progessive left.

You've got a lot of company. 90% of people polled feel it's important for a child to have both a mother and father: Poll. Please Vote. Did You Have a Mother & Father in Your Life?

Are they teaching that in schools? Probably not..
I am also against gay marriage, and it's obviously better for a child to have a mother and a father. But I think that gays shouldn't be ostracized from society and treated as if they are somehow sick. You guys think people actually go out of their way to live as gays in a society filled with bigots?
What we should do is abolish the public schools, give every parent/guardian(s) a voucher, and let them send their child to the school of their choice which will teach them their (the parent's) values, and not the state's (lack of) values.

The voucher scheme is the biggest con in the world.

Parents already have a choice. They have private school, home school and public school. They can even move area to put their kids in a different public school. And you want them to have "choice".... they already have it.

The voucher scheme is just a way of putting money into the pockets of people who already pay for private education, and there's no evidence that the voucher scheme works.

All that happens is they send some poor kids to these private schools and the poor kids do better. Hardly surprising, but they didn't improve the lot of the poor kids they didn't move to private schools, they just took money from those poor kids in public school so their schooling experience was even WORSE. And the poor kids in public schools were the overwhelming majority of poor kids, something like 99.99999999% of kids went to the poor public school and three went to the private school.
Private school is only a choice for the wealthy, parochial school is not as affordable as it was when they had priests and nuns to teach the classes, home school is only an option for families that can live on one income.

What that means is that poor families, especially single mothers who live in poor neighborhoods, are stuck with poorly-funded ghetto schools that lack books and have burned out teachers who don't give a damn anymore.

You don't care about these kids because they are black, and that's the bitter truth. Liberals are keeping black kids in bad public schools so they grow up not getting an education and then they can't get a job so they must go on welfare and Democrats thinks that will keep blacks voting Democrat.

The Catholic Church in black neighborhoods has the opposite approach. They teach black kids to read and write and then they grow up to be Catholic, but also they are taxpaying citizens. I don't know who they vote for, but unfortunately, it is very difficult for the Catholic Church to keep black parochial schools open because blacks can't afford to pay as much as white people.

If Catholic schools in black neighborhoods had vouchers then all the kids in the neighborhood could go there and the entire community would be uplifted and entire black families would join society as taxpaying citizens, but then they might not be reliable Democrats so the Democrats can't chance that happening. Also, they would be Catholic instead of going to the reliably Democrat churches where white Democrats bribe the preachers to tell their flock to vote Democrat and to hate white people.

What it means is that some people don't really have choice. That's life.

Parents should just be happy their kids get a good education. Instead parents are more worried about "indoctrination". That's the level of their priorities.

Don't suppose to tell me who I care about and who I don't care about. I haven't given you any reason to suggest I don't care about poor kids.

I told you that the voucher scheme leads to rich people being given money for an education they should be paying for themselves and takes money away from poorer students. And somehow you've come to the conclusion that I don't care about poor kids. Rubbish. You're just making attacks.

If there were vouchers, not all kids could go to the good school. Why? Because the good schools don't have unlimited places. It's quite simple.

All that would happen is that the good schools would then start choosing students based on backhanders and things like that, and the poor kids whose parents couldn't pay the backhanders would have the choice between a bad school and a bad school.
What we should do is abolish the public schools, give every parent/guardian(s) a voucher, and let them send their child to the school of their choice which will teach them their (the parent's) values, and not the state's (lack of) values.

The voucher scheme is the biggest con in the world.

Parents already have a choice. They have private school, home school and public school. They can even move area to put their kids in a different public school. And you want them to have "choice".... they already have it.

The voucher scheme is just a way of putting money into the pockets of people who already pay for private education, and there's no evidence that the voucher scheme works.

All that happens is they send some poor kids to these private schools and the poor kids do better. Hardly surprising, but they didn't improve the lot of the poor kids they didn't move to private schools, they just took money from those poor kids in public school so their schooling experience was even WORSE. And the poor kids in public schools were the overwhelming majority of poor kids, something like 99.99999999% of kids went to the poor public school and three went to the private school.
I don't understand why they don't run public schools like private schools if private schools are so great. That would mean: the school can pick and choose who they accept...the school can REQUIRE the parents to participate in volunteer activities....the school can kick any student out if they are disruptive or fail.

Private schools work well because they can pick and choose. What about those kids people don't want to choose, they have to be educated.

This is the basic flaw behind all these arguments.

There will always be bad students and it's the law that they be educated.
What we should do is abolish the public schools, give every parent/guardian(s) a voucher, and let them send their child to the school of their choice which will teach them their (the parent's) values, and not the state's (lack of) values.

The voucher scheme is the biggest con in the world.

Parents already have a choice. They have private school, home school and public school. They can even move area to put their kids in a different public school. And you want them to have "choice".... they already have it.

The voucher scheme is just a way of putting money into the pockets of people who already pay for private education, and there's no evidence that the voucher scheme works.

All that happens is they send some poor kids to these private schools and the poor kids do better. Hardly surprising, but they didn't improve the lot of the poor kids they didn't move to private schools, they just took money from those poor kids in public school so their schooling experience was even WORSE. And the poor kids in public schools were the overwhelming majority of poor kids, something like 99.99999999% of kids went to the poor public school and three went to the private school.
I don't understand why they don't run public schools like private schools if private schools are so great. That would mean: the school can pick and choose who they accept...the school can REQUIRE the parents to participate in volunteer activities....the school can kick any student out if they are disruptive or fail.

Private schools work well because they can pick and choose. What about those kids people don't want to choose, they have to be educated.

This is the basic flaw behind all these arguments.

There will always be bad students and it's the law that they be educated.
This is a smokescreen argument. Vouchers are for parents who want to get their children out of the ghetto school trap. There can be no help for the children of parents who don't give a damn.
What we should do is abolish the public schools, give every parent/guardian(s) a voucher, and let them send their child to the school of their choice which will teach them their (the parent's) values, and not the state's (lack of) values.

The voucher scheme is the biggest con in the world.

Parents already have a choice. They have private school, home school and public school. They can even move area to put their kids in a different public school. And you want them to have "choice".... they already have it.

The voucher scheme is just a way of putting money into the pockets of people who already pay for private education, and there's no evidence that the voucher scheme works.

All that happens is they send some poor kids to these private schools and the poor kids do better. Hardly surprising, but they didn't improve the lot of the poor kids they didn't move to private schools, they just took money from those poor kids in public school so their schooling experience was even WORSE. And the poor kids in public schools were the overwhelming majority of poor kids, something like 99.99999999% of kids went to the poor public school and three went to the private school.
I don't understand why they don't run public schools like private schools if private schools are so great. That would mean: the school can pick and choose who they accept...the school can REQUIRE the parents to participate in volunteer activities....the school can kick any student out if they are disruptive or fail.

Private schools work well because they can pick and choose. What about those kids people don't want to choose, they have to be educated.

This is the basic flaw behind all these arguments.

There will always be bad students and it's the law that they be educated.
This is a smokescreen argument. Vouchers are for parents who want to get their children out of the ghetto school trap. There can be no help for the children of parents who don't give a damn.
It's also a deceitful argument and you know it.
What we should do is abolish the public schools, give every parent/guardian(s) a voucher, and let them send their child to the school of their choice which will teach them their (the parent's) values, and not the state's (lack of) values.

The voucher scheme is the biggest con in the world.

Parents already have a choice. They have private school, home school and public school. They can even move area to put their kids in a different public school. And you want them to have "choice".... they already have it.

The voucher scheme is just a way of putting money into the pockets of people who already pay for private education, and there's no evidence that the voucher scheme works.

All that happens is they send some poor kids to these private schools and the poor kids do better. Hardly surprising, but they didn't improve the lot of the poor kids they didn't move to private schools, they just took money from those poor kids in public school so their schooling experience was even WORSE. And the poor kids in public schools were the overwhelming majority of poor kids, something like 99.99999999% of kids went to the poor public school and three went to the private school.
I don't understand why they don't run public schools like private schools if private schools are so great. That would mean: the school can pick and choose who they accept...the school can REQUIRE the parents to participate in volunteer activities....the school can kick any student out if they are disruptive or fail.

Private schools work well because they can pick and choose. What about those kids people don't want to choose, they have to be educated.

This is the basic flaw behind all these arguments.

There will always be bad students and it's the law that they be educated.
This is a smokescreen argument. Vouchers are for parents who want to get their children out of the ghetto school trap. There can be no help for the children of parents who don't give a damn.

Show me where this has ever worked. One example of where LOTS of kids have had this opportunity.

Indiana School Voucher Program Called A Success

"Indiana’s school voucher program has finished its first year, and state officials say it is a true success story."

"Mary Keefer, principal of Bishop Luers High School in Fort Wayne, told the Journal Gazette she picked up 58 voucher students and only had four or five left during the school year."

So, of 58 kids who were given vouchers and decided to go to this school, only 4 or 5 were left at the end of the school year. That's what they consider "success".

Do private school vouchers help? New study offers data.

"The randomized experiment compared about 1,300 students who won aNew York City lottery in the late 1990s for privately funded vouchers with a control group that applied for but did not win the lottery.

Tracking them until 2011, it found no significant effect in the overall group, but African-American students who used the vouchers to attend private schools were 24 percent more likely to go on to college than African-Americans in the control group."

The point being here that many students applied and didn't get into their school of choice. This is the first problem with vouchers. It offers choice up until a certain point, then it offers SCHOOLS the choice.

The reality is, that it's more simple to just open up choice with all schools in the first place, you don't need vouchers to do so.

Then parents can apply to better state schools and see if they can get in.

Or, how about just making all schools better? Instead of worrying about vouchers?

"Groups opposed to vouchers, as well as some academic researchers, point to the limited scope of the study and raise questions about the methodology."

"“Pundits may dismiss vouchers, but African-American parents know they work, and strong scientific data prove they work,” said Robert Enlow, president of the Friedman Foundation for Educational Choice inIndianapolis, in a statement."

He says they work, but then they work for those kids who GET IN to the program, but do they work for the kids who don't get in? No, they don't. So... here's the biggest problem.
What we should do is abolish the public schools, give every parent/guardian(s) a voucher, and let them send their child to the school of their choice which will teach them their (the parent's) values, and not the state's (lack of) values.

The voucher scheme is the biggest con in the world.

Parents already have a choice. They have private school, home school and public school. They can even move area to put their kids in a different public school. And you want them to have "choice".... they already have it.

The voucher scheme is just a way of putting money into the pockets of people who already pay for private education, and there's no evidence that the voucher scheme works.

All that happens is they send some poor kids to these private schools and the poor kids do better. Hardly surprising, but they didn't improve the lot of the poor kids they didn't move to private schools, they just took money from those poor kids in public school so their schooling experience was even WORSE. And the poor kids in public schools were the overwhelming majority of poor kids, something like 99.99999999% of kids went to the poor public school and three went to the private school.
I don't understand why they don't run public schools like private schools if private schools are so great. That would mean: the school can pick and choose who they accept...the school can REQUIRE the parents to participate in volunteer activities....the school can kick any student out if they are disruptive or fail.

Private schools work well because they can pick and choose. What about those kids people don't want to choose, they have to be educated.

This is the basic flaw behind all these arguments.

There will always be bad students and it's the law that they be educated.
This is a smokescreen argument. Vouchers are for parents who want to get their children out of the ghetto school trap. There can be no help for the children of parents who don't give a damn.
It's also a deceitful argument and you know it.

You're replying to yourself and saying your own argument is deceitful? Hmm.
The whole point of a "Gay Pride Parade" is to offend people, and then get act morally superior when people get offended. It's a game the left plays. The only way to win is to not attend the stupid parade, and definitely keep your kids locked up while it goes by.

And the irony is that if the media actually did televise 'gay community values', they would be hit with pornography charges. The fact is that if they did show these values publicly, the entire 'movement' would have been over and dead within a week a long time ago, as in a week after Stonewall.
You mean shows like Last Tango in Halifax?

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