homosexual's file suit in Tn


What prevents a heterosexual couple from presenting themselves as a married couple? But they receive tax benefits, survivor benefits, health insurance in the government recogizing that marriage

Provide equal protection under the law and nobody complains

And no, you haven't closed the door on the Comparison to blacks. Loving vs Virginia is your achilles heal

Nothing prevents heterosexuals from presenting themselves as a married couple. Same with gay couples. You've failed to show any different.
Gays have equal protection. But they want something that straight people can't do either.
Loving v VA is not germane here. No matter how many times you bring it up.
The state telling you who you could and could not marry based on an arbitrary reason?

Yea....that's germane

It isn't arbitrary.
But it isn't the state doing it. It is the state as expressed by the will of the voters. Why do you want to overturn the will of the voters, as well as trample on state sovereignty? Do you really think you know better?
What does that have to do with anything?
"Homo behavior" happens, gay marriage or not; who does gay marriage hurt?


Or do you just not want gays to have the same benefits you do?

Gay marriage hurts the right of the people of TN to self-governance.

They gave that up when they became a state and accepted the Constitution
Bullshit....Or was there a repeal of the 10th Amendment..
Oh yes, that pesky States Rights clause......
One of several you libs would just love to see stricken from the Constitution
Oh, let's see.
Constitutional clauses or Amendments with which you libs have BIG problems..
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof"....You people really despise that one. So much so that your side turned that into 'separation' of Church and State....As matter of fact you use this to attack Christianity....
"the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.".....Oh that one has got the liberal world's panties in a wad.....Better Red than dead, right Ed?
"The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people."
That one gets in the way of your sides bid for social utopia brought on by Central Planning and authority. You people also cannot deal with the fact that this clause stops your Chosen One from ramming though his far left wing agenda.

The 'full faith and credit' argument does not apply to same gender marriages in that Marriage is under State authority. Not the federal government.
Even marriages performed outside the church are " by the power vested in me by the state of..." This is recited by the person presiding over the ceremony..
Had the full faith and credit clause applied to gay marriage, the case would have already been brought before the SCOTUS.....
Anyway....I have no dog in this fight. If gay people want to engage in an institution that fails over 50% of the time, they are welcome to it.
what? you mean to tell me that if gays can marry, citizens of TN can no longer self govern? that doesn't even make sense.

Citizens of TN voted to amend the constitution to define marriage as one man plus one woman. If some other definition is forced on them then it negates their right to self-determination.

and if they voted to make black people property, that would be ok?

Stop it. You know better than that.
Besides gays are not a minority class. They are a behavior group.
Citizens of TN voted to amend the constitution to define marriage as one man plus one woman. If some other definition is forced on them then it negates their right to self-determination.

and if they voted to make black people property, that would be ok?

Stop it. You know better than that.
Besides gays are not a minority class. They are a behavior group.

It's all they've got.
So men are like women, gays are like blacks. And who knows what else. They can't distinguish fact from fiction. Hell, they've forgotten Obama got elected because he believed marriage is one man and one woman.
Nothing prevents heterosexuals from presenting themselves as a married couple. Same with gay couples. You've failed to show any different.
Gays have equal protection. But they want something that straight people can't do either.
Loving v VA is not germane here. No matter how many times you bring it up.
The state telling you who you could and could not marry based on an arbitrary reason?

Yea....that's germane

It isn't arbitrary.
But it isn't the state doing it. It is the state as expressed by the will of the voters. Why do you want to overturn the will of the voters, as well as trample on state sovereignty? Do you really think you know better?

Of course it’s arbitrary, as the voters lack the authority to determine who will or will not have his civil rights, where the ‘will of the people’ is subject to the rule of law.

There is no rational basis upon which to deny same-sex couples access to marriage law, there is no objective, documented evidence in support of such a goal; disallowing same-sex couples access to marriage law serves no legitimate legislative end, and is consequently arbitrary, capricious, and seeks only to make homosexuals different from everyone else – this a state cannot do.
Gay marriage hurts the right of the people of TN to self-governance.

what? you mean to tell me that if gays can marry, citizens of TN can no longer self govern? that doesn't even make sense.

Citizens of TN voted to amend the constitution to define marriage as one man plus one woman. If some other definition is forced on them then it negates their right to self-determination.


All the residents of Tennessee are first and foremost citizens of the United States, where all the people, laws, and officers of the State are subject to the Federal Constitution and rulings by the Federal courts:

The political identity of the entire people of the Union is reinforced by the proposition, which I take to be beyond dispute, that, though limited as to its objects, the National Government is and must be controlled by the people without collateral interference by the States. McCulloch affirmed this proposition as well, when the Court rejected the suggestion that States could interfere with federal powers.

The States have no power, reserved or otherwise, over the exercise of federal authority within its proper sphere…[T]hat federal rights flow to the people of the United States by virtue of national citizenship is beyond dispute.

U.S. Term Limits, Inc. v. Thornton, 514 U.S. 779 (1995).

Consequently, Tennessee lacks the authority to violate the civil liberties of the American citizens residing within the State, including same-sex couples; and acknowledging the rights of same-sex couples to access marriage law as citizens of the United State in no way negates residents of the state to realize ”self-determination.”
The state telling you who you could and could not marry based on an arbitrary reason?

Yea....that's germane

It isn't arbitrary.
But it isn't the state doing it. It is the state as expressed by the will of the voters. Why do you want to overturn the will of the voters, as well as trample on state sovereignty? Do you really think you know better?

Of course it’s arbitrary, as the voters lack the authority to determine who will or will not have his civil rights, where the ‘will of the people’ is subject to the rule of law.

There is no rational basis upon which to deny same-sex couples access to marriage law, there is no objective, documented evidence in support of such a goal; disallowing same-sex couples access to marriage law serves no legitimate legislative end, and is consequently arbitrary, capricious, and seeks only to make homosexuals different from everyone else – this a state cannot do.

There is no civil rights issue because all parties have equal access to the existing laws. Otherwise siblings, those already married, and those who want to marry their pets could all make the same argument.
Opposite, a court over ruling the state constitution denies rights under the 10thA to the citizens of this state.
Gay marriage hurts the right of the people of TN to self-governance.

They gave that up when they became a state and accepted the Constitution
Bullshit....Or was there a repeal of the 10th Amendment..
Oh yes, that pesky States Rights clause......
One of several you libs would just love to see stricken from the Constitution
Oh, let's see.
Constitutional clauses or Amendments with which you libs have BIG problems..
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof"....You people really despise that one. So much so that your side turned that into 'separation' of Church and State....As matter of fact you use this to attack Christianity....
"the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.".....Oh that one has got the liberal world's panties in a wad.....Better Red than dead, right Ed?
"The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people."
That one gets in the way of your sides bid for social utopia brought on by Central Planning and authority. You people also cannot deal with the fact that this clause stops your Chosen One from ramming though his far left wing agenda.

The 'full faith and credit' argument does not apply to same gender marriages in that Marriage is under State authority. Not the federal government.
Even marriages performed outside the church are " by the power vested in me by the state of..." This is recited by the person presiding over the ceremony..
Had the full faith and credit clause applied to gay marriage, the case would have already been brought before the SCOTUS.....
Anyway....I have no dog in this fight. If gay people want to engage in an institution that fails over 50% of the time, they are welcome to it.

The 10thamendment doesn't supersede the rest of the Constitution including the Supremacy Clause, full faith and credit and 14th amendment
They gave that up when they became a state and accepted the Constitution
Bullshit....Or was there a repeal of the 10th Amendment..
Oh yes, that pesky States Rights clause......
One of several you libs would just love to see stricken from the Constitution
Oh, let's see.
Constitutional clauses or Amendments with which you libs have BIG problems..
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof"....You people really despise that one. So much so that your side turned that into 'separation' of Church and State....As matter of fact you use this to attack Christianity....
"the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.".....Oh that one has got the liberal world's panties in a wad.....Better Red than dead, right Ed?
"The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people."
That one gets in the way of your sides bid for social utopia brought on by Central Planning and authority. You people also cannot deal with the fact that this clause stops your Chosen One from ramming though his far left wing agenda.

The 'full faith and credit' argument does not apply to same gender marriages in that Marriage is under State authority. Not the federal government.
Even marriages performed outside the church are " by the power vested in me by the state of..." This is recited by the person presiding over the ceremony..
Had the full faith and credit clause applied to gay marriage, the case would have already been brought before the SCOTUS.....
Anyway....I have no dog in this fight. If gay people want to engage in an institution that fails over 50% of the time, they are welcome to it.

The 10thamendment doesn't supersede the rest of the Constitution including the Supremacy Clause, full faith and credit and 14th amendment

None of which grant a right of polygamy.
Has any group ever conducted a study of queers by state etc? I'd be curious to see the demographics. My hope is that they get the hell out of Dodge and get to Cali or New Yawk if they can't keep it under control. Better yet, check themselves into a qualified facility to unfuck themselves and become normal again.

You now need to have a neutral third party examine your computer for evidence of lesbian pornography.
So that means faggots should be allowed to marry...makes perfect sense! Lets fuck up kids even more by allowing queers to adopt them!

You have any shred of evidence that being raised by a gay couple would screw a child up?

Jesus christ...common sense tells you that a child raised by 2 butt fuckers or 2 carpet munchers is gonna be fucked up. Lets just let them be raised by wolves while we are at it.

Couldn't be worse than a child raised by a psycho like you.
Yep, in Tennessee we are not allowed to marry sheep, goats, chickens, minor children, close family members, or more than one member of the opposite sex at a time. Maybe old fashioned but that's what we prefer and I really don't think there is any reason to believe that we are abusing the rights of pedophiles, gays, or chicken lovers.
One thing I find truly amusing is that so many of the same folks that claimed that local law trumps Constitutional rights in re the 2nd Amendment then turn around and claim the opposite when it comes to marriage laws despite the obvious fact that the Constitution doesn't address same-sex marriage.
Yep, in Tennessee we are not allowed to marry sheep, goats, chickens, minor children, close family members, or more than one member of the opposite sex at a time. Maybe old fashioned but that's what we prefer and I really don't think there is any reason to believe that we are abusing the rights of pedophiles, gays, or chicken lovers.

There was a time when whites couldn't marry blacks in Tennessee either
There was a time in Tennessee when black children couldn’t go to school with white children, when blacks couldn’t vote, couldn’t run for public office.

And all the measures that codified these policies were eventually invalidated by the courts as offensive to the Constitution, as violations of the 14th Amendment, just as singling out same-sex couples for disadvantage is a violation of the Constitution.
There was a time in Tennessee when black children couldn’t go to school with white children, when blacks couldn’t vote, couldn’t run for public office.

And all the measures that codified these policies were eventually invalidated by the courts as offensive to the Constitution, as violations of the 14th Amendment, just as singling out same-sex couples for disadvantage is a violation of the Constitution.

Of course they are nothing alike and no amount of repeating the same lie will make it so.
The fact remains that all Tennesseans can marry someone of the opposite sex. That is equality. Non-gays are no more allowed to marry a same sex person than are gays.
Like it or not we have the right to make our own State laws and that is a restriction that the vast majority of Tennesseans favor. Get over it.

Gay people cannot marry the consenting adult of their choice. Straight people can.
There is your discrimination right there.
The fact remains that all Tennesseans can marry someone of the opposite sex. That is equality. Non-gays are no more allowed to marry a same sex person than are gays.
Like it or not we have the right to make our own State laws and that is a restriction that the vast majority of Tennesseans favor. Get over it.

Gay people cannot marry the consenting adult of their choice. Straight people can.
There is your discrimination right there.

Of course they can. They have the same choices as straight people. A straight man cannot marry another man. A gay man cannot marry another man.
No discrimination at all.
Yep, in Tennessee we are not allowed to marry sheep, goats, chickens, minor children, close family members, or more than one member of the opposite sex at a time. Maybe old fashioned but that's what we prefer and I really don't think there is any reason to believe that we are abusing the rights of pedophiles, gays, or chicken lovers.

There was a time when whites couldn't marry blacks in Tennessee either

There was a time in Tennessee when black children couldn’t go to school with white children, when blacks couldn’t vote, couldn’t run for public office.

And all the measures that codified these policies were eventually invalidated by the courts as offensive to the Constitution, as violations of the 14th Amendment, just as singling out same-sex couples for disadvantage is a violation of the Constitution.
Should have stayed that way...shall we take a trip down memory lane of what schools were like BEFORE integration. Forced by the point of a gun at that...now they are nothing more than drug factories and baby making factories,with a little dose of DIEversity and propaganda thrown in for those willing to stick the entire 12 years out. I hope that this system collapses before my kids get that far in school or I will sell everything I have just to send them to private school to actually receive an education.Not be harassed by ******* and spics and drug dealers,take a risk of getting raped in the bathroom or fondled by some faggot or dyke teacher.

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