homosexual's file suit in Tn

The fact remains that all Tennesseans can marry someone of the opposite sex. That is equality. Non-gays are no more allowed to marry a same sex person than are gays.
Like it or not we have the right to make our own State laws and that is a restriction that the vast majority of Tennesseans favor. Get over it.

Gay people cannot marry the consenting adult of their choice. Straight people can.
There is your discrimination right there.

Of course they can. They have the same choices as straight people. A straight man cannot marry another man. A gay man cannot marry another man.
No discrimination at all.

A straight person does not wish to marry a person of the same sex, do they?

A straight person can marry the consenting adult of their choice (a woman) but a gay man cannot marry the consenting adult of his choice (a man)

Get it?
Should have stayed that way...shall we take a trip down memory lane of what schools were like BEFORE integration. Forced by the point of a gun at that...now they are nothing more than drug factories and baby making factories,with a little dose of DIEversity and propaganda thrown in for those willing to stick the entire 12 years out. I hope that this system collapses before my kids get that far in school or I will sell everything I have just to send them to private school to actually receive an education.Not be harassed by ******* and spics and drug dealers,take a risk of getting raped in the bathroom or fondled by some faggot or dyke teacher.

You must be a descendant of Hitler.
You have any shred of evidence that being raised by a gay couple would screw a child up?

Jesus christ...common sense tells you that a child raised by 2 butt fuckers or 2 carpet munchers is gonna be fucked up. Lets just let them be raised by wolves while we are at it.

Couldn't be worse than a child raised by a psycho like you.
My kids are awesome. Bright as hell to. According to them I am the greatest dad ever. :)

Should have stayed that way...shall we take a trip down memory lane of what schools were like BEFORE integration. Forced by the point of a gun at that...now they are nothing more than drug factories and baby making factories,with a little dose of DIEversity and propaganda thrown in for those willing to stick the entire 12 years out. I hope that this system collapses before my kids get that far in school or I will sell everything I have just to send them to private school to actually receive an education.Not be harassed by ******* and spics and drug dealers,take a risk of getting raped in the bathroom or fondled by some faggot or dyke teacher.

You must be a descendant of Hitler.

Oh don't flatter me! I could only wish I was related to the greatest man to ever walk the earth.

"A straight person does not wish to marry a person of the same sex, do they?

A straight person can marry the consenting adult of their choice (a woman) but a gay man cannot marry the consenting adult of his choice (a man"

Get it?"

Absolutely. You don't think our requirements are fair and/or reasonable. We do. And your opinion is absolutely worthless as far as this issue is concerned because our laws are made by us for us and not to please or govern you. If you don't like our marriage requirements then simply don't get married here.
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Yep, in Tennessee we are not allowed to marry sheep, goats, chickens, minor children, close family members, or more than one member of the opposite sex at a time. Maybe old fashioned but that's what we prefer and I really don't think there is any reason to believe that we are abusing the rights of pedophiles, gays, or chicken lovers.

I'm annoyed about my bad english :mad: I'm not able to find the right words for such nonsense. :cuckoo: Of course we have to protect children and animals. I think pedophilia, incest and sodomy are illigal also in Tennesse! For good reasons! But whom it hurts if gays get married?
Yep, in Tennessee we are not allowed to marry sheep, goats, chickens, minor children, close family members, or more than one member of the opposite sex at a time. Maybe old fashioned but that's what we prefer and I really don't think there is any reason to believe that we are abusing the rights of pedophiles, gays, or chicken lovers.

I'm annoyed about my bad english :mad: I'm not able to find the right words for such nonsense. :cuckoo: Of course we have to protect children and animals. I think pedophilia, incest and sodomy are illigal also in Tennesse! For good reasons! But whom it hurts if gays get married?

Who does it hurt? The opinions of the homophobes!
You must be a descendant of Hitler.

Oh don't flatter me! I could only wish I was related to the greatest man to ever walk the earth.

Aren't here any Administrators to stop this horrible man??? :confused: In Germany you have lost your Membership for such words and also for your avatar in a political discussion forum! It's scary ...

Lol...this ain't Germany pal. We still have something resembling free speech here.
Gay people cannot marry the consenting adult of their choice. Straight people can.
There is your discrimination right there.

Of course they can. They have the same choices as straight people. A straight man cannot marry another man. A gay man cannot marry another man.
No discrimination at all.

A straight person does not wish to marry a person of the same sex, do they?

A straight person can marry the consenting adult of their choice (a woman) but a gay man cannot marry the consenting adult of his choice (a man)

Get it?

A straight person might marry a person of the same sex for all kinds of reasons. BUt they are not allowed to.
A gay man can marry any consenting adult of his choice, as long as it is: 1) female, 2) over age 18 (or whatever state law is), not married to someone else. Just like anyone else.
See, no discrimination at all.
Yep, in Tennessee we are not allowed to marry sheep, goats, chickens, minor children, close family members, or more than one member of the opposite sex at a time. Maybe old fashioned but that's what we prefer and I really don't think there is any reason to believe that we are abusing the rights of pedophiles, gays, or chicken lovers.

I'm annoyed about my bad english :mad: I'm not able to find the right words for such nonsense. :cuckoo: Of course we have to protect children and animals. I think pedophilia, incest and sodomy are illigal also in Tennesse! For good reasons! But whom it hurts if gays get married?

Who does hurt if someone marries his pet goat? But that isn't the point.
The point here is that states are sovereign in deciding such matters. TN voters voted overwhelmingly to amend the state constitution to define marriage as one man and one woman. Who the hell is some judge to overturn that decision by a sovereign people? That is tyranny.
4 same-sex couples sue Tennessee over gay marriage

God damnit! Not in the south damnit! Keep that garbage up north or out west...we can not let these queers get a foot hold in the south...this shit goes through I will be looking for a different state to move to.

I agree with you.

The south is a cesspool where people like to play in pigshit and eat "roadkill stew". Keep smart and creative people out. Send them up north where they belong.
4 same-sex couples sue Tennessee over gay marriage

God damnit! Not in the south damnit! Keep that garbage up north or out west...we can not let these queers get a foot hold in the south...this shit goes through I will be looking for a different state to move to.

I agree with you.

The south is a cesspool where people like to play in pigshit and eat "roadkill stew". Keep smart and creative people out. Send them up north where they belong.

Like Detroit, right? That seems like a city run by smart people. Eh?
Of course they can. They have the same choices as straight people. A straight man cannot marry another man. A gay man cannot marry another man.
No discrimination at all.

A straight person does not wish to marry a person of the same sex, do they?

A straight person can marry the consenting adult of their choice (a woman) but a gay man cannot marry the consenting adult of his choice (a man)

Get it?

A straight person might marry a person of the same sex for all kinds of reasons. BUt they are not allowed to.
A gay man can marry any consenting adult of his choice, as long as it is: 1) female, 2) over age 18 (or whatever state law is), not married to someone else. Just like anyone else.
See, no discrimination at all.

Gender discrimination.
4 same-sex couples sue Tennessee over gay marriage

God damnit! Not in the south damnit! Keep that garbage up north or out west...we can not let these queers get a foot hold in the south...this shit goes through I will be looking for a different state to move to.

I agree with you.

The south is a cesspool where people like to play in pigshit and eat "roadkill stew". Keep smart and creative people out. Send them up north where they belong.

Absolutely! Pleased and proud to have you think so.
A straight person does not wish to marry a person of the same sex, do they?

A straight person can marry the consenting adult of their choice (a woman) but a gay man cannot marry the consenting adult of his choice (a man)

Get it?

A straight person might marry a person of the same sex for all kinds of reasons. BUt they are not allowed to.
A gay man can marry any consenting adult of his choice, as long as it is: 1) female, 2) over age 18 (or whatever state law is), not married to someone else. Just like anyone else.
See, no discrimination at all.

Gender discrimination.

And species discrimination!
Especially in your case.
Deal with it.
Oh don't flatter me! I could only wish I was related to the greatest man to ever walk the earth.

Aren't here any Administrators to stop this horrible man??? :confused: In Germany you have lost your Membership for such words and also for your avatar in a political discussion forum! It's scary ...

Lol...this ain't Germany pal. We still have something resembling free speech here.

National Socialist is still free to prove what an asshole he is on a daily basis

That is what free speech is about

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