homosexual's file suit in Tn

Yep, in Tennessee we are not allowed to marry sheep, goats, chickens, minor children, close family members, or more than one member of the opposite sex at a time. Maybe old fashioned but that's what we prefer and I really don't think there is any reason to believe that we are abusing the rights of pedophiles, gays, or chicken lovers.

I'm annoyed about my bad english :mad: I'm not able to find the right words for such nonsense. :cuckoo: Of course we have to protect children and animals. I think pedophilia, incest and sodomy are illigal also in Tennesse! For good reasons! But whom it hurts if gays get married?

Who does hurt if someone marries his pet goat? But that isn't the point.
The point here is that states are sovereign in deciding such matters. TN voters voted overwhelmingly to amend the state constitution to define marriage as one man and one woman. Who the hell is some judge to overturn that decision by a sovereign people? That is tyranny.
A pet ain't be able to give up an agreement, is it? Or it is not common that both partners must give their consent to marry in Tennessee?
Sooner oder later gay will marry, also in Tennesse :eusa_angel:
I'm annoyed about my bad english :mad: I'm not able to find the right words for such nonsense. :cuckoo: Of course we have to protect children and animals. I think pedophilia, incest and sodomy are illigal also in Tennesse! For good reasons! But whom it hurts if gays get married?

Who does hurt if someone marries his pet goat? But that isn't the point.
The point here is that states are sovereign in deciding such matters. TN voters voted overwhelmingly to amend the state constitution to define marriage as one man and one woman. Who the hell is some judge to overturn that decision by a sovereign people? That is tyranny.
A pet ain't be able to give up an agreement, is it? Or it is not common that both partners must give their consent to marry in Tennessee?
Sooner oder later gay will marry, also in Tennesse :eusa_angel:

If Tennesseans decide to legalize same-sex marriage that's fine by me. I just have a problem with outsiders who seem determined to take away our right to decide for ourselves. I don't intend for that to happen
If Tennesseans decide to legalize same-sex marriage that's fine by me. I just have a problem with outsiders who seem determined to take away our right to decide for ourselves. I don't intend for that to happen

But that kind of discussion is needful to make a change, isn't it? Nobody takes away your right to decide ...
I'm annoyed about my bad english :mad: I'm not able to find the right words for such nonsense. :cuckoo: Of course we have to protect children and animals. I think pedophilia, incest and sodomy are illigal also in Tennesse! For good reasons! But whom it hurts if gays get married?

Who does hurt if someone marries his pet goat? But that isn't the point.
The point here is that states are sovereign in deciding such matters. TN voters voted overwhelmingly to amend the state constitution to define marriage as one man and one woman. Who the hell is some judge to overturn that decision by a sovereign people? That is tyranny.
A pet ain't be able to give up an agreement, is it? Or it is not common that both partners must give their consent to marry in Tennessee?
Sooner oder later gay will marry, also in Tennesse :eusa_angel:

A pet is chattel. Is there some requirement that chattel must give its agreement before it is acquired? Why make agreement a requirement in marriage as well?
Gay people get married in TN every day. Where have you been?
If Tennesseans decide to legalize same-sex marriage that's fine by me. I just have a problem with outsiders who seem determined to take away our right to decide for ourselves. I don't intend for that to happen

But that kind of discussion is needful to make a change, isn't it? Nobody takes away your right to decide ...

We have had that discussion. And the pro gay side lost. Big time. They need to get over it and move to fucking California if they want that shit.
Even the nazis admitted that it happened!

No. Individual "nazis" under torture or threat of torture admitted THEY had killed jews. Sure jews were killed. Criminals and traitors are always executed but there was no systematic plan for the removal of all jews.

My ex's mother was measured by the nazi, her ears... to see if she had any Jew in her. Jews were systematically rounded up in several countries. The Warsaw Ghetto... Man, you sure are one big bag of ignorant. You can dispute the numbers, but not the facts.
LOL...enjoy the ban.
Even the nazis admitted that it happened!

No. Individual "nazis" under torture or threat of torture admitted THEY had killed jews. Sure jews were killed. Criminals and traitors are always executed but there was no systematic plan for the removal of all jews.

Many people have helped Jews to hide. Why? All criminals? What about Anne Frank? She was 13 years old!
All Jews had to wear a Star of David. Why?
What about the Jewish boycott at 1933? Fiction?
Survivors tell of their fate - systematic liar?
2000 anti-Jewish laws and regulations - there was no?
Systematic destruction of Jewish ownership in November 1938 - reverie or propaganda???
All jews are criminals. They don't belong in Gentile nations. Most "survivors tales" are bs. Star of david to identify them,What about Ann Frank did you know her diary was fake? It was written by her father the pen used didn't become into existence until the 50's.Laws against jews because they are a parasitic race. I never said Jews weren't removed from society I said there was no systematic plan to destroy them.Unfortunately.
So wonderful having a full fledged Nazi posting on the board

Things were getting boring
If Tennesseans decide to legalize same-sex marriage that's fine by me. I just have a problem with outsiders who seem determined to take away our right to decide for ourselves. I don't intend for that to happen

But that kind of discussion is needful to make a change, isn't it? Nobody takes away your right to decide ...

Great. We have in fact decided that people who wish to marry must marry a person of the other sex. It's been voted on and decided. Get over it. Continued whining only increases anti-gay sentiment.
4 same-sex couples sue Tennessee over gay marriage

God damnit! Not in the south damnit! Keep that garbage up north or out west...we can not let these queers get a foot hold in the south...this shit goes through I will be looking for a different state to move to.

I agree with you.

The south is a cesspool where people like to play in pigshit and eat "roadkill stew". Keep smart and creative people out. Send them up north where they belong.

Like Detroit, right? That seems like a city run by smart people. Eh?

One city in the north opposed to almost every city in the south and ALL of the rural areas. Sounds good to me. Now if we could only get these Southerners to stop taking government handouts. We would have balanced budgets.
I agree with you.

The south is a cesspool where people like to play in pigshit and eat "roadkill stew". Keep smart and creative people out. Send them up north where they belong.

Like Detroit, right? That seems like a city run by smart people. Eh?

One city in the north opposed to almost every city in the south and ALL of the rural areas. Sounds good to me. Now if we could only get these Southerners to stop taking government handouts. We would have balanced budgets.

Because Dallas, Atlanta and Nashville are all about to file bankruptcy, right?
Who does hurt if someone marries his pet goat? But that isn't the point.
The point here is that states are sovereign in deciding such matters. TN voters voted overwhelmingly to amend the state constitution to define marriage as one man and one woman. Who the hell is some judge to overturn that decision by a sovereign people? That is tyranny.
A pet ain't be able to give up an agreement, is it? Or it is not common that both partners must give their consent to marry in Tennessee?
Sooner oder later gay will marry, also in Tennesse :eusa_angel:

A pet is chattel. Is there some requirement that chattel must give its agreement before it is acquired? Why make agreement a requirement in marriage as well?
Gay people get married in TN every day. Where have you been?

I thought you know what it means for minorities to fight for their rights. From the National Socialist I had expected nothing else ...
A pet ain't be able to give up an agreement, is it? Or it is not common that both partners must give their consent to marry in Tennessee?
Sooner oder later gay will marry, also in Tennesse :eusa_angel:

A pet is chattel. Is there some requirement that chattel must give its agreement before it is acquired? Why make agreement a requirement in marriage as well?
Gay people get married in TN every day. Where have you been?

I thought you know what it means for minorities to fight for their rights. From the National Socialist I had expected nothing else ...

Gays aren't a minority any more than blonde people are a minority. They already have rights to marry just like anyone else. They want special rights. And they can't have them.
I agree with you.

The south is a cesspool where people like to play in pigshit and eat "roadkill stew". Keep smart and creative people out. Send them up north where they belong.

Like Detroit, right? That seems like a city run by smart people. Eh?

One city in the north opposed to almost every city in the south and ALL of the rural areas. Sounds good to me. Now if we could only get these Southerners to stop taking government handouts. We would have balanced budgets.

Without the rural areas the smart and creative (lazy) urbanites would be drinking urine and eating each other within a week.
A pet is chattel. Is there some requirement that chattel must give its agreement before it is acquired? Why make agreement a requirement in marriage as well?
Gay people get married in TN every day. Where have you been?

I thought you know what it means for minorities to fight for their rights. From the National Socialist I had expected nothing else ...

Gays aren't a minority any more than blonde people are a minority. They already have rights to marry just like anyone else. They want special rights. And they can't have them.

You can change your hair color, if you want. Even juws can change their religion :eusa_angel: It is rather comparable with the skin color or gender! It is hard to Change!
I thought you know what it means for minorities to fight for their rights. From the National Socialist I had expected nothing else ...

Gays aren't a minority any more than blonde people are a minority. They already have rights to marry just like anyone else. They want special rights. And they can't have them.

You can change your hair color, if you want. Even juws can change their religion :eusa_angel: It is rather comparable with the skin color or gender! It is hard to Change!

Jews changing their religion didn't help much with the Nazis.
But that is irrelevant. It is equally irrelevant what gay people want. If they want the state to recognize their marriage they can move to a different state.
Similarly if I want to be able to carry a handgun legally I wont move to NY or CA. It's just a matter of priorities.
I thought you know what it means for minorities to fight for their rights. From the National Socialist I had expected nothing else ...

Gays aren't a minority any more than blonde people are a minority. They already have rights to marry just like anyone else. They want special rights. And they can't have them.

You can change your hair color, if you want. Even juws can change their religion :eusa_angel: It is rather comparable with the skin color or gender! It is hard to Change!

It is impossible to change gender. Chromosomes never lie, nor do they change.
Gays aren't a minority any more than blonde people are a minority. They already have rights to marry just like anyone else. They want special rights. And they can't have them.

You can change your hair color, if you want. Even juws can change their religion :eusa_angel: It is rather comparable with the skin color or gender! It is hard to Change!

It is impossible to change gender. Chromosomes never lie, nor do they change.

That's what I say ...

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