Homosexuals trying to force their perverse lifestyle on Hetro majority.

So I take it that means you can't refute anything I say, and decided to ignore the argument instead of defend your pathetic points?

Too bad. I was really looking forward to hearing about the "sick molestations" and "vote manipulation." Your type of baseless conspiracy theory always makes me laugh. :lol:
Being confrontational amuses you? What are you, some kind of "wanna be" thug who gets your jollies off by trying to pick a fight? Dude, you will lose. You can NEVER bring me down, no matter how hard your pitiful, confused soul tries.
Oh no you misunderstand. It's not generalized confrontation. I just like bigot bashing. Highly amusing. The goal here isn't to "bring you down," so much as publicly ridicule your inane responses so that you bring yourself down. Here's a great example:

By calling me a "hick", you might as well call me a "******". Same meaning, right?
Based on the above, and the fact that you could not identify how temptation::attraction are synonyms, and action::repercussion are not, I'm starting to suspect English is not your first language. Perhaps you need that dictionary thing again to help you out here.
Hick | Define Hick at Dictionary.com

So actions are louder than words, and yet you're using my words and believing them to be action. It's like you plan out how you're going to say something dumb.

So you believe anyone defending equal rights for all people, free from bigotry like yours, is automatically homosexual? If I defend woman's suffrage does that make me a woman? How about if I speak out against animal cruelty? Clearly by your reasoning I am a gay female farm animal. Fantastic logic. :lol:

You misunderstand my intentions. I'm not here to convince you to change your bigoted puny mind. I'm here to make an example of you. To show everyone else reading this that such ridiculous and unprovoked prejudice is not simply tolerated, and will be met with someone like me pointing out every idiotic attempt at reasoning that comprises their intellectual bankruptcy and moral deficits.

Your poor logic is incredibly amusing. It seems like you're trying to stretch the principles of physical object interactions onto human interactions, as if performing any particular act somehow creates an "equal but opposite" repercussion. Luckily for the world, the same is not true. If you throw a rock through a window, the FORCES balance out. That does not automatically result in a repercussion for that action. Not only does this make sense from the above practical example, but from the very dictionary definition you just posted: notice how NO PART of your definition nor any synonyms or "repercussion" is "action."

Let's apply this to your original use: "Attraction is to temptation, as actions are to their repercussions. We all have the capacity to either ignore or yield to temptation." So again we find the first two nouns are synonymous, and the latter two are resultant and not equal.

Oh by the way, if you do decide to use physics again, you may want to make sure you get it right. The term is equal but opposite, with the "equal" part referring to magnitude only, and the "opposite" part referring to direction. Thus, equal but opposite forces are not the same, because they are opposite, and certainly not synonymous.

Which goes to show that I was right in that you were not trained in any accredited biology program in this country. It makes no sense to you because it's above your level of understanding. Everything from easy google searches to newspapers to scientific journals have clearly documented this. Let's use those pesky fact things again to settle this one:
Nature versus nurture - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Nature and nurture in neuropsychiatric genetics: w... [Dialogues Clin Neurosci. 2010] - PubMed result
Dopamine and serotonin systems modify environmenta... [Scand J Psychol. 2009] - PubMed result
Making the grade: Nature and nurture can both help or hurt
Let me know if this basic biology concept still doesn't make sense to you. I'm happy to educate.

So again I ask: why does it matter which it is? If you woke up a grumpy bigot in the morning, did you CHOOSE that or did it happen? We're talking about emotion here. Why does it matter what path someone took to get to an emotion? All you need to do is acknowledge the emotion, and there's no denial. If you're worried about DENIAL, then you probably shouldn't be arguing that the homosexual population should "ignore attraction." That makes hypocrisy #3 for you in this thread. Bravo!

Really? Because you sound rather insecure and jealous to me. You see someone who is secure doesn't need to make claims of their job or salary to strangers online to console themselves. They just make solid points. As for this "manipulation of votes," you have yet to show any evidence whatsoever THAT votes are manipulated, HOW votes or manipulated, or WHICH POLICIES are affected. You know how I keep tearing down your pathetic arguments with those things called facts? You should try using facts to support something you say.

I don't think you actually know what a such a "lifestyle" is, otherwise you wouldn't be so confused by the actions. You also have just shown yourself to be incompetent in distinguishing between gender identity and sexuality. The two are not the same. Perhaps you should do your own google search and do some reading before I need to use facts against you again.

Love and lust are common to humanity, regardless of sexuality. You think all heterosexuals come together out of love? That's delusional. Lust and love are not associated with any one group of people, but seen in all cultures, all groups, worldwide, throughout all of recorded human history. Because at the end of the day, you're talking about EMOTIONS, and EMOTION has no gender. So once again, your point is inane.

Civilization does not mandate influence on other civilizations. Let's use those fact things again to settle this one as well:
How the Catholic Church Built Western Civilization, Thomas E. Woods, Jr. Thomas E., (9780895260383) Hardcover - Barnes & Noble
Role of the Catholic Church in Western civilization - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The church determined the culture of civilization in the past. Nonetheless, you seem caught up on things that still have nothing to do with anything.

Yes, I disagree that priests should be molesting little boys. It wasn't meant for all priests to practice abstinence in the name of God. This is why they have these repercussions now. They aren't the chosen whom they claim to be. Homosexuals should own up to the fact that it's the sick molestations that's the issue. I can give a damn about their sexuality otherwise.
To which "sick molestations" are you referring? Let's get at the heart of your bigotry.

What's your name? Smarter than hick? More like smarter than "sh1t" if you ask me.
And then you wonder why I find you to be unintelligent and insecure. :lol::lol::lol:

Dude, stop while you have the chance. I will be quick because I have things to do.

1. Telling gays to be true to themselves is bigotry? You are insane. I NEVER said I hated gays. I have gay family members, peers, colleagues who are gay. And it is THEY who tell me that they chose to be this way. So go ahead and disagree with us all. It's your right to do so. To bad you can't see that I'm not being a bigot.
1a. Getting offended by the FACT that I don't like priests who molest little boys makes you just as sick as those pedophiles. you are beyond insane. I'M REFERRING TO ALL THE SICK PRIESTS OUT THERE MOLESTING LITTLE BOYS. THEY ARE SICK (AS IN DISGUSTING)!!!!
2. I already proved that attractions are temptations AND they can be the result of each other AS WELL. You are just too ignorant to even look at what I wrote and comprehend what I'm trying to say, due to pure animosity of what's being revealed to you.
3. You don't even have a clue about physics, let alone the laws of action-reaction. So stop right there.
4. I'm not white so being called a "hick" doesn't make sense. I'm black so what does that mean?
5.It's not NATURE AND NATURE!!!!!! And I see that you are indeed blind. Did you mean NURTURE?:cuckoo: This idiotic mistake on your end proves you didn't even have this knowledge to begin with, and that you desperately searched the web, hoping for a come back. And guess what? You didn't say NATURE AND NURTURE.:eusa_eh:
6. You argued at first that Catholicism was ALL civilization. But your blindness does you in once again. As you can see, only WESTERN civilization was under Catholicism.

Like i said before, please quit while you have the chance.:eusa_hand:
Oh and your blindness has become norm. So since you didn't care to see my gays/lobbyist example, feel free to scroll back towards the top of this page.
1. Homosexuals being true to themselves means being homosexual. Do you believe people should be in homosexual relationships if they feel they are homosexual? This is a simply yes or no. My guess is that you will avoid the question. I'll point to your bigotry if you answer.
1a. Don't mistake me calling you a hypocrite as being offended. You're stupidity is amusing, not offensive. Also, 1a? Could you not figure out how to renumber?
2. Actually, I proved they are the same thing, and you compared synonyms to resultants, which still makes your analogy crap.
3. I can't help but notice you provide zero support or refutation to my physics points. That's because I'm right, and you can't actually show it to be incorrect. Remember before how I said I'd rather just shoot you down with valid evidence-supported points instead of follow your suit by trying to cite my salary or making ad hominem or straw man arguments? I really recommend you try facts.
4. It makes you a black hick. The term is not race specific. Did you not click the link to the dictionary definition of the word I provided in the last thread after you demonstrated you did not understand its meaning the first time? Here it is again, to help you out: Hick | Define Hick at Dictionary.com
5. I did mean nurture. Which is why I stated it initially in this post: http://www.usmessageboard.com/relig...ifestyle-on-hetro-majority-8.html#post3269804
Oh I see, you got confused when I made a typo in a subsequent post, believing I was referencing a term known as "nature and nature" instead of using common sense to pick up on a typo or realize something wasn't quite correct in my typing. For some reason you thought someone would actually reference "nature vs nature" despite writing about "nature and nurture" in every other post. Wow.
6. No, I didn't. YOU made that straw man claim. If you still believe I stated the church was ALL civilization, please just quote where I say so.

So let's summarize this thread so far. You come in making ridiculous bigoted claims and conspiracy theories, supporting NONE of them, to instead sidetrack into the sputum that consists of your lack of understanding of the English language. I mean look at the above points. Every single one of them is either irrelevant or straw man. You can't support a thing that you say and so resort to semantics.

So again I ask: what are these voting conspiracies and "sick molestations" you mentioned?
So are you telling me you type with 2 fingers? Because the "U" key is nowhere near the "A" key. Interesting. Usually type O's are from keys close to one another. And by the way, Nature and Nurture is a term used by someone who isn't scientifically inclined. Someone with good knowledge wouldn't have made your type O. I use my own words when explaining myself. I don't have to get help from google, unlike yourself. This is what i said...........Organisms are influenced by internal and external reactions of our bodies and the environment. Not nature and nature. Now do yourself a favor and refer to my definition as well. Is what I'm saying wrong?
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Oh ok, So you said the catholic church was civilization, as if all the civilized nations (kingdoms) of the world were under it.
OR, you can interpret "it was civilization" as "it was A civilization" or "it comprised the civilization of the area." Again, common sense seems to repeatedly elude you. I can't possibly imagine how someone would read that and believe I was saying that a European institution was responsible for ALL civilization on the planet, when they didn't even know the Americas existed yet. But this complete deficiency in common sense tends to match the pattern of everything else you say.

Here are some questions regarding the actual point of the thread you have yet to answer:
  • Do you believe people should be in homosexual relationships if they feel they are homosexual?
  • To what "sick molestation" were you referring in relation to homosexuality?
  • Which policies were affected by homosexuals affecting votes, and how were votes affected?

I am still looking forward to pointing out your lack of common sense, incomprehension of the English language, and inability to support an argument.
oh and back to the "hick" thingy. Only an idiot would try to associate "Hick" with any black person. Just admit you thought I was some hill billy from West Virginia.
I think I can understand now why Homosexuals are treated so harshly in many other countries
outside of America.

Here in America homosexuals have been accepted and tolerated. Now, the homosexuals
are trying to force their perverse and immoral lifestyle upon everyone else that is not homosexual.

They want to attend proms, they want to marry, they want to adopt impressionable children and raise them as a normal Man and Wife couple.

So , what we will begin to see now is a backlash against this overt flamboyancy that is being displayed by many homosexuals toady. This is why many homosexuals ,I feel , should keep their homosexuality in the closet. It causes less problems.They are parading their homosexuality in front of the majority hetrosexual society.This will have negative repercussions. ::razz:azz:

I think you've confused the word "force" with the freedom to do as you please as long as you're not hurting anyone else.

Actually, that's the opposite of Force. You couldn't be further off.

What's wrong? Are the gays making you feel uncomfortable? Did daddy touch you somewhere he shouldn't have and now you have to take out your demented problems on anybody who makes you feel sexually insecure?

Grow up and get a fucking life you bigoted asshole. :ahole-1:
Saying that Catholicism WAS civilization, is not accurate. Period. The word " Western" was placed in front of it for a reason.
Being confrontational amuses you? What are you, some kind of "wanna be" thug who gets your jollies off by trying to pick a fight? Dude, you will lose. You can NEVER bring me down, no matter how hard your pitiful, confused soul tries.
Oh no you misunderstand. It's not generalized confrontation. I just like bigot bashing. Highly amusing. The goal here isn't to "bring you down," so much as publicly ridicule your inane responses so that you bring yourself down. Here's a great example:

Based on the above, and the fact that you could not identify how temptation::attraction are synonyms, and action::repercussion are not, I'm starting to suspect English is not your first language. Perhaps you need that dictionary thing again to help you out here.
Hick | Define Hick at Dictionary.com

So actions are louder than words, and yet you're using my words and believing them to be action. It's like you plan out how you're going to say something dumb.

So you believe anyone defending equal rights for all people, free from bigotry like yours, is automatically homosexual? If I defend woman's suffrage does that make me a woman? How about if I speak out against animal cruelty? Clearly by your reasoning I am a gay female farm animal. Fantastic logic. :lol:

You misunderstand my intentions. I'm not here to convince you to change your bigoted puny mind. I'm here to make an example of you. To show everyone else reading this that such ridiculous and unprovoked prejudice is not simply tolerated, and will be met with someone like me pointing out every idiotic attempt at reasoning that comprises their intellectual bankruptcy and moral deficits.

Your poor logic is incredibly amusing. It seems like you're trying to stretch the principles of physical object interactions onto human interactions, as if performing any particular act somehow creates an "equal but opposite" repercussion. Luckily for the world, the same is not true. If you throw a rock through a window, the FORCES balance out. That does not automatically result in a repercussion for that action. Not only does this make sense from the above practical example, but from the very dictionary definition you just posted: notice how NO PART of your definition nor any synonyms or "repercussion" is "action."

Let's apply this to your original use: "Attraction is to temptation, as actions are to their repercussions. We all have the capacity to either ignore or yield to temptation." So again we find the first two nouns are synonymous, and the latter two are resultant and not equal.

Oh by the way, if you do decide to use physics again, you may want to make sure you get it right. The term is equal but opposite, with the "equal" part referring to magnitude only, and the "opposite" part referring to direction. Thus, equal but opposite forces are not the same, because they are opposite, and certainly not synonymous.

Which goes to show that I was right in that you were not trained in any accredited biology program in this country. It makes no sense to you because it's above your level of understanding. Everything from easy google searches to newspapers to scientific journals have clearly documented this. Let's use those pesky fact things again to settle this one:
Nature versus nurture - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Nature and nurture in neuropsychiatric genetics: w... [Dialogues Clin Neurosci. 2010] - PubMed result
Dopamine and serotonin systems modify environmenta... [Scand J Psychol. 2009] - PubMed result
Making the grade: Nature and nurture can both help or hurt
Let me know if this basic biology concept still doesn't make sense to you. I'm happy to educate.

So again I ask: why does it matter which it is? If you woke up a grumpy bigot in the morning, did you CHOOSE that or did it happen? We're talking about emotion here. Why does it matter what path someone took to get to an emotion? All you need to do is acknowledge the emotion, and there's no denial. If you're worried about DENIAL, then you probably shouldn't be arguing that the homosexual population should "ignore attraction." That makes hypocrisy #3 for you in this thread. Bravo!

Really? Because you sound rather insecure and jealous to me. You see someone who is secure doesn't need to make claims of their job or salary to strangers online to console themselves. They just make solid points. As for this "manipulation of votes," you have yet to show any evidence whatsoever THAT votes are manipulated, HOW votes or manipulated, or WHICH POLICIES are affected. You know how I keep tearing down your pathetic arguments with those things called facts? You should try using facts to support something you say.

I don't think you actually know what a such a "lifestyle" is, otherwise you wouldn't be so confused by the actions. You also have just shown yourself to be incompetent in distinguishing between gender identity and sexuality. The two are not the same. Perhaps you should do your own google search and do some reading before I need to use facts against you again.

Love and lust are common to humanity, regardless of sexuality. You think all heterosexuals come together out of love? That's delusional. Lust and love are not associated with any one group of people, but seen in all cultures, all groups, worldwide, throughout all of recorded human history. Because at the end of the day, you're talking about EMOTIONS, and EMOTION has no gender. So once again, your point is inane.

Civilization does not mandate influence on other civilizations. Let's use those fact things again to settle this one as well:
How the Catholic Church Built Western Civilization, Thomas E. Woods, Jr. Thomas E., (9780895260383) Hardcover - Barnes & Noble
Role of the Catholic Church in Western civilization - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The church determined the culture of civilization in the past. Nonetheless, you seem caught up on things that still have nothing to do with anything.

To which "sick molestations" are you referring? Let's get at the heart of your bigotry.

What's your name? Smarter than hick? More like smarter than "sh1t" if you ask me.
And then you wonder why I find you to be unintelligent and insecure. :lol::lol::lol:

Dude, stop while you have the chance. I will be quick because I have things to do.

1. Telling gays to be true to themselves is bigotry? You are insane. I NEVER said I hated gays. I have gay family members, peers, colleagues who are gay. And it is THEY who tell me that they chose to be this way. So go ahead and disagree with us all. It's your right to do so. To bad you can't see that I'm not being a bigot.
1a. Getting offended by the FACT that I don't like priests who molest little boys makes you just as sick as those pedophiles. you are beyond insane. I'M REFERRING TO ALL THE SICK PRIESTS OUT THERE MOLESTING LITTLE BOYS. THEY ARE SICK (AS IN DISGUSTING)!!!!
2. I already proved that attractions are temptations AND they can be the result of each other AS WELL. You are just too ignorant to even look at what I wrote and comprehend what I'm trying to say, due to pure animosity of what's being revealed to you.
3. You don't even have a clue about physics, let alone the laws of action-reaction. So stop right there.
4. I'm not white so being called a "hick" doesn't make sense. I'm black so what does that mean?
5.It's not NATURE AND NATURE!!!!!! And I see that you are indeed blind. Did you mean NURTURE?:cuckoo: This idiotic mistake on your end proves you didn't even have this knowledge to begin with, and that you desperately searched the web, hoping for a come back. And guess what? You didn't say NATURE AND NURTURE.:eusa_eh:
6. You argued at first that Catholicism was ALL civilization. But your blindness does you in once again. As you can see, only WESTERN civilization was under Catholicism.

Like i said before, please quit while you have the chance.:eusa_hand:

They choose to BE WHO THEY ARE.
Just like you do. You are straight and they are gay.
No one can choose what sexual orientation THEY ARE.
Can you choose to be attracted to the same sex?
Give it up man. Your argument makes zero sense and you know it.
And to answer your 3 questions.....
1. yes. That is their prerogative.
2. I guess you haven't seen all the molestation charges against priests in the news.
Studies on Priests Molesting Children
Priest who molested boys called to testify in federal investigation of L.A. archdiocese | L.A. NOW | Los Angeles Times
3.Here are the influences you seek:
The US Senate has passed a resolution imploring Ugandan Members of Parliament to withdraw a private member’s Bill that would impose death on gay people.

But will the resolution influence Ugandan MPs currently considering the Anti-Homosexuality Bill 2009? Speaker Edward Ssekandi said yesterday that the resolution, passed Tuesday night, will not force Parliament to give in to western pressure and withdraw Ndorwa West MP David Bahati’s controversial Bill.

He told Daily Monitor in a telephone interview that there was no possibility of Parliament “totally rejecting” the proposed law.

“Those against the Bill are entitled to their views,” said Mr Ssekandi, “But what they should do is sensitise our people about the merits or demerits of the Bill.”

He added: “The resolution may influence us but there is no procedure [currently available] that we can take of totally rejecting the Bill.”

International gay rights activists have lauded the Senate, the upper House of the bicameral U.S Congress, for joining the chorus of those cautioning Uganda, and said the resolution expresses the U.S government’s unequivocal opposition to the proposed Bill.

Mr Ssekandi said the Senate “may be right or wrong”, but that is a decision the Uganda Parliament would have to make.

Mr Bahati said yesterday that he would not waiver in his pursuit for the Bill’s enactment despite the amount of condemnation his proposed law has generated.
He suggested, however, that powerful gay lobbyists in the U.S had influenced the Senate’s decision.
actup.org - U.S. Senate asks Uganda to withdraw anti-gay Bill
How have campaign contributions and lobbying efforts influenced policy on an issue you care about? - by David Nuttle - Helium
Can you choose to be attracted to the same sex?
Give it up man. Your argument makes zero sense and you know it.

You need to ask the millions of people in prison for life this question, and all the gay people who believe this to be true, not me. Old man, find a new hobby. You are picking a fight with someone who doesn't hate gay people. And you can't seem to try and comprehend that. I don't hate gays, OK?
Actually, I proved they are the same thing, and you compared synonyms to resultants, which still makes your analogy crap.

Wrong. Actually I'm comparing two separate synonyms that can also both be resultants. Why cant you see that? It's right there in your face.
I think you just misunderstand me and think I'm trying to attack, when I'm not. So you get so defensive, you don't care to see my true intent. I wish you would just open your eyes, accept a difference of opinion, and understand that I don't hate gay people. Instead you want to play "editor in chief" with all my posts, trying your hardest to find discrepancies and throw them in my face to make me feel low. Not working.
oh and back to the "hick" thingy. Only an idiot would try to associate "Hick" with any black person. Just admit you thought I was some hill billy from West Virginia.
I fail to see how a hill billy from West Virginia would preclude someone from being black. There is only one person who brought up race as it relates to being a hick: you. As per the definition of hick, it has nothing to do with color. You're a hick. Doesn't matter what color you are. I don't really care.

Saying that Catholicism WAS civilization, is not accurate. Period. The word " Western" was placed in front of it for a reason.
See I thought you had the common sense to understand that I was making a point about the area and time we were discussing, and not other areas of the world, or perhaps Mars, or maybe mole-man civilizations underground, or leprechaun civilizations, or any other type. You see how that works? The point is relevant to the topic at hand, not universalized. I forget how common sense is not so common for hicks.
And to answer your 3 questions.....
1. yes. That is their prerogative.
Oh good! So it's clear then that you should have nothing to do with another person's sexuality. So there's nothing wrong with homosexuality then, right?

This proves pedophilia is bad, not homosexuality. Pedophilia is not inherent to any one sexuality, and thus should not be brought up in association with one. So the question then turns to: why bring it up in a thread on homosexuality?

3.Here are the influences you seek:
The US Senate has passed a resolution imploring Ugandan Members of Parliament to withdraw a private member’s Bill that would impose death on gay people.

But will the resolution influence Ugandan MPs currently considering the Anti-Homosexuality Bill 2009? Speaker Edward Ssekandi said yesterday that the resolution, passed Tuesday night, will not force Parliament to give in to western pressure and withdraw Ndorwa West MP David Bahati’s controversial Bill.

He told Daily Monitor in a telephone interview that there was no possibility of Parliament “totally rejecting” the proposed law.

“Those against the Bill are entitled to their views,” said Mr Ssekandi, “But what they should do is sensitise our people about the merits or demerits of the Bill.”

He added: “The resolution may influence us but there is no procedure [currently available] that we can take of totally rejecting the Bill.”

International gay rights activists have lauded the Senate, the upper House of the bicameral U.S Congress, for joining the chorus of those cautioning Uganda, and said the resolution expresses the U.S government’s unequivocal opposition to the proposed Bill.

Mr Ssekandi said the Senate “may be right or wrong”, but that is a decision the Uganda Parliament would have to make.

Mr Bahati said yesterday that he would not waiver in his pursuit for the Bill’s enactment despite the amount of condemnation his proposed law has generated.
He suggested, however, that powerful gay lobbyists in the U.S had influenced the Senate’s decision.
actup.org - U.S. Senate asks Uganda to withdraw anti-gay Bill
How have campaign contributions and lobbying efforts influenced policy on an issue you care about? - by David Nuttle - Helium
So you're upset that people promoted a PLEA to another country for human equality? So to summarize:
  1. This does not affect American policy whatsoever
  2. This does not represent homosexual groups surreptitiously affecting voting Americans
  3. This non-policy response to Uganda is fully within America's laws and existing policy on the matter
  4. This promotes human equality
  5. This discourages mass murder

Remind me why this HORRIBLE act of asking Uganda to stop killing people is a homosexual driven problem? And then you wonder why everyone else in the thread thinks you're a bigot. :lol:
Wrong. Actually I'm comparing two separate synonyms that can also both be resultants. Why cant you see that? It's right there in your face.

In line with everything else you've said in this thread, I don't think you actually understand what the words "synonym" and "resultant" mean. They are mutually exclusive. I doubt you know what that means either.
Homosexuals trying to force their perverse lifestyle on Hetro majority.

So does it matter? Everyone tries to justify their actions. They fight against those who are an affront to their actions whether those are an active affront or not. If God be real (and i believe He is) then my course is to follow His guidance. His guidance is to love the miserable.

May God bless the homosexual and reveal to him/her His truth.

Unfortunately, the truth was already revealed to them. But we all know, those in denial will resent the truth and label it false. Homosexuals are either atheists, or they purposely interpret the bible in such a way that it suits their lifestyle.

There are many shades of Christians.
Different denominations worship differently and interpret the bible differently.
Is one denomination more correct than the others?

You're correct. There ARE many different shades of Christians. One of the first things I ask a person when they tell me that they are Christian, is which variety are they? Why? Simple.......all Christians interpret the Bible differently and it helps to know what variety they are so that you don't step on their toes too hard.

Wanna see something interesting sometime? Get a Northern and a Southern Baptist in the same room and let them start talking about the Bible. Both read the same freaking book, yet one will always tell the other that they are a sinner or a heathen.

Oh yeah.......check out the Pentacostal church sometime, then go visit with the Evangelicals and follow that up with the holy rollers who preach fire and brimstone and an eternity in hell.

By the way.......if you have a beginning, you're not eternal, you can only go somewhere forever.

And........I also kinda doubt that God would condemn someone to hell forever if He truly loves and cares about us. Fire and brimstone, with all the scary things about hell didn't become popular until the Catholic church got started. Why? Simple.......fear sells, and if you can get someone fearful enough, they will show up on Sunday and give you money because they are concerned about their life after they shuffle off this mortal coil.

Besides.........in the recently discovered Lost Gospel of Thomas, it states that eventually everyone gets out of hell.
oh and back to the "hick" thingy. Only an idiot would try to associate "Hick" with any black person. Just admit you thought I was some hill billy from West Virginia.
I fail to see how a hill billy from West Virginia would preclude someone from being black. There is only one person who brought up race as it relates to being a hick: you. As per the definition of hick, it has nothing to do with color. You're a hick. Doesn't matter what color you are. I don't really care.

Saying that Catholicism WAS civilization, is not accurate. Period. The word " Western" was placed in front of it for a reason.
See I thought you had the common sense to understand that I was making a point about the area and time we were discussing, and not other areas of the world, or perhaps Mars, or maybe mole-man civilizations underground, or leprechaun civilizations, or any other type. You see how that works? The point is relevant to the topic at hand, not universalized. I forget how common sense is not so common for hicks.

Save the bull sh1t. A hick is another word for a dumb white person or "white trash." So stop playing ignorant. And when it comes to making a valid point, you need to be specific, especially if your intellect is in doubt. " The Catholic church WAS civilization," is way too general of a statement to assume you meant only "Western." Or else you would have stated...... The Catholic church was civilized, not civilization. Dude, If I'm a hick, you are an ignorant punk little b1tch. How about that?
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