Homosexuals trying to force their perverse lifestyle on Hetro majority.

I was at a friend's house yesterday. She is dying of cancer and will be dead in days. Family and friends have been visiting this week. She has a 40 year old lesbian niece that was there with her partner. Christi is an attorney, scholar from grade school and active in her community. Christi LOVES her aunt. She had a civil ceremony a few years with her partner Barb.
They LOVE each other.
Nothing to do with your bias and lack of the understanding of LOVE in your world which consists, by your own shallow definition, of "pleasure and lust" in the relationships you have.
I pity you.

You have every right to pity whoever you choose. Arguing that being gay is ok because animals do it is so lame. And all I have to say is "dito" to you. I happen to have gay relatives whom I love dearly. And unlike the "majority" of gays who just want to be accepted and conjure up these pathetic justifications, my relatives have stepped up to the plate and accepted responsibility for their actions and choices.

My point is.....stop kidding yourself by saying it's some genetic mutation or disease that you got from birth. And stop using the oppressions of races and bestial practices of animals of the same sex as comparisons to justify your unethical practices, just to save face. And it is indeed "unnatural" for animals to practice this. Because thier sole purpose is to reproduce and play thier part in the food chain. You will NEVER find a plant or animal choosing a mate of the same sex. Why? Because it goes against the grain of all the natural and scientific laws of the world. Darkness /light, positive charge/negative charge, Male/ female, good/ evil. Put 2 male animals of the same species the same cage and see what happens. These are beasts, people!!!! They have no concept of conscience awareness and ability to reason. So they basically act on 100% emotions/moods. So to use them as legitimate justifications is not an excuse.

Accept the fact that this is the life you choose and you prefer the same sex. According to you, it's ok to be gay. So stop the contradiction of labeling homosexuality a defect if it is in fact, ok. Many of you confused individuals out there believe the myth that the laws of attraction are instinctive and we lack control of it. WRONG!!!!! Attraction is based on passion. And passion is fueled from choices we make and begin to desire. It is also associated with pleasures and lust, which are cravings. You aren't born with a passion to do anything. You choose what is passionate to you or not. I just so happen to be passionate about martial arts. Nobody in my family (that I'm aware of) has EVER taken a liking to it as I do. So there is't any so called gene that triggers my passion for martial arts. no family member passed it down to me. Heck, I'm not even Asian. It's something I saw, processed in my brain, chose to try, and I ended up enjoying. The same applies to sexual preference.

I never stated it was a disease.
I am a flannel shirt wearing, tobacco chewing, brew and bourbon guzzling, southern drawl ramblin, balding, former defensive end playin and born southern STRAIGHT MALE.
No one chooses their sexual orientation. We are BORN THAT WAY.
"accepted responsibility for their actions and choices" What a crock of shit you spout. I feel sorry for your gay relatives to have to listen to such bull shit.
Tell us about when YOU chose your sexual orientation.
You do know that CHOICE includes ALL or OTHER sexual orientations.
Never in a million years. I NEVER made a choice. I was always attracted to the opposite sex. Maybe it was different for you so tell us about that.

You stated that gays are born that way. So that indicates it's either a genetic mutation or disease. And as far as my relatives listening to me, It's the other way around. It is they who show and tell me the hidden truth and agendas behind homosexuality. And to say we don't choose our sexual orientation, is like saying we have no ability to logically decide for ourselves. And that's equating us to immature children or animals.

Let me see if I can break this down to you. You (along with so many others) seem to think that the initial force that draws us to something else, is the attraction. WRONG. It's the object that's on the other end of the force that really attracts us. And what brings us to that object is usually temptation. The force is actually 2 things: Random/ Chance and temptation. We are constantly put into places and situations randomly and by chance on a daily basis. Once we see what's on the other end of that force (which isn't strong enough to draw us in on it's own), we (choose) whether or not to be drawn in. And that's the act of attraction.

* note* Attraction is to temptation, as actions are to their repercussions. We all have the capacity to either ignore or yield to temptation. So therefore we do have a choice when it comes to attraction.

For instance.......I'm placed in front of a closed door( randomly). I open the door and see a girl on the other end. The girl happens to be appealing to me (temptation), so I walk through the door to her(attraction). All of this is the result of choice. If a beautiful girl happens to walk past me, It's by chance. And if I happen to think she's beautiful (attraction), It's because I developed a perception (choice) of what I believe to be beautiful (attractive) in my mind, based on what I was exposed to (society, tv, magazines, etc.).

There are 3 steps that attraction is based on in this order.

1. Exposure.
2. Perception.
3. Preference.

We are exposed to many things. Then we take in and process what we believe is acceptable to us (perception). Then what we perceive/ define as beauty in our brains, becomes our preference. We then place markers on all that we perceive to be enlightening/appealing, and in return draw ourselves to those preferences. That's what attraction is, in a nut shell.
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Um, well if you want to use examples of wild beasts of the earth that were created w/o cognitive thinking, rational ability, and reason to justify what you claim is sexually "natural", speak for yourself. The blueprint of nature is based on opposites, not similarities. Nature also is the backbone for reproduction, not pleasure and lust. So to say because animals of the earth practice homosexuality, that makes it natural, is the biggest cop out in history. So we base our ethics and morals on how animals act now? You said it, not me......." Homosexuals are like wild animals when it comes to sexual preference."

I was at a friend's house yesterday. She is dying of cancer and will be dead in days. Family and friends have been visiting this week. She has a 40 year old lesbian niece that was there with her partner. Christi is an attorney, scholar from grade school and active in her community. Christi LOVES her aunt. She had a civil ceremony a few years with her partner Barb.
They LOVE each other.
Nothing to do with your bias and lack of the understanding of LOVE in your world which consists, by your own shallow definition, of "pleasure and lust" in the relationships you have.
I pity you.

Just curious. Honestly, do they have kids? Adopted or invitro and if think are contemplating on having kids . . . adopted or invitro?

Don't know. None of my business.
You have every right to pity whoever you choose. Arguing that being gay is ok because animals do it is so lame. And all I have to say is "dito" to you. I happen to have gay relatives whom I love dearly. And unlike the "majority" of gays who just want to be accepted and conjure up these pathetic justifications, my relatives have stepped up to the plate and accepted responsibility for their actions and choices.

My point is.....stop kidding yourself by saying it's some genetic mutation or disease that you got from birth. And stop using the oppressions of races and bestial practices of animals of the same sex as comparisons to justify your unethical practices, just to save face. And it is indeed "unnatural" for animals to practice this. Because thier sole purpose is to reproduce and play thier part in the food chain. You will NEVER find a plant or animal choosing a mate of the same sex. Why? Because it goes against the grain of all the natural and scientific laws of the world. Darkness /light, positive charge/negative charge, Male/ female, good/ evil. Put 2 male animals of the same species the same cage and see what happens. These are beasts, people!!!! They have no concept of conscience awareness and ability to reason. So they basically act on 100% emotions/moods. So to use them as legitimate justifications is not an excuse.

Accept the fact that this is the life you choose and you prefer the same sex. According to you, it's ok to be gay. So stop the contradiction of labeling homosexuality a defect if it is in fact, ok. Many of you confused individuals out there believe the myth that the laws of attraction are instinctive and we lack control of it. WRONG!!!!! Attraction is based on passion. And passion is fueled from choices we make and begin to desire. It is also associated with pleasures and lust, which are cravings. You aren't born with a passion to do anything. You choose what is passionate to you or not. I just so happen to be passionate about martial arts. Nobody in my family (that I'm aware of) has EVER taken a liking to it as I do. So there is't any so called gene that triggers my passion for martial arts. no family member passed it down to me. Heck, I'm not even Asian. It's something I saw, processed in my brain, chose to try, and I ended up enjoying. The same applies to sexual preference.

I never stated it was a disease.
I am a flannel shirt wearing, tobacco chewing, brew and bourbon guzzling, southern drawl ramblin, balding, former defensive end playin and born southern STRAIGHT MALE.
No one chooses their sexual orientation. We are BORN THAT WAY.
"accepted responsibility for their actions and choices" What a crock of shit you spout. I feel sorry for your gay relatives to have to listen to such bull shit.
Tell us about when YOU chose your sexual orientation.
You do know that CHOICE includes ALL or OTHER sexual orientations.
Never in a million years. I NEVER made a choice. I was always attracted to the opposite sex. Maybe it was different for you so tell us about that.

You stated that gays are born that way. So that indicates it's either a genetic mutation or disease. And as far as my relatives listening to me, It's the other way around. It is they who show and tell me the hidden truth and agendas behind homosexuality. And to say we don't choose our sexual orientation, is like saying we have no ability to logically decide for ourselves. And that's equating us to immature children or animals.

Let me see if I can break this down to you. You (along with so many others) seem to think that the initial force that draws us to something else, is the attraction. WRONG. It's the object that's on the other end of the force that really attracts us. And what brings us to that object is usually temptation. The force is actually 2 things: Random/ Chance and temptation. We are constantly put into places and situations randomly and by chance on a daily basis. Once we see what's on the other end of that force (which isn't strong enough to draw us in on it's own), we (choose) whether or not to be drawn in. And that's the act of attraction.

* note* Attraction is to temptation, as actions are to their repercussions. We all have the capacity to either ignore or yield to temptation. So therefore we do have a choice when it comes to attraction.

For instance.......I'm placed in front of a closed door( randomly). I open the door and see a girl on the other end. The girl happens to be appealing to me (temptation), so I walk through the door to her(attraction). All of this is the result of choice. If a beautiful girl happens to walk past me, It's by chance. And if I happen to think she's beautiful (attraction), It's because I developed a perception (choice) of what I believe to be beautiful (attractive) in my mind, based on what I was exposed to (society, tv, magazines, etc.).

There are 3 steps that attraction is based on in this order.

1. Exposure.
2. Perception.
3. Preference.

We are exposed to many things. Then we take in and process what we believe is acceptable to us (perception). Then what we perceive/ define as beauty in our brains, becomes our preference. We then place markers on all that we perceive to be enlightening/appealing, and in return draw ourselves to those preferences. That's what attraction is, in a nut shell.

What TV shows and magazines was your dog exposed to that influenced their sexual attraction?
Didn't happen that way with me. Society, TV and magazines may have influenced your choice of sexual partners and which sex you fell in love with but it had nothing to do with my attraction to the opposite sex.
You make no sense whatsoever. Good luck to you though.
I never stated it was a disease.
I am a flannel shirt wearing, tobacco chewing, brew and bourbon guzzling, southern drawl ramblin, balding, former defensive end playin and born southern STRAIGHT MALE.
No one chooses their sexual orientation. We are BORN THAT WAY.
"accepted responsibility for their actions and choices" What a crock of shit you spout. I feel sorry for your gay relatives to have to listen to such bull shit.
Tell us about when YOU chose your sexual orientation.
You do know that CHOICE includes ALL or OTHER sexual orientations.
Never in a million years. I NEVER made a choice. I was always attracted to the opposite sex. Maybe it was different for you so tell us about that.

You stated that gays are born that way. So that indicates it's either a genetic mutation or disease. And as far as my relatives listening to me, It's the other way around. It is they who show and tell me the hidden truth and agendas behind homosexuality. And to say we don't choose our sexual orientation, is like saying we have no ability to logically decide for ourselves. And that's equating us to immature children or animals.

Let me see if I can break this down to you. You (along with so many others) seem to think that the initial force that draws us to something else, is the attraction. WRONG. It's the object that's on the other end of the force that really attracts us. And what brings us to that object is usually temptation. The force is actually 2 things: Random/ Chance and temptation. We are constantly put into places and situations randomly and by chance on a daily basis. Once we see what's on the other end of that force (which isn't strong enough to draw us in on it's own), we (choose) whether or not to be drawn in. And that's the act of attraction.

* note* Attraction is to temptation, as actions are to their repercussions. We all have the capacity to either ignore or yield to temptation. So therefore we do have a choice when it comes to attraction.

For instance.......I'm placed in front of a closed door( randomly). I open the door and see a girl on the other end. The girl happens to be appealing to me (temptation), so I walk through the door to her(attraction). All of this is the result of choice. If a beautiful girl happens to walk past me, It's by chance. And if I happen to think she's beautiful (attraction), It's because I developed a perception (choice) of what I believe to be beautiful (attractive) in my mind, based on what I was exposed to (society, tv, magazines, etc.).

There are 3 steps that attraction is based on in this order.

1. Exposure.
2. Perception.
3. Preference.

We are exposed to many things. Then we take in and process what we believe is acceptable to us (perception). Then what we perceive/ define as beauty in our brains, becomes our preference. We then place markers on all that we perceive to be enlightening/appealing, and in return draw ourselves to those preferences. That's what attraction is, in a nut shell.

What TV shows and magazines was your dog exposed to that influenced their sexual attraction?
Didn't happen that way with me. Society, TV and magazines may have influenced your choice of sexual partners and which sex you fell in love with but it had nothing to do with my attraction to the opposite sex.
You make no sense whatsoever. Good luck to you though.

You sound so much like an old fool, it's pathetic. You keep trying to compare your sex life and cravings to that of an animal. Are you a beast? Or are you a civilized human being who uses logic and reasoning but doesn't think with his hormones, feelings, moods, etc? Dogs are beasts that react off of impulses and that's what 100% influences their sexuality. If they get horny, they will attempt sex on anything. So is this how homosexuals act? Interesting.

And you also lack the necessary comprehension skills needed to understand my simple point. What happened to you (which you won't care to admit) is that you saw men together bonding naturally with women on a repetitive basis (hopefully your parents), which was then processed and programed into your pea brain as an adolescent. As a result, you then discovered (according to your perception) that males are supposed to be with females. That's what made you attracted to females, numb skull.

Sexual lust is the only dividing factor when comparing " loving" someone to " being in love" with them. But certain idiots can NEVER comprehend this elementary concept for some odd reason. I love my brothers, sister, mom, and dad. I also love my wife. But the only difference is, my wife and I have sex (make love). So that makes me in love with her, opposed to just loving her or only having lust for her. Bonding equates to love, and sex equates to lust. Add those 2 together and that's how you become "in love." Hopefully that pea brain can now understand. I doubt it.
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You stated that gays are born that way. So that indicates it's either a genetic mutation or disease. And as far as my relatives listening to me, It's the other way around. It is they who show and tell me the hidden truth and agendas behind homosexuality. And to say we don't choose our sexual orientation, is like saying we have no ability to logically decide for ourselves. And that's equating us to immature children or animals.

Let me see if I can break this down to you. You (along with so many others) seem to think that the initial force that draws us to something else, is the attraction. WRONG. It's the object that's on the other end of the force that really attracts us. And what brings us to that object is usually temptation. The force is actually 2 things: Random/ Chance and temptation. We are constantly put into places and situations randomly and by chance on a daily basis. Once we see what's on the other end of that force (which isn't strong enough to draw us in on it's own), we (choose) whether or not to be drawn in. And that's the act of attraction.

* note* Attraction is to temptation, as actions are to their repercussions. We all have the capacity to either ignore or yield to temptation. So therefore we do have a choice when it comes to attraction.

For instance.......I'm placed in front of a closed door( randomly). I open the door and see a girl on the other end. The girl happens to be appealing to me (temptation), so I walk through the door to her(attraction). All of this is the result of choice. If a beautiful girl happens to walk past me, It's by chance. And if I happen to think she's beautiful (attraction), It's because I developed a perception (choice) of what I believe to be beautiful (attractive) in my mind, based on what I was exposed to (society, tv, magazines, etc.).

There are 3 steps that attraction is based on in this order.

1. Exposure.
2. Perception.
3. Preference.

We are exposed to many things. Then we take in and process what we believe is acceptable to us (perception). Then what we perceive/ define as beauty in our brains, becomes our preference. We then place markers on all that we perceive to be enlightening/appealing, and in return draw ourselves to those preferences. That's what attraction is, in a nut shell.

What TV shows and magazines was your dog exposed to that influenced their sexual attraction?
Didn't happen that way with me. Society, TV and magazines may have influenced your choice of sexual partners and which sex you fell in love with but it had nothing to do with my attraction to the opposite sex.
You make no sense whatsoever. Good luck to you though.

You sound so much like an old fool, it's pathetic. You keep trying to compare your sex life and cravings to that of an animal. Are you a beast? Or are you a civilized human being who uses logic and reasoning but doesn't think with his hormones, feelings, moods, etc? Dogs are beasts that react off of impulses and they 100% influence their sexuality. If they get horny, they will attempt sex on anything. So is this how homosexuals act? Interesting.

And you also lack the necessary comprehension skills needed to understand my simple point. What happened to you (which you won't care to admit) is that you saw men together bonding naturally with women on a repetitive basis (hopefully your parents), which was then processed and programed into your pea brain as an adolescent. As a result, you then discovered (according to your perception) that males are supposed to be with females. That's what made you attracted to females, numb skull.

Sexual lust is the only dividing factor when comparing " loving" someone to " being in love" with them. But certain idiots can NEVER comprehend this elementary concept for some odd reason. I love my brothers, sister, mom, and dad. I also love my wife. But the only difference is, my wife and I have sex (make love). So that makes me in love with her, opposed to just loving her or only having lust for her. Bonding equates to love, and sex equates to lust. Add those 2 together and that's how you become "in love." Hopefully that pea brain can now understand. I doubt it.

No, that's how men act.

But tell us...how has restraining sexual desire worked for mankind over the millenium?
You stated that gays are born that way. So that indicates it's either a genetic mutation or disease. And as far as my relatives listening to me, It's the other way around. It is they who show and tell me the hidden truth and agendas behind homosexuality. And to say we don't choose our sexual orientation, is like saying we have no ability to logically decide for ourselves. And that's equating us to immature children or animals.

Let me see if I can break this down to you. You (along with so many others) seem to think that the initial force that draws us to something else, is the attraction. WRONG. It's the object that's on the other end of the force that really attracts us. And what brings us to that object is usually temptation. The force is actually 2 things: Random/ Chance and temptation. We are constantly put into places and situations randomly and by chance on a daily basis. Once we see what's on the other end of that force (which isn't strong enough to draw us in on it's own), we (choose) whether or not to be drawn in. And that's the act of attraction.

* note* Attraction is to temptation, as actions are to their repercussions. We all have the capacity to either ignore or yield to temptation. So therefore we do have a choice when it comes to attraction.

For instance.......I'm placed in front of a closed door( randomly). I open the door and see a girl on the other end. The girl happens to be appealing to me (temptation), so I walk through the door to her(attraction). All of this is the result of choice. If a beautiful girl happens to walk past me, It's by chance. And if I happen to think she's beautiful (attraction), It's because I developed a perception (choice) of what I believe to be beautiful (attractive) in my mind, based on what I was exposed to (society, tv, magazines, etc.).

There are 3 steps that attraction is based on in this order.

1. Exposure.
2. Perception.
3. Preference.

We are exposed to many things. Then we take in and process what we believe is acceptable to us (perception). Then what we perceive/ define as beauty in our brains, becomes our preference. We then place markers on all that we perceive to be enlightening/appealing, and in return draw ourselves to those preferences. That's what attraction is, in a nut shell.

What TV shows and magazines was your dog exposed to that influenced their sexual attraction?
Didn't happen that way with me. Society, TV and magazines may have influenced your choice of sexual partners and which sex you fell in love with but it had nothing to do with my attraction to the opposite sex.
You make no sense whatsoever. Good luck to you though.

You sound so much like an old fool, it's pathetic. You keep trying to compare your sex life and cravings to that of an animal. Are you a beast? Or are you a civilized human being who uses logic and reasoning but doesn't think with his hormones, feelings, moods, etc? Dogs are beasts that react off of impulses and that's what 100% influences their sexuality. If they get horny, they will attempt sex on anything. So is this how homosexuals act? Interesting.

And you also lack the necessary comprehension skills needed to understand my simple point. What happened to you (which you won't care to admit) is that you saw men together bonding naturally with women on a repetitive basis (hopefully your parents), which was then processed and programed into your pea brain as an adolescent. As a result, you then discovered (according to your perception) that males are supposed to be with females. That's what made you attracted to females, numb skull.

Prove it.
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What TV shows and magazines was your dog exposed to that influenced their sexual attraction?
Didn't happen that way with me. Society, TV and magazines may have influenced your choice of sexual partners and which sex you fell in love with but it had nothing to do with my attraction to the opposite sex.
You make no sense whatsoever. Good luck to you though.

You sound so much like an old fool, it's pathetic. You keep trying to compare your sex life and cravings to that of an animal. Are you a beast? Or are you a civilized human being who uses logic and reasoning but doesn't think with his hormones, feelings, moods, etc? Dogs are beasts that react off of impulses and they 100% influence their sexuality. If they get horny, they will attempt sex on anything. So is this how homosexuals act? Interesting.

And you also lack the necessary comprehension skills needed to understand my simple point. What happened to you (which you won't care to admit) is that you saw men together bonding naturally with women on a repetitive basis (hopefully your parents), which was then processed and programed into your pea brain as an adolescent. As a result, you then discovered (according to your perception) that males are supposed to be with females. That's what made you attracted to females, numb skull.

Sexual lust is the only dividing factor when comparing " loving" someone to " being in love" with them. But certain idiots can NEVER comprehend this elementary concept for some odd reason. I love my brothers, sister, mom, and dad. I also love my wife. But the only difference is, my wife and I have sex (make love). So that makes me in love with her, opposed to just loving her or only having lust for her. Bonding equates to love, and sex equates to lust. Add those 2 together and that's how you become "in love." Hopefully that pea brain can now understand. I doubt it.

No, that's how men act.

But tell us...how has restraining sexual desire worked for mankind over the millenium?

No, that's how sexually obsessed (addicted) people act, both men and women. Like animals.

And the question regarding mankind restraining from sexual desire, it's not the act of restraining, It's having enough cognitive ability (common sense) to choose which sexual desires to refrain from. Basically it has worked well for those who use their brains and not so well for those who only use their sexual urges to dictate their actions.
What TV shows and magazines was your dog exposed to that influenced their sexual attraction?
Didn't happen that way with me. Society, TV and magazines may have influenced your choice of sexual partners and which sex you fell in love with but it had nothing to do with my attraction to the opposite sex.
You make no sense whatsoever. Good luck to you though.

You sound so much like an old fool, it's pathetic. You keep trying to compare your sex life and cravings to that of an animal. Are you a beast? Or are you a civilized human being who uses logic and reasoning but doesn't think with his hormones, feelings, moods, etc? Dogs are beasts that react off of impulses and that's what 100% influences their sexuality. If they get horny, they will attempt sex on anything. So is this how homosexuals act? Interesting.

And you also lack the necessary comprehension skills needed to understand my simple point. What happened to you (which you won't care to admit) is that you saw men together bonding naturally with women on a repetitive basis (hopefully your parents), which was then processed and programed into your pea brain as an adolescent. As a result, you then discovered (according to your perception) that males are supposed to be with females. That's what made you attracted to females, numb skull.

Prove it.
How do you expect an answer to such a generalized statement? Prove what? Be specific please.:eusa_eh:
You sound so much like an old fool, it's pathetic. You keep trying to compare your sex life and cravings to that of an animal. Are you a beast? Or are you a civilized human being who uses logic and reasoning but doesn't think with his hormones, feelings, moods, etc? Dogs are beasts that react off of impulses and they 100% influence their sexuality. If they get horny, they will attempt sex on anything. So is this how homosexuals act? Interesting.

And you also lack the necessary comprehension skills needed to understand my simple point. What happened to you (which you won't care to admit) is that you saw men together bonding naturally with women on a repetitive basis (hopefully your parents), which was then processed and programed into your pea brain as an adolescent. As a result, you then discovered (according to your perception) that males are supposed to be with females. That's what made you attracted to females, numb skull.

Sexual lust is the only dividing factor when comparing " loving" someone to " being in love" with them. But certain idiots can NEVER comprehend this elementary concept for some odd reason. I love my brothers, sister, mom, and dad. I also love my wife. But the only difference is, my wife and I have sex (make love). So that makes me in love with her, opposed to just loving her or only having lust for her. Bonding equates to love, and sex equates to lust. Add those 2 together and that's how you become "in love." Hopefully that pea brain can now understand. I doubt it.

No, that's how men act.

But tell us...how has restraining sexual desire worked for mankind over the millenium?

No, that's how sexually obsessed (addicted) people act, both men and women. Like animals.

And the question regarding mankind restraining from sexual desire, it's not the act of restraining, It's having enough cognitive ability (common sense) to choose which sexual desires to refrain from. Basically it has worked well for those who use their brains and not so well for those who only use their sexual urges to dictate their actions.

Riiiiight.........worked out really well for the Catholic priests, didn't it? Wanna know why the priests chose little boys to molest? Simple.......it's because the shame of being with another person of the same gender is much more shaming than being with someone of the opposite gender, society is the one that dictates that.

And, by the way, aren't those Catholic priests supposed to have such a high degree of discipline and control, seeing as they are men of God (supposedly). Wanna explain why those guys molested so many kids?

That's right........you can't.
I was at a friend's house yesterday. She is dying of cancer and will be dead in days. Family and friends have been visiting this week. She has a 40 year old lesbian niece that was there with her partner. Christi is an attorney, scholar from grade school and active in her community. Christi LOVES her aunt. She had a civil ceremony a few years with her partner Barb.
They LOVE each other.
Nothing to do with your bias and lack of the understanding of LOVE in your world which consists, by your own shallow definition, of "pleasure and lust" in the relationships you have.
I pity you.

Just curious. Honestly, do they have kids? Adopted or invitro and if think are contemplating on having kids . . . adopted or invitro?

Don't know. None of my business.

Are you not in the least bit curious? I mean you did bring the niece into this (don't matter about their union, as long as they are happy and don't bother me). But most people have that biological clock ticking when they reach that age.
My argument is that if same-sex unions are legalized . . . like in some states . . . then its open season on the sperm banks/donor centers. Same-sex couples are already doing it, they are "creating" their own families and legalizing such a union would rubberstamp it saying it (invitro) is like stating it is natural for a same-sex couple to pro-create. That is what God intended. Man is not perfect and he is not capable of resolving/fixing his own mistakes?
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You sound so much like an old fool, it's pathetic. You keep trying to compare your sex life and cravings to that of an animal. Are you a beast? Or are you a civilized human being who uses logic and reasoning but doesn't think with his hormones, feelings, moods, etc? Dogs are beasts that react off of impulses and that's what 100% influences their sexuality. If they get horny, they will attempt sex on anything. So is this how homosexuals act? Interesting.

And you also lack the necessary comprehension skills needed to understand my simple point. What happened to you (which you won't care to admit) is that you saw men together bonding naturally with women on a repetitive basis (hopefully your parents), which was then processed and programed into your pea brain as an adolescent. As a result, you then discovered (according to your perception) that males are supposed to be with females. That's what made you attracted to females, numb skull.

Prove it.
How do you expect an answer to such a generalized statement? Prove what? Be specific please.:eusa_eh:

That the only reason heteros become attracted to the other sex is from observing their parents.
Homosexuals trying to force their perverse lifestyle on Hetro majority.

So does it matter? Everyone tries to justify their actions. They fight against those who are an affront to their actions whether those are an active affront or not. If God be real (and i believe He is) then my course is to follow His guidance. His guidance is to love the miserable.

May God bless the homosexual and reveal to him/her His truth.
No, that's how men act.

But tell us...how has restraining sexual desire worked for mankind over the millenium?

No, that's how sexually obsessed (addicted) people act, both men and women. Like animals.

And the question regarding mankind restraining from sexual desire, it's not the act of restraining, It's having enough cognitive ability (common sense) to choose which sexual desires to refrain from. Basically it has worked well for those who use their brains and not so well for those who only use their sexual urges to dictate their actions.

Riiiiight.........worked out really well for the Catholic priests, didn't it? Wanna know why the priests chose little boys to molest? Simple.......it's because the shame of being with another person of the same gender is much more shaming than being with someone of the opposite gender, society is the one that dictates that.

And, by the way, aren't those Catholic priests supposed to have such a high degree of discipline and control, seeing as they are men of God (supposedly). Wanna explain why those guys molested so many kids?

That's right........you can't.

Hahaha, I kinda agree with this in a less intense way. I'm not one to judge faiths, but any religion that goes against the grain of what God intends, is gonna face serious consequences. God said, be fruitful and multiply. In this case, the deprivation of sex based on some sick and jaded believe that priests can't have wives, is not pleasant to God at all. God never said priest's can't marry or have sex (with their wives) for that matter. They took it upon themselves to try to please God by attempting to strip lust from their confused souls. And they continue to fail miserably. Why they would do such a foolish thing and keep this unGodly tradition going after all these incidents? You gotta ask them. We both see the results in disgust. Massive molestations by sick priests certainly are not God's doing.
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No, that's how sexually obsessed (addicted) people act, both men and women. Like animals.

And the question regarding mankind restraining from sexual desire, it's not the act of restraining, It's having enough cognitive ability (common sense) to choose which sexual desires to refrain from. Basically it has worked well for those who use their brains and not so well for those who only use their sexual urges to dictate their actions.

Riiiiight.........worked out really well for the Catholic priests, didn't it? Wanna know why the priests chose little boys to molest? Simple.......it's because the shame of being with another person of the same gender is much more shaming than being with someone of the opposite gender, society is the one that dictates that.

And, by the way, aren't those Catholic priests supposed to have such a high degree of discipline and control, seeing as they are men of God (supposedly). Wanna explain why those guys molested so many kids?

That's right........you can't.

Hahaha, I kinda agree with this in a less intense way. I'm not one to judge faiths, but any religion that goes against the grain of what God intends, is gonna face serious consequences. God said, be fruitful and multiply. In this case, the deprivation of sex based on some sick and jaded believe that priests can't have wives, is not pleasant to God at all. God never said priest's can't marry or have sex (with their wives) for that matter. They took it upon themselves to try to please God by attempting to strip lust from their confused souls. And they continue to fail miserably. Why they would do such a foolish thing and keep this unGodly tradition going after all these incidents? You gotta ask them. We both see the results in disgust. Massive molestations by sick priests certainly are not God's doing.

Some believe that homosexuals were planted in the church to attempt to discredit it.

don't know. Maybe.

There is a call in the gospel for those who can to restrain themselves from sexual activity. (Their spirituality will be greatly enhanced) If not they should marry or burn.. That frank is the statement. Of course those who want to do whatever will balk at that.
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Homosexuals trying to force their perverse lifestyle on Hetro majority.

So does it matter? Everyone tries to justify their actions. They fight against those who are an affront to their actions whether those are an active affront or not. If God be real (and i believe He is) then my course is to follow His guidance. His guidance is to love the miserable.

May God bless the homosexual and reveal to him/her His truth.

Unfortunately, the truth was already revealed to them. But we all know, those in denial will resent the truth and label it false. Homosexuals are either atheists, or they purposely interpret the bible in such a way that it suits their lifestyle.
Riiiiight.........worked out really well for the Catholic priests, didn't it? Wanna know why the priests chose little boys to molest? Simple.......it's because the shame of being with another person of the same gender is much more shaming than being with someone of the opposite gender, society is the one that dictates that.

And, by the way, aren't those Catholic priests supposed to have such a high degree of discipline and control, seeing as they are men of God (supposedly). Wanna explain why those guys molested so many kids?

That's right........you can't.

Hahaha, I kinda agree with this in a less intense way. I'm not one to judge faiths, but any religion that goes against the grain of what God intends, is gonna face serious consequences. God said, be fruitful and multiply. In this case, the deprivation of sex based on some sick and jaded believe that priests can't have wives, is not pleasant to God at all. God never said priest's can't marry or have sex (with their wives) for that matter. They took it upon themselves to try to please God by attempting to strip lust from their confused souls. And they continue to fail miserably. Why they would do such a foolish thing and keep this unGodly tradition going after all these incidents? You gotta ask them. We both see the results in disgust. Massive molestations by sick priests certainly are not God's doing.

Some believe that homosexuals were planted in the church to attempt to discredit it.

don't know. Maybe.

There is a call in the gospel for those who can to restrain themselves from sexual activity. (Their spirituality will be greatly enhanced) If not they should marry or burn.. That frank is the statement. Of course those who want to do whatever will balk at that.

But I don't know if the calling was intended for everyone to practice. Especially these so called priests who in most masses don't even go by the correct doctrine, but create their own rituals.
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Hahaha, I kinda agree with this in a less intense way. I'm not one to judge faiths, but any religion that goes against the grain of what God intends, is gonna face serious consequences. God said, be fruitful and multiply. In this case, the deprivation of sex based on some sick and jaded believe that priests can't have wives, is not pleasant to God at all. God never said priest's can't marry or have sex (with their wives) for that matter. They took it upon themselves to try to please God by attempting to strip lust from their confused souls. And they continue to fail miserably. Why they would do such a foolish thing and keep this unGodly tradition going after all these incidents? You gotta ask them. We both see the results in disgust. Massive molestations by sick priests certainly are not God's doing.

Some believe that homosexuals were planted in the church to attempt to discredit it.

don't know. Maybe.

There is a call in the gospel for those who can to restrain themselves from sexual activity. (Their spirituality will be greatly enhanced) If not they should marry or burn.. That frank is the statement. Of course those who want to do whatever will balk at that.

But I don't know if the calling was intended for everyone to practice. Especially these so called priests who in most masses don't even go by the correct doctrine, but create their own rituals.

Actually the scripture states for those who are able to receive it, obviously those who did not were not able and therefore were false representatives of God. There are many more examples of sinful lust than there are true disciples. Hell, disciples wouldn't be special if that were not the case.

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