Homosexuals trying to force their perverse lifestyle on Hetro majority.

Not having found a gene yet doesn't mean one doesn't exist, Einstein. Why would you say those that insist they were "born that way" are nuts? Seems to me they're the ones that are looking at the matter sanely, not you or those research-blocking "strawmen" you created. :cuckoo: :eusa_liar:

I prefer labradors over spaniels...there must be a gene for that.

My daddy liked labs, his daddy liked labs. I like beagles. Go figure.

Not "in that way", I hope.
I guess those against gays because of the bible have never had wine, or alcohol before? According to the bible if you have-you cannot tell the difference between what's holy and unholy, and you have committed a sin against god's teachings. Several places in the bible it clearly states NOT to consume alcohol. Sounds like someone who would do this is just as bad as the gays you're blasting. So stop pushing your "alcohol indulging lifestyle" on me-it's immoral and an abomination!


Actually, the Bible says a bit of wine is good for the stomach and also says to use it.

1Ti 5:23 Drink no longer water, but use a little wine for thy stomach's sake and thine often infirmities.

I believe what you are refering to is where the Bible says not to be given to wine which means not to be 'drunk'. When it says you cannot tell the difference between what's holy, it is meaning being drunk. Did you forget that Jesus changed water into wine? If you can not drink wine or any alcohol then why would Jesus change water into such?

I don't think I explained my point properly. I don't think it's immoral for someone to drink wine, or alcohol or even to get drunk.

Proverbs 20:1 states, "Wine is a mocker, strong drink a brawler; and whoever is led astray by it is not wise".

It's not a stretch to say some people will read this, and take it that drinking wine is immoral. There are other areas where the bible states that drunkenness is immoral-I think we can agree on that.

So my question for those who're against gay people because of the bible is this: are you against anybody who's ever indulged themselves in alcohol before? Have you been drunk before? Have you not committed sins in the bible before?

As a disclaimer I'm a devoted Catholic, but what gets me is those who judge others in the name of god. They're casting a stone-and we know what's in the bible about that. Let god judge them-not us.
"I asked YOU how you made YOUR CHOICE."

Indeed, you did. You then emphatically showed that no matter my answer, you already concluded: "Not in a million years. Quit shitting us." Why would I even attempt to answer a question you already show prejudice to?

"Tell us how long you contemplated schlong and how long you contemplated snatch.
YOU may have considered schlong as one of your choices Moe but I never did."

I usually ignore those whom exhibit little more than back-alley speech, typical of your ilk, simply because I feel no need to lower myself to your cockroach mentality. There is a need to point out your hypocrisy though. You say you 'never did' but in the very next sentence you proclaim "I was BORN STRAIGHT". Since you indicated you were female, please explain this obvious contradiction.

"urban myths" Your entire thesis is myth."

Nice try, but no cigar. Choice is clearly backed by sound research and study. BTW is backed by nothing more than 'it feels good!.' I'm more than willing to list links to my 'thesis' and would enjoy your links that support your notion. Truly, what would be the point? You would ignore mine and would insist yours, if any, were valid because they 'feel so real.'

"NO ONE chooses who they are attracted to."

Really? Guess you never were involved with two different lovers at the same time? Gaydawg, again, you are indeed a very rare individual... to the point of being over the edge.

"But maybe you did have feelings for both sexes and chose. I believe you."

Would you honestly? Somehow, I have deep, deep doubts.

"Tell us about YOUR experiences with that."

Sure, be glad to. I don't believe my experiences differ from most other heteros, except for one period in my life. I was born the fourth of six children in my family. My dad worked two jobs and did carpentry on the side. My mom stayed home and raised us children. My parents loved each other deeply and I cannot remember a time of any argument between them. We had a large extended family of many uncles, aunts and cousins. I knew my grandparents from both sides. There was no such thing as divorce in any of our large family. There was one uncle whom separated from my aunt for almost a month, years ago, though. I can remember at an early age of having feelings for both sexes. Not in the way you may wish though. I liked GI Joe, Superman, Cheyenne, Hoss, Little Joe and Adam. They were my heroes. I remember having daydreams of flying on Superman's back, throwing grenades at an enemy's machine gun nest and yelling Forward Ho! as I lead a wagon train into a sunrise. I can still remember the time at a very young age how I walked into the living room and saw my dad sitting on the couch, reading the newspaper. For no reason at all, I felt this urge to climb up on the couch and hug him. When I did, I put my arms around his neck and told him he was my Superman. He hugged me in his big arms and kissed me on my forehead. He then sttod up and turned around with his back to me. This was my clue to jump on his back from the arm of the couch. With my arms around his neck and legs tight around his mid-section, he raced out of the house and into the backyard, galloping all the way. I was flying! That's about as 'perverted' it ever got around my house. Sorry to disappoint you.

Stay tuned for part two, got a boy wanting to play a game of chess with me... so, I need to prioritize.
I think I can understand now why Homosexuals are treated so harshly in many other countries
outside of America.

Here in America homosexuals have been accepted and tolerated. Now, the homosexuals
are trying to force their perverse and immoral lifestyle upon everyone else that is not homosexual.

They want to attend proms, they want to marry, they want to adopt impressionable children and raise them as a normal Man and Wife couple.

So , what we will begin to see now is a backlash against this overt flamboyancy that is being displayed by many homosexuals toady. This is why many homosexuals ,I feel , should keep their homosexuality in the closet. It causes less problems.They are parading their homosexuality in front of the majority hetrosexual society.This will have negative repercussions. ::razz:azz:

I think they are going to get you soon.
I think I can understand now why Homosexuals are treated so harshly in many other countries
outside of America.

Here in America homosexuals have been accepted and tolerated. Now, the homosexuals
are trying to force their perverse and immoral lifestyle upon everyone else that is not homosexual.

They want to attend proms, they want to marry, they want to adopt impressionable children and raise them as a normal Man and Wife couple.

So , what we will begin to see now is a backlash against this overt flamboyancy that is being displayed by many homosexuals toady. This is why many homosexuals ,I feel , should keep their homosexuality in the closet. It causes less problems.They are parading their homosexuality in front of the majority hetrosexual society.This will have negative repercussions. ::razz:azz:

I think they are going to get you soon.
He's definitely a denier!
Notice how parched insists he has studies and science backing him up whilest producing absolutely nothing in terms of actual research.
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I guess those against gays because of the bible have never had wine, or alcohol before? According to the bible if you have-you cannot tell the difference between what's holy and unholy, and you have committed a sin against god's teachings. Several places in the bible it clearly states NOT to consume alcohol. Sounds like someone who would do this is just as bad as the gays you're blasting. So stop pushing your "alcohol indulging lifestyle" on me-it's immoral and an abomination!


Actually, the Bible says a bit of wine is good for the stomach and also says to use it.

1Ti 5:23 Drink no longer water, but use a little wine for thy stomach's sake and thine often infirmities.

I believe what you are refering to is where the Bible says not to be given to wine which means not to be 'drunk'. When it says you cannot tell the difference between what's holy, it is meaning being drunk. Did you forget that Jesus changed water into wine? If you can not drink wine or any alcohol then why would Jesus change water into such?

I don't think I explained my point properly. I don't think it's immoral for someone to drink wine, or alcohol or even to get drunk.

Proverbs 20:1 states, "Wine is a mocker, strong drink a brawler; and whoever is led astray by it is not wise".

It's not a stretch to say some people will read this, and take it that drinking wine is immoral. There are other areas where the bible states that drunkenness is immoral-I think we can agree on that.

So my question for those who're against gay people because of the bible is this: are you against anybody who's ever indulged themselves in alcohol before? Have you been drunk before? Have you not committed sins in the bible before?

As a disclaimer I'm a devoted Catholic, but what gets me is those who judge others in the name of god. They're casting a stone-and we know what's in the bible about that. Let god judge them-not us.

There are two different ways to judge, self-righteous judgment and righteous judgment. Most judge by self-righteous judgment. These are the ones casting stones when they themselves are no better. These people usually try to make themselves look 'holier than thou'. The ones judging with righteous judgment do it because they are truly concerned about the other person and want them to know what is right. These people will usually commit on the fact that they themselves have something that they have to over come also. You can usually tell what judgment someone is using by the way they present their side.

I am not against those who do not know or do not understand truth. I am against those who refuse reproof, those who know the truth but would rather push it aside for something 'they' want. We are told not to waste time on those who refuse to listen. If you try to show someone truth and they refuse it so many times, you are to leave that person alone and move on.

Mat 7:6 Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you.
As a disclaimer I'm a devoted Catholic, but what gets me is those who judge others in the name of god. They're casting a stone-and we know what's in the bible about that. Let god judge them-not us.

In Judaism we have a book called, "The Book of Judges" which is rooted in earlier efforts to trace out a larger theory of the biblical teaching, provide an overall analysis of politics and government in biblical Israel, and present the biblical political terminology and that of the Jewish political tradition.

In our book, judgment is useful and necessary and not to be concerned with morals until the decision of treatment is rendered.

For "Revenge is mine, saith the Lord."

Now what about the billions that are not Jewish or Christian? Where do they fall into your views?

As a disclaimer I'm a devoted Catholic, but what gets me is those who judge others in the name of god. They're casting a stone-and we know what's in the bible about that. Let god judge them-not us.

In Judaism we have a book called, "The Book of Judges" which is rooted in earlier efforts to trace out a larger theory of the biblical teaching, provide an overall analysis of politics and government in biblical Israel, and present the biblical political terminology and that of the Jewish political tradition.

In our book, judgment is useful and necessary and not to be concerned with morals until the decision of treatment is rendered.

For "Revenge is mine, saith the Lord."

Now what about the billions that are not Jewish or Christian? Where do they fall into your views?

The Book of Judges: The Israelite Tribal Federation and Its Discontents

Is there no phrase in your teachings that go along the lines of "...and it is not necessary in the name of the Lord to poke thy nose in the affairs of others to which thy has no interest or from which thou suffers no consequence"?
parched he asked a valid question you avoided: how long did you consider your options regarding sexuality before you chose one?
In a thousand years (if the place lasts that long) and someone found a dictionary, would they automatically assume it's directions from a godlike being?
Have you ever played the game of whispering in the ear of one person and that person whispers in to the one standing next to him/her..then by the time it reaches the end of the line, the first whisper is nothing like what the last person heard.
The bible was written by man. And Man has/had agendas. Man is not perfect.
Am I spiritual? Yes. But I don't believe a bunch of words translated as many times as it has been translated, or parts hidden because some guy with power didn't like what it said.
In short...it's just a book.

On topic....I can't imagine anyone choosing to be gay. I'm sure they just love the persecution. Not.
Let them marry. Let them fight for the country in the armed forces. Let them adopt children. Let them be.

Just my two cents.

One thing that ought to be addressed before I move onto the next.
Should the anti-abortionists go after donor centers, invtro clinics as well as sperm banks (maybe it's just me)? Many of them come from the religious right . . . correct me if I'm wrong.
I mean, if a woman is say sterile or her male mate is shooting blanks. Does that not mean anything? I mean no matter how badly she wants to get pregnant or he wants to have a boy (most of us do), if you are not given that gift . . . does anyone see a message in that? MAYBE the dude upstairs has different plans for you two.
But do you think that he wanted man to start bottling up/catergorizing the sperm and eggs, then labeling them on whether the donor went to M.I.T., is six foot two, played middle linebacker for the Chicago Bears, green eyes, and/or with a clean family medical history? Okay, the unfortunate couple should be able to try invitro with what they have maybe. But going to the bank/center and picking your egg/sperm? Really?! Is'nt that like playing God? So he gave the both of you some bad equipment. If you try and nothing comes out of it by the time she is 35 or 40, ADOPT. Those are the breaks. It is brutal and tough, but we are Americans and are resilient.
It is because of invtro/banks/centers that we have circus side shows such as that transgender (that the correct term?) who was born female then is trying to be male from Washington that got pregnant. Seriously. What the *#@?! He/she has a female partner who should have been the one pregnant. Don't amplify the fact that you have *#@?!ed up sexual orientation issues by compounding it with a pregnancy. Then there is the Octomom . . . she is just *#@?!ed up in the head.
Now you see my views on invitro/sperm banks/donor centers . . . got carried away . . . this leads to the second issue.
Conservatives, the religious right and a lot of mainstream America probably did not consciously know why they opposed same-sex unions/marriages aside from scriptures from the Bible, etc.. The above mentioned is probably in the back of their minds. If such unions were legalized, it would give grounds/validate for that couple to biologically create a family. A rubberstamp to do what Rosie O'Donnell, and what other same-sex couples are already doing. Some thing that naturally can't be done . . . playing God. Because when that maternal time-clock ticks, there are those couples that will not adopt. Instead they will go to a donor center/sperm bank and shop to see if they can get that donor with an MBA from Harvard, six foot two, played for middle linebacker for the Chicago Bears, green eyes and/or a healthy family history. Do what is physically unnatural and impossible with out some sort of assistance . . . what the dude upstairs never intended.

Besides, with our notorious divorce rate (+50%) in America, why give attorneys more business? Add more broken families?
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Ever wonder how homosexuals got so powerful that they can TURN some poor unsuspecting heterosexual gay?

How do they do that? Is it magic? Is it a contagious disease?
Do what is physically unnatural and impossible with out some sort of assistance . . . what the dude upstairs never intended.

Besides, with our notorious divorce rate (+50%) in America, why give attorneys more business? Add more broken families?

What makes it physically unnatural? If you look in nature, homosexuality occurs in countless animal species.

Regarding "broken families," studies show that lesbian couples who adopted have better adjusted families and children, which better school performance, compared to heterosexual counterparts.
Is there no phrase in your teachings that go along the lines of "...and it is not necessary in the name of the Lord to poke thy nose in the affairs of others to which thy has no interest or from which thou suffers no consequence"?

Of course there is in my ethics and morals. This discussion does not fit into the above though.

This is a discussion forum and I read nothing in the OP that would not include me.

What do you mean by no consequence? Who gave you this knowledge of me? Affairs of others? Which affairs?

The OP never mentioned a belief. You did. So I mentioned mine and asked where your view stood for other beliefs.

No answer other than butt out?

Ever wonder how homosexuals got so powerful that they can TURN some poor unsuspecting heterosexual gay?

How do they do that? Is it magic? Is it a contagious disease?

They put something in their beer?

Beer causes homosexuality.
Ever wonder how homosexuals got so powerful that they can TURN some poor unsuspecting heterosexual gay?

How do they do that? Is it magic? Is it a contagious disease?

They put something in their beer?

Beer causes homosexuality.

I think they were here before beer. :razz: Maybe homosexuals cause beer *gasp*.

Beer only causes me to visit the washroom repeatedly.
Ever wonder how homosexuals got so powerful that they can TURN some poor unsuspecting heterosexual gay?

How do they do that? Is it magic? Is it a contagious disease?

They put something in their beer?

Beer causes homosexuality.

I think they were here before beer. :razz: Maybe homosexuals cause beer *gasp*.

Beer only causes me to visit the washroom repeatedly.

and that is where the homos hang out ;)

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