Homosexuals trying to force their perverse lifestyle on Hetro majority.

Oh my GAWD!

They want to attend "proms"????????

They want to "get married"??????????

They even want to raise the unwanted children of straight people?????????


America must criminalize Homosexuality.Now.!!:razz:

Read the Texas Republican Party Platform. They want to make gays "felons". Other Republicans say, "Oh, the Republican Party in Texas is fringe". But they're wrong. Texas is very mainstream Republican.
There is no need for 'male/female' relationships in Heaven, this is why there are no female angels and such. God didn't have to 'think' about if for a while either. Where did you get that?

The woman was made as a 'help meet' for man so that he is not alone. God saw that of all the animals there was no help meet for man so He made woman for the man. Thus woman was made FOR man not man for man nor woman for woman.

Gen 2:18 And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him.

Gen 2:19 And out of the ground the LORD God formed every beast of the field, and every fowl of the air; and brought them unto Adam to see what he would call them: and whatsoever Adam called every living creature, that was the name thereof.
Gen 2:20 And Adam gave names to all cattle, and to the fowl of the air, and to every beast of the field; but for Adam there was not found an help meet for him.
Gen 2:21 And the LORD God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept: and he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof;
Gen 2:22 And the rib, which the LORD God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man.
Gen 2:23 And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.
Gen 2:24 Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.
That is all so much shorter and easier to explain than Darwin's ideas.

Please excuse me, but what?

What I said.
On The Origin Of The Species took how many pages to explain the advent of the life we see about us?
The Bible does it all in a few pages...in fact, not only does it explain how the species came about, but it clearly and succinctly explains how all life came about! Suck on that Mr Darwin!
Perfect for those with a modern busy lifestyle or a short attention span who just don't have the time to spend on studying and critically examining long complicated theories or using logic and observation to understand the world about them.
Even better, one doesn't even need to read The Bible...there are plenty of well-researched experts on tv, radio, soap boxes, in government etc to tell you what to think.
In a thousand years (if the place lasts that long) and someone found a dictionary, would they automatically assume it's directions from a godlike being?
Have you ever played the game of whispering in the ear of one person and that person whispers in to the one standing next to him/her..then by the time it reaches the end of the line, the first whisper is nothing like what the last person heard.
The bible was written by man. And Man has/had agendas. Man is not perfect.
Am I spiritual? Yes. But I don't believe a bunch of words translated as many times as it has been translated, or parts hidden because some guy with power didn't like what it said.
In short...it's just a book.

On topic....I can't imagine anyone choosing to be gay. I'm sure they just love the persecution. Not.
Let them marry. Let them fight for the country in the armed forces. Let them adopt children. Let them be.

Just my two cents.

Interestingly enough, you're right. The Bible (OT) was translated from Hebrew to Greek to Latin (Roman) to English.

How many times do you think that they got the translation wrong with that particular game of telephone?
How bout this: why don't you be a good person, and leave others to do the same unless they are encroaching upon your rights and freedoms? Hey! Solution.

So smoking is good for your body?
God doesn't want you to hate yourself. All smokers hate themselves.
Where in the world did you get to the conclusion that all smokers hate themselves?
Interestingly enough, you're right. The Bible (OT) was translated from Hebrew to Greek to Latin (Roman) to English.

How many times do you think that they got the translation wrong with that particular game of telephone?

Many Biblical scholars learn to read in the original Hebrew for the sole purpose of ensuring modern translations are accurate.
I guess those against gays because of the bible have never had wine, or alcohol before? According to the bible if you have-you cannot tell the difference between what's holy and unholy, and you have committed a sin against god's teachings. Several places in the bible it clearly states NOT to consume alcohol. Sounds like someone who would do this is just as bad as the gays you're blasting. So stop pushing your "alcohol indulging lifestyle" on me-it's immoral and an abomination!

Interestingly enough, you're right. The Bible (OT) was translated from Hebrew to Greek to Latin (Roman) to English.

How many times do you think that they got the translation wrong with that particular game of telephone?

Many Biblical scholars learn to read in the original Hebrew for the sole purpose of ensuring modern translations are accurate.

Really? Got something to back that up? One of the reasons I watch a show called "Hidden in the Hebrew" with Uri Harel on God's Learning Channel (great show by the way), is because from what I've seen, MOST don't.
Tell us about when you chose your sexual orientation.
How long did you contemplate schlong and what pros and cons did you think about?
"Hmm, let me see. My choices are straight, gay, bi-sexual. What will I choose? How will it be with men? How will it be with women? Let me get a hard on thinking about men and then women and I will see which one toCHOOSE."
A choice MEANS you contemplated OTHER orientations.
Not in a million years. Quit shitting us.
Same sex attraction is IN YOU. Falling in love is not a choice.
I fell in love with a woman because I ALWAYS was attracted to women.
That is how it works. Someone is born with same sex attraction and falls in love with someone of the same sex is how it works.
Even us rednecks here know that.
Religion fucks up brains.

Gaydawg, I wonder if you have the ability to understand how your posts, especially this one, puts you in the same catagory as that of a three dollar bill. I would have to concur with the individual that believes you are a comedian of some sort. I hope you are at least intelligent enough not to give up your day job.

As ABS's encounter with his lesbian friend indicates, she clearly was contemplating other orientations. She was making a choice. Do you feel that ABS is shitting you as well?

Being a woman, were you honestly ALWAYS attracted to other women? Have you NEVER kissed a boy or a man? If you answer no then you are a rarity. By far, the majority of gays and lesbians I've known admitted to having opposite sex interludes in their life.

This how it TRUTHFULLY works. You are not born with same sex attractions anymore than you are born an arsonist, thief, or liar. In fact, you are not born with ANY sexual attraction. Extensive studies show that sexual orientation begins near or at puberty. While biological and hormone balances MAY (haven't been proven yet) influence orientation, environment seems to be the key ingredient to sexual orientation. Key among environmental factors shared by most gays is: 1.) Absent fathers, 2.) Indifferent or non-loving fathers, 3.) Smothering mothers, 4.) same sex encounter and 5.) Dominant mothers. Granted, there are heteros that may share similar enviro, hormonal or biolgical traits. Clearly, this indicates choice.

While the less intelligent gays will insist they were 'born this way' because they feel it legitimizes or makes it more 'real' to them, the intelligent gay understands and accepts the fact it is is a choice. Maybe brought on by forces they had little control over, but still... clearly a choice.

I'm willing to bet that rednecks you think you speak for, disown you.

As for your religion bumper sticker... I need to ask. Why in the world would you inject that here?

Lastly, make you a deal. You get a brain and quit spreading your urban myth of being 'born this way' and I won't even start on the gay secret gerbil training camps.
'Born that way' is a dead issue. No intelligent LGBT'er will insist they were. Why not? Because they realize the implications. To be 'born that way' means a gay gene must be present. Research has found no such gene. In fact, no further research is looking for one. Why not? Because if a gay gene were found, a gay gene test would soon follow. What would happen if a hetro couple suddenly found out that their future baby's room had to be changed from blue to rainbow? Probably a quick trip to Planned Parenthood. Can you imagine how long it would be before LGBT groups would insist on no abortions for gay gene babies by homophobic parents? It would be like a bizarro Woody Allen movie scene.

An intelligent LGBT'er is forced to admit that they succumbed to a lifestyle choice. Those of lesser intelligence may insist they were 'born that way'... but they are nuttier than squirrel poop.

Not having found a gene yet doesn't mean one doesn't exist, Einstein. Why would you say those that insist they were "born that way" are nuts? Seems to me they're the ones that are looking at the matter sanely, not you or those research-blocking "strawmen" you created. :cuckoo: :eusa_liar:

Your boys have tried to find it and came up short. Why have they quit looking? Being 'born that way' is a myth that has been soundly discredited. To insist it is truth, while knowing it isn't, definately shows a few fries short of a happy meal. Oh, you mean those 'strawmen' whom keep a check on the quasi-science with their feel-good reports? Like Lincoln said, 'You can call a tail a leg, but it is still only a tail."
'Born that way' is a dead issue. No intelligent LGBT'er will insist they were. Why not? Because they realize the implications. To be 'born that way' means a gay gene must be present. Research has found no such gene. In fact, no further research is looking for one. Why not? Because if a gay gene were found, a gay gene test would soon follow. What would happen if a hetro couple suddenly found out that their future baby's room had to be changed from blue to rainbow? Probably a quick trip to Planned Parenthood. Can you imagine how long it would be before LGBT groups would insist on no abortions for gay gene babies by homophobic parents? It would be like a bizarro Woody Allen movie scene.

An intelligent LGBT'er is forced to admit that they succumbed to a lifestyle choice. Those of lesser intelligence may insist they were 'born that way'... but they are nuttier than squirrel poop.

Not having found a gene yet doesn't mean one doesn't exist, Einstein. Why would you say those that insist they were "born that way" are nuts? Seems to me they're the ones that are looking at the matter sanely, not you or those research-blocking "strawmen" you created. :cuckoo: :eusa_liar:

I prefer labradors over spaniels...there must be a gene for that.

My daddy liked labs, his daddy liked labs. I like beagles. Go figure.
who cares whether nature or nurture or free choice? Why would that change the civil liberties we extend to all people?
Not having found a gene yet doesn't mean one doesn't exist, Einstein. Why would you say those that insist they were "born that way" are nuts? Seems to me they're the ones that are looking at the matter sanely, not you or those research-blocking "strawmen" you created. :cuckoo: :eusa_liar:

I prefer labradors over spaniels...there must be a gene for that.

My daddy liked labs, his daddy liked labs. I like beagles. Go figure.

So when did you realise you liked beagles?
Did you try to like labs? Have you ever taken one for a walk?
Have you tried praying?

Hmmm...genes or environment I wonder.
That is all so much shorter and easier to explain than Darwin's ideas.

Please excuse me, but what?

What I said.
On The Origin Of The Species took how many pages to explain the advent of the life we see about us?
The Bible does it all in a few pages...in fact, not only does it explain how the species came about, but it clearly and succinctly explains how all life came about! Suck on that Mr Darwin!
Perfect for those with a modern busy lifestyle or a short attention span who just don't have the time to spend on studying and critically examining long complicated theories or using logic and observation to understand the world about them.
Even better, one doesn't even need to read The Bible...there are plenty of well-researched experts on tv, radio, soap boxes, in government etc to tell you what to think.

Occam's razor:
"the simplest explanation is more likely the correct one".

Occam's razor - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I guess those against gays because of the bible have never had wine, or alcohol before? According to the bible if you have-you cannot tell the difference between what's holy and unholy, and you have committed a sin against god's teachings. Several places in the bible it clearly states NOT to consume alcohol. Sounds like someone who would do this is just as bad as the gays you're blasting. So stop pushing your "alcohol indulging lifestyle" on me-it's immoral and an abomination!


Actually, the Bible says a bit of wine is good for the stomach and also says to use it.

1Ti 5:23 Drink no longer water, but use a little wine for thy stomach's sake and thine often infirmities.

I believe what you are refering to is where the Bible says not to be given to wine which means not to be 'drunk'. When it says you cannot tell the difference between what's holy, it is meaning being drunk. Did you forget that Jesus changed water into wine? If you can not drink wine or any alcohol then why would Jesus change water into such?
Link please

So smoking is good for your body?
God doesn't want you to hate yourself. All smokers hate themselves.

Oh, I get it...you're a comedian.

Bible says the body is a temple and not to do anything that would harm it.
But go ahead and smoke. The tobacco companies state it isgood for you and everyone knows they tell the truth.
Bible says not to eat hog sammiches, get a round haircut, play football, fortune tell, pull out during sex, get tattoos, divorce, allow non tessticled men in church, gold on women and eat shellfish.

Check the men coming into church if you believe the Bible.
How bout this: why don't you be a good person, and leave others to do the same unless they are encroaching upon your rights and freedoms? Hey! Solution.

So smoking is good for your body?
God doesn't want you to hate yourself. All smokers hate themselves.
Where in the world did you get to the conclusion that all smokers hate themselves?

If you liked yourself you would not smoke.
I never said I was for prohibiting it. The Bible says not to do it. I never did.
I prefer labradors over spaniels...there must be a gene for that.

My daddy liked labs, his daddy liked labs. I like beagles. Go figure.

So when did you realise you liked beagles?
Did you try to like labs? Have you ever taken one for a walk?
Have you tried praying?

Hmmm...genes or environment I wonder.

I believe I was about 7 or 8 years old. We had some labs and an uncle gave us a beagle. That beagle, Cleo, had pups and daddy let me pick one for my own. I named him Bernie. I liked Bernie because he followed me around, always wagging his tail. I liked the labs also but Bernie was special. I highly doubt my genetics had much to do with my choice of the litter.

Being agnostic, I tend to meditate rather than pray. Meditation works for me. If you pray, and it works for you, may you enjoy the fruits of those endeavors. Personally, I believe there are numerous more pros than cons in the practice of spiritual belief. Karma seems to flow so much easier. Have been a fan of spiritual music for many years. I believe that choice also has little to do with my genetics.
Tell us about when you chose your sexual orientation.
How long did you contemplate schlong and what pros and cons did you think about?
"Hmm, let me see. My choices are straight, gay, bi-sexual. What will I choose? How will it be with men? How will it be with women? Let me get a hard on thinking about men and then women and I will see which one toCHOOSE."
A choice MEANS you contemplated OTHER orientations.
Not in a million years. Quit shitting us.
Same sex attraction is IN YOU. Falling in love is not a choice.
I fell in love with a woman because I ALWAYS was attracted to women.
That is how it works. Someone is born with same sex attraction and falls in love with someone of the same sex is how it works.
Even us rednecks here know that.
Religion fucks up brains.

Gaydawg, I wonder if you have the ability to understand how your posts, especially this one, puts you in the same catagory as that of a three dollar bill. I would have to concur with the individual that believes you are a comedian of some sort. I hope you are at least intelligent enough not to give up your day job.

As ABS's encounter with his lesbian friend indicates, she clearly was contemplating other orientations. She was making a choice. Do you feel that ABS is shitting you as well?

Being a woman, were you honestly ALWAYS attracted to other women? Have you NEVER kissed a boy or a man? If you answer no then you are a rarity. By far, the majority of gays and lesbians I've known admitted to having opposite sex interludes in their life.

This how it TRUTHFULLY works. You are not born with same sex attractions anymore than you are born an arsonist, thief, or liar. In fact, you are not born with ANY sexual attraction. Extensive studies show that sexual orientation begins near or at puberty. While biological and hormone balances MAY (haven't been proven yet) influence orientation, environment seems to be the key ingredient to sexual orientation. Key among environmental factors shared by most gays is: 1.) Absent fathers, 2.) Indifferent or non-loving fathers, 3.) Smothering mothers, 4.) same sex encounter and 5.) Dominant mothers. Granted, there are heteros that may share similar enviro, hormonal or biolgical traits. Clearly, this indicates choice.

While the less intelligent gays will insist they were 'born this way' because they feel it legitimizes or makes it more 'real' to them, the intelligent gay understands and accepts the fact it is is a choice. Maybe brought on by forces they had little control over, but still... clearly a choice.

I'm willing to bet that rednecks you think you speak for, disown you.

As for your religion bumper sticker... I need to ask. Why in the world would you inject that here?

Lastly, make you a deal. You get a brain and quit spreading your urban myth of being 'born this way' and I won't even start on the gay secret gerbil training camps.

I asked YOU how you made YOUR CHOICE.
Tell us how long you contemplated schlong and how long you contemplated snatch.
YOU may have considered schlong as one of your choices Moe but I never did.
"urban myths":lol::lol::lol:
Your entire thesis is myth. NO ONE chooses who they are attracted to.
But maybe you did have feelings for both sexes and chose. I believe you.
Tell us about YOUR experiences with that.

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