Homosexuals trying to force their perverse lifestyle on Hetro majority.

Do what is physically unnatural and impossible with out some sort of assistance . . . what the dude upstairs never intended.

Besides, with our notorious divorce rate (+50%) in America, why give attorneys more business? Add more broken families?

What makes it physically unnatural? If you look in nature, homosexuality occurs in countless animal species.

Regarding "broken families," studies show that lesbian couples who adopted have better adjusted families and children, which better school performance, compared to heterosexual counterparts.

1. Okay. I never stated that homosexuality is unnatural (read it carefully). It is a fact that a male couple or a female couple can't conceive. We are talking human beings, not animal species.

2. (Once again read carefully) "Add more broken families?" was put right after the statement about divorce. Divorce = Broken families not lesbian couples who adopt = broken families.
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Hey, I have just noticed that 'beer' rhymes with 'queer'.
Maybe.....but then again they are a sneaky lot....
I think I can understand now why Homosexuals are treated so harshly in many other countries
outside of America.

Here in America homosexuals have been accepted and tolerated. Now, the homosexuals
are trying to force their perverse and immoral lifestyle upon everyone else that is not homosexual.

They want to attend proms, they want to marry, they want to adopt impressionable children and raise them as a normal Man and Wife couple.

So , what we will begin to see now is a backlash against this overt flamboyancy that is being displayed by many homosexuals toady. This is why many homosexuals ,I feel , should keep their homosexuality in the closet. It causes less problems.They are parading their homosexuality in front of the majority hetrosexual society.This will have negative repercussions. ::razz:azz:

Stop going to gay biker bars wearing those crotchless leather pants and the chaps. That should slow down all those unwelcome advances..:lol:
I think I can understand now why Homosexuals are treated so harshly in many other countries
outside of America.

Here in America homosexuals have been accepted and tolerated. Now, the homosexuals
are trying to force their perverse and immoral lifestyle upon everyone else that is not homosexual.

They want to attend proms, they want to marry, they want to adopt impressionable children and raise them as a normal Man and Wife couple.

So , what we will begin to see now is a backlash against this overt flamboyancy that is being displayed by many homosexuals toady. This is why many homosexuals ,I feel , should keep their homosexuality in the closet. It causes less problems.They are parading their homosexuality in front of the majority hetrosexual society.This will have negative repercussions. ::razz:azz:

Stop going to gay biker bars wearing those crotchless leather pants and the chaps. That should slow down all those unwelcome advances..:lol:
I think I can understand now why Homosexuals are treated so harshly in many other countries
outside of America.

Here in America homosexuals have been accepted and tolerated. Now, the homosexuals
are trying to force their perverse and immoral lifestyle upon everyone else that is not homosexual.

They want to attend proms, they want to marry, they want to adopt impressionable children and raise them as a normal Man and Wife couple.

So , what we will begin to see now is a backlash against this overt flamboyancy that is being displayed by many homosexuals toady. This is why many homosexuals ,I feel , should keep their homosexuality in the closet. It causes less problems.They are parading their homosexuality in front of the majority hetrosexual society.This will have negative repercussions. ::razz:azz:

Stop going to gay biker bars wearing those crotchless leather pants and the chaps. That should slow down all those unwelcome advances..:lol:

:thup: :thup:

Hey, I have just noticed that 'beer' rhymes with 'queer'.
Maybe.....but then again they are a sneaky lot....

We are...that's why we hide in the closet so much....sneeky.
I think I can understand now why Homosexuals are treated so harshly in many other countries
outside of America.

Here in America homosexuals have been accepted and tolerated. Now, the homosexuals
are trying to force their perverse and immoral lifestyle upon everyone else that is not homosexual.

They want to attend proms, they want to marry, they want to adopt impressionable children and raise them as a normal Man and Wife couple.

So , what we will begin to see now is a backlash against this overt flamboyancy that is being displayed by many homosexuals toady. This is why many homosexuals ,I feel , should keep their homosexuality in the closet. It causes less problems.They are parading their homosexuality in front of the majority hetrosexual society.This will have negative repercussions. ::razz:azz:

Well, I don't agree with the homosexual "lifestyle" but I do know from studies that two gay parents are better than one parent, therefore when it comes to adoption I believe priority should always go to heterosexual couples, followed by gay couples, followed by single parents.

As for the parades...thankfully those aren't the majority of gays but only a handful of rather perverse people that probably need severe counseling.

Dude, the guy . . . gay . . . whatever . . . who put up the original post has issues.

1. I've see 'butches' cut their hair high and tight (short), put on a tight sports bra, a shirt along with pants, try to strut like a dude, and over compensate with a tough guy attitude. Likewise, for the 'queens' or flamers and their exaggerated walk and nasal attitude. Sure, its annoying as hell. As long as they don't intrude on your air space/perimeter or have a direct impact on your welfare/life, then . . . don't sweat the small stuff. Life is too short.

For those that are joining the military NOW, they are either SERIOUSLY courageous or really intellectually challenged. They have two battles to fight. The first are the against the terrorists (Al-Queda, Taliban, etc.) in the Middle east, the other is within ranks.
If it is known that a soldier/sailor/Marine is gay while living in close quarters with other dudes it is awkward. UNLESS that is a person that you can count on to have your 'six' in combat, the best sniper who may have save lives, or the medic/corpsman who has saved your best friend or many others.
However if you do not owe them as a unit, if they give one wrong look/statements/gestures implied or otherwise it will be rewarded by a good old-fashion blanket party or heck maybe more. Like a person who drinks too much at a party and can't remember where they parked their car, whoever is rewarded with a blanket party will experience the same effects. They will remember the party, but won't remember who they saw at the party.
They just have to tough it out and that is reality. There is nothing that can be done about it either.

Like I said, SERIOUSLY courageous or really intellectually challenged.
The U.S. Army private (Manning) who spilled those transcripts to Wikileaks should have been given the most brutal and ultimate in blanket parties, I would have been the first in line. Especially if things go south in Egypt and the future uprisings in the Middle East/North Africa.
Don't care about homosexuals one way or the other, however, with Saudi sponsored mosques popping up all across the nation and their numbers increasing rapidly, the homosexual issue will probably be resolved once and for all in a few generations, by the eventual rulers of this nation, Islam. And, Islam has one clear stand on homosexuality....death.
Don't care about homosexuals one way or the other, however, with Saudi sponsored mosques popping up all across the nation and their numbers increasing rapidly, the homosexual issue will probably be resolved once and for all in a few generations, by the eventual rulers of this nation, Islam. And, Islam has one clear stand on homosexuality....death.

Phew, no need to worry then!
Do what is physically unnatural and impossible with out some sort of assistance . . . what the dude upstairs never intended.

Besides, with our notorious divorce rate (+50%) in America, why give attorneys more business? Add more broken families?

What makes it physically unnatural? If you look in nature, homosexuality occurs in countless animal species.

Regarding "broken families," studies show that lesbian couples who adopted have better adjusted families and children, which better school performance, compared to heterosexual counterparts.

Um, well if you want to use examples of wild beasts of the earth that were created w/o cognitive thinking, rational ability, and reason to justify what you claim is sexually "natural", speak for yourself. The blueprint of nature is based on opposites, not similarities. Nature also is the backbone for reproduction, not pleasure and lust. So to say because animals of the earth practice homosexuality, that makes it natural, is the biggest cop out in history. So we base our ethics and morals on how animals act now? You said it, not me......." Homosexuals are like wild animals when it comes to sexual preference."
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Do what is physically unnatural and impossible with out some sort of assistance . . . what the dude upstairs never intended.

Besides, with our notorious divorce rate (+50%) in America, why give attorneys more business? Add more broken families?

What makes it physically unnatural? If you look in nature, homosexuality occurs in countless animal species.

Regarding "broken families," studies show that lesbian couples who adopted have better adjusted families and children, which better school performance, compared to heterosexual counterparts.

Um, well if you want to use examples of wild beasts of the earth that were created w/o cognitive thinking, rational ability, and reason to justify what you claim is sexually "natural", speak for yourself. The blueprint of nature is based on opposites, not similarities. Nature also is the backbone for reproduction, not pleasure and lust. So to say because animals of the earth practice homosexuality, that makes it natural, is the biggest cop out in history. So we base our ethics and morals on how animals act now? You said it, not me......." Homosexuals are like wild animals when it comes to sexual preference."

I was at a friend's house yesterday. She is dying of cancer and will be dead in days. Family and friends have been visiting this week. She has a 40 year old lesbian niece that was there with her partner. Christi is an attorney, scholar from grade school and active in her community. Christi LOVES her aunt. She had a civil ceremony a few years with her partner Barb.
They LOVE each other.
Nothing to do with your bias and lack of the understanding of LOVE in your world which consists, by your own shallow definition, of "pleasure and lust" in the relationships you have.
I pity you.
What makes it physically unnatural? If you look in nature, homosexuality occurs in countless animal species.

Regarding "broken families," studies show that lesbian couples who adopted have better adjusted families and children, which better school performance, compared to heterosexual counterparts.

Um, well if you want to use examples of wild beasts of the earth that were created w/o cognitive thinking, rational ability, and reason to justify what you claim is sexually "natural", speak for yourself. The blueprint of nature is based on opposites, not similarities. Nature also is the backbone for reproduction, not pleasure and lust. So to say because animals of the earth practice homosexuality, that makes it natural, is the biggest cop out in history. So we base our ethics and morals on how animals act now? You said it, not me......." Homosexuals are like wild animals when it comes to sexual preference."

I was at a friend's house yesterday. She is dying of cancer and will be dead in days. Family and friends have been visiting this week. She has a 40 year old lesbian niece that was there with her partner. Christi is an attorney, scholar from grade school and active in her community. Christi LOVES her aunt. She had a civil ceremony a few years with her partner Barb.
They LOVE each other.
Nothing to do with your bias and lack of the understanding of LOVE in your world which consists, by your own shallow definition, of "pleasure and lust" in the relationships you have.
I pity you.

You have every right to pity whoever you choose. Arguing that being gay is ok because animals do it is so lame. And all I have to say is "dito" to you. I happen to have gay relatives whom I love dearly. And unlike the "majority" of gays who just want to be accepted and conjure up these pathetic justifications, my relatives have stepped up to the plate and accepted responsibility for their actions and choices.

My point is.....stop kidding yourself by saying it's some genetic mutation or disease that you got from birth. And stop using the oppressions of races and bestial practices of animals of the same sex as comparisons to justify your unethical practices, just to save face. And it is indeed "unnatural" for animals to practice this. Because thier sole purpose is to reproduce and play thier part in the food chain. You will NEVER find a plant or animal choosing a mate of the same sex. Why? Because it goes against the grain of all the natural and scientific laws of the world. Darkness /light, positive charge/negative charge, Male/ female, good/ evil. Put 2 male animals of the same species the same cage and see what happens. These are beasts, people!!!! They have no concept of conscience awareness and ability to reason. So they basically act on 100% emotions/moods. So to use them as legitimate justifications is not an excuse.

Accept the fact that this is the life you choose and you prefer the same sex. According to you, it's ok to be gay. So stop the contradiction of labeling homosexuality a defect if it is in fact, ok. Many of you confused individuals out there believe the myth that the laws of attraction are instinctive and we lack control of it. WRONG!!!!! Attraction is based on passion. And passion is fueled from choices we make and begin to desire. It is also associated with pleasures and lust, which are cravings. You aren't born with a passion to do anything. You choose what is passionate to you or not. I just so happen to be passionate about martial arts. Nobody in my family (that I'm aware of) has EVER taken a liking to it as I do. So there is't any so called gene that triggers my passion for martial arts. no family member passed it down to me. Heck, I'm not even Asian. It's something I saw, processed in my brain, chose to try, and I ended up enjoying. The same applies to sexual preference.
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Um, well if you want to use examples of wild beasts of the earth that were created w/o cognitive thinking, rational ability, and reason to justify what you claim is sexually "natural", speak for yourself. The blueprint of nature is based on opposites, not similarities. Nature also is the backbone for reproduction, not pleasure and lust. So to say because animals of the earth practice homosexuality, that makes it natural, is the biggest cop out in history. So we base our ethics and morals on how animals act now? You said it, not me......." Homosexuals are like wild animals when it comes to sexual preference."

I was at a friend's house yesterday. She is dying of cancer and will be dead in days. Family and friends have been visiting this week. She has a 40 year old lesbian niece that was there with her partner. Christi is an attorney, scholar from grade school and active in her community. Christi LOVES her aunt. She had a civil ceremony a few years with her partner Barb.
They LOVE each other.
Nothing to do with your bias and lack of the understanding of LOVE in your world which consists, by your own shallow definition, of "pleasure and lust" in the relationships you have.
I pity you.

You have every right to pity whoever you choose. Arguing that being gay is ok because animals do it is so lame. And all I have to say is "dito" to you. I happen to have gay relatives whom I love dearly. And unlike the "majority" of gays who just want to be accepted and conjure up these pathetic justifications, my relatives have stepped up to the plate and accepted responsibility for their actions and choices.

My point is.....stop kidding yourself by saying it's some genetic mutation or disease that you got from birth. And stop using the oppressions of races and bestial practices of animals of the same sex as comparisons to justify your unethical practices, just to save face. And it is indeed "unnatural" for animals to practice this. Because thier sole purpose is to reproduce and play thier part in the food chain. You will NEVER find a plant or animal choosing a mate of the same sex. Why? Because it goes against the grain of all the natural and scientific laws of the world. Darkness /light, positive charge/negative charge, Male/ female, good/ evil. Put 2 male animals of the same species the same cage and see what happens. These are beasts, people!!!! They have no concept of conscience awareness and ability to reason. So they basically act on 100% emotions/moods. So to use them as legitimate justifications is not an excuse.

Accept the fact that this is the life you choose and you prefer the same sex. According to you, it's ok to be gay. So stop the contradiction of labeling homosexuality a defect if it is in fact, ok. Many of you confused individuals out there believe the myth that the laws of attraction are instinctive and we lack control of it. WRONG!!!!! Attraction is based on passion. And passion is fueled from choices we make and begin to desire. It is also associated with pleasures and lust, which are cravings. You aren't born with a passion to do anything. You choose what is passionate to you or not. I just so happen to be passionate about martial arts. Nobody in my family (that I'm aware of) has EVER taken a liking to it as I do. So there is't any so called gene that triggers my passion for martial arts. no family member passed it down to me. Heck, I'm not even Asian. It's something I saw, processed in my brain, chose to try, and I ended up enjoying. The same applies to sexual preference.

I never stated it was a disease.
I am a flannel shirt wearing, tobacco chewing, brew and bourbon guzzling, southern drawl ramblin, balding, former defensive end playin and born southern STRAIGHT MALE.
No one chooses their sexual orientation. We are BORN THAT WAY.
"accepted responsibility for their actions and choices" What a crock of shit you spout. I feel sorry for your gay relatives to have to listen to such bull shit.
Tell us about when YOU chose your sexual orientation.
You do know that CHOICE includes ALL or OTHER sexual orientations.
Never in a million years. I NEVER made a choice. I was always attracted to the opposite sex. Maybe it was different for you so tell us about that.
What makes it physically unnatural? If you look in nature, homosexuality occurs in countless animal species.

Regarding "broken families," studies show that lesbian couples who adopted have better adjusted families and children, which better school performance, compared to heterosexual counterparts.

Um, well if you want to use examples of wild beasts of the earth that were created w/o cognitive thinking, rational ability, and reason to justify what you claim is sexually "natural", speak for yourself. The blueprint of nature is based on opposites, not similarities. Nature also is the backbone for reproduction, not pleasure and lust. So to say because animals of the earth practice homosexuality, that makes it natural, is the biggest cop out in history. So we base our ethics and morals on how animals act now? You said it, not me......." Homosexuals are like wild animals when it comes to sexual preference."

I was at a friend's house yesterday. She is dying of cancer and will be dead in days. Family and friends have been visiting this week. She has a 40 year old lesbian niece that was there with her partner. Christi is an attorney, scholar from grade school and active in her community. Christi LOVES her aunt. She had a civil ceremony a few years with her partner Barb.
They LOVE each other.
Nothing to do with your bias and lack of the understanding of LOVE in your world which consists, by your own shallow definition, of "pleasure and lust" in the relationships you have.
I pity you.

Just curious. Honestly, do they have kids? Adopted or invitro and if think are contemplating on having kids . . . adopted or invitro?
Um, well if you want to use examples of wild beasts of the earth that were created w/o cognitive thinking, rational ability, and reason to justify what you claim is sexually "natural", speak for yourself. The blueprint of nature is based on opposites, not similarities. Nature also is the backbone for reproduction, not pleasure and lust. So to say because animals of the earth practice homosexuality, that makes it natural, is the biggest cop out in history. So we base our ethics and morals on how animals act now? You said it, not me......." Homosexuals are like wild animals when it comes to sexual preference."

I was at a friend's house yesterday. She is dying of cancer and will be dead in days. Family and friends have been visiting this week. She has a 40 year old lesbian niece that was there with her partner. Christi is an attorney, scholar from grade school and active in her community. Christi LOVES her aunt. She had a civil ceremony a few years with her partner Barb.
They LOVE each other.
Nothing to do with your bias and lack of the understanding of LOVE in your world which consists, by your own shallow definition, of "pleasure and lust" in the relationships you have.
I pity you.

Just curious. Honestly, do they have kids? Adopted or invitro and if think are contemplating on having kids . . . adopted or invitro?

Interesting questions you ask there.

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