Homosexuals violate the rights of normal people

I like it how it was before.

Keep your sex in the closet.

We don't care.
It's news to me the Hellenes were matriarchal.
Yes, Macedonian was a queer.

But there were different cultures in Greece, there was also a patriarchy during the Olympus period
Society has spoken. They are here, they are queer, but the majority of society does not care, unless they are in their face. There have been gays for thousands of years, probably since early in human history. Many are just average people, you don't even suspect, going about their lives, doing their thing, not attracting attention, not causing a problem. I recommend you go about yours, and quit worrying about how much dick somebody else is getting, especially since you don't want any.


In many ancient cultures, they accepted LGBT people.

What is the Olympus period? When Socrates and Plato were around and homosexuality was rife and normal?
It is possible to determine the beginning quite accurately - this is the appearance of war chariots and the Olympic Games, this is the arrival of the Aryans in Greece, approximately it was around 1500 BC.

Probably the final end falls just at the time of the Macedonian, but there may have been rotted before

Plato most likely did not welcome homosexuality, this is later insertion. His records are contradictory, in general he was for tradition
It is possible to determine the beginning quite accurately - this is the appearance of war chariots and the Olympic Games, this is the arrival of the Aryans in Greece, approximately it was around 1500 BC.
Then at this point the Hellenes were patriarchal and homosexuality was normal and expected.
I don't know by what history rupol is informed but I venture to suggest it must be his very own.
You mean women were permitted to attend and speak at the assemblies?

Not only that. Macedonian was a faggot, a glutton, an alcoholic, he had an slave infantry army, he allowed chthonic cults, these are all signs of matriarchy and all this was the object of the greatest contempt on the part of the Patriarchs

There were also testimonies from the Athenians that he and his fathers waged dishonest wars and intrigues
Then at this point the Hellenes were patriarchal and homosexuality was normal and expected.
No. These were not Hellenes but Aryans, the Aryans had not homosexuality
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In many ancient cultures, they accepted LGBT people.

I do not dispute that it was in the matriarchy

The true Germans in general have always had remnants of the matriarchy, queens ruled their, women were large and rude, domineering, men of the German nobility wore lace and elegant shoes

But ancient Rome, in the literal sense, is a patrician period ancient Greece had many changes of cultures, this is manipulation
Among other things, it is a hidden genocide. In such a society, only tolerated will survive, those who at least do not vomit from this, and a normal man will not survive this way

It is not a genocide. There are as many couple who decide not to have children as there are gay/lesbian couples who do not have children.

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