Homosexuals violate the rights of normal people

Undoubtedly. It causes abnormal thoughts


No such thing as "normal".

This is fallacious because social norms are not the same as norms found in nature or norms that are synonymous with the ideal function of a created system

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"normal" is a setting on my washing machine.

Also, what society has considered "normal" has changed at one time or another.

Like during the dark ages, it was believed if you sailed too far, you would fall off the face of the earth.
Nonsense. They are imposed by society. Thoughts arise as a reaction to reality.

Thoughts arise as a reaction to your mindset.

Look, the entire forum gets that you think gay sex and lesbian sex is icky. But that has no bearing on other people. It is your problem.
Among other things, it is a hidden genocide. In such a society, only tolerated will survive, those who at least do not vomit from this, and a normal man will not survive this way
Undoubtedly. It causes abnormal thoughts


You're fuckin' deranged.

I know plenty of gay people. Yet, when I crawl into bed at night, it's with a 128 lb smokin' hot Puerto Rican woman who's been rocking my world for almost ten years.

If you have "abnormal thoughts" when you're around gay people, I've got some sad news for you, pal: The gay people aren't the problem...
Let's say someone was raped by a faggot. All the police can offer him is to write a statement, but he won't do it because he doesn't want publicity. What should he do?
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If you have "abnormal thoughts" when you're around gay people
I never go among faggots, touching a faggot defiles more than touching an unclean animal.
But if I eat in a restaurant, then the plate he ate from may be the plate I eat from. Are faggots fed from separate dishes? How do I know what diseases queers have that can get through saliva and cuts in the mouth?
This is a problem of society as a whole.

But even if we assume that this is the problem to which you reduce everything, apart from visual seduction, moral corruption, and so on, it's not so simple. Touching a man's ass is considered a disgrace, for which fag should be punished, otherwise you drop honor. But in this case, if you accidentally kill a faggot by beating him, the court does not recognize this as adequate self-defense, we do not have such a definition as the protection of honor
Society has spoken. They are here, they are queer, but the majority of society does not care, unless they are in their face. There have been gays for thousands of years, probably since early in human history. Many are just average people, you don't even suspect, going about their lives, doing their thing, not attracting attention, not causing a problem. I recommend you go about yours, and quit worrying about how much dick somebody else is getting, especially since you don't want any.
In fact, in patriarchal cultures, homosexuality was lower than pedophilia. Modern restrictions related to pedophilia are not always associated with perversions, because a girl can reach puberty as early as 10 years old, and already at this age she could get married. The point here is not that these are perverts, but that they do not assume obligations towards partners, as well as due to changes in traditions.

Therefore, even relationships with minors from a traditional point of view are less dangerous than homosexual perversions.
Normal people have the right to protect normal culture and traditions, they do not want the rotting of society and do not want to expose their children to the risk of molestation. This is categorically incompatible with the "rights" of homosexuals to corrupt society and seduce normal people, since they are not able to isolate themselves so that normal people do not see them, and they do not even try to do this, but do the opposite.

Therefore, homosexuals are de facto outlawed by the absolute majority and interests of absolute majority have priority in democracy.
This is satire, right?!
More children are molested by a straight man than by gay men. And by a wide margin.

You have no "right to not see homosexuals". There is no right to not see people you dislike.
Hopefully Clarence Thomas will be true to his word and revert our laws back to what they were in the fifties.
This is a problem of society as a whole.

IMO? I think there is validity to both sides of this discussion.

It is undeniable, that both genetics, and chemical pollution causing endocrine disruption, play a role in gender and sexual deviancy. This goes back, thousands of years.

So, it is probably not good that we return to oppressive days of old. Folks don't have a choice in who they are. . .

. . . but then? In comes the deviousness of politics.

OTH, it is also best, that we hold onto some of our traditional Judaeo-Christian American values, and recognize, as well as educate that public, how many of the most notable intellectuals within the Frankfurt School, were homosexuals themselves, with very radical politics. Thus, using their politics, their world view, and their. . . ehm, revolt for regular social norms, as firstly, an excuse to up-end the established order, and secondly, as a sort of license to violate anyone they pleased, is probably not a good idea for the rest of society.

We SHOULD probably examine these ideas very closely, and what they mean to American families, American Schools, children, and our society at large. I myself, am very offended by, "family friendly drag shows," in front of children, and the subliminal sexual marketing that Disney and TEE VEE has been pushing on kids.

When I was taught it at Uni? I was so disgusted, I withdrew from the postmodernist class. . . I have no tolerance for garbage the violates those humans that are not fully developed. I don't think it is healthy for our society, or any society.

Defending Pedophilia Is The Logical Conclusion Of Queer Theory​

Queer Theory Pedophilia Jeopardy

Queer Theory Pedophilia Jeopardy​

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You know...as long as they don't shove their ideas on us......they can do what they want...

When they start shoving it down our throats... in the public arena, then I do not like that.

I like the way it was before.... when it was in the closet..... it was like .... you and your sin behind doors can do what you must...., do not tell us anything.

But that's just me.....and what do I know.
For example, I know that Gypsy families have a tradition of buying a bride, and they can even marry a 7-8-year-old girl. Probably this marriage does not mean the beginning of sexual life, I do not know when they start it. But they start having children at an early age. At the same time, Gypsy families are very strong, they have many children, their wives are very chaste, they never cheat on their husbands and always dress modestly. They are quite beautiful and slender.

That is, it has been proven that this institution shows itself excellently as the forge of the ideal family. This is practice.

And they have no idea about homosexuality.
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