Honest answer

rump has not received his parties nomination

There is still time for Republicans to substitute a better candidate

yeah, I don't see how that happens. "We've been wrong the last four years, we've passed up every opportunity to reign this guy in, but we have it right now, dang it, vote for us."

The precedents are LBJ in 1968 and Harry Truman in 1952 being tacit admissions that the party was on the wrong track, but those guys had the good sense to step aside on their own.
Let’s look at it this way

Trump won in 2016 because he picked up narrow victories in Florida, Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin.

He is currently trailing badly in those states and those states went Democratic in 2018.

Now, add in Arizona, North Carolina, Iowa and Ohio ......states that Trump won handily in 2016 but now trails.

Trump will need a major turn around in the next 100 days
/—-/ And neither did Trump as it has been patiently explained to you libtards dozens of times.

Oh, you've made lame excuses, but no one is buying it.

/----/ Post links to prove any of these baseless claims. You won't because you can't.
1.) ignored 3 months of warnings about this virus,
2.) told people it was a hoax,
3.) discouraged preventative measures,
4.) undermined the professionals
5.)and told people to drink bleach.
Let’s look at it this way

Trump won in 2016 because he picked up narrow victories in Florida, Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin.

He is currently trailing badly in those states and those states went Democratic in 2018.

Now, add in Arizona, North Carolina, Iowa and Ohio ......states that Trump won handily in 2016 but now trails.

Trump will need a major turn around in the next 100 days
/----/ Ahhhh, even more fake polls of 880 random adults that oversample democRATs.
intolerant lib.jpg

There's still plenty of time for Biden to screw something up, and he might. But right now it looks like he's going to take it.

I don't think Trump can hang on to Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Michigan. These three states have typically gone blue and just barely went red in 2016. All three swung decisively back to blue in the 2018 midterm election and are polling in that direction as well. All else equal, if Trump can't hang on to those three, then he loses. Those are the three big ones and it looks like he's on the defensive in some other traditionally red states.

Judging from the 2018 midterm election, we saw record percentage increases in the House compared to the previous midterm election. Those numbers were especially high for the Democrats who had a whopping 70% increase from the previous midterm, which I've never seen before. Trump is getting a lot of people interested in politics. Unfortunately for him, a lot more people hate him than like him.
/——/ You seriously think Dementia Joe, hiding in his basement is a winning strategy? Whoever the DNC picks as his VP will be doing solo speeches on the campaign trail.

“hiding in his basement”, “he has dementia”.

Yes, yes. Super original. I still think he’s going to win because Trump is in terrible position right now.
I know for certain who losses. The American people, except for the ultra wealthy. They always win no matter who wins elections.
so ok Pervert Joe Biden is reported to be worth 150 million dollars Drunk Nancy Pelosi 145 million dollars so is that an example of poor people?

Fox business news has Biden at $11 million and Pelosi at $114 million. So just another fake poster.
Let’s look at it this way

Trump won in 2016 because he picked up narrow victories in Florida, Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin.

He is currently trailing badly in those states and those states went Democratic in 2018.

Now, add in Arizona, North Carolina, Iowa and Ohio ......states that Trump won handily in 2016 but now trails.

Trump will need a major turn around in the next 100 days

Hell, Trump campaign pulled all ads in Michigan last night to concentrate on Iowa. They know he's lost Michigan.
I know for certain who losses. The American people, except for the ultra wealthy. They always win no matter who wins elections.
so ok Pervert Joe Biden is reported to be worth 150 million dollars Drunk Nancy Pelosi 145 million dollars so is that an example of poor people?

Fox business news has Biden at $11 million and Pelosi at $114 million. So just another fake poster.
Biden’s so dumb, he couldn’t figure out how to get rich after 50 years in government. WTF!
rump has not received his parties nomination

There is still time for Republicans to substitute a better candidate

yeah, I don't see how that happens. "We've been wrong the last four years, we've passed up every opportunity to reign this guy in, but we have it right now, dang it, vote for us."

The precedents are LBJ in 1968 and Harry Truman in 1952 being tacit admissions that the party was on the wrong track, but those guys had the good sense to step aside on their own.
/-----/ Dementia Joe been wrong the last forty years, we've passed up every opportunity to reign this guy in, but we have it right now, dang it, vote for us."
Biden. Trump is a colossal fuckup his supporters just won’t admit it. Biden is a third rate politician, but I predict he’ll win by default
Third rate politicians are not elected to the Senate for thirty years or as Vice President for eight
I know for certain who losses. The American people, except for the ultra wealthy. They always win no matter who wins elections.
so ok Pervert Joe Biden is reported to be worth 150 million dollars Drunk Nancy Pelosi 145 million dollars so is that an example of poor people?

OK, so it's obvious that English is not your first language. Where are you from?
Who wins the POTUS race in 2020 and why?

Biden, easily.

Trump fails the Reagan Question. "Are you better off than you were four years ago?"

150,000 dead
40 million unemployed
-33% drop in GDP
Riots in the streets

It's an epic level of fail. Somewhere in Hell, Nixon, Buchanan and Andy Johnson are all saying, "We're not the worst anymore!!!"

If a meteor had struck the United States during Obama's term would that have been Obama's fault? Wild fires, deadly virus, hurricane? OH SNAP! That bitch slapped the left into next week.
/----/ Post links to prove any of these baseless claims. You won't because you can't.
1.) ignored 3 months of warnings about this virus,
2.) told people it was a hoax,
3.) discouraged preventative measures,
4.) undermined the professionals
5.)and told people to drink bleach.

No, I just don't feel like wasting time linking to stories we've already seen.

Because then you'll scream "FAKE NEWS" when it's from anyplace that has, you know, journalistic standards.

Who wins the POTUS race in 2020 and why?

We're a Banana Republic!

So, everybody loses. :banana::banana::banana:

I still contend that the rule of law died in our Country on July 5th, 2016, when Comey let Hillary walk!
I said it then, needs to be said again, as we have been swirling around the shitter, ever since!!! :banana:
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