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Honest Hillary vs Lying Donald

I did take those economics classes. It was required for my degree in accounting.

The three components of capitalism are:

1. Production
2. Distribution
3. Exchange of money

It depends on who you're talking to on which is the most important.

If you're talking to a supply trickle down friedman conservative production is the most important.

If you're talking to a keynesian person then distribution is most important.

I'm a keynesian person and believe the obvious, you can produce all the goods and services you want but if there's no one to actually buy those goods or services supply is meaningless.

Both production and distribution contribute to money being exchanged but the keynesian understands that the demand side is much more important than the supply side.

When there's a demand the supply will happen but when there's not a demand to buy the products, production is a waste of time.

I'm curious, Dana...you used the term "supply trickle down friedman conservative"? What economics class did you take that taught "trickle down" theory?

"Trickle down" is not a term of economics. It's propaganda. This guy is a ignoramus who has never read an economics text in is life. He's only read propaganda.

Anyone who professes to have an economics background and insists that "trickle down" economics exists is pretty much full of shit about having an economics background!

So out of all the people you know, everyone in your family, your friends, your neighbors, and anyone else... how many are employed by poor people, or people you don't consider 'rich'?
He won't respond.....they never do as they are clueless about economics......

I'm not responding because he's asking the wrong person his question! I'm the one who said that "trickle down" economic theory doesn't exist.
Honest Hillary what a laff.

First off, learn how to spell laugh.

Now laugh!

366 Donald Trump Lies – Trump Lies Laugh at these 366 documented like of Donald Trump.


The actual loan was 14 million dollars and 1 million is not a small loan.

Donald Trump: “My whole life really has been a ‘no.’ And I fought through it. It has not been easy for me.” [NBC, 10/26/15]
Nobody with a brain is buying what you're selling, Fritz! Hillary Clinton isn't honest. I'm sorry but even hardcore Democrats have admitted that long ago. This string is a fail.
Honest Hillary vs Lying Donald
The chart below is quite telling for several reasons:


Hillary was the most honest candidate in the Dem primary and her party nominated her. Is was a toss up because Bernie is also honest.

Kasich was the most honest Republican and his party rejected him like a turd in a punch bowl. Republicans embraced the two biggest liars, Cruz and Trump.

WHY? The answer is simple. Alt-Right CONS are everything America should not be. They are liars. When I say Alt-Right CONS I am not talking about conservatives. Real conservatives like Kasich are practically extinct.

Most liberals would agree, paleo-conservatism has merit and whether liberals and Alt-Right CONS want to admit it, the Clintons are fiscal conservatives and social moderates.

In defense of Republican politicians: They kinda have to lie because much of their base is so deplorable. Seemingly many Republican voters are enemies of truth, justice and the American way. If guys like Lindsey Graham and John McCain told the truth much of their base would call them RINOS.

Kasich is a decent and respectable guy and he truly is a Reaganite. Trump and Cruz are not even remotely conservative. They are both liars but at least Cruz in not a totally immoral criminal like Trump. CONS picked Trump. Trump is a symbol of CON depravity.

The fact in this post speak for themselves. Trump is a liar and Hillary despite all the propaganda is very honest person but the Alt-Right will cry, lie and deny and troll this thread.


Even by Today's Republican standards tRump is an unmitigated liar.


Even by Mitt Romney standards, Trump is an unmitigated liar.



Trump supporters know that Hillary is: very honest but they still go for lyin Donald.

Trump supporters know that Hillary is: far more qualified than Trump but they go for goofball Trump.

Trump supporters know that Trump promotes vice such as strip clubs and gambling but they still support him.

Trump supporters know that Trump is a womanizer yet they attack Hillary for being the victim of a womanizer. How sick and hypocritical is that?

The facts speak for themselves, Trump is a liar of low low low moral character. When it came time for the parties to pick their candidates Democrats picked the most honest and most qualified candidate Hillary Clinton.

When it came time for the Republicans to pick their candidate the rejected the most honest and most conservative, most qualified candidate John Kasich and went for the least qualified and most dishonest candidate... Donald Trump the stealth Democrat.

As bad as Trump is, his supporters appear to be far far worse.

Are the mods above the rules here? Just askin..

  • "Zone 2": Political Forum / Israel and Palestine Forum / Race Relations/Racism Forum / Religion & Ethics Forum / Environment Forum: Baiting and polarizing OP's (Opening Posts), and thread titles risk the thread either being moved or trashed. Keep it relevant, choose wisely. Each post must contain content relevant to the thread subject, in addition to any flame. No trolling. No hit and run flames. No hijacking or derailing threads.
Honest Hillary vs Lying Donald
The chart below is quite telling for several reasons:


Hillary was the most honest candidate in the Dem primary and her party nominated her. Is was a toss up because Bernie is also honest.

Kasich was the most honest Republican and his party rejected him like a turd in a punch bowl. Republicans embraced the two biggest liars, Cruz and Trump.

WHY? The answer is simple. Alt-Right CONS are everything America should not be. They are liars. When I say Alt-Right CONS I am not talking about conservatives. Real conservatives like Kasich are practically extinct.

Most liberals would agree, paleo-conservatism has merit and whether liberals and Alt-Right CONS want to admit it, the Clintons are fiscal conservatives and social moderates.

In defense of Republican politicians: They kinda have to lie because much of their base is so deplorable. Seemingly many Republican voters are enemies of truth, justice and the American way. If guys like Lindsey Graham and John McCain told the truth much of their base would call them RINOS.

Kasich is a decent and respectable guy and he truly is a Reaganite. Trump and Cruz are not even remotely conservative. They are both liars but at least Cruz in not a totally immoral criminal like Trump. CONS picked Trump. Trump is a symbol of CON depravity.

The fact in this post speak for themselves. Trump is a liar and Hillary despite all the propaganda is very honest person but the Alt-Right will cry, lie and deny and troll this thread.


Even by Today's Republican standards tRump is an unmitigated liar.


Even by Mitt Romney standards, Trump is an unmitigated liar.



Trump supporters know that Hillary is: very honest but they still go for lyin Donald.

Trump supporters know that Hillary is: far more qualified than Trump but they go for goofball Trump.

Trump supporters know that Trump promotes vice such as strip clubs and gambling but they still support him.

Trump supporters know that Trump is a womanizer yet they attack Hillary for being the victim of a womanizer. How sick and hypocritical is that?

The facts speak for themselves, Trump is a liar of low low low moral character. When it came time for the parties to pick their candidates Democrats picked the most honest and most qualified candidate Hillary Clinton.

When it came time for the Republicans to pick their candidate the rejected the most honest and most conservative, most qualified candidate John Kasich and went for the least qualified and most dishonest candidate... Donald Trump the stealth Democrat.

As bad as Trump is, his supporters appear to be far far worse.
View attachment 94000

  • "Zone 2": Political Forum / Israel and Palestine Forum / Race Relations/Racism Forum / Religion & Ethics Forum / Environment Forum: Baiting and polarizing OP's (Opening Posts), and thread titles risk the thread either being moved or trashed. Keep it relevant, choose wisely. Each post must contain content relevant to the thread subject, in addition to any flame. No trolling. No hit and run flames. No hijacking or derailing threads.

Are the mods above the rules here? Just askin..

  • "Zone 2": Political Forum / Israel and Palestine Forum / Race Relations/Racism Forum / Religion & Ethics Forum / Environment Forum: Baiting and polarizing OP's (Opening Posts), and thread titles risk the thread either being moved or trashed. Keep it relevant, choose wisely. Each post must contain content relevant to the thread subject, in addition to any flame. No trolling. No hit and run flames. No hijacking or derailing threads.

What's amusing (well not really because you're a liberal therefore you're STEEPED in hypocrisy!) is that you don't realize that your thread title is both "baiting and polarizing"! Duh? Oh, wait...you want everyone to treat YOU nicely when you start out doing your best to really piss them off? No problem! (eye roll)

Are the mods above the rules here? Just askin..

  • "Zone 2": Political Forum / Israel and Palestine Forum / Race Relations/Racism Forum / Religion & Ethics Forum / Environment Forum: Baiting and polarizing OP's (Opening Posts), and thread titles risk the thread either being moved or trashed. Keep it relevant, choose wisely. Each post must contain content relevant to the thread subject, in addition to any flame. No trolling. No hit and run flames. No hijacking or derailing threads.

What's amusing (well not really because you're a liberal therefore you're STEEPED in hypocrisy!) is that you don't realize that your thread title is both "baiting and polarizing"! Duh? Oh, wait...you want everyone to treat YOU nicely when you start out doing your best to really piss them off? No problem! (eye roll)

You may find this link interesting and you may find it polarizing.

This is a fact based thread that compares statements of Trump and Hillary. What makes it polarizing to you is the FACT that Hillary is quite honest and Trump is a YUGE liar whose lies have been documented.

Maybe you don't know what polarizing means.

Simple Definition of polarize
  • : to cause (people, opinions, etc.) to separate into opposing groups

  • physics : to cause (something, such as light waves) to vibrate in a particular pattern

  • physics : to cause (something) to have positive and negative charges : to give polarity to (something)

What to you have against facts and truth?

Are the mods above the rules here? Just askin..

  • "Zone 2": Political Forum / Israel and Palestine Forum / Race Relations/Racism Forum / Religion & Ethics Forum / Environment Forum: Baiting and polarizing OP's (Opening Posts), and thread titles risk the thread either being moved or trashed. Keep it relevant, choose wisely. Each post must contain content relevant to the thread subject, in addition to any flame. No trolling. No hit and run flames. No hijacking or derailing threads.

What's amusing (well not really because you're a liberal therefore you're STEEPED in hypocrisy!) is that you don't realize that your thread title is both "baiting and polarizing"! Duh? Oh, wait...you want everyone to treat YOU nicely when you start out doing your best to really piss them off? No problem! (eye roll)

You may find this link interesting and you may find it polarizing.

This is a fact based thread that compares statements of Trump and Hillary. What makes it polarizing to you is the FACT that Hillary is quite honest and Trump is a YUGE liar whose lies have been documented.

Maybe you don't know what polarizing means.

Simple Definition of polarize
  • : to cause (people, opinions, etc.) to separate into opposing groups

  • physics : to cause (something, such as light waves) to vibrate in a particular pattern

  • physics : to cause (something) to have positive and negative charges : to give polarity to (something)

What to you have against facts and truth?

I'm not the one who's whining about people breaking the rules because they choose to not believe what you're saying.

Do yourself a favor. Go back and read your initial post and ask yourself if your comments were "polarizing" and then stop whining!
The world is moving towards socialism and not because anybody wants it or doesn't want it. It is emerging because of unfettered and unregulated corporations and banks and their insatiable greed and disregard for the teachings of Christ.

First Epistle to Timothy (1 Timothy 6:10, KJV): "For the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil."
Socialism is emerging because people are stupid and easily bamboozled by scumbag politicians like Hillary. This current election is a perfect example of how the process works. Are we discussing Hillary's agenda? Are we discussing her record? No, the media is blubbering incessantly about some irrelevant locker room talk that happened 11 years ago. The media holds up the shiny object and all the dumbasses are hypnotized by it.

You are making a very poor attempt to create a strawman. If you were to examine the standard of living of the more socialist countries you would see that they are the highest. Do some research. Google standard of living by country.

Corporations in the US have all the advantages of socialism and that is why they are filthy rich.

Yes corporations in America are big capitalist when they're making money.

When they're losing money they quickly become socialists.

They also use socialism in our infrastructure. Especially our court system.

Companies that are in oil use our military on top of the rest of the infrastructure.

They indirectly use our education system. We provide educated employees to run their companies and produce their products.

Our military and justice system are socialism. Both are public owned and operated. Neither make any money. Neither are on a stock exchange. Neither have a board of directors.
The world is moving towards socialism and not because anybody wants it or doesn't want it. It is emerging because of unfettered and unregulated corporations and banks and their insatiable greed and disregard for the teachings of Christ.

First Epistle to Timothy (1 Timothy 6:10, KJV): "For the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil."
Socialism is emerging because people are stupid and easily bamboozled by scumbag politicians like Hillary. This current election is a perfect example of how the process works. Are we discussing Hillary's agenda? Are we discussing her record? No, the media is blubbering incessantly about some irrelevant locker room talk that happened 11 years ago. The media holds up the shiny object and all the dumbasses are hypnotized by it.

You are making a very poor attempt to create a strawman. If you were to examine the standard of living of the more socialist countries you would see that they are the highest. Do some research. Google standard of living by country.

Corporations in the US have all the advantages of socialism and that is why they are filthy rich.

Yes corporations in America are big capitalist when they're making money.

When they're losing money they quickly become socialists.

They also use socialism in our infrastructure. Especially our court system.

Companies that are in oil use our military on top of the rest of the infrastructure.

They indirectly use our education system. We provide educated employees to run their companies and produce their products.

Our military and justice system are socialism. Both are public owned and operated. Neither make any money. Neither are on a stock exchange. Neither have a board of directors.

Wow...so the Government of the United States provides educated employees so that corporations can run and produce products? Really?

So the parents that PAID for their children's educations didn't do that? The students that amassed large amounts of debt didn't do that? It was really done by the "Socialist States of America"?

Look, I know Bernie, Hillary and Barry would LIKE to have the tax payers pick up the tab for college educations, Dana...but we're not doing that as of yet. When I got my MBA it was the company that I worked for that paid my tuition. Not the Federal Government. That was picked up by someone in the Private Sector and didn't cost the taxpayers a dime. Gee, what a concept!
As for corporate welfare? I'm going to let you in on a little secret...the reason that all those Wall Street fat cat bankers are pouring millions into Hillary Clinton's election campaign isn't because they're socialists. Oh, no...what THEY are is "crony capitalists"! They have made an investment in Hillary and expect to be paid off which is why I'm amused every time I hear Clinton give one of her stump speeches about making the rich pay their fair share in taxes. She's bought and paid for! She's not raising taxes on those bankers. If you think she is you're a babe in the woods.
The world is moving towards socialism and not because anybody wants it or doesn't want it. It is emerging because of unfettered and unregulated corporations and banks and their insatiable greed and disregard for the teachings of Christ.

First Epistle to Timothy (1 Timothy 6:10, KJV): "For the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil."
Socialism is emerging because people are stupid and easily bamboozled by scumbag politicians like Hillary. This current election is a perfect example of how the process works. Are we discussing Hillary's agenda? Are we discussing her record? No, the media is blubbering incessantly about some irrelevant locker room talk that happened 11 years ago. The media holds up the shiny object and all the dumbasses are hypnotized by it.

You are making a very poor attempt to create a strawman. If you were to examine the standard of living of the more socialist countries you would see that they are the highest. Do some research. Google standard of living by country.

Corporations in the US have all the advantages of socialism and that is why they are filthy rich.

Yes corporations in America are big capitalist when they're making money.

When they're losing money they quickly become socialists.

They also use socialism in our infrastructure. Especially our court system.

Companies that are in oil use our military on top of the rest of the infrastructure.

They indirectly use our education system. We provide educated employees to run their companies and produce their products.

Our military and justice system are socialism. Both are public owned and operated. Neither make any money. Neither are on a stock exchange. Neither have a board of directors.

If you give me a dollar... am I a socialist? Or are you an idiot?

When government gives out money, because the people demand government fix the economy... that doesn't make the corporations socialists... that makes left-wing voters idiots.
The world is moving towards socialism and not because anybody wants it or doesn't want it. It is emerging because of unfettered and unregulated corporations and banks and their insatiable greed and disregard for the teachings of Christ.

First Epistle to Timothy (1 Timothy 6:10, KJV): "For the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil."
Socialism is emerging because people are stupid and easily bamboozled by scumbag politicians like Hillary. This current election is a perfect example of how the process works. Are we discussing Hillary's agenda? Are we discussing her record? No, the media is blubbering incessantly about some irrelevant locker room talk that happened 11 years ago. The media holds up the shiny object and all the dumbasses are hypnotized by it.

You are making a very poor attempt to create a strawman. If you were to examine the standard of living of the more socialist countries you would see that they are the highest. Do some research. Google standard of living by country.

Corporations in the US have all the advantages of socialism and that is why they are filthy rich.

Yes corporations in America are big capitalist when they're making money.

When they're losing money they quickly become socialists.

They also use socialism in our infrastructure. Especially our court system.

Companies that are in oil use our military on top of the rest of the infrastructure.

They indirectly use our education system. We provide educated employees to run their companies and produce their products.

Our military and justice system are socialism. Both are public owned and operated. Neither make any money. Neither are on a stock exchange. Neither have a board of directors.

If you give me a dollar... am I a socialist? Or are you an idiot?

When government gives out money, because the people demand government fix the economy... that doesn't make the corporations socialists... that makes left-wing voters idiots.

Bush bailing out the banks and the auto industry makes left-wing voters idiots? I think you have a propane gas leak in your trailer.

People did not demand that the government fix the economy by bailing out banks and corporations. Bush had to do it to stop an economic meltdown that would have crippled the world. It was a no brainer.
Honest Hillary what a laff.

First off, learn how to spell laugh.

Now laugh!

366 Donald Trump Lies – Trump Lies Laugh at these 366 documented like of Donald Trump.


The actual loan was 14 million dollars and 1 million is not a small loan.

Any fool with a crayon can draw a bogus bar chart. You are a fool's fool.
Honest Hillary vs Lying Donald
The chart below is quite telling for several reasons:


Hillary was the most honest candidate in the Dem primary and her party nominated her. Is was a toss up because Bernie is also honest.

Kasich was the most honest Republican and his party rejected him like a turd in a punch bowl. Republicans embraced the two biggest liars, Cruz and Trump.

WHY? The answer is simple. Alt-Right CONS are everything America should not be. They are liars. When I say Alt-Right CONS I am not talking about conservatives. Real conservatives like Kasich are practically extinct.

Most liberals would agree, paleo-conservatism has merit and whether liberals and Alt-Right CONS want to admit it, the Clintons are fiscal conservatives and social moderates.

In defense of Republican politicians: They kinda have to lie because much of their base is so deplorable. Seemingly many Republican voters are enemies of truth, justice and the American way. If guys like Lindsey Graham and John McCain told the truth much of their base would call them RINOS.

Kasich is a decent and respectable guy and he truly is a Reaganite. Trump and Cruz are not even remotely conservative. They are both liars but at least Cruz in not a totally immoral criminal like Trump. CONS picked Trump. Trump is a symbol of CON depravity.

The fact in this post speak for themselves. Trump is a liar and Hillary despite all the propaganda is very honest person but the Alt-Right will cry, lie and deny and troll this thread.


Even by Today's Republican standards tRump is an unmitigated liar.


Even by Mitt Romney standards, Trump is an unmitigated liar.



Trump supporters know that Hillary is: very honest but they still go for lyin Donald.

Trump supporters know that Hillary is: far more qualified than Trump but they go for goofball Trump.

Trump supporters know that Trump promotes vice such as strip clubs and gambling but they still support him.

Trump supporters know that Trump is a womanizer yet they attack Hillary for being the victim of a womanizer. How sick and hypocritical is that?

The facts speak for themselves, Trump is a liar of low low low moral character. When it came time for the parties to pick their candidates Democrats picked the most honest and most qualified candidate Hillary Clinton.

When it came time for the Republicans to pick their candidate the rejected the most honest and most conservative, most qualified candidate John Kasich and went for the least qualified and most dishonest candidate... Donald Trump the stealth Democrat.

As bad as Trump is, his supporters appear to be far far worse.

You think Hillary is "honest?"


Wow, did you know I own the Brooklyn Bridge? I can let you have it for a real deal. Just sign here ...


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