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Honest Hillary vs Lying Donald

Corporations in the US have all the advantages of socialism

This is just absolutely retarded nonsense. Socialism runs up the cost of government. The higher the cost of government, the more the burden on corporations, and the more likely they are to flee to lower tax/cost countries.

Socialism is proven failure. Cuba, Greece, wherever it is tried, it ends up with the government employees stealing like crazy and the rest of the country getting screwed. That is why supporters of Hillary love it, because they hate the US, and they only care about the size of their next government check.
Honest Hillary vs Lying Donald
The chart below is quite telling for several reasons:


Hillary was the most honest candidate in the Dem primary and her party nominated her. Is was a toss up because Bernie is also honest.

Kasich was the most honest Republican and his party rejected him like a turd in a punch bowl. Republicans embraced the two biggest liars, Cruz and Trump.

WHY? The answer is simple. Alt-Right CONS are everything America should not be. They are liars. When I say Alt-Right CONS I am not talking about conservatives. Real conservatives like Kasich are practically extinct.

Most liberals would agree, paleo-conservatism has merit and whether liberals and Alt-Right CONS want to admit it, the Clintons are fiscal conservatives and social moderates.

In defense of Republican politicians: They kinda have to lie because much of their base is so deplorable. Seemingly many Republican voters are enemies of truth, justice and the American way. If guys like Lindsey Graham and John McCain told the truth much of their base would call them RINOS.

Kasich is a decent and respectable guy and he truly is a Reaganite. Trump and Cruz are not even remotely conservative. They are both liars but at least Cruz in not a totally immoral criminal like Trump. CONS picked Trump. Trump is a symbol of CON depravity.

The fact in this post speak for themselves. Trump is a liar and Hillary despite all the propaganda is very honest person but the Alt-Right will cry, lie and deny and troll this thread.


Even by Today's Republican standards tRump is an unmitigated liar.


Even by Mitt Romney standards, Trump is an unmitigated liar.



Trump supporters know that Hillary is: very honest but they still go for lyin Donald.

Trump supporters know that Hillary is: far more qualified than Trump but they go for goofball Trump.

Trump supporters know that Trump promotes vice such as strip clubs and gambling but they still support him.

Trump supporters know that Trump is a womanizer yet they attack Hillary for being the victim of a womanizer. How sick and hypocritical is that?

The facts speak for themselves, Trump is a liar of low low low moral character. When it came time for the parties to pick their candidates Democrats picked the most honest and most qualified candidate Hillary Clinton.

When it came time for the Republicans to pick their candidate the rejected the most honest and most conservative, most qualified candidate John Kasich and went for the least qualified and most dishonest candidate... Donald Trump the stealth Democrat.

As bad as Trump is, his supporters appear to be far far worse.

:lmao:you on drugs, or what??? :rofl:
Corporations in the US have all the advantages of socialism

This is just absolutely retarded nonsense. Socialism runs up the cost of government. The higher the cost of government, the more the burden on corporations, and the more likely they are to flee to lower tax/cost countries.

Socialism is proven failure. Cuba, Greece, wherever it is tried, it ends up with the government employees stealing like crazy and the rest of the country getting screwed. That is why supporters of Hillary love it, because they hate the US, and they only care about the size of their next government check.

Canada, Great Britain, Scandanavia, Germany, Netherlands, France, Portugal, Switzerland, Belgium, all democratic socialist countries, all with a higher standard of living, better health care, better education, and a longer life span than Americans.
The world is moving towards socialism and not because anybody wants it or doesn't want it. It is emerging because of unfettered and unregulated corporations and banks and their insatiable greed and disregard for the teachings of Christ.

First Epistle to Timothy (1 Timothy 6:10, KJV): "For the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil."
Socialism is emerging because people are stupid and easily bamboozled by scumbag politicians like Hillary. This current election is a perfect example of how the process works. Are we discussing Hillary's agenda? Are we discussing her record? No, the media is blubbering incessantly about some irrelevant locker room talk that happened 11 years ago. The media holds up the shiny object and all the dumbasses are hypnotized by it.

You are making a very poor attempt to create a strawman. If you were to examine the standard of living of the more socialist countries you would see that they are the highest. Do some research. Google standard of living by country.

Corporations in the US have all the advantages of socialism and that is why they are filthy rich.

Those countries are only slightly more socialist than the USA, and their standard of living is lower. If you want to compare standard of living with socialism, refer to the Heritage Index of Economic Freedom. It shows the less the government meddles in the economy, the more prosperous a country is.

Country Rankings: World & Global Economy Rankings on Economic Freedom

Corporations in the US have all the advantages of socialism

This is just absolutely retarded nonsense. Socialism runs up the cost of government. The higher the cost of government, the more the burden on corporations, and the more likely they are to flee to lower tax/cost countries.

Socialism is proven failure. Cuba, Greece, wherever it is tried, it ends up with the government employees stealing like crazy and the rest of the country getting screwed. That is why supporters of Hillary love it, because they hate the US, and they only care about the size of their next government check.

Canada, Great Britain, Scandanavia, Germany, Netherlands, France, Portugal, Switzerland, Belgium, all democratic socialist countries, all with a higher standard of living, better health care, better education, and a longer life span than Americans.

Those are all largely capitalist countries, moron. Canada and Switzerland have more economic freedom than the USA.
Canada, Great Britain, Scandanavia (sic), Germany, Netherlands, France, Portugal, Switzerland, Belgium, all

... with considerably more restrictive immigration policies...

The rest of your stats are laughable. Canadians hate their socialized health care and come here for treatment - ditto England and others. The Scandinavian countries were socialist, but they have since voted in more fiscal conservatives and are gradually moving away from the documented failures of socialism.

Socialism installed into a rich capitalist society will also "survive" for a while, but in the end it chases out employers and wrecks the economy and the finances. Greece is exhibit A.
I did take those economics classes. It was required for my degree in accounting.

The three components of capitalism are:

1. Production
2. Distribution
3. Exchange of money

It depends on who you're talking to on which is the most important.

If you're talking to a supply trickle down friedman conservative production is the most important.

If you're talking to a keynesian person then distribution is most important.

I'm a keynesian person and believe the obvious, you can produce all the goods and services you want but if there's no one to actually buy those goods or services supply is meaningless.

Both production and distribution contribute to money being exchanged but the keynesian understands that the demand side is much more important than the supply side.

When there's a demand the supply will happen but when there's not a demand to buy the products, production is a waste of time.

I have never read that shit in any economics text before. What I have read is that there are three components to production: land, labor and capital. I've never seen an economics text mention "components to capitalism." You obviously just made that up.

Anyone who talks about the demand side and the supply side has unmasked himself as an ignoramus. Genuine economists never refer to these myths. You have been reading propaganda about capitalism rather than any genuine economics texts. You're a typical lefty who thinks he knows something but is really an ignoramus.

Your theory of goods popping up from nothing because of some mythical demand is idiotic. It's like saying rain creates umbrellas. It rained for billions of years before the umbrella existed. Was there no "demand" for it before the last few centuries?

People invented umbrellas almost as soon as they stood erect. The umbrella was invented 4000 years ago. You've just proved his hypothesis, which BTW is basic Keynsian economics. The pillar of demand side economics is being proved in the US today. People who don't have cash or credit, don't buy.

Umbrellas may have been invented in some corner of the world 4000 years ago (China, I suspect) but they weren't used in Europe until the last couple of centuries. Until the age of capitalism, most people were too poor to afford extravagances like umbrellas.

Humans have been standing erect for over 1 million years, moron. You have just proved that you're a moron who knows nothing about everything. The phrase "demand side economics" is an oxymoron. It's like saying "scientific voodoo."

I think you need to look at the history and realize that before capitalism we had mercantilism.

Capitalism refers to an economic system featuring private corporations and maintaining ownership of a society's means of producing, distributing and exchanging wealth; mercantilism refers to a practice that predates capitalism, in which towns, regions and countries set up imbalances in trade with one another. Capitalism is designed to set up open competition, but mercantilism is designed to establish a winner among losers.

The capitalist impulse is to continue to amass wealth, and industrialist capitalism brought slightly higher wages to multiple levels of society. While ownership amassed wealth much more quickly than the working classes, wages at all levels rose.

In contrast, mercantilism resembled a more advanced form of feudalism.

The Alt-Right wants to return to feudalism.

Under socialism a democratically elected government controls production and fairly distrubutes the wealth among the workers.



Capitalism doesn't require corporations. It just requires private ownership of the means of production. Mercantilism is just another name for crony capitalism where the government is choosing winners and losers and doling at privileges to its favored few. Your believe that capitalism produce a "slight" increase in the standard of living shows what an ignoramus you are. Pre-capitalist societies have GDPs that amount to a few hundred dollars per capita. Americans earn 100 times that much.

You also foolishly believe that socialism is fair. What's "fair" about it? In practice, there's always a small privileged class getting all the goodies and the rest live like serfs.

I'm impressed. You actually made and educated argument but it is wrong in some areas.

Potentially capitalism could be fair and equitable but because of greed it needs proper regulation. You are correct that it could function quite well without corporations. If we were to take your point a bit further we see that corporations are anything but capitalist and this if true for many reasons. We are in a global economy with global multi-national corporations. Do we stop it? Let's take big pharma and Epipen. The people who sit on the boards of companies like Mylan sit on the boards of many other companies and if you research who will she that on boards of directors of most large corporations in the US are bankers. They don't want competition.

Corporations stifle competition because it is in their best interest to do so. There was a time when Republicans were champions of capitalism. This was during the presidencies of Teddy Roosevelt and William Howard Taft. They were called trust busters. The created and enforced the anti trust laws.

When the banks and corporations crashed the economy President Bush started the bailouts. Everybody bitched about it and tried to blame Obama but what Bush and Obama did worked even though it was corporate socialism. The auto industry was saved and today GM is the number 2 car maker in the world. The Japanese didn't have to bailout Toyota. GM aka Government Motors became answerable to the people and now they are making many cars as good as Toyota. Romney a vulture capitalist wanted GM to go bankrupt so he could get some bargains.

Whether we like it or not capitalism is dying a natural death and something else is emerging. One example of that is music industry. China is flooding the market with cheap but decent quality instruments and gear. They steal designs and use slave labor to build products. The oligarchs in China get rich and everybody else gets screwed.

Music sales globally are 1/3 what they were in 1999. This is do to streaming and dirty deals like iTunes and TuneCore. Artists are getting screwed and so is the listener while the corporation a vacuum up the scraps. TuneCore is so sleazy that they file false copyright strike against youtubers.

When it comes to wealth socialism is the most democratic. Today workers sell their labor in a rigged market. They are not allowed to bargain through unions for their wages in many states. Labor is a commodity so shouldn't the worker be allowed to set the price?
Corporations in the US have all the advantages of socialism

This is just absolutely retarded nonsense. Socialism runs up the cost of government. The higher the cost of government, the more the burden on corporations, and the more likely they are to flee to lower tax/cost countries.

Socialism is proven failure. Cuba, Greece, wherever it is tried, it ends up with the government employees stealing like crazy and the rest of the country getting screwed. That is why supporters of Hillary love it, because they hate the US, and they only care about the size of their next government check.

Canada, Great Britain, Scandanavia, Germany, Netherlands, France, Portugal, Switzerland, Belgium, all democratic socialist countries, all with a higher standard of living, better health care, better education, and a longer life span than Americans.

Those are all largely capitalist countries, moron. Canada and Switzerland have more economic freedom than the USA.

Why did you have to go and get nasty? Was it because you were being proven wrong?

Top 10 Most Socialist Countries in the World
By Peerform · On December 6, 2012
The term socialist has been thrown around quite a bit in the past few years. Not since the cold war has the term garnered so much attention in the press and from politicians. But when you look at countries who actually have a socialist economic structure, you can see some similarities to the United States – but there are some really stark differences.

Below, you will see what some experts consider the most socialistic nations in the world today:

  • China (Hyper Economic Growth but not really socialist)
  • Denmark (High standard of living 4 day work week. High-quality health care)
  • Finland (High standard of living High-quality health care)
  • Netherlands (High standard of living High-quality health care)
  • Canada (High standard of living High-quality health care)
  • Sweden (High standard of living High-quality health care)
  • Norway (High standard of living High-quality health care)
  • Ireland (High standard of living High-quality health care)
  • New Zealand (High standard of living High-quality health care)
  • Belgium (High standard of living High-quality health care)

Are you through name calling?
Corporations in the US have all the advantages of socialism

This is just absolutely retarded nonsense. Socialism runs up the cost of government. The higher the cost of government, the more the burden on corporations, and the more likely they are to flee to lower tax/cost countries.

Socialism is proven failure. Cuba, Greece, wherever it is tried, it ends up with the government employees stealing like crazy and the rest of the country getting screwed. That is why supporters of Hillary love it, because they hate the US, and they only care about the size of their next government check.

Canada, Great Britain, Scandanavia, Germany, Netherlands, France, Portugal, Switzerland, Belgium, all democratic socialist countries, all with a higher standard of living, better health care, better education, and a longer life span than Americans.

Those are all largely capitalist countries, moron. Canada and Switzerland have more economic freedom than the USA.

Why did you have to go and get nasty? Was it because you were being proven wrong?

Top 10 Most Socialist Countries in the World
By Peerform · On December 6, 2012
The term socialist has been thrown around quite a bit in the past few years. Not since the cold war has the term garnered so much attention in the press and from politicians. But when you look at countries who actually have a socialist economic structure, you can see some similarities to the United States – but there are some really stark differences.

Below, you will see what some experts consider the most socialistic nations in the world today:

  • China (Hyper Economic Growth but not really socialist)
  • Denmark (High standard of living 4 day work week. High-quality health care)
  • Finland (High standard of living High-quality health care)
  • Netherlands (High standard of living High-quality health care)
  • Canada (High standard of living High-quality health care)
  • Sweden (High standard of living High-quality health care)
  • Norway (High standard of living High-quality health care)
  • Ireland (High standard of living High-quality health care)
  • New Zealand (High standard of living High-quality health care)
  • Belgium (High standard of living High-quality health care)

Are you through name calling?
Your list is bullshit. All the countries you list as "socialist" recognize the right of private property, have private corporations and free exchange of goods.

Rank on the Heritage index of economic Freedom
  • China 144
  • Denmark 12
  • Finland 24
  • Netherlands 16
  • Canada 6
  • Sweden 26
  • Norway 32
  • Ireland 8
  • New Zealand 3
  • Belgium 44
  • Singapore 2
  • USA 11
As you can see, many of these countries have more of a free market than the United States.

As your graph shows, China has a low standard of living. It also ranks way down the index. Your verbal descriptions are meaningless.
Corporations in the US have all the advantages of socialism

This is just absolutely retarded nonsense. Socialism runs up the cost of government. The higher the cost of government, the more the burden on corporations, and the more likely they are to flee to lower tax/cost countries.

Socialism is proven failure. Cuba, Greece, wherever it is tried, it ends up with the government employees stealing like crazy and the rest of the country getting screwed. That is why supporters of Hillary love it, because they hate the US, and they only care about the size of their next government check.

Canada, Great Britain, Scandanavia, Germany, Netherlands, France, Portugal, Switzerland, Belgium, all democratic socialist countries, all with a higher standard of living, better health care, better education, and a longer life span than Americans.

A: Health in all of those countries is far worse.

Ironically, just last night I was my mother who is in her 70s, went to Nationwide Childrens hospital, and provides free meals and support for the people there. She has some pictures on her phone of a woman in her teens, who was told in Great Britain, to go home and die. Free care is so fantastic, that she flew to the US, and is paying to getting treated here. She'll make a full recovery.

By any rational measure by intelligent people, not socialist, left-wing, brain damaged people... we have the absolute best health care in the world.

There is no relevant measurement you can use, to argue otherwise.

B: Have you actually been to any of those countries? I have. I have family that lives there. I have friends that live there.

I've seen how people live there. I have spent weeks there. By any measure I can think of, the standard of living is not higher. Not by a long shot.

People live in tiny homes. The average size of a family home in some of those countries, is smaller than a college apartment here.

People have few of what we would consider ubiquitous conveniences. Things like dishwashers, clothes washers, driers, microwaves, air conditioning. And generally this is true because 1, the stuff is far more expensive, and 2, the cost of electricity is nearly double over there (thanks to green energy crap).

Few people eat out in many of those countries, because they simply can't afford it. What would be a $12 meal here, would be a $30 meal there. You want to take someone out to eat for a birthday? Plan on $150 for 4 people.

C: College, and University education is far better in the US, than it is elsewhere. By any and all measures, people come from around the planet, to be educated here in the US.

However, at the government run public education system, you are correct. Our education system sucks compared to the rest of the world.

But that is usually because of left-wing ideology that has ruined our education system. Teacher pay is lower in most of those countries, and children who don't make the cut, are kicked out of school. Moreover, many of those countries focus more exclusively on academics, rather than social crap. Shockingly, when you focus on reading, writing, math and sciences, you tend to do better.

D: Life span is due to auto accidents and homicide. When you exclude those, we have the highest life span in the world.

Auto accidents have reached a point, there is little room for improvement until we can have self driving cars that never have accidents. Who knows if, or when that will happen.

As for homicide, it's the left-wing policies that have allowed this problem to continue. Every time you fight the police, instead of fight the criminals, you allow more homicides. After BLM protests, the police pulled out of those areas, and murders drastically increased. The left-wing has done everything it can to support criminals, and attack law enforcement.

The fact you are pushing for, supporting, and will likely vote for a known law breaker, is simply icing on the cake of proof served up by the left-wing.
People like you are so predictable, Mr. Fritz. You post nonsense...like Hillary Clinton is honest...and when you get lampooned for it you immediately accuse those who do so of being either racists or Nazis. You need to get new material...that shit's gotten old!

Hillary is generally honest. That's not nonsense.

I don't call those who deny this racists or Nazis. I call them Republicans. But lately, with the number of white supremecists supporting the Trump, it's getting harder and harder to tell them apart.

Generally honest? What does that mean exactly? That she doesn't lie ALL the time?

LOL...you can't help yourself, can you, Dragonlady! I point out that people from the far left inevitably accuse conservatives of being either racists or Nazis...you deny that YOU do that but then two sentences later...you imply that Republicans are "white supremecists" (sic)! You honestly couldn't make this stuff up...
Honest Hillary vs Lying Donald
The chart below is quite telling for several reasons:


Hillary was the most honest candidate in the Dem primary and her party nominated her. Is was a toss up because Bernie is also honest.

Kasich was the most honest Republican and his party rejected him like a turd in a punch bowl. Republicans embraced the two biggest liars, Cruz and Trump.

WHY? The answer is simple. Alt-Right CONS are everything America should not be. They are liars. When I say Alt-Right CONS I am not talking about conservatives. Real conservatives like Kasich are practically extinct.

Most liberals would agree, paleo-conservatism has merit and whether liberals and Alt-Right CONS want to admit it, the Clintons are fiscal conservatives and social moderates.

In defense of Republican politicians: They kinda have to lie because much of their base is so deplorable. Seemingly many Republican voters are enemies of truth, justice and the American way. If guys like Lindsey Graham and John McCain told the truth much of their base would call them RINOS.

Kasich is a decent and respectable guy and he truly is a Reaganite. Trump and Cruz are not even remotely conservative. They are both liars but at least Cruz in not a totally immoral criminal like Trump. CONS picked Trump. Trump is a symbol of CON depravity.

The fact in this post speak for themselves. Trump is a liar and Hillary despite all the propaganda is very honest person but the Alt-Right will cry, lie and deny and troll this thread.


Even by Today's Republican standards tRump is an unmitigated liar.


Even by Mitt Romney standards, Trump is an unmitigated liar.



Trump supporters know that Hillary is: very honest but they still go for lyin Donald.

Trump supporters know that Hillary is: far more qualified than Trump but they go for goofball Trump.

Trump supporters know that Trump promotes vice such as strip clubs and gambling but they still support him.

Trump supporters know that Trump is a womanizer yet they attack Hillary for being the victim of a womanizer. How sick and hypocritical is that?

The facts speak for themselves, Trump is a liar of low low low moral character. When it came time for the parties to pick their candidates Democrats picked the most honest and most qualified candidate Hillary Clinton.

When it came time for the Republicans to pick their candidate the rejected the most honest and most conservative, most qualified candidate John Kasich and went for the least qualified and most dishonest candidate... Donald Trump the stealth Democrat.

As bad as Trump is, his supporters appear to be far far worse.
Sadly, the OP is far to complicated and has to many words for someone like Odwebo to comprehend.
Only you liberals work hard to believe propaganda......
Propaganda, another word you don't understand. It is a main component of capitalism, politics and warfare. Those of us that have used it recognize and understand it. Often, it is designed and applied for easy target dunces like you.

Tell us dunces the main component of capitalism. There are three components to capitalism. Which one do you think the main one is junior?

Please identify the three fundamental elements, or institutional clusters, of the capitalist economy and explain how the are compatible with the teachings of Jesus Christ?

The truth is Junior, anyone who would put "Trump the Bitch" in his avatar probably has never taken a course in economics or comparative religions. So I doubt if you have the interest, apptitude or brain cells required to intelligently discuss economics. About all your ilk can do is parrot lies you have heard on talk radio. Pathetic don't you think?

I did take those economics classes. It was required for my degree in accounting.

The three components of capitalism are:

1. Production
2. Distribution
3. Exchange of money

It depends on who you're talking to on which is the most important.

If you're talking to a supply trickle down friedman conservative production is the most important.

If you're talking to a keynesian person then distribution is most important.

I'm a keynesian person and believe the obvious, you can produce all the goods and services you want but if there's no one to actually buy those goods or services supply is meaningless.

Both production and distribution contribute to money being exchanged but the keynesian understands that the demand side is much more important than the supply side.

When there's a demand the supply will happen but when there's not a demand to buy the products, production is a waste of time.

I'm curious, Dana...you used the term "supply trickle down friedman conservative"? What economics class did you take that taught "trickle down" theory?
Sadly, the OP is far to complicated and has to many words for someone like Odwebo to comprehend.
Only you liberals work hard to believe propaganda......
Propaganda, another word you don't understand. It is a main component of capitalism, politics and warfare. Those of us that have used it recognize and understand it. Often, it is designed and applied for easy target dunces like you.

Tell us dunces the main component of capitalism. There are three components to capitalism. Which one do you think the main one is junior?

Please identify the three fundamental elements, or institutional clusters, of the capitalist economy and explain how the are compatible with the teachings of Jesus Christ?

The truth is Junior, anyone who would put "Trump the Bitch" in his avatar probably has never taken a course in economics or comparative religions. So I doubt if you have the interest, apptitude or brain cells required to intelligently discuss economics. About all your ilk can do is parrot lies you have heard on talk radio. Pathetic don't you think?

I did take those economics classes. It was required for my degree in accounting.

The three components of capitalism are:

1. Production
2. Distribution
3. Exchange of money

It depends on who you're talking to on which is the most important.

If you're talking to a supply trickle down friedman conservative production is the most important.

If you're talking to a keynesian person then distribution is most important.

I'm a keynesian person and believe the obvious, you can produce all the goods and services you want but if there's no one to actually buy those goods or services supply is meaningless.

Both production and distribution contribute to money being exchanged but the keynesian understands that the demand side is much more important than the supply side.

When there's a demand the supply will happen but when there's not a demand to buy the products, production is a waste of time.

I'm curious, Dana...you used the term "supply trickle down friedman conservative"? What economics class did you take that taught "trickle down" theory?

"Trickle down" is not a term of economics. It's propaganda. This guy is a ignoramus who has never read an economics text in is life. He's only read propaganda.
Only you liberals work hard to believe propaganda......
Propaganda, another word you don't understand. It is a main component of capitalism, politics and warfare. Those of us that have used it recognize and understand it. Often, it is designed and applied for easy target dunces like you.

Tell us dunces the main component of capitalism. There are three components to capitalism. Which one do you think the main one is junior?

Please identify the three fundamental elements, or institutional clusters, of the capitalist economy and explain how the are compatible with the teachings of Jesus Christ?

The truth is Junior, anyone who would put "Trump the Bitch" in his avatar probably has never taken a course in economics or comparative religions. So I doubt if you have the interest, apptitude or brain cells required to intelligently discuss economics. About all your ilk can do is parrot lies you have heard on talk radio. Pathetic don't you think?

I did take those economics classes. It was required for my degree in accounting.

The three components of capitalism are:

1. Production
2. Distribution
3. Exchange of money

It depends on who you're talking to on which is the most important.

If you're talking to a supply trickle down friedman conservative production is the most important.

If you're talking to a keynesian person then distribution is most important.

I'm a keynesian person and believe the obvious, you can produce all the goods and services you want but if there's no one to actually buy those goods or services supply is meaningless.

Both production and distribution contribute to money being exchanged but the keynesian understands that the demand side is much more important than the supply side.

When there's a demand the supply will happen but when there's not a demand to buy the products, production is a waste of time.

I'm curious, Dana...you used the term "supply trickle down friedman conservative"? What economics class did you take that taught "trickle down" theory?

"Trickle down" is not a term of economics. It's propaganda. This guy is a ignoramus who has never read an economics text in is life. He's only read propaganda.

Anyone who professes to have an economics background and insists that "trickle down" economics exists is pretty much full of shit about having an economics background!
Propaganda, another word you don't understand. It is a main component of capitalism, politics and warfare. Those of us that have used it recognize and understand it. Often, it is designed and applied for easy target dunces like you.

Tell us dunces the main component of capitalism. There are three components to capitalism. Which one do you think the main one is junior?

Please identify the three fundamental elements, or institutional clusters, of the capitalist economy and explain how the are compatible with the teachings of Jesus Christ?

The truth is Junior, anyone who would put "Trump the Bitch" in his avatar probably has never taken a course in economics or comparative religions. So I doubt if you have the interest, apptitude or brain cells required to intelligently discuss economics. About all your ilk can do is parrot lies you have heard on talk radio. Pathetic don't you think?

I did take those economics classes. It was required for my degree in accounting.

The three components of capitalism are:

1. Production
2. Distribution
3. Exchange of money

It depends on who you're talking to on which is the most important.

If you're talking to a supply trickle down friedman conservative production is the most important.

If you're talking to a keynesian person then distribution is most important.

I'm a keynesian person and believe the obvious, you can produce all the goods and services you want but if there's no one to actually buy those goods or services supply is meaningless.

Both production and distribution contribute to money being exchanged but the keynesian understands that the demand side is much more important than the supply side.

When there's a demand the supply will happen but when there's not a demand to buy the products, production is a waste of time.

I'm curious, Dana...you used the term "supply trickle down friedman conservative"? What economics class did you take that taught "trickle down" theory?

"Trickle down" is not a term of economics. It's propaganda. This guy is a ignoramus who has never read an economics text in is life. He's only read propaganda.

Anyone who professes to have an economics background and insists that "trickle down" economics exists is pretty much full of shit about having an economics background!
How poor is the person who employs you?
Propaganda, another word you don't understand. It is a main component of capitalism, politics and warfare. Those of us that have used it recognize and understand it. Often, it is designed and applied for easy target dunces like you.

Tell us dunces the main component of capitalism. There are three components to capitalism. Which one do you think the main one is junior?

Please identify the three fundamental elements, or institutional clusters, of the capitalist economy and explain how the are compatible with the teachings of Jesus Christ?

The truth is Junior, anyone who would put "Trump the Bitch" in his avatar probably has never taken a course in economics or comparative religions. So I doubt if you have the interest, apptitude or brain cells required to intelligently discuss economics. About all your ilk can do is parrot lies you have heard on talk radio. Pathetic don't you think?

I did take those economics classes. It was required for my degree in accounting.

The three components of capitalism are:

1. Production
2. Distribution
3. Exchange of money

It depends on who you're talking to on which is the most important.

If you're talking to a supply trickle down friedman conservative production is the most important.

If you're talking to a keynesian person then distribution is most important.

I'm a keynesian person and believe the obvious, you can produce all the goods and services you want but if there's no one to actually buy those goods or services supply is meaningless.

Both production and distribution contribute to money being exchanged but the keynesian understands that the demand side is much more important than the supply side.

When there's a demand the supply will happen but when there's not a demand to buy the products, production is a waste of time.

I'm curious, Dana...you used the term "supply trickle down friedman conservative"? What economics class did you take that taught "trickle down" theory?

"Trickle down" is not a term of economics. It's propaganda. This guy is a ignoramus who has never read an economics text in is life. He's only read propaganda.

Anyone who professes to have an economics background and insists that "trickle down" economics exists is pretty much full of shit about having an economics background!

So out of all the people you know, everyone in your family, your friends, your neighbors, and anyone else... how many are employed by poor people, or people you don't consider 'rich'?
Honest Hillary vs Lying Donald
The chart below is quite telling for several reasons:


Hillary was the most honest candidate in the Dem primary and her party nominated her. Is was a toss up because Bernie is also honest.

Kasich was the most honest Republican and his party rejected him like a turd in a punch bowl. Republicans embraced the two biggest liars, Cruz and Trump.

WHY? The answer is simple. Alt-Right CONS are everything America should not be. They are liars. When I say Alt-Right CONS I am not talking about conservatives. Real conservatives like Kasich are practically extinct.

Most liberals would agree, paleo-conservatism has merit and whether liberals and Alt-Right CONS want to admit it, the Clintons are fiscal conservatives and social moderates.

In defense of Republican politicians: They kinda have to lie because much of their base is so deplorable. Seemingly many Republican voters are enemies of truth, justice and the American way. If guys like Lindsey Graham and John McCain told the truth much of their base would call them RINOS.

Kasich is a decent and respectable guy and he truly is a Reaganite. Trump and Cruz are not even remotely conservative. They are both liars but at least Cruz in not a totally immoral criminal like Trump. CONS picked Trump. Trump is a symbol of CON depravity.

The fact in this post speak for themselves. Trump is a liar and Hillary despite all the propaganda is very honest person but the Alt-Right will cry, lie and deny and troll this thread.


Even by Today's Republican standards tRump is an unmitigated liar.


Even by Mitt Romney standards, Trump is an unmitigated liar.



Trump supporters know that Hillary is: very honest but they still go for lyin Donald.

Trump supporters know that Hillary is: far more qualified than Trump but they go for goofball Trump.

Trump supporters know that Trump promotes vice such as strip clubs and gambling but they still support him.

Trump supporters know that Trump is a womanizer yet they attack Hillary for being the victim of a womanizer. How sick and hypocritical is that?

The facts speak for themselves, Trump is a liar of low low low moral character. When it came time for the parties to pick their candidates Democrats picked the most honest and most qualified candidate Hillary Clinton.

When it came time for the Republicans to pick their candidate the rejected the most honest and most conservative, most qualified candidate John Kasich and went for the least qualified and most dishonest candidate... Donald Trump the stealth Democrat.

As bad as Trump is, his supporters appear to be far far worse.

Tell us dunces the main component of capitalism. There are three components to capitalism. Which one do you think the main one is junior?

Please identify the three fundamental elements, or institutional clusters, of the capitalist economy and explain how the are compatible with the teachings of Jesus Christ?

The truth is Junior, anyone who would put "Trump the Bitch" in his avatar probably has never taken a course in economics or comparative religions. So I doubt if you have the interest, apptitude or brain cells required to intelligently discuss economics. About all your ilk can do is parrot lies you have heard on talk radio. Pathetic don't you think?

I did take those economics classes. It was required for my degree in accounting.

The three components of capitalism are:

1. Production
2. Distribution
3. Exchange of money

It depends on who you're talking to on which is the most important.

If you're talking to a supply trickle down friedman conservative production is the most important.

If you're talking to a keynesian person then distribution is most important.

I'm a keynesian person and believe the obvious, you can produce all the goods and services you want but if there's no one to actually buy those goods or services supply is meaningless.

Both production and distribution contribute to money being exchanged but the keynesian understands that the demand side is much more important than the supply side.

When there's a demand the supply will happen but when there's not a demand to buy the products, production is a waste of time.

I'm curious, Dana...you used the term "supply trickle down friedman conservative"? What economics class did you take that taught "trickle down" theory?

"Trickle down" is not a term of economics. It's propaganda. This guy is a ignoramus who has never read an economics text in is life. He's only read propaganda.

Anyone who professes to have an economics background and insists that "trickle down" economics exists is pretty much full of shit about having an economics background!

So out of all the people you know, everyone in your family, your friends, your neighbors, and anyone else... how many are employed by poor people, or people you don't consider 'rich'?
He won't respond.....they never do as they are clueless about economics......
Tell us dunces the main component of capitalism. There are three components to capitalism. Which one do you think the main one is junior?

Please identify the three fundamental elements, or institutional clusters, of the capitalist economy and explain how the are compatible with the teachings of Jesus Christ?

The truth is Junior, anyone who would put "Trump the Bitch" in his avatar probably has never taken a course in economics or comparative religions. So I doubt if you have the interest, apptitude or brain cells required to intelligently discuss economics. About all your ilk can do is parrot lies you have heard on talk radio. Pathetic don't you think?

I did take those economics classes. It was required for my degree in accounting.

The three components of capitalism are:

1. Production
2. Distribution
3. Exchange of money

It depends on who you're talking to on which is the most important.

If you're talking to a supply trickle down friedman conservative production is the most important.

If you're talking to a keynesian person then distribution is most important.

I'm a keynesian person and believe the obvious, you can produce all the goods and services you want but if there's no one to actually buy those goods or services supply is meaningless.

Both production and distribution contribute to money being exchanged but the keynesian understands that the demand side is much more important than the supply side.

When there's a demand the supply will happen but when there's not a demand to buy the products, production is a waste of time.

I'm curious, Dana...you used the term "supply trickle down friedman conservative"? What economics class did you take that taught "trickle down" theory?

"Trickle down" is not a term of economics. It's propaganda. This guy is a ignoramus who has never read an economics text in is life. He's only read propaganda.

Anyone who professes to have an economics background and insists that "trickle down" economics exists is pretty much full of shit about having an economics background!

So out of all the people you know, everyone in your family, your friends, your neighbors, and anyone else... how many are employed by poor people, or people you don't consider 'rich'?

Why are you asking me that question?

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