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Honest Hillary vs Lying Donald

That lie was mild compared to Donald Trump. He lies every time he opens his mouth.

The only thing I disagree with in the top post is Kasich. The chart shows he is a liar,too. But I already knew that. Kasich is a nice,kind liar, in public. He does his dirty work behind closed doors. That is because we stopped his first massive Union busting at the ballot box. Embarrassed him, he went underground.
Trump says he is worth over $10 billion. Trump Lied & Repubtards ate it up!!!

On September 7, 2011 Court ruled Trump is not even a Billionaire! LOL

Superior Court of New Jersey, Donald J. TRUMP, Plaintiff, v. Timothy L. O'BRIEN, Time Warner Inc., Defendants–Respondents. Decided September 7, 2011
Trump likes to Torture People!

Trump ask his crowd "What do you think about waterboarding?" . Trump said "I like it a lot," he said to cheers. "I don't think it's tough enough."

If we water-board Trump every time he lies. He would surely drown!

The real problem is all that water may cause a flood drowning us all!
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Fact checkers are in the tank for Hillary, that much is clear from the get go.

Trump has done nothing compared to "honest Hillary".
Now that one is truly funny because I watched most of the 9 hours. At the end Hillary walked out cool, calm and collected after 9 hours of nasty,lying, Republican questions!

Meanwhile Gowdy came out red faced, sweating like a stuck hog and all those expensive witch hunts we paid for are Dead in the water!

BTW, Colin Powell and Condi Rice agree they were witch hunts.
  • Trump used mostly illegals to build his Trump Tower!
  • Nearly everything in All Trump Hotels is made in China!
  • Trump Lied when he Promised to Release his Tax Returns!
  • Trumps Agency's hire many Illegals!
  • Trump claimed President Obama's Birth Certificate was Fake!
  • Trump claimed President Obama was not a US Citizen!
  • Trump claimed Miss Universe Alicia Machado gained 52 pounds!
  • Trump Lied about donating $6 million to Veterans!
  • Trump Lied about being worth $10 billion!
  • Trump's illegal immigrant wife plagiarized her speech copying Michelle Obama's speech!
  • Trump Married an Illegal Alien & want's her to be our "First Lady"!
Trump's old Tax Returns 5 or more years old are NOT being audited so there is nothing in them to harm his current audit! We have 30 years worth of Hillary Clinton's taxes. Trump is a crooked chickenshit liar!!!
Honest Hillary vs Lying Donald
The chart below is quite telling for several reasons:


Hillary was the most honest candidate in the Dem primary and her party nominated her. Is was a toss up because Bernie is also honest.

Kasich was the most honest Republican and his party rejected him like a turd in a punch bowl. Republicans embraced the two biggest liars, Cruz and Trump.

WHY? The answer is simple. Alt-Right CONS are everything America should not be. They are liars. When I say Alt-Right CONS I am not talking about conservatives. Real conservatives like Kasich are practically extinct.

Most liberals would agree, paleo-conservatism has merit and whether liberals and Alt-Right CONS want to admit it, the Clintons are fiscal conservatives and social moderates.

In defense of Republican politicians: They kinda have to lie because much of their base is so deplorable. Seemingly many Republican voters are enemies of truth, justice and the American way. If guys like Lindsey Graham and John McCain told the truth much of their base would call them RINOS.

Kasich is a decent and respectable guy and he truly is a Reaganite. Trump and Cruz are not even remotely conservative. They are both liars but at least Cruz in not a totally immoral criminal like Trump. CONS picked Trump. Trump is a symbol of CON depravity.

The fact in this post speak for themselves. Trump is a liar and Hillary despite all the propaganda is very honest person but the Alt-Right will cry, lie and deny and troll this thread.


Even by Today's Republican standards tRump is an unmitigated liar.


Even by Mitt Romney standards, Trump is an unmitigated liar.



Trump supporters know that Hillary is: very honest but they still go for lyin Donald.

Trump supporters know that Hillary is: far more qualified than Trump but they go for goofball Trump.

Trump supporters know that Trump promotes vice such as strip clubs and gambling but they still support him.

Trump supporters know that Trump is a womanizer yet they attack Hillary for being the victim of a womanizer. How sick and hypocritical is that?

The facts speak for themselves, Trump is a liar of low low low moral character. When it came time for the parties to pick their candidates Democrats picked the most honest and most qualified candidate Hillary Clinton.

When it came time for the Republicans to pick their candidate the rejected the most honest and most conservative, most qualified candidate John Kasich and went for the least qualified and most dishonest candidate... Donald Trump the stealth Democrat.

As bad as Trump is, his supporters appear to be far far worse.
Sadly, the OP is far to complicated and has to many words for someone like Odwebo to comprehend.
Only you liberals work hard to believe propaganda......

Did you think that up all by yourself or are you parroting the alt-Right's hero pedophile drug addict and paid liar Rush Limbaugh?

Why do you think I'm a liberal? Is it because I hate lying, misogyny, bigotry, greed, lust, infidelity, sexual assault and intolerance? I follow the precepts of Jesus Christ the son of God and I don't think the Word of God is propaganda. I'm sorry you do.

Sounds like you're nuts!! Are you pro-life?


Do you mean anti-abortion? Here are the scriptures on abortion. What do you think?

Can you find any scripture forbidding abortion?

What the Bible says about Abortion
Abortion is not murder. A fetus is not considered a human life.

If men strive, and hurt a woman with child, so that her fruit depart from her, and yet no mischief follow: he shall be surely punished, according as the woman's husband will lay upon him; and he shall pay as the judges determine. And if any mischief follow, then thou shalt give life for life. --Exodus 21:22-23

The Bible places no value on fetuses or infants less than one month old.

And if it be from a month old even unto five years old, then thy estimation shall be of the male five shekels of silver, and for the female thy estimation shall be three shekels of silver. -- Leviticus 27:6

Fetuses and infants less than one month old are not considered persons.

Number the children of Levi after the house of their fathers, by their families: every male from a month old and upward shalt thou number them. And Moses numbered them according to the word of the LORD. -- Numbers 3:15-16

God sometimes approves of killing fetuses.

And Moses said unto them, Have ye saved all the women alive? ... Now therefore kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman that hath known man by lying with him. -- Numbers 31:15-17
(Some of the non-virgin women must have been pregnant. They would have been killed along with their unborn fetuses.)

Give them, O LORD: what wilt thou give? give them a miscarrying womb and dry breasts. -- Hosea 9:14

Yea, though they bring forth, yet will I slay even the beloved fruit of their womb. -- Hosea 9:16

Samaria shall become desolate; for she hath rebelled against her God: they shall fall by the sword: their infants shall be dashed in pieces, and their women with child shall be ripped up. -- Hosea 13:16

God sometimes kills newborn babies to punish their parents.

Because by this deed thou hast given great occasion to the enemies of the LORD to blaspheme, the child also that is born unto thee shall surely die. -- 2 Samuel 12:14

God sometimes causes abortions by cursing unfaithful wives.

The priest shall say unto the woman, The LORD make thee a curse and an oath among thy people, when the LORD doth make thy thigh to rot, and thy belly to swell. And this water that causeth the curse shall go into thy bowels, to make thy belly to swell, and thy thigh to rot: And the woman shall say, Amen, amen. ...
And when he hath made her to drink the water, then it shall come to pass, that, if she be defiled, and have done trespass against her husband, that the water that causeth the curse shall enter into her, and become bitter, and her belly shall swell, and her thigh shall rot: and the woman shall be a curse among her people. And if the woman be not defiled, but be clean; then she shall be free, and shall conceive seed. -- Numbers 5:21-21, 27-28

God's law sometimes requires the execution (by burning to death) of pregnant women.

Tamar thy daughter in law hath played the harlot; and also, behold, she is with child by whoredom. And Judah said, Bring her forth, and let her be burnt. -- Genesis 38:24

So you are an abortion apologist. You disgust me!!!

Wow...you think Hillary is honest? You're a world class idiot! She's pathological.

You called me an idiot. That's all you have and that is against the rule. Do you believe the rules do not apply to you?

Do you think YOU are entitled to special treatment?


Here's another chart that proves Hillary is Honest and Trump is the Biggest LIAR EVER!

Find a fact check site that doesn't show Trump to be the biggest liar in the history of politics and post it.
Nice try, MrFritz...but no cigar. Check out the revealing emails being posted daily to see just how honest the Queen of Deceit has been with you. She is, without a doubt the most dishonest politician alive today.

Polls and charts today mean nothing. Anyone can draw a bar graph and claim it represents the truth.

Check this out:

Leaked emails reveal Hillary Clinton’s life of deceit | New York Post

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I didn't expect you to figure out the point. That would take brains and a moral center.

Moral center? Like "we came, we saw, he died, hahaha" morals?

As I said, it's ok to love Hillary, but please drop the disgusting hypocrisy
A chart is an excuse? I never posted any charts. Screen shots are not charts. Is English you second language or were you educated in the South?

But you're right, English is indeed my second language. Doesn't really matter though, it's still pathetic that you think posting (screenshots of) charts prove that your beloved princess is the "moral" choice

If democrats had any morals they would have selected Bernie instead of Hillary and if you had any morals you would be promoting Jill Stein now

Honest Hillary vs Lying Donald
The chart below is quite telling for several reasons:


Hillary was the most honest candidate in the Dem primary and her party nominated her. Is was a toss up because Bernie is also honest.

Kasich was the most honest Republican and his party rejected him like a turd in a punch bowl. Republicans embraced the two biggest liars, Cruz and Trump.

WHY? The answer is simple. Alt-Right CONS are everything America should not be. They are liars. When I say Alt-Right CONS I am not talking about conservatives. Real conservatives like Kasich are practically extinct.

Most liberals would agree, paleo-conservatism has merit and whether liberals and Alt-Right CONS want to admit it, the Clintons are fiscal conservatives and social moderates.

In defense of Republican politicians: They kinda have to lie because much of their base is so deplorable. Seemingly many Republican voters are enemies of truth, justice and the American way. If guys like Lindsey Graham and John McCain told the truth much of their base would call them RINOS.

Kasich is a decent and respectable guy and he truly is a Reaganite. Trump and Cruz are not even remotely conservative. They are both liars but at least Cruz in not a totally immoral criminal like Trump. CONS picked Trump. Trump is a symbol of CON depravity.

The fact in this post speak for themselves. Trump is a liar and Hillary despite all the propaganda is very honest person but the Alt-Right will cry, lie and deny and troll this thread.


Even by Today's Republican standards tRump is an unmitigated liar.


Even by Mitt Romney standards, Trump is an unmitigated liar.



Trump supporters know that Hillary is: very honest but they still go for lyin Donald.

Trump supporters know that Hillary is: far more qualified than Trump but they go for goofball Trump.

Trump supporters know that Trump promotes vice such as strip clubs and gambling but they still support him.

Trump supporters know that Trump is a womanizer yet they attack Hillary for being the victim of a womanizer. How sick and hypocritical is that?

The facts speak for themselves, Trump is a liar of low low low moral character. When it came time for the parties to pick their candidates Democrats picked the most honest and most qualified candidate Hillary Clinton.

When it came time for the Republicans to pick their candidate the rejected the most honest and most conservative, most qualified candidate John Kasich and went for the least qualified and most dishonest candidate... Donald Trump the stealth Democrat.

As bad as Trump is, his supporters appear to be far far worse.

The so-called "fact-check sites" have all been discredited, moron. They have been proven to be nothing but Democrat party propaganda mills.

No they haven't. Because your candidate has come off so badly, YOU have decided that fact check sites are evil and YOU chose not to believe them.

The rest of us aren't are easily duped as you. We knew Donald Trump has no morals, integrity, or common sense.
Honest Hillary vs Lying Donald
The chart below is quite telling for several reasons:


Hillary was the most honest candidate in the Dem primary and her party nominated her. Is was a toss up because Bernie is also honest.

Kasich was the most honest Republican and his party rejected him like a turd in a punch bowl. Republicans embraced the two biggest liars, Cruz and Trump.

WHY? The answer is simple. Alt-Right CONS are everything America should not be. They are liars. When I say Alt-Right CONS I am not talking about conservatives. Real conservatives like Kasich are practically extinct.

Most liberals would agree, paleo-conservatism has merit and whether liberals and Alt-Right CONS want to admit it, the Clintons are fiscal conservatives and social moderates.

In defense of Republican politicians: They kinda have to lie because much of their base is so deplorable. Seemingly many Republican voters are enemies of truth, justice and the American way. If guys like Lindsey Graham and John McCain told the truth much of their base would call them RINOS.

Kasich is a decent and respectable guy and he truly is a Reaganite. Trump and Cruz are not even remotely conservative. They are both liars but at least Cruz in not a totally immoral criminal like Trump. CONS picked Trump. Trump is a symbol of CON depravity.

The fact in this post speak for themselves. Trump is a liar and Hillary despite all the propaganda is very honest person but the Alt-Right will cry, lie and deny and troll this thread.


Even by Today's Republican standards tRump is an unmitigated liar.


Even by Mitt Romney standards, Trump is an unmitigated liar.



Trump supporters know that Hillary is: very honest but they still go for lyin Donald.

Trump supporters know that Hillary is: far more qualified than Trump but they go for goofball Trump.

Trump supporters know that Trump promotes vice such as strip clubs and gambling but they still support him.

Trump supporters know that Trump is a womanizer yet they attack Hillary for being the victim of a womanizer. How sick and hypocritical is that?

The facts speak for themselves, Trump is a liar of low low low moral character. When it came time for the parties to pick their candidates Democrats picked the most honest and most qualified candidate Hillary Clinton.

When it came time for the Republicans to pick their candidate the rejected the most honest and most conservative, most qualified candidate John Kasich and went for the least qualified and most dishonest candidate... Donald Trump the stealth Democrat.

As bad as Trump is, his supporters appear to be far far worse.

The so-called "fact-check sites" have all been discredited, moron. They have been proven to be nothing but Democrat party propaganda mills.

No they haven't. Because your candidate has come off so badly, YOU have decided that fact check sites are evil and YOU chose not to believe them.

The rest of us aren't are easily duped as you. We knew Donald Trump has no morals, integrity, or common sense.
Then don't vote hitlery.....it's your choice.....
Honest Hillary vs Lying Donald
The chart below is quite telling for several reasons:


Hillary was the most honest candidate in the Dem primary and her party nominated her. Is was a toss up because Bernie is also honest.

Kasich was the most honest Republican and his party rejected him like a turd in a punch bowl. Republicans embraced the two biggest liars, Cruz and Trump.

WHY? The answer is simple. Alt-Right CONS are everything America should not be. They are liars. When I say Alt-Right CONS I am not talking about conservatives. Real conservatives like Kasich are practically extinct.

Most liberals would agree, paleo-conservatism has merit and whether liberals and Alt-Right CONS want to admit it, the Clintons are fiscal conservatives and social moderates.

In defense of Republican politicians: They kinda have to lie because much of their base is so deplorable. Seemingly many Republican voters are enemies of truth, justice and the American way. If guys like Lindsey Graham and John McCain told the truth much of their base would call them RINOS.

Kasich is a decent and respectable guy and he truly is a Reaganite. Trump and Cruz are not even remotely conservative. They are both liars but at least Cruz in not a totally immoral criminal like Trump. CONS picked Trump. Trump is a symbol of CON depravity.

The fact in this post speak for themselves. Trump is a liar and Hillary despite all the propaganda is very honest person but the Alt-Right will cry, lie and deny and troll this thread.


Even by Today's Republican standards tRump is an unmitigated liar.


Even by Mitt Romney standards, Trump is an unmitigated liar.



Trump supporters know that Hillary is: very honest but they still go for lyin Donald.

Trump supporters know that Hillary is: far more qualified than Trump but they go for goofball Trump.

Trump supporters know that Trump promotes vice such as strip clubs and gambling but they still support him.

Trump supporters know that Trump is a womanizer yet they attack Hillary for being the victim of a womanizer. How sick and hypocritical is that?

The facts speak for themselves, Trump is a liar of low low low moral character. When it came time for the parties to pick their candidates Democrats picked the most honest and most qualified candidate Hillary Clinton.

When it came time for the Republicans to pick their candidate the rejected the most honest and most conservative, most qualified candidate John Kasich and went for the least qualified and most dishonest candidate... Donald Trump the stealth Democrat.

As bad as Trump is, his supporters appear to be far far worse.

The so-called "fact-check sites" have all been discredited, moron. They have been proven to be nothing but Democrat party propaganda mills.

No they haven't. Because your candidate has come off so badly, YOU have decided that fact check sites are evil and YOU chose not to believe them.

The rest of us aren't are easily duped as you. We knew Donald Trump has no morals, integrity, or common sense.

I know the so-called fact checks are wrong because I know the facts.

Only dupes believe the fact-check sites. They will soon go the way of the dinosaurs and Betamax.
You don't need a fact checker to know Trump is a serial liar. It is interesting that his followers can't defend his lies, but instead attack the organizations that list and explain his lies. It's the old standard deflection of attacking the messenger instead of the message. No, folks, Donald lied about seeing thousands of Muslims celebrating in the streets of New Jersey on his TV on 9/11.That was a malicious lie used to malign Muslim Americans and plant the anti-Muslim hate and fear agenda that would become a standard of his campaign.
Some of his supporters were just arrested for planning a domestic terrorist attack on Muslims.

They hate truth. A couple of Texas tRupoids attacked a Sihk man because they thought he was a Muslim.

As a devout Christian, I am more disturbed by the tRumproids than I am by Trump. Trump is merely an extreme narcissist with a moth eaten mind.

When people start rejecting the truth because they are so blinded by hate they become very dangerous. The media calls the Alt-Right... in the 1930's they had another name. Eventually, they felt the wrath of God. "They sowed the wind, and now they are going to reap the whirlwind" was taken from the Old Testament (Hosea 8–7) by Sir Arthur Harris of the British Bomber Command. He was also known as Bomber Harris.



People like you are so predictable, Mr. Fritz. You post nonsense...like Hillary Clinton is honest...and when you get lampooned for it you immediately accuse those who do so of being either racists or Nazis. You need to get new material...that shit's gotten old!
Honest Hillary vs Lying Donald
The chart below is quite telling for several reasons:


Hillary was the most honest candidate in the Dem primary and her party nominated her. Is was a toss up because Bernie is also honest.

Kasich was the most honest Republican and his party rejected him like a turd in a punch bowl. Republicans embraced the two biggest liars, Cruz and Trump.

WHY? The answer is simple. Alt-Right CONS are everything America should not be. They are liars. When I say Alt-Right CONS I am not talking about conservatives. Real conservatives like Kasich are practically extinct.

Most liberals would agree, paleo-conservatism has merit and whether liberals and Alt-Right CONS want to admit it, the Clintons are fiscal conservatives and social moderates.

In defense of Republican politicians: They kinda have to lie because much of their base is so deplorable. Seemingly many Republican voters are enemies of truth, justice and the American way. If guys like Lindsey Graham and John McCain told the truth much of their base would call them RINOS.

Kasich is a decent and respectable guy and he truly is a Reaganite. Trump and Cruz are not even remotely conservative. They are both liars but at least Cruz in not a totally immoral criminal like Trump. CONS picked Trump. Trump is a symbol of CON depravity.

The fact in this post speak for themselves. Trump is a liar and Hillary despite all the propaganda is very honest person but the Alt-Right will cry, lie and deny and troll this thread.


Even by Today's Republican standards tRump is an unmitigated liar.


Even by Mitt Romney standards, Trump is an unmitigated liar.



Trump supporters know that Hillary is: very honest but they still go for lyin Donald.

Trump supporters know that Hillary is: far more qualified than Trump but they go for goofball Trump.

Trump supporters know that Trump promotes vice such as strip clubs and gambling but they still support him.

Trump supporters know that Trump is a womanizer yet they attack Hillary for being the victim of a womanizer. How sick and hypocritical is that?

The facts speak for themselves, Trump is a liar of low low low moral character. When it came time for the parties to pick their candidates Democrats picked the most honest and most qualified candidate Hillary Clinton.

When it came time for the Republicans to pick their candidate the rejected the most honest and most conservative, most qualified candidate John Kasich and went for the least qualified and most dishonest candidate... Donald Trump the stealth Democrat.

As bad as Trump is, his supporters appear to be far far worse.
Sadly, the OP is far to complicated and has to many words for someone like Odwebo to comprehend.
Only you liberals work hard to believe propaganda......
Propaganda, another word you don't understand. It is a main component of capitalism, politics and warfare. Those of us that have used it recognize and understand it. Often, it is designed and applied for easy target dunces like you.
You're confusing your crony capitalism with real capitalism again.....

So we take it you have yet to complete your on-line degree?
Advertising is a form of propaganda dumb ass.

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