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Honest Hillary vs Lying Donald

Honest Hillary vs Lying Donald
The chart below is quite telling for several reasons:


Hillary was the most honest candidate in the Dem primary and her party nominated her. Is was a toss up because Bernie is also honest.

Kasich was the most honest Republican and his party rejected him like a turd in a punch bowl. Republicans embraced the two biggest liars, Cruz and Trump.

WHY? The answer is simple. Alt-Right CONS are everything America should not be. They are liars. When I say Alt-Right CONS I am not talking about conservatives. Real conservatives like Kasich are practically extinct.

Most liberals would agree, paleo-conservatism has merit and whether liberals and Alt-Right CONS want to admit it, the Clintons are fiscal conservatives and social moderates.

In defense of Republican politicians: They kinda have to lie because much of their base is so deplorable. Seemingly many Republican voters are enemies of truth, justice and the American way. If guys like Lindsey Graham and John McCain told the truth much of their base would call them RINOS.

Kasich is a decent and respectable guy and he truly is a Reaganite. Trump and Cruz are not even remotely conservative. They are both liars but at least Cruz in not a totally immoral criminal like Trump. CONS picked Trump. Trump is a symbol of CON depravity.

The fact in this post speak for themselves. Trump is a liar and Hillary despite all the propaganda is very honest person but the Alt-Right will cry, lie and deny and troll this thread.


Even by Today's Republican standards tRump is an unmitigated liar.


Even by Mitt Romney standards, Trump is an unmitigated liar.



Trump supporters know that Hillary is: very honest but they still go for lyin Donald.

Trump supporters know that Hillary is: far more qualified than Trump but they go for goofball Trump.

Trump supporters know that Trump promotes vice such as strip clubs and gambling but they still support him.

Trump supporters know that Trump is a womanizer yet they attack Hillary for being the victim of a womanizer. How sick and hypocritical is that?

The facts speak for themselves, Trump is a liar of low low low moral character. When it came time for the parties to pick their candidates Democrats picked the most honest and most qualified candidate Hillary Clinton.

When it came time for the Republicans to pick their candidate the rejected the most honest and most conservative, most qualified candidate John Kasich and went for the least qualified and most dishonest candidate... Donald Trump the stealth Democrat.

As bad as Trump is, his supporters appear to be far far worse.
The Trump defenders continue to attack the messenger instead of the message. They whine about the source but can not defend the hundreds, hundreds, of lies told by Trump during the campaign. Hundreds of his lies are listed in links in this thread but the Trump followers whine about the sources, even though the main sources are video and audio tapes of Trump himself telling the lies.
Honest Hillary vs Lying Donald
The chart below is quite telling for several reasons:


Hillary was the most honest candidate in the Dem primary and her party nominated her. Is was a toss up because Bernie is also honest.

Kasich was the most honest Republican and his party rejected him like a turd in a punch bowl. Republicans embraced the two biggest liars, Cruz and Trump.

WHY? The answer is simple. Alt-Right CONS are everything America should not be. They are liars. When I say Alt-Right CONS I am not talking about conservatives. Real conservatives like Kasich are practically extinct.

Most liberals would agree, paleo-conservatism has merit and whether liberals and Alt-Right CONS want to admit it, the Clintons are fiscal conservatives and social moderates.

In defense of Republican politicians: They kinda have to lie because much of their base is so deplorable. Seemingly many Republican voters are enemies of truth, justice and the American way. If guys like Lindsey Graham and John McCain told the truth much of their base would call them RINOS.

Kasich is a decent and respectable guy and he truly is a Reaganite. Trump and Cruz are not even remotely conservative. They are both liars but at least Cruz in not a totally immoral criminal like Trump. CONS picked Trump. Trump is a symbol of CON depravity.

The fact in this post speak for themselves. Trump is a liar and Hillary despite all the propaganda is very honest person but the Alt-Right will cry, lie and deny and troll this thread.


Even by Today's Republican standards tRump is an unmitigated liar.


Even by Mitt Romney standards, Trump is an unmitigated liar.



Trump supporters know that Hillary is: very honest but they still go for lyin Donald.

Trump supporters know that Hillary is: far more qualified than Trump but they go for goofball Trump.

Trump supporters know that Trump promotes vice such as strip clubs and gambling but they still support him.

Trump supporters know that Trump is a womanizer yet they attack Hillary for being the victim of a womanizer. How sick and hypocritical is that?

The facts speak for themselves, Trump is a liar of low low low moral character. When it came time for the parties to pick their candidates Democrats picked the most honest and most qualified candidate Hillary Clinton.

When it came time for the Republicans to pick their candidate the rejected the most honest and most conservative, most qualified candidate John Kasich and went for the least qualified and most dishonest candidate... Donald Trump the stealth Democrat.

As bad as Trump is, his supporters appear to be far far worse.

The so-called "fact-check sites" have all been discredited, moron. They have been proven to be nothing but Democrat party propaganda mills.

No they haven't. Because your candidate has come off so badly, YOU have decided that fact check sites are evil and YOU chose not to believe them.

The rest of us aren't are easily duped as you. We knew Donald Trump has no morals, integrity, or common sense.
Then don't vote hitlery.....it's your choice.....

Hillary has all of the above. She also has been the victim of 25 years of Republican smears on her integrity, her veracity, and her morals. They've spent $100 million investigating her and an equal amount smearing her reputation.

She was a good and hardworking Senator, who was re-elected with more votes than she was elected with. As Secretary of State, she had a nearly 70% approval rating when she left office. It was only when she announced she was running for office, her approval rating suddenly dropped 10%.

Lies are all Republicans have against the Clintons, and the blow job.
People like you are so predictable, Mr. Fritz. You post nonsense...like Hillary Clinton is honest...and when you get lampooned for it you immediately accuse those who do so of being either racists or Nazis. You need to get new material...that shit's gotten old!

Hillary is generally honest. That's not nonsense.

I don't call those who deny this racists or Nazis. I call them Republicans. But lately, with the number of white supremecists supporting the Trump, it's getting harder and harder to tell them apart.
Honest Hillary vs Lying Donald
The chart below is quite telling for several reasons:


Hillary was the most honest candidate in the Dem primary and her party nominated her. Is was a toss up because Bernie is also honest.

Kasich was the most honest Republican and his party rejected him like a turd in a punch bowl. Republicans embraced the two biggest liars, Cruz and Trump.

WHY? The answer is simple. Alt-Right CONS are everything America should not be. They are liars. When I say Alt-Right CONS I am not talking about conservatives. Real conservatives like Kasich are practically extinct.

Most liberals would agree, paleo-conservatism has merit and whether liberals and Alt-Right CONS want to admit it, the Clintons are fiscal conservatives and social moderates.

In defense of Republican politicians: They kinda have to lie because much of their base is so deplorable. Seemingly many Republican voters are enemies of truth, justice and the American way. If guys like Lindsey Graham and John McCain told the truth much of their base would call them RINOS.

Kasich is a decent and respectable guy and he truly is a Reaganite. Trump and Cruz are not even remotely conservative. They are both liars but at least Cruz in not a totally immoral criminal like Trump. CONS picked Trump. Trump is a symbol of CON depravity.

The fact in this post speak for themselves. Trump is a liar and Hillary despite all the propaganda is very honest person but the Alt-Right will cry, lie and deny and troll this thread.


Even by Today's Republican standards tRump is an unmitigated liar.


Even by Mitt Romney standards, Trump is an unmitigated liar.



Trump supporters know that Hillary is: very honest but they still go for lyin Donald.

Trump supporters know that Hillary is: far more qualified than Trump but they go for goofball Trump.

Trump supporters know that Trump promotes vice such as strip clubs and gambling but they still support him.

Trump supporters know that Trump is a womanizer yet they attack Hillary for being the victim of a womanizer. How sick and hypocritical is that?

The facts speak for themselves, Trump is a liar of low low low moral character. When it came time for the parties to pick their candidates Democrats picked the most honest and most qualified candidate Hillary Clinton.

When it came time for the Republicans to pick their candidate the rejected the most honest and most conservative, most qualified candidate John Kasich and went for the least qualified and most dishonest candidate... Donald Trump the stealth Democrat.

As bad as Trump is, his supporters appear to be far far worse.
Sadly, the OP is far to complicated and has to many words for someone like Odwebo to comprehend.
Only you liberals work hard to believe propaganda......
Propaganda, another word you don't understand. It is a main component of capitalism, politics and warfare. Those of us that have used it recognize and understand it. Often, it is designed and applied for easy target dunces like you.

Tell us dunces the main component of capitalism. There are three components to capitalism. Which one do you think the main one is junior?

Please identify the three fundamental elements, or institutional clusters, of the capitalist economy and explain how the are compatible with the teachings of Jesus Christ?

The truth is Junior, anyone who would put "Trump the Bitch" in his avatar probably has never taken a course in economics or comparative religions. So I doubt if you have the interest, apptitude or brain cells required to intelligently discuss economics. About all your ilk can do is parrot lies you have heard on talk radio. Pathetic don't you think?

I did take those economics classes. It was required for my degree in accounting.

The three components of capitalism are:

1. Production
2. Distribution
3. Exchange of money

It depends on who you're talking to on which is the most important.

If you're talking to a supply trickle down friedman conservative production is the most important.

If you're talking to a keynesian person then distribution is most important.

I'm a keynesian person and believe the obvious, you can produce all the goods and services you want but if there's no one to actually buy those goods or services supply is meaningless.

Both production and distribution contribute to money being exchanged but the keynesian understands that the demand side is much more important than the supply side.

When there's a demand the supply will happen but when there's not a demand to buy the products, production is a waste of time.
Last edited:
Honest Hillary vs Lying Donald
The chart below is quite telling for several reasons:


Hillary was the most honest candidate in the Dem primary and her party nominated her. Is was a toss up because Bernie is also honest.

Kasich was the most honest Republican and his party rejected him like a turd in a punch bowl. Republicans embraced the two biggest liars, Cruz and Trump.

WHY? The answer is simple. Alt-Right CONS are everything America should not be. They are liars. When I say Alt-Right CONS I am not talking about conservatives. Real conservatives like Kasich are practically extinct.

Most liberals would agree, paleo-conservatism has merit and whether liberals and Alt-Right CONS want to admit it, the Clintons are fiscal conservatives and social moderates.

In defense of Republican politicians: They kinda have to lie because much of their base is so deplorable. Seemingly many Republican voters are enemies of truth, justice and the American way. If guys like Lindsey Graham and John McCain told the truth much of their base would call them RINOS.

Kasich is a decent and respectable guy and he truly is a Reaganite. Trump and Cruz are not even remotely conservative. They are both liars but at least Cruz in not a totally immoral criminal like Trump. CONS picked Trump. Trump is a symbol of CON depravity.

The fact in this post speak for themselves. Trump is a liar and Hillary despite all the propaganda is very honest person but the Alt-Right will cry, lie and deny and troll this thread.


Even by Today's Republican standards tRump is an unmitigated liar.


Even by Mitt Romney standards, Trump is an unmitigated liar.



Trump supporters know that Hillary is: very honest but they still go for lyin Donald.

Trump supporters know that Hillary is: far more qualified than Trump but they go for goofball Trump.

Trump supporters know that Trump promotes vice such as strip clubs and gambling but they still support him.

Trump supporters know that Trump is a womanizer yet they attack Hillary for being the victim of a womanizer. How sick and hypocritical is that?

The facts speak for themselves, Trump is a liar of low low low moral character. When it came time for the parties to pick their candidates Democrats picked the most honest and most qualified candidate Hillary Clinton.

When it came time for the Republicans to pick their candidate the rejected the most honest and most conservative, most qualified candidate John Kasich and went for the least qualified and most dishonest candidate... Donald Trump the stealth Democrat.

As bad as Trump is, his supporters appear to be far far worse.
Sadly, the OP is far to complicated and has to many words for someone like Odwebo to comprehend.
Only you liberals work hard to believe propaganda......

Did you think that up all by yourself or are you parroting the alt-Right's hero pedophile drug addict and paid liar Rush Limbaugh?

Why do you think I'm a liberal? Is it because I hate lying, misogyny, bigotry, greed, lust, infidelity, sexual assault and intolerance? I follow the precepts of Jesus Christ the son of God and I don't think the Word of God is propaganda. I'm sorry you do.

Sounds like you're nuts!! Are you pro-life?


Do you mean anti-abortion? Here are the scriptures on abortion. What do you think?

Can you find any scripture forbidding abortion?

What the Bible says about Abortion
Abortion is not murder. A fetus is not considered a human life.

If men strive, and hurt a woman with child, so that her fruit depart from her, and yet no mischief follow: he shall be surely punished, according as the woman's husband will lay upon him; and he shall pay as the judges determine. And if any mischief follow, then thou shalt give life for life. --Exodus 21:22-23

The Bible places no value on fetuses or infants less than one month old.

And if it be from a month old even unto five years old, then thy estimation shall be of the male five shekels of silver, and for the female thy estimation shall be three shekels of silver. -- Leviticus 27:6

Fetuses and infants less than one month old are not considered persons.

Number the children of Levi after the house of their fathers, by their families: every male from a month old and upward shalt thou number them. And Moses numbered them according to the word of the LORD. -- Numbers 3:15-16

God sometimes approves of killing fetuses.

And Moses said unto them, Have ye saved all the women alive? ... Now therefore kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman that hath known man by lying with him. -- Numbers 31:15-17
(Some of the non-virgin women must have been pregnant. They would have been killed along with their unborn fetuses.)

Give them, O LORD: what wilt thou give? give them a miscarrying womb and dry breasts. -- Hosea 9:14

Yea, though they bring forth, yet will I slay even the beloved fruit of their womb. -- Hosea 9:16

Samaria shall become desolate; for she hath rebelled against her God: they shall fall by the sword: their infants shall be dashed in pieces, and their women with child shall be ripped up. -- Hosea 13:16

God sometimes kills newborn babies to punish their parents.

Because by this deed thou hast given great occasion to the enemies of the LORD to blaspheme, the child also that is born unto thee shall surely die. -- 2 Samuel 12:14

God sometimes causes abortions by cursing unfaithful wives.

The priest shall say unto the woman, The LORD make thee a curse and an oath among thy people, when the LORD doth make thy thigh to rot, and thy belly to swell. And this water that causeth the curse shall go into thy bowels, to make thy belly to swell, and thy thigh to rot: And the woman shall say, Amen, amen. ...
And when he hath made her to drink the water, then it shall come to pass, that, if she be defiled, and have done trespass against her husband, that the water that causeth the curse shall enter into her, and become bitter, and her belly shall swell, and her thigh shall rot: and the woman shall be a curse among her people. And if the woman be not defiled, but be clean; then she shall be free, and shall conceive seed. -- Numbers 5:21-21, 27-28

God's law sometimes requires the execution (by burning to death) of pregnant women.

Tamar thy daughter in law hath played the harlot; and also, behold, she is with child by whoredom. And Judah said, Bring her forth, and let her be burnt. -- Genesis 38:24

Yes not only does the bible not condemn or forbid abortion, the bible gives instructions on how to perform one.

Numbers 5:11-31
The Test for an Unfaithful Wife

11 Then the Lord said to Moses, 12 “Speak to the Israelites and say to them: ‘If a man’s wife goes astray and is unfaithful to him 13 so that another man has sexual relations with her, and this is hidden from her husband and her impurity is undetected (since there is no witness against her and she has not been caught in the act), 14 and if feelings of jealousy come over her husband and he suspects his wife and she is impure—or if he is jealous and suspects her even though she is not impure— 15 then he is to take his wife to the priest. He must also take an offering of a tenth of an ephah of barley flour on her behalf. He must not pour olive oil on it or put incense on it, because it is a grain offering for jealousy, a reminder-offering to draw attention to wrongdoing.

16 “‘The priest shall bring her and have her stand before the Lord. 17 Then he shall take some holy water in a clay jar and put some dust from the tabernacle floor into the water. 18 After the priest has had the woman stand before the Lord, he shall loosen her hair and place in her hands the reminder-offering, the grain offering for jealousy, while he himself holds the bitter water that brings a curse. 19 Then the priest shall put the woman under oath and say to her, “If no other man has had sexual relations with you and you have not gone astray and become impure while married to your husband, may this bitter water that brings a curse not harm you. 20 But if you have gone astray while married to your husband and you have made yourself impure by having sexual relations with a man other than your husband”— 21 here the priest is to put the woman under this curse—“may the Lord cause you to become a curse among your people when he makes your womb miscarry and your abdomen swell. 22 May this water that brings a curse enter your body so that your abdomen swells or your womb miscarries.”

“‘Then the woman is to say, “Amen. So be it.”

23 “‘The priest is to write these curses on a scroll and then wash them off into the bitter water. 24 He shall make the woman drink the bitter water that brings a curse, and this water that brings a curse and causes bitter suffering will enter her. 25 The priest is to take from her hands the grain offering for jealousy, wave it before the Lord and bring it to the altar. 26 The priest is then to take a handful of the grain offering as a memorial offering and burn it on the altar; after that, he is to have the woman drink the water. 27 If she has made herself impure and been unfaithful to her husband, this will be the result: When she is made to drink the water that brings a curse and causes bitter suffering, it will enter her, her abdomen will swell and her womb will miscarry, and she will become a curse. 28 If, however, the woman has not made herself impure, but is clean, she will be cleared of guilt and will be able to have children.

29 “‘This, then, is the law of jealousy when a woman goes astray and makes herself impure while married to her husband, 30 or when feelings of jealousy come over a man because he suspects his wife. The priest is to have her stand before the Lord and is to apply this entire law to her. 31 The husband will be innocent of any wrongdoing, but the woman will bear the consequences of her sin.’”
http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Numbers 5:11-31&version=NIV
People like you are so predictable, Mr. Fritz. You post nonsense...like Hillary Clinton is honest...and when you get lampooned for it you immediately accuse those who do so of being either racists or Nazis. You need to get new material...that shit's gotten old!

Hillary is generally honest. That's not nonsense.

I don't call those who deny this racists or Nazis. I call them Republicans. But lately, with the number of white supremecists supporting the Trump, it's getting harder and harder to tell them apart.
You know how you can tell when Hillary is lying? Her lips are moving.
Honest Hillary vs Lying Donald
The chart below is quite telling for several reasons:


Hillary was the most honest candidate in the Dem primary and her party nominated her. Is was a toss up because Bernie is also honest.

Kasich was the most honest Republican and his party rejected him like a turd in a punch bowl. Republicans embraced the two biggest liars, Cruz and Trump.

WHY? The answer is simple. Alt-Right CONS are everything America should not be. They are liars. When I say Alt-Right CONS I am not talking about conservatives. Real conservatives like Kasich are practically extinct.

Most liberals would agree, paleo-conservatism has merit and whether liberals and Alt-Right CONS want to admit it, the Clintons are fiscal conservatives and social moderates.

In defense of Republican politicians: They kinda have to lie because much of their base is so deplorable. Seemingly many Republican voters are enemies of truth, justice and the American way. If guys like Lindsey Graham and John McCain told the truth much of their base would call them RINOS.

Kasich is a decent and respectable guy and he truly is a Reaganite. Trump and Cruz are not even remotely conservative. They are both liars but at least Cruz in not a totally immoral criminal like Trump. CONS picked Trump. Trump is a symbol of CON depravity.

The fact in this post speak for themselves. Trump is a liar and Hillary despite all the propaganda is very honest person but the Alt-Right will cry, lie and deny and troll this thread.


Even by Today's Republican standards tRump is an unmitigated liar.


Even by Mitt Romney standards, Trump is an unmitigated liar.



Trump supporters know that Hillary is: very honest but they still go for lyin Donald.

Trump supporters know that Hillary is: far more qualified than Trump but they go for goofball Trump.

Trump supporters know that Trump promotes vice such as strip clubs and gambling but they still support him.

Trump supporters know that Trump is a womanizer yet they attack Hillary for being the victim of a womanizer. How sick and hypocritical is that?

The facts speak for themselves, Trump is a liar of low low low moral character. When it came time for the parties to pick their candidates Democrats picked the most honest and most qualified candidate Hillary Clinton.

When it came time for the Republicans to pick their candidate the rejected the most honest and most conservative, most qualified candidate John Kasich and went for the least qualified and most dishonest candidate... Donald Trump the stealth Democrat.

As bad as Trump is, his supporters appear to be far far worse.
Sadly, the OP is far to complicated and has to many words for someone like Odwebo to comprehend.
Only you liberals work hard to believe propaganda......
Propaganda, another word you don't understand. It is a main component of capitalism, politics and warfare. Those of us that have used it recognize and understand it. Often, it is designed and applied for easy target dunces like you.

Tell us dunces the main component of capitalism. There are three components to capitalism. Which one do you think the main one is junior?

Please identify the three fundamental elements, or institutional clusters, of the capitalist economy and explain how the are compatible with the teachings of Jesus Christ?

The truth is Junior, anyone who would put "Trump the Bitch" in his avatar probably has never taken a course in economics or comparative religions. So I doubt if you have the interest, apptitude or brain cells required to intelligently discuss economics. About all your ilk can do is parrot lies you have heard on talk radio. Pathetic don't you think?

I did take those economics classes. It was required for my degree in accounting.

The three components of capitalism are:

1. Production
2. Distribution
3. Exchange of money

It depends on who you're talking to on which is the most important.

If you're talking to a supply trickle down friedman conservative production is the most important.

If you're talking to a keynesian person then distribution is most important.

I'm a keynesian person and believe the obvious, you can produce all the goods and services you want but if there's no one to actually buy those goods or services supply is meaningless.

Both production and distribution contribute to money being exchanged but the keynesian understands that the demand side is much more important than the supply side.

When there's a demand the supply will happen but when there's not a demand to buy the products, production is a waste of time.

I have never read that shit in any economics text before. What I have read is that there are three components to production: land, labor and capital. I've never seen an economics text mention "components to capitalism." You obviously just made that up.

Anyone who talks about the demand side and the supply side has unmasked himself as an ignoramus. Genuine economists never refer to these myths. You have been reading propaganda about capitalism rather than any genuine economics texts. You're a typical lefty who thinks he knows something but is really an ignoramus.

Your theory of goods popping up from nothing because of some mythical demand is idiotic. It's like saying rain creates umbrellas. It rained for billions of years before the umbrella existed. Was there no "demand" for it before the last few centuries?
Sadly, the OP is far to complicated and has to many words for someone like Odwebo to comprehend.
Only you liberals work hard to believe propaganda......
Propaganda, another word you don't understand. It is a main component of capitalism, politics and warfare. Those of us that have used it recognize and understand it. Often, it is designed and applied for easy target dunces like you.

Tell us dunces the main component of capitalism. There are three components to capitalism. Which one do you think the main one is junior?

Please identify the three fundamental elements, or institutional clusters, of the capitalist economy and explain how the are compatible with the teachings of Jesus Christ?

The truth is Junior, anyone who would put "Trump the Bitch" in his avatar probably has never taken a course in economics or comparative religions. So I doubt if you have the interest, apptitude or brain cells required to intelligently discuss economics. About all your ilk can do is parrot lies you have heard on talk radio. Pathetic don't you think?

I did take those economics classes. It was required for my degree in accounting.

The three components of capitalism are:

1. Production
2. Distribution
3. Exchange of money

It depends on who you're talking to on which is the most important.

If you're talking to a supply trickle down friedman conservative production is the most important.

If you're talking to a keynesian person then distribution is most important.

I'm a keynesian person and believe the obvious, you can produce all the goods and services you want but if there's no one to actually buy those goods or services supply is meaningless.

Both production and distribution contribute to money being exchanged but the keynesian understands that the demand side is much more important than the supply side.

When there's a demand the supply will happen but when there's not a demand to buy the products, production is a waste of time.

I have never read that shit in any economics text before. What I have read is that there are three components to production: land, labor and capital. I've never seen an economics text mention "components to capitalism." You obviously just made that up.

Anyone who talks about the demand side and the supply side has unmasked himself as an ignoramus. Genuine economists never refer to these myths. You have been reading propaganda about capitalism rather than any genuine economics texts. You're a typical lefty who thinks he knows something but is really an ignoramus.

Your theory of goods popping up from nothing because of some mythical demand is idiotic. It's like saying rain creates umbrellas. It rained for billions of years before the umbrella existed. Was there no "demand" for it before the last few centuries?
The demand was not created until someone invented the umbrella douche bag. Before then they used big leaves or other objects to cover themselves or wore excessive amounts of protective clothing such as leather and fur when it rained or just didn't go out in the rain unless they had to.
Honest Hillary vs Lying Donald
The chart below is quite telling for several reasons:


Hillary was the most honest candidate in the Dem primary and her party nominated her. Is was a toss up because Bernie is also honest.

Kasich was the most honest Republican and his party rejected him like a turd in a punch bowl. Republicans embraced the two biggest liars, Cruz and Trump.

WHY? The answer is simple. Alt-Right CONS are everything America should not be. They are liars. When I say Alt-Right CONS I am not talking about conservatives. Real conservatives like Kasich are practically extinct.

Most liberals would agree, paleo-conservatism has merit and whether liberals and Alt-Right CONS want to admit it, the Clintons are fiscal conservatives and social moderates.

In defense of Republican politicians: They kinda have to lie because much of their base is so deplorable. Seemingly many Republican voters are enemies of truth, justice and the American way. If guys like Lindsey Graham and John McCain told the truth much of their base would call them RINOS.

Kasich is a decent and respectable guy and he truly is a Reaganite. Trump and Cruz are not even remotely conservative. They are both liars but at least Cruz in not a totally immoral criminal like Trump. CONS picked Trump. Trump is a symbol of CON depravity.

The fact in this post speak for themselves. Trump is a liar and Hillary despite all the propaganda is very honest person but the Alt-Right will cry, lie and deny and troll this thread.


Even by Today's Republican standards tRump is an unmitigated liar.


Even by Mitt Romney standards, Trump is an unmitigated liar.



Trump supporters know that Hillary is: very honest but they still go for lyin Donald.

Trump supporters know that Hillary is: far more qualified than Trump but they go for goofball Trump.

Trump supporters know that Trump promotes vice such as strip clubs and gambling but they still support him.

Trump supporters know that Trump is a womanizer yet they attack Hillary for being the victim of a womanizer. How sick and hypocritical is that?

The facts speak for themselves, Trump is a liar of low low low moral character. When it came time for the parties to pick their candidates Democrats picked the most honest and most qualified candidate Hillary Clinton.

When it came time for the Republicans to pick their candidate the rejected the most honest and most conservative, most qualified candidate John Kasich and went for the least qualified and most dishonest candidate... Donald Trump the stealth Democrat.

As bad as Trump is, his supporters appear to be far far worse.
Sadly, the OP is far to complicated and has to many words for someone like Odwebo to comprehend.
Only you liberals work hard to believe propaganda......
Propaganda, another word you don't understand. It is a main component of capitalism, politics and warfare. Those of us that have used it recognize and understand it. Often, it is designed and applied for easy target dunces like you.

Tell us dunces the main component of capitalism. There are three components to capitalism. Which one do you think the main one is junior?

Please identify the three fundamental elements, or institutional clusters, of the capitalist economy and explain how the are compatible with the teachings of Jesus Christ?

The truth is Junior, anyone who would put "Trump the Bitch" in his avatar probably has never taken a course in economics or comparative religions. So I doubt if you have the interest, apptitude or brain cells required to intelligently discuss economics. About all your ilk can do is parrot lies you have heard on talk radio. Pathetic don't you think?

I did take those economics classes. It was required for my degree in accounting.

The three components of capitalism are:

1. Production
2. Distribution
3. Exchange of money

It depends on who you're talking to on which is the most important.

If you're talking to a supply trickle down friedman conservative production is the most important.

If you're talking to a keynesian person then distribution is most important.

I'm a keynesian person and believe the obvious, you can produce all the goods and services you want but if there's no one to actually buy those goods or services supply is meaningless.

Both production and distribution contribute to money being exchanged but the keynesian understands that the demand side is much more important than the supply side.

When there's a demand the supply will happen but when there's not a demand to buy the products, production is a waste of time.


A. monetary system for producing bank-credit money;

Market exchange and enterprise production cannot exist without a viable monetary system. First, the impersonal coordination of sellers and buyers – that is, supply and demand – by price signals in large-scale markets presupposes the existence of a means of exchange and payment.

The Alt-Right will tell you that the US monetary system needs no regulation while calling regulation in the form of regulation stifling but when those controls were moves and referees removed from the game we got chaos and the anarchy the libertarians whine for. This led to a world economic collapse.

B. market exchange; and
Market exchange and enterprise production cannot exist without a viable monetary system. First, the produces a price at which exchange is acceptable. This mechanism of bids (demand) and offers (supply) coordinates the three phases in the capitalist production of commodities: (i) fi nance (money-capital) → (ii) production (capital + labour)
We can see by examples of big pharma's price gouging and monopolies like in the case of the epipen that they have manufactured in China for $2 per unit and sell for $600 per unit that: 1. unregulated business quickly turns into corporate socialism 2. doing business with countries who employ slave labor is what is creating this race to the bottom

C. private enterprise production of commodities.
The production of goods and services for sale on the market takes place in private enterprises which are institutionally separated from the household and state, where consumption takes place. Money-capital and wage labor are brought together in the enterprise, which aims to calculate the net cost of producing marketable commodities with an exchange value in order to realize a monetary profit t. All means of production are the private property of the enterprise and constitute its physical or material capital. Production is undertaken by legally free labor, employed for wages by the enterprise.

This is no longer the case and there are many reasons for this.

1. Off shoring production to non capitalist countries which creates unfair competition fo honest businesses,
2. The breaking up of unions which takes away worker collective bargaining power and creates wage slave like the workers in China are.
3. Bankruptcy laws that allow corporations to screw up and suffer no consequences for those screw ups.
4. Corporations and the the people running them are above the law. They are not required to play by the same rules as small business and real entrepreneurs.
5. A finacial system that was allowed to become corrupt by massive deregulation.
The world is moving towards socialism and not because anybody wants it or doesn't want it. It is emerging because of unfettered and unregulated corporations and banks and their insatiable greed and disregard for the teachings of Christ.

First Epistle to Timothy (1 Timothy 6:10, KJV): "For the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil."
Sadly, the OP is far to complicated and has to many words for someone like Odwebo to comprehend.
Only you liberals work hard to believe propaganda......
Propaganda, another word you don't understand. It is a main component of capitalism, politics and warfare. Those of us that have used it recognize and understand it. Often, it is designed and applied for easy target dunces like you.

Tell us dunces the main component of capitalism. There are three components to capitalism. Which one do you think the main one is junior?

Please identify the three fundamental elements, or institutional clusters, of the capitalist economy and explain how the are compatible with the teachings of Jesus Christ?

The truth is Junior, anyone who would put "Trump the Bitch" in his avatar probably has never taken a course in economics or comparative religions. So I doubt if you have the interest, apptitude or brain cells required to intelligently discuss economics. About all your ilk can do is parrot lies you have heard on talk radio. Pathetic don't you think?

I did take those economics classes. It was required for my degree in accounting.

The three components of capitalism are:

1. Production
2. Distribution
3. Exchange of money

It depends on who you're talking to on which is the most important.

If you're talking to a supply trickle down friedman conservative production is the most important.

If you're talking to a keynesian person then distribution is most important.

I'm a keynesian person and believe the obvious, you can produce all the goods and services you want but if there's no one to actually buy those goods or services supply is meaningless.

Both production and distribution contribute to money being exchanged but the keynesian understands that the demand side is much more important than the supply side.

When there's a demand the supply will happen but when there's not a demand to buy the products, production is a waste of time.


A. monetary system for producing bank-credit money;

Market exchange and enterprise production cannot exist without a viable monetary system. First, the impersonal coordination of sellers and buyers – that is, supply and demand – by price signals in large-scale markets presupposes the existence of a means of exchange and payment.

The Alt-Right will tell you that the US monetary system needs no regulation while calling regulation in the form of regulation stifling but when those controls were moves and referees removed from the game we got chaos and the anarchy the libertarians whine for. This led to a world economic collapse.

B. market exchange; and
Market exchange and enterprise production cannot exist without a viable monetary system. First, the produces a price at which exchange is acceptable. This mechanism of bids (demand) and offers (supply) coordinates the three phases in the capitalist production of commodities: (i) fi nance (money-capital) → (ii) production (capital + labour)
We can see by examples of big pharma's price gouging and monopolies like in the case of the epipen that they have manufactured in China for $2 per unit and sell for $600 per unit that: 1. unregulated business quickly turns into corporate socialism 2. doing business with countries who employ slave labor is what is creating this race to the bottom

C. private enterprise production of commodities.
The production of goods and services for sale on the market takes place in private enterprises which are institutionally separated from the household and state, where consumption takes place. Money-capital and wage labor are brought together in the enterprise, which aims to calculate the net cost of producing marketable commodities with an exchange value in order to realize a monetary profit t. All means of production are the private property of the enterprise and constitute its physical or material capital. Production is undertaken by legally free labor, employed for wages by the enterprise.

This is no longer the case and there are many reasons for this.

1. Off shoring production to non capitalist countries which creates unfair competition fo honest businesses,
2. The breaking up of unions which takes away worker collective bargaining power and creates wage slave like the workers in China are.
3. Bankruptcy laws that allow corporations to screw up and suffer no consequences for those screw ups.
4. Corporations and the the people running them are above the law. They are not required to play by the same rules as small business and real entrepreneurs.
5. A finacial system that was allowed to become corrupt by massive deregulation.

The three components of capitalism are what I stated.

You also stated it but I boiled it down to a simplistic level hoping that conservatives would understand it.

From what I'm reading you believe that the exchange or availability of money is most important.

Which I can see your reasoning on it. Capitalism needs the free flow of money to succeed and exist. Yet if you don't regulate capitalism all the money goes to the top and the free flow of money stops.

I also agree with your arguments that the capitalistic system has been eroding through the years. Mostly because of deregulation and the destruction of unions.

The only results of unregulated capitalism is monopolies which destroy economies and capitalism.

Proper regulation is required for capitalism to succeed.
Sadly, the OP is far to complicated and has to many words for someone like Odwebo to comprehend.
Only you liberals work hard to believe propaganda......
Propaganda, another word you don't understand. It is a main component of capitalism, politics and warfare. Those of us that have used it recognize and understand it. Often, it is designed and applied for easy target dunces like you.

Tell us dunces the main component of capitalism. There are three components to capitalism. Which one do you think the main one is junior?

Please identify the three fundamental elements, or institutional clusters, of the capitalist economy and explain how the are compatible with the teachings of Jesus Christ?

The truth is Junior, anyone who would put "Trump the Bitch" in his avatar probably has never taken a course in economics or comparative religions. So I doubt if you have the interest, apptitude or brain cells required to intelligently discuss economics. About all your ilk can do is parrot lies you have heard on talk radio. Pathetic don't you think?

I did take those economics classes. It was required for my degree in accounting.

The three components of capitalism are:

1. Production
2. Distribution
3. Exchange of money

It depends on who you're talking to on which is the most important.

If you're talking to a supply trickle down friedman conservative production is the most important.

If you're talking to a keynesian person then distribution is most important.

I'm a keynesian person and believe the obvious, you can produce all the goods and services you want but if there's no one to actually buy those goods or services supply is meaningless.

Both production and distribution contribute to money being exchanged but the keynesian understands that the demand side is much more important than the supply side.

When there's a demand the supply will happen but when there's not a demand to buy the products, production is a waste of time.

I have never read that shit in any economics text before. What I have read is that there are three components to production: land, labor and capital. I've never seen an economics text mention "components to capitalism." You obviously just made that up.

Anyone who talks about the demand side and the supply side has unmasked himself as an ignoramus. Genuine economists never refer to these myths. You have been reading propaganda about capitalism rather than any genuine economics texts. You're a typical lefty who thinks he knows something but is really an ignoramus.

Your theory of goods popping up from nothing because of some mythical demand is idiotic. It's like saying rain creates umbrellas. It rained for billions of years before the umbrella existed. Was there no "demand" for it before the last few centuries?

People invented umbrellas almost as soon as they stood erect. The umbrella was invented 4000 years ago. You've just proved his hypothesis, which BTW is basic Keynsian economics. The pillar of demand side economics is being proved in the US today. People who don't have cash or credit, don't buy.
Only you liberals work hard to believe propaganda......
Propaganda, another word you don't understand. It is a main component of capitalism, politics and warfare. Those of us that have used it recognize and understand it. Often, it is designed and applied for easy target dunces like you.

Tell us dunces the main component of capitalism. There are three components to capitalism. Which one do you think the main one is junior?

Please identify the three fundamental elements, or institutional clusters, of the capitalist economy and explain how the are compatible with the teachings of Jesus Christ?

The truth is Junior, anyone who would put "Trump the Bitch" in his avatar probably has never taken a course in economics or comparative religions. So I doubt if you have the interest, apptitude or brain cells required to intelligently discuss economics. About all your ilk can do is parrot lies you have heard on talk radio. Pathetic don't you think?

I did take those economics classes. It was required for my degree in accounting.

The three components of capitalism are:

1. Production
2. Distribution
3. Exchange of money

It depends on who you're talking to on which is the most important.

If you're talking to a supply trickle down friedman conservative production is the most important.

If you're talking to a keynesian person then distribution is most important.

I'm a keynesian person and believe the obvious, you can produce all the goods and services you want but if there's no one to actually buy those goods or services supply is meaningless.

Both production and distribution contribute to money being exchanged but the keynesian understands that the demand side is much more important than the supply side.

When there's a demand the supply will happen but when there's not a demand to buy the products, production is a waste of time.

I have never read that shit in any economics text before. What I have read is that there are three components to production: land, labor and capital. I've never seen an economics text mention "components to capitalism." You obviously just made that up.

Anyone who talks about the demand side and the supply side has unmasked himself as an ignoramus. Genuine economists never refer to these myths. You have been reading propaganda about capitalism rather than any genuine economics texts. You're a typical lefty who thinks he knows something but is really an ignoramus.

Your theory of goods popping up from nothing because of some mythical demand is idiotic. It's like saying rain creates umbrellas. It rained for billions of years before the umbrella existed. Was there no "demand" for it before the last few centuries?
The demand was not created until someone invented the umbrella douche bag. Before then they used big leaves or other objects to cover themselves or wore excessive amounts of protective clothing such as leather and fur when it rained or just didn't go out in the rain unless they had to.
Ah, so demand doesn't cause goods and services to be created. Thanks for admitting it. Perhaps you're not as big of a moron as I previously thought.
Only you liberals work hard to believe propaganda......
Propaganda, another word you don't understand. It is a main component of capitalism, politics and warfare. Those of us that have used it recognize and understand it. Often, it is designed and applied for easy target dunces like you.

Tell us dunces the main component of capitalism. There are three components to capitalism. Which one do you think the main one is junior?

Please identify the three fundamental elements, or institutional clusters, of the capitalist economy and explain how the are compatible with the teachings of Jesus Christ?

The truth is Junior, anyone who would put "Trump the Bitch" in his avatar probably has never taken a course in economics or comparative religions. So I doubt if you have the interest, apptitude or brain cells required to intelligently discuss economics. About all your ilk can do is parrot lies you have heard on talk radio. Pathetic don't you think?

I did take those economics classes. It was required for my degree in accounting.

The three components of capitalism are:

1. Production
2. Distribution
3. Exchange of money

It depends on who you're talking to on which is the most important.

If you're talking to a supply trickle down friedman conservative production is the most important.

If you're talking to a keynesian person then distribution is most important.

I'm a keynesian person and believe the obvious, you can produce all the goods and services you want but if there's no one to actually buy those goods or services supply is meaningless.

Both production and distribution contribute to money being exchanged but the keynesian understands that the demand side is much more important than the supply side.

When there's a demand the supply will happen but when there's not a demand to buy the products, production is a waste of time.

I have never read that shit in any economics text before. What I have read is that there are three components to production: land, labor and capital. I've never seen an economics text mention "components to capitalism." You obviously just made that up.

Anyone who talks about the demand side and the supply side has unmasked himself as an ignoramus. Genuine economists never refer to these myths. You have been reading propaganda about capitalism rather than any genuine economics texts. You're a typical lefty who thinks he knows something but is really an ignoramus.

Your theory of goods popping up from nothing because of some mythical demand is idiotic. It's like saying rain creates umbrellas. It rained for billions of years before the umbrella existed. Was there no "demand" for it before the last few centuries?

People invented umbrellas almost as soon as they stood erect. The umbrella was invented 4000 years ago. You've just proved his hypothesis, which BTW is basic Keynsian economics. The pillar of demand side economics is being proved in the US today. People who don't have cash or credit, don't buy.

Umbrellas may have been invented in some corner of the world 4000 years ago (China, I suspect) but they weren't used in Europe until the last couple of centuries. Until the age of capitalism, most people were too poor to afford extravagances like umbrellas.

Humans have been standing erect for over 1 million years, moron. You have just proved that you're a moron who knows nothing about everything. The phrase "demand side economics" is an oxymoron. It's like saying "scientific voodoo."
The world is moving towards socialism and not because anybody wants it or doesn't want it. It is emerging because of unfettered and unregulated corporations and banks and their insatiable greed and disregard for the teachings of Christ.

First Epistle to Timothy (1 Timothy 6:10, KJV): "For the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil."
Socialism is emerging because people are stupid and easily bamboozled by scumbag politicians like Hillary. This current election is a perfect example of how the process works. Are we discussing Hillary's agenda? Are we discussing her record? No, the media is blubbering incessantly about some irrelevant locker room talk that happened 11 years ago. The media holds up the shiny object and all the dumbasses are hypnotized by it.
Propaganda, another word you don't understand. It is a main component of capitalism, politics and warfare. Those of us that have used it recognize and understand it. Often, it is designed and applied for easy target dunces like you.

Tell us dunces the main component of capitalism. There are three components to capitalism. Which one do you think the main one is junior?

Please identify the three fundamental elements, or institutional clusters, of the capitalist economy and explain how the are compatible with the teachings of Jesus Christ?

The truth is Junior, anyone who would put "Trump the Bitch" in his avatar probably has never taken a course in economics or comparative religions. So I doubt if you have the interest, apptitude or brain cells required to intelligently discuss economics. About all your ilk can do is parrot lies you have heard on talk radio. Pathetic don't you think?

I did take those economics classes. It was required for my degree in accounting.

The three components of capitalism are:

1. Production
2. Distribution
3. Exchange of money

It depends on who you're talking to on which is the most important.

If you're talking to a supply trickle down friedman conservative production is the most important.

If you're talking to a keynesian person then distribution is most important.

I'm a keynesian person and believe the obvious, you can produce all the goods and services you want but if there's no one to actually buy those goods or services supply is meaningless.

Both production and distribution contribute to money being exchanged but the keynesian understands that the demand side is much more important than the supply side.

When there's a demand the supply will happen but when there's not a demand to buy the products, production is a waste of time.

I have never read that shit in any economics text before. What I have read is that there are three components to production: land, labor and capital. I've never seen an economics text mention "components to capitalism." You obviously just made that up.

Anyone who talks about the demand side and the supply side has unmasked himself as an ignoramus. Genuine economists never refer to these myths. You have been reading propaganda about capitalism rather than any genuine economics texts. You're a typical lefty who thinks he knows something but is really an ignoramus.

Your theory of goods popping up from nothing because of some mythical demand is idiotic. It's like saying rain creates umbrellas. It rained for billions of years before the umbrella existed. Was there no "demand" for it before the last few centuries?

People invented umbrellas almost as soon as they stood erect. The umbrella was invented 4000 years ago. You've just proved his hypothesis, which BTW is basic Keynsian economics. The pillar of demand side economics is being proved in the US today. People who don't have cash or credit, don't buy.

Umbrellas may have been invented in some corner of the world 4000 years ago (China, I suspect) but they weren't used in Europe until the last couple of centuries. Until the age of capitalism, most people were too poor to afford extravagances like umbrellas.

Humans have been standing erect for over 1 million years, moron. You have just proved that you're a moron who knows nothing about everything. The phrase "demand side economics" is an oxymoron. It's like saying "scientific voodoo."

I think you need to look at the history and realize that before capitalism we had mercantilism.

Capitalism refers to an economic system featuring private corporations and maintaining ownership of a society's means of producing, distributing and exchanging wealth; mercantilism refers to a practice that predates capitalism, in which towns, regions and countries set up imbalances in trade with one another. Capitalism is designed to set up open competition, but mercantilism is designed to establish a winner among losers.

The capitalist impulse is to continue to amass wealth, and industrialist capitalism brought slightly higher wages to multiple levels of society. While ownership amassed wealth much more quickly than the working classes, wages at all levels rose.

In contrast, mercantilism resembled a more advanced form of feudalism.

The Alt-Right wants to return to feudalism.

Under socialism a democratically elected government controls production and fairly distrubutes the wealth among the workers.


Tell us dunces the main component of capitalism. There are three components to capitalism. Which one do you think the main one is junior?

Please identify the three fundamental elements, or institutional clusters, of the capitalist economy and explain how the are compatible with the teachings of Jesus Christ?

The truth is Junior, anyone who would put "Trump the Bitch" in his avatar probably has never taken a course in economics or comparative religions. So I doubt if you have the interest, apptitude or brain cells required to intelligently discuss economics. About all your ilk can do is parrot lies you have heard on talk radio. Pathetic don't you think?

I did take those economics classes. It was required for my degree in accounting.

The three components of capitalism are:

1. Production
2. Distribution
3. Exchange of money

It depends on who you're talking to on which is the most important.

If you're talking to a supply trickle down friedman conservative production is the most important.

If you're talking to a keynesian person then distribution is most important.

I'm a keynesian person and believe the obvious, you can produce all the goods and services you want but if there's no one to actually buy those goods or services supply is meaningless.

Both production and distribution contribute to money being exchanged but the keynesian understands that the demand side is much more important than the supply side.

When there's a demand the supply will happen but when there's not a demand to buy the products, production is a waste of time.

I have never read that shit in any economics text before. What I have read is that there are three components to production: land, labor and capital. I've never seen an economics text mention "components to capitalism." You obviously just made that up.

Anyone who talks about the demand side and the supply side has unmasked himself as an ignoramus. Genuine economists never refer to these myths. You have been reading propaganda about capitalism rather than any genuine economics texts. You're a typical lefty who thinks he knows something but is really an ignoramus.

Your theory of goods popping up from nothing because of some mythical demand is idiotic. It's like saying rain creates umbrellas. It rained for billions of years before the umbrella existed. Was there no "demand" for it before the last few centuries?

People invented umbrellas almost as soon as they stood erect. The umbrella was invented 4000 years ago. You've just proved his hypothesis, which BTW is basic Keynsian economics. The pillar of demand side economics is being proved in the US today. People who don't have cash or credit, don't buy.

Umbrellas may have been invented in some corner of the world 4000 years ago (China, I suspect) but they weren't used in Europe until the last couple of centuries. Until the age of capitalism, most people were too poor to afford extravagances like umbrellas.

Humans have been standing erect for over 1 million years, moron. You have just proved that you're a moron who knows nothing about everything. The phrase "demand side economics" is an oxymoron. It's like saying "scientific voodoo."

I think you need to look at the history and realize that before capitalism we had mercantilism.

Capitalism refers to an economic system featuring private corporations and maintaining ownership of a society's means of producing, distributing and exchanging wealth; mercantilism refers to a practice that predates capitalism, in which towns, regions and countries set up imbalances in trade with one another. Capitalism is designed to set up open competition, but mercantilism is designed to establish a winner among losers.

The capitalist impulse is to continue to amass wealth, and industrialist capitalism brought slightly higher wages to multiple levels of society. While ownership amassed wealth much more quickly than the working classes, wages at all levels rose.

In contrast, mercantilism resembled a more advanced form of feudalism.

The Alt-Right wants to return to feudalism.

Under socialism a democratically elected government controls production and fairly distrubutes the wealth among the workers.



Capitalism doesn't require corporations. It just requires private ownership of the means of production. Mercantilism is just another name for crony capitalism where the government is choosing winners and losers and doling at privileges to its favored few. Your believe that capitalism produce a "slight" increase in the standard of living shows what an ignoramus you are. Pre-capitalist societies have GDPs that amount to a few hundred dollars per capita. Americans earn 100 times that much.

You also foolishly believe that socialism is fair. What's "fair" about it? In practice, there's always a small privileged class getting all the goodies and the rest live like serfs.
The world is moving towards socialism and not because anybody wants it or doesn't want it. It is emerging because of unfettered and unregulated corporations and banks and their insatiable greed and disregard for the teachings of Christ.

First Epistle to Timothy (1 Timothy 6:10, KJV): "For the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil."
Socialism is emerging because people are stupid and easily bamboozled by scumbag politicians like Hillary. This current election is a perfect example of how the process works. Are we discussing Hillary's agenda? Are we discussing her record? No, the media is blubbering incessantly about some irrelevant locker room talk that happened 11 years ago. The media holds up the shiny object and all the dumbasses are hypnotized by it.

You are making a very poor attempt to create a strawman. If you were to examine the standard of living of the more socialist countries you would see that they are the highest. Do some research. Google standard of living by country.

Corporations in the US have all the advantages of socialism and that is why they are filthy rich.
Using the word "honest" to describe Hillary is something you'd expect from Dave Chappelle or Jim Carrey.

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