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Honestly I like Bernie; Students should study for free

I think Im voting for Bernie. Students shouldn’t have to worry about debt and loans while studying to fix our broken society. These loans are immoral and need to be forgiven.

Also anyone working full time deserves a comfortable $15/hour wage and free medical care.

Thats all

No, that's not all. How does your pie-in-the-sky "in a perfect world, rivers would run with champagne" fantasy address the very real-world fact that nothing is ever free? The reality that someone, somewhere is going to have to fork over the actual cash to pay for the professor salaries, and salaries of the administrative staff who work for the professors, the janitorial staff who clean up after the students, the lights for the classrooms, the campus security for when those students get shitfaced drunk and do something retarded (inevitably), et cetera, et cetera? Whose responsibility is it to actually provide all of that shit because your peurile ass dreamily fantasizes that the students are some noble class of future saviors who are doing the rest of us a fucking favor by taking lesbian dance theory and going to keggers?

And you want $15 an hour, Peach Pit? How about instead of telling us how much you "deserve" it just because you want it, you try telling us WHY you deserve it? What the fuck do you do that's worth $15 an hour to anyone? (Here's a clue: if they aren't giving you $15 an hour for it, and if they could find someone other than you to do it for less, then it ain't worth $15.)
You ignored all of my other concerns.
But it all really boils down to...If you want to go to college pay for it your damn self.

But what if the cost is beyond the reach of most?
What if medical care costs are out of reach for all but the very wealthy?

We have to admit that there truly are problems with our system....otherwise we guarantee Socialism and Communism's rise.
I think Im voting for Bernie. Students shouldn’t have to worry about debt and loans while studying to fix our broken society. These loans are immoral and need to be forgiven.

Also anyone working full time deserves a comfortable $15/hour wage and free medical care.

Thats all

Would you be willing to pay 60-70% of your income in federal taxes to accomplish that?


What makes you think Peach Pit pays any federal taxes?

She's certainly willing to pay 60-70% of YOUR federal taxes for it. Isn't that always the point with "gimme, gimme, gimme!" leftists?
You ignored all of my other concerns.
But it all really boils down to...If you want to go to college pay for it your damn self.

But what if the cost is beyond the reach of most?

We have to admit that there are truly problems with our system....otherwise we guarantee Socialism and Communism's rise.

We wouldnt have the problem if the government hadnt gotten into the student loan business.
We wouldnt have the problem if the government hadnt gotten into the student loan business.

But it did. Whose fault is that?

Once again......
"All that is required for evil men to prevail is for good men to do nothing"

We The People, over decades, allowed our government to become our blood sucking master.

And We The People are allowing Socialism to replace Capitalism.
Yes I would. Randomness is just cruel.

Lets say we have 10 dice.
Capitalism: Random rolls, some 6, some 1, who knows
Democratic Socialism: We patiently place each dice down on a 4 or 5. Everyone does well.

How is that bad?

Because it's a lie. Socialism of any type doesn't place each dice down on a 4 or 5, dumbass. It PROMISES to, and then somehow the die always manage to get switched out for a set that has nothing but 1 and 2 on them. All except for the die used for the government leaders.

Aside from that, why should I live with less than I can acquire for myself just because you're an ignorant, talentless, lazy asshole? At what point did I become invested, or even interested, in your outcome or how you feel about mine? Don't overestimate your importance to other people, Peach Pit.
Im older than that. And maybe the real world needs to change for the better. Thats what Bernie will do
You're kidding, right. Medicare for all would bankrupt us alone. Not to mention free college.
Funny how 19 years of war in Afghanistan and 15 years of war in Iraq etc hasn't bankrupted us, Funny how bailing out CAPITALIST companies didn't bankrupt us, funny how BILLIONS in foreign aid doesn't bankrupt us but providing things 95% of the countries in the world have WOULD bankrupt us.

None of those things even comes close to paying for bernies crazy ideas.
Yes it does. Between making rich assholes and companies actually PAY taxes instead of getting a refund,and have MORE people going to work because they can actually get a college education and keeping them healthy this shit pays for its self.
I would whether see those who pay no taxes not get a refund. Instead of what you suggested.
Then tell the IRS to stop taking taxes from them. OR here is a bright idea pay them more and MAYBE then they would make enough to pay taxes. With 5 kids EVEN AFTER I get done with college and am making 50 or 60k a year I don't expect to pay taxes.
Yes it does. Between making rich assholes and companies actually PAY taxes instead of getting a refund,and have MORE people going to work because they can actually get a college education and keeping them healthy this shit pays for its self.

Like most democrat/socialist schemes the law of unintended consequences comes into play.
So what will the requirements be to enter this free college?
What free college? Its just the fact that the ONLY thing that changes is once you meet the already decent requirements to enter college you don't have to pay to get an education. I swear if we left it up to CONservatives they would be charging High School Students for their education

I asked you what the requirements would be.
Can a low GPA student attend? Someone with a criminal record?
How many would attend just because it's free and turn around and do nothing with their liberals arts degree?
You give anything away for free and it loses its value,just like welfare.
The same they are now! High enough GPA and SAT or ACT scores etc. Why should any of that change? Literally it's just insuring young folks can start a life without 50-100k in student loan debt.

You ignored all of my other concerns.
But it all really boils down to...If you want to go to college pay for it your damn self.
Nope. Just like the government can kiss my white ass if they think I am paying a fucking PENNY back to it for wanting to educate myself so I can get a decent job, you just want the poor to stay dumbed down and to remain the underclass so rich CEO's can get away with slave wages and not paying taxes. Sick society that doesn't want ALL its members to reach their highest capabilities. Our taxes pay for public school from pre k through 12th grade they can do the same fucking thing for college.
it sounds like he or she is playing that game called D&D where everything is done by the roll of the dice
Sounds like a collage freshman straight out of high school who has never had to deal with the real world before. Of course it could be an academic who's never had to deal with the real world that exists outside of academia........

Im older than that. And maybe the real world needs to change for the better. Thats what Bernie will do
You're kidding, right. Medicare for all would bankrupt us alone. Not to mention free college.
Funny how 19 years of war in Afghanistan and 15 years of war in Iraq etc hasn't bankrupted us, Funny how bailing out CAPITALIST companies didn't bankrupt us, funny how BILLIONS in foreign aid doesn't bankrupt us but providing things 95% of the countries in the world have WOULD bankrupt us.
Some of those bailouts where too bailout the unions. and if you're whiming about the bailout you need to talk to your Democrats because they voted for it to give them the bailouts
Bush was President....he was a republican and MANY republicans voted for that shit as well so.
Yes I would. Randomness is just cruel.

Lets say we have 10 dice.
Capitalism: Random rolls, some 6, some 1, who knows
Democratic Socialism: We patiently place each dice down on a 4 or 5. Everyone does well.

How is that bad?
You're still in that emotive idealistic life phase, ani'tcha...........

No, she's in that lazy mooch life phase, trying to pass it off as emotive idealism.
I think Im voting for Bernie. Students shouldn’t have to worry about debt and loans while studying to fix our broken society. These loans are immoral and need to be forgiven.

Also anyone working full time deserves a comfortable $15/hour wage and free medical care.

Thats all
2/3 of the people in college today aren't college material. Throw them out into the workforce. Of course they should kick out all illegal aliens first to free up some jobs. Then the only thing left to do would be to knock half of those college buildings down and put golf courses there. Everyone wins.
Yes I would. Randomness is just cruel.

Lets say we have 10 dice.
Capitalism: Random rolls, some 6, some 1, who knows
Democratic Socialism: We patiently place each dice down on a 4 or 5. Everyone does well.

How is that bad?
Because some PRODUCE ,but all RECEIVE. That sucks. Only mooching rotters take Alms. A CEO can EASILY do a "Workers" Job. A "Worker" can't possibly do the CEO's job. Takes BRAINS.

Not true, watch Undercover Boss

Well, you just told us everything we need to know about whether your opinion is worth a bucket of warm spit (spoiler alert: it isn't). You think reality television is reality.
I think Im voting for Bernie. Students shouldn’t have to worry about debt and loans while studying to fix our broken society. These loans are immoral and need to be forgiven.

Also anyone working full time deserves a comfortable $15/hour wage and free medical care.

Thats all

Perhaps they'll have a course in keeping your head out of your ass someday instead of how insert it and keep there.
I think Im voting for Bernie. Students shouldn’t have to worry about debt and loans while studying to fix our broken society. These loans are immoral and need to be forgiven.

Also anyone working full time deserves a comfortable $15/hour wage and free medical care.

Thats all
We all want to live in La La Land
Yes I would. Randomness is just cruel.

Lets say we have 10 dice.
Capitalism: Random rolls, some 6, some 1, who knows
Democratic Socialism: We patiently place each dice down on a 4 or 5. Everyone does well.

How is that bad?
You're still in that emotive idealistic life phase, ani'tcha...........
it sounds like he or she is playing that game called D&D where everything is done by the roll of the dice
Sounds like a collage freshman straight out of high school who has never had to deal with the real world before. Of course it could be an academic who's never had to deal with the real world that exists outside of academia........

Im older than that. And maybe the real world needs to change for the better. Thats what Bernie will do

The real world always needs to change for the better. Unfortunately for childish halfwits like you, "better" does not mean "impossible fantasies". Blithering around about how Bernie is going to make reality better by making his utterly unworkable, contrary-to-human-nature daydreams work is the equivalent of telling us he's going to turn reality into Harry Potter, where we can all just wave wands and conjure things from nowhere, just because you like the wizarding world better than the real one.
We wouldnt have the problem if the government hadnt gotten into the student loan business.

But it did. Whose fault is that?

Once again......
"All that is required for evil men to prevail is for good men to do nothing"

We The People, over decades, allowed our government to become our blood sucking master.

And We The People are allowing Socialism to replace Capitalism.

And how would me paying for someone else's college help?
You're kidding, right. Medicare for all would bankrupt us alone. Not to mention free college.
Funny how 19 years of war in Afghanistan and 15 years of war in Iraq etc hasn't bankrupted us, Funny how bailing out CAPITALIST companies didn't bankrupt us, funny how BILLIONS in foreign aid doesn't bankrupt us but providing things 95% of the countries in the world have WOULD bankrupt us.

None of those things even comes close to paying for bernies crazy ideas.
Yes it does. Between making rich assholes and companies actually PAY taxes instead of getting a refund,and have MORE people going to work because they can actually get a college education and keeping them healthy this shit pays for its self.
I would whether see those who pay no taxes not get a refund. Instead of what you suggested.
Then tell the IRS to stop taking taxes from them. OR here is a bright idea pay them more and MAYBE then they would make enough to pay taxes. With 5 kids EVEN AFTER I get done with college and am making 50 or 60k a year I don't expect to pay taxes.
Like most democrat/socialist schemes the law of unintended consequences comes into play.
So what will the requirements be to enter this free college?
What free college? Its just the fact that the ONLY thing that changes is once you meet the already decent requirements to enter college you don't have to pay to get an education. I swear if we left it up to CONservatives they would be charging High School Students for their education

I asked you what the requirements would be.
Can a low GPA student attend? Someone with a criminal record?
How many would attend just because it's free and turn around and do nothing with their liberals arts degree?
You give anything away for free and it loses its value,just like welfare.
The same they are now! High enough GPA and SAT or ACT scores etc. Why should any of that change? Literally it's just insuring young folks can start a life without 50-100k in student loan debt.

You ignored all of my other concerns.
But it all really boils down to...If you want to go to college pay for it your damn self.
Nope. Just like the government can kiss my white ass if they think I am paying a fucking PENNY back to it for wanting to educate myself so I can get a decent job, you just want the poor to stay dumbed down and to remain the underclass so rich CEO's can get away with slave wages and not paying taxes. Sick society that doesn't want ALL its members to reach their highest capabilities. Our taxes pay for public school from pre k through 12th grade they can do the same fucking thing for college.
Sounds like a collage freshman straight out of high school who has never had to deal with the real world before. Of course it could be an academic who's never had to deal with the real world that exists outside of academia........

Im older than that. And maybe the real world needs to change for the better. Thats what Bernie will do
You're kidding, right. Medicare for all would bankrupt us alone. Not to mention free college.
Funny how 19 years of war in Afghanistan and 15 years of war in Iraq etc hasn't bankrupted us, Funny how bailing out CAPITALIST companies didn't bankrupt us, funny how BILLIONS in foreign aid doesn't bankrupt us but providing things 95% of the countries in the world have WOULD bankrupt us.
Some of those bailouts where too bailout the unions. and if you're whiming about the bailout you need to talk to your Democrats because they voted for it to give them the bailouts
Bush was President....he was a republican and MANY republicans voted for that shit as well so.

I predict real life is going to be a big disappointment for you.

I dropped out of HS and retired at 46. I asked no one for anything.
Why are you so dependent on the gov?
Funny how 19 years of war in Afghanistan and 15 years of war in Iraq etc hasn't bankrupted us, Funny how bailing out CAPITALIST companies didn't bankrupt us, funny how BILLIONS in foreign aid doesn't bankrupt us but providing things 95% of the countries in the world have WOULD bankrupt us.

None of those things even comes close to paying for bernies crazy ideas.
Yes it does. Between making rich assholes and companies actually PAY taxes instead of getting a refund,and have MORE people going to work because they can actually get a college education and keeping them healthy this shit pays for its self.
I would whether see those who pay no taxes not get a refund. Instead of what you suggested.
Then tell the IRS to stop taking taxes from them. OR here is a bright idea pay them more and MAYBE then they would make enough to pay taxes. With 5 kids EVEN AFTER I get done with college and am making 50 or 60k a year I don't expect to pay taxes.
What free college? Its just the fact that the ONLY thing that changes is once you meet the already decent requirements to enter college you don't have to pay to get an education. I swear if we left it up to CONservatives they would be charging High School Students for their education

I asked you what the requirements would be.
Can a low GPA student attend? Someone with a criminal record?
How many would attend just because it's free and turn around and do nothing with their liberals arts degree?
You give anything away for free and it loses its value,just like welfare.
The same they are now! High enough GPA and SAT or ACT scores etc. Why should any of that change? Literally it's just insuring young folks can start a life without 50-100k in student loan debt.

You ignored all of my other concerns.
But it all really boils down to...If you want to go to college pay for it your damn self.
Nope. Just like the government can kiss my white ass if they think I am paying a fucking PENNY back to it for wanting to educate myself so I can get a decent job, you just want the poor to stay dumbed down and to remain the underclass so rich CEO's can get away with slave wages and not paying taxes. Sick society that doesn't want ALL its members to reach their highest capabilities. Our taxes pay for public school from pre k through 12th grade they can do the same fucking thing for college.
Im older than that. And maybe the real world needs to change for the better. Thats what Bernie will do
You're kidding, right. Medicare for all would bankrupt us alone. Not to mention free college.
Funny how 19 years of war in Afghanistan and 15 years of war in Iraq etc hasn't bankrupted us, Funny how bailing out CAPITALIST companies didn't bankrupt us, funny how BILLIONS in foreign aid doesn't bankrupt us but providing things 95% of the countries in the world have WOULD bankrupt us.
Some of those bailouts where too bailout the unions. and if you're whiming about the bailout you need to talk to your Democrats because they voted for it to give them the bailouts
Bush was President....he was a republican and MANY republicans voted for that shit as well so.

I predict real life is going to be a big disappointment for you.

I dropped out of HS and retired at 46. I asked no one for anything.
Why are you so dependent on the gov?
I'm not dependent. I am advocating for FAIRNESS for all. Not just a handout to the 1% which is what happens now. Why should people be PUNISHED for wanting to get a college education? Why not punish high school students for wanting a HS education? At 15 they can start working..maybe we should start making them pay to attend high school!
Yes it does. Between making rich assholes and companies actually PAY taxes instead of getting a refund,and have MORE people going to work because they can actually get a college education and keeping them healthy this shit pays for its self.

Like most democrat/socialist schemes the law of unintended consequences comes into play.
So what will the requirements be to enter this free college?
What free college? Its just the fact that the ONLY thing that changes is once you meet the already decent requirements to enter college you don't have to pay to get an education. I swear if we left it up to CONservatives they would be charging High School Students for their education

I asked you what the requirements would be.
Can a low GPA student attend? Someone with a criminal record?
How many would attend just because it's free and turn around and do nothing with their liberals arts degree?
You give anything away for free and it loses its value,just like welfare.
Why shouldn't someone with a criminal record be able to attend college? You might as well just give everyone a life sentence, then, if you aren't going to allow them any way to lead a crime-free life after they're released.

So I guess the whole rape culture on American college campus was bogus......
Do you believe that a potential employer has the right to know if that guy looking for a job is a convicted felon?
Do colleges ask if you are a convicted felon?
None of those things even comes close to paying for bernies crazy ideas.
Yes it does. Between making rich assholes and companies actually PAY taxes instead of getting a refund,and have MORE people going to work because they can actually get a college education and keeping them healthy this shit pays for its self.
I would whether see those who pay no taxes not get a refund. Instead of what you suggested.
Then tell the IRS to stop taking taxes from them. OR here is a bright idea pay them more and MAYBE then they would make enough to pay taxes. With 5 kids EVEN AFTER I get done with college and am making 50 or 60k a year I don't expect to pay taxes.
I asked you what the requirements would be.
Can a low GPA student attend? Someone with a criminal record?
How many would attend just because it's free and turn around and do nothing with their liberals arts degree?
You give anything away for free and it loses its value,just like welfare.
The same they are now! High enough GPA and SAT or ACT scores etc. Why should any of that change? Literally it's just insuring young folks can start a life without 50-100k in student loan debt.

You ignored all of my other concerns.
But it all really boils down to...If you want to go to college pay for it your damn self.
Nope. Just like the government can kiss my white ass if they think I am paying a fucking PENNY back to it for wanting to educate myself so I can get a decent job, you just want the poor to stay dumbed down and to remain the underclass so rich CEO's can get away with slave wages and not paying taxes. Sick society that doesn't want ALL its members to reach their highest capabilities. Our taxes pay for public school from pre k through 12th grade they can do the same fucking thing for college.
You're kidding, right. Medicare for all would bankrupt us alone. Not to mention free college.
Funny how 19 years of war in Afghanistan and 15 years of war in Iraq etc hasn't bankrupted us, Funny how bailing out CAPITALIST companies didn't bankrupt us, funny how BILLIONS in foreign aid doesn't bankrupt us but providing things 95% of the countries in the world have WOULD bankrupt us.
Some of those bailouts where too bailout the unions. and if you're whiming about the bailout you need to talk to your Democrats because they voted for it to give them the bailouts
Bush was President....he was a republican and MANY republicans voted for that shit as well so.

I predict real life is going to be a big disappointment for you.

I dropped out of HS and retired at 46. I asked no one for anything.
Why are you so dependent on the gov?
I'm not dependent. I am advocating for FAIRNESS for all. Not just a handout to the 1% which is what happens now. Why should people be PUNISHED for wanting to get a college education? Why not punish high school students for wanting a HS education? At 15 they can start working..maybe we should start making them pay to attend high school!

LOL......are you being punished when you go buy a big mac?
And whats not fair about everyone pays their own way?
Like most democrat/socialist schemes the law of unintended consequences comes into play.
So what will the requirements be to enter this free college?
What free college? Its just the fact that the ONLY thing that changes is once you meet the already decent requirements to enter college you don't have to pay to get an education. I swear if we left it up to CONservatives they would be charging High School Students for their education

I asked you what the requirements would be.
Can a low GPA student attend? Someone with a criminal record?
How many would attend just because it's free and turn around and do nothing with their liberals arts degree?
You give anything away for free and it loses its value,just like welfare.
Why shouldn't someone with a criminal record be able to attend college? You might as well just give everyone a life sentence, then, if you aren't going to allow them any way to lead a crime-free life after they're released.

So I guess the whole rape culture on American college campus was bogus......
Do you believe that a potential employer has the right to know if that guy looking for a job is a convicted felon?
Do colleges ask if you are a convicted felon?

Given that they're run by hardcore leftist they probably dont.
Hell,there are professors with a criminal record.
Yes I would. Randomness is just cruel.

Lets say we have 10 dice.
Capitalism: Random rolls, some 6, some 1, who knows
Democratic Socialism: We patiently place each dice down on a 4 or 5. Everyone does well.

How is that bad?


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