Honestly I like Bernie; Students should study for free

How about free housing?

do you want bernie voters to live on the street?

and dont forget free cell phones and free internet


a free light rail and buss pass for EVERYONE!

I’m sure there more that we can think of
Don't be silly--not everyone uses a bus or train, but it is almost impossible to get along these days without access to the internet. Even job applications need to go online. So maybe internet SHOULD be universally accessible without cost. I'm not talking about Netflix or any of that stuff. Just WiFi. Not everyone can afford a smartphone.
Not everyone can afford a smartphone

particularly if they are too lazy to work

but there are still free obama phones
Obama phones never had internet access. They're for making doctor's appointments, communicating with the kids' school, and calling 911 if the bf goes bizerk on ya. 90 minutes a month.

I work and I'm sure I couldn't afford one if I wanted one. I know plenty of people who either don't have one or routinely don't pay their bill BECAUSE THEY CAN'T AFFORD IT and therefore can't use it.
My ex's Obama phone had internet. That was years ago.
You must make a really spectacular salary. So how do YOU afford one? Average is $114 p/month. Now that I'm going to be coughing up $165 p/month for Medicare and Part C, I sure as hell don't have an extra $100 p/month for googling shit while I drive.

What are you, insane? I pay $57 a month (with a $10 a month discount factored into that) for my smartphone through Boost Mobile, and it's only that much because I went with an unlimited data plan. If I'd been willing to accept a high-speed data cap, it would have been more like $40.

And only a damned fool Googles while he/she drives.
How about free housing?

do you want bernie voters to live on the street?

and dont forget free cell phones and free internet


a free light rail and buss pass for EVERYONE!

I’m sure there more that we can think of
Don't be silly--not everyone uses a bus or train, but it is almost impossible to get along these days without access to the internet. Even job applications need to go online. So maybe internet SHOULD be universally accessible without cost. I'm not talking about Netflix or any of that stuff. Just WiFi. Not everyone can afford a smartphone.
Not everyone can afford a smartphone

particularly if they are too lazy to work

but there are still free obama phones
Obama phones never had internet access. They're for making doctor's appointments, communicating with the kids' school, and calling 911 if the bf goes bizerk on ya. 90 minutes a month.

I work and I'm sure I couldn't afford one if I wanted one. I know plenty of people who either don't have one or routinely don't pay their bill BECAUSE THEY CAN'T AFFORD IT and therefore can't use it.
Obama phones may not include free internet

but I’m pretty sure you can add data if you pay for it

If it were up to me free phones would not exist
When I left Human Services, the free phones weren't offering broadband. I appreciate jknowgood correcting me. You gotta be mighty broke and willing to suck off the state to get it, though. I've never been on the dole and don't have any plans of doing it now. But like I said somewhere this morning, maybe access to the internet should be free--WiFi for All.

Anyway--free phones with 90 minutes of call time a month seem reasonable to me for people who can't afford a landline; a phone is a safety thing. There aren't payphones on every corner/every gas station like there used to be.

While I agree that a telephone is a good thing to have for safety's sake, I have to keep coming back to the question: What is the criteria for "This is okay to make people be responsible for themselves"?
I think Im voting for Bernie. Students shouldn’t have to worry about debt and loans while studying to fix our broken society. These loans are immoral and need to be forgiven.

Also anyone working full time deserves a comfortable $15/hour wage and free medical care.

Thats all
How about free housing?

do you want bernie voters to live on the street?

and dont forget free cell phones and free internet


a free light rail and buss pass for EVERYONE!

I’m sure there more that we can think of
Don't be silly--not everyone uses a bus or train, but it is almost impossible to get along these days without access to the internet. Even job applications need to go online. So maybe internet SHOULD be universally accessible without cost. I'm not talking about Netflix or any of that stuff. Just WiFi. Not everyone can afford a smartphone.
Not everyone can afford a smartphone

particularly if they are too lazy to work

but there are still free obama phones
Obama phones never had internet access. They're for making doctor's appointments, communicating with the kids' school, and calling 911 if the bf goes bizerk on ya. 90 minutes a month.

I work and I'm sure I couldn't afford one if I wanted one. I know plenty of people who either don't have one or routinely don't pay their bill BECAUSE THEY CAN'T AFFORD IT and therefore can't use it.
When I lived in rural Nevada the apartment building had monthly visits from the social worker. Yes the obama phones had internet access only 90 minutes a month but there was no limit on how many phones people could have. Some had 10 phones. I kept my own phone.

And these days, it's ridiculously easy to find a free WiFi hotspot to hook up to if you need it. Libraries usually have them; McDonald's usually has them.
Funny how 19 years of war in Afghanistan and 15 years of war in Iraq etc hasn't bankrupted us, Funny how bailing out CAPITALIST companies didn't bankrupt us, funny how BILLIONS in foreign aid doesn't bankrupt us but providing things 95% of the countries in the world have WOULD bankrupt us.

None of those things even comes close to paying for bernies crazy ideas.
Yes it does. Between making rich assholes and companies actually PAY taxes instead of getting a refund,and have MORE people going to work because they can actually get a college education and keeping them healthy this shit pays for its self.

Like most democrat/socialist schemes the law of unintended consequences comes into play.
So what will the requirements be to enter this free college?
What free college? Its just the fact that the ONLY thing that changes is once you meet the already decent requirements to enter college you don't have to pay to get an education. I swear if we left it up to CONservatives they would be charging High School Students for their education

I asked you what the requirements would be.
Can a low GPA student attend? Someone with a criminal record?
How many would attend just because it's free and turn around and do nothing with their liberals arts degree?
You give anything away for free and it loses its value,just like welfare.

I'm hearing them telling the professors, "Hey, we'll have no money to pay you with, AND your classes will increase exponentially in size, mostly with people who don't care or pay attention, since we're no longer filtering it by who wants to be there enough to pay."

Yeah, that'll get the best teachers.
Don't be silly--not everyone uses a bus or train, but it is almost impossible to get along these days without access to the internet. Even job applications need to go online. So maybe internet SHOULD be universally accessible without cost. I'm not talking about Netflix or any of that stuff. Just WiFi. Not everyone can afford a smartphone.
Not everyone can afford a smartphone

particularly if they are too lazy to work

but there are still free obama phones
Obama phones never had internet access. They're for making doctor's appointments, communicating with the kids' school, and calling 911 if the bf goes bizerk on ya. 90 minutes a month.

I work and I'm sure I couldn't afford one if I wanted one. I know plenty of people who either don't have one or routinely don't pay their bill BECAUSE THEY CAN'T AFFORD IT and therefore can't use it.
My ex's Obama phone had internet. That was years ago.
You must make a really spectacular salary. So how do YOU afford one? Average is $114 p/month. Now that I'm going to be coughing up $165 p/month for Medicare and Part C, I sure as hell don't have an extra $100 p/month for googling shit while I drive.

What are you, insane? I pay $57 a month (with a $10 a month discount factored into that) for my smartphone through Boost Mobile, and it's only that much because I went with an unlimited data plan. If I'd been willing to accept a high-speed data cap, it would have been more like $40.

And only a damned fool Googles while he/she drives.
Yeah I got unlimited everything and it's less than $55 a month. Includes insurance on the phone.
Not everyone can afford a smartphone

particularly if they are too lazy to work

but there are still free obama phones
Obama phones never had internet access. They're for making doctor's appointments, communicating with the kids' school, and calling 911 if the bf goes bizerk on ya. 90 minutes a month.

I work and I'm sure I couldn't afford one if I wanted one. I know plenty of people who either don't have one or routinely don't pay their bill BECAUSE THEY CAN'T AFFORD IT and therefore can't use it.
My ex's Obama phone had internet. That was years ago.
You must make a really spectacular salary. So how do YOU afford one? Average is $114 p/month. Now that I'm going to be coughing up $165 p/month for Medicare and Part C, I sure as hell don't have an extra $100 p/month for googling shit while I drive.

What are you, insane? I pay $57 a month (with a $10 a month discount factored into that) for my smartphone through Boost Mobile, and it's only that much because I went with an unlimited data plan. If I'd been willing to accept a high-speed data cap, it would have been more like $40.

And only a damned fool Googles while he/she drives.
Yeah I got unlimited everything and it's less than $55 a month. Includes insurance on the phone.

I have phone insurance as well.

I could get it cheaper through Consumer Cellular, for example, but I chose to pay a bit more for Boost's good service.

Ain't capitalism grand?
Yes it does. Between making rich assholes and companies actually PAY taxes instead of getting a refund,and have MORE people going to work because they can actually get a college education and keeping them healthy this shit pays for its self.
I would whether see those who pay no taxes not get a refund. Instead of what you suggested.
Then tell the IRS to stop taking taxes from them. OR here is a bright idea pay them more and MAYBE then they would make enough to pay taxes. With 5 kids EVEN AFTER I get done with college and am making 50 or 60k a year I don't expect to pay taxes.
The same they are now! High enough GPA and SAT or ACT scores etc. Why should any of that change? Literally it's just insuring young folks can start a life without 50-100k in student loan debt.

You ignored all of my other concerns.
But it all really boils down to...If you want to go to college pay for it your damn self.
Nope. Just like the government can kiss my white ass if they think I am paying a fucking PENNY back to it for wanting to educate myself so I can get a decent job, you just want the poor to stay dumbed down and to remain the underclass so rich CEO's can get away with slave wages and not paying taxes. Sick society that doesn't want ALL its members to reach their highest capabilities. Our taxes pay for public school from pre k through 12th grade they can do the same fucking thing for college.
Funny how 19 years of war in Afghanistan and 15 years of war in Iraq etc hasn't bankrupted us, Funny how bailing out CAPITALIST companies didn't bankrupt us, funny how BILLIONS in foreign aid doesn't bankrupt us but providing things 95% of the countries in the world have WOULD bankrupt us.
Some of those bailouts where too bailout the unions. and if you're whiming about the bailout you need to talk to your Democrats because they voted for it to give them the bailouts
Bush was President....he was a republican and MANY republicans voted for that shit as well so.

I predict real life is going to be a big disappointment for you.

I dropped out of HS and retired at 46. I asked no one for anything.
Why are you so dependent on the gov?
I'm not dependent. I am advocating for FAIRNESS for all. Not just a handout to the 1% which is what happens now. Why should people be PUNISHED for wanting to get a college education? Why not punish high school students for wanting a HS education? At 15 they can start working..maybe we should start making them pay to attend high school!

LOL......are you being punished when you go buy a big mac?
And whats not fair about everyone pays their own way?
So since 15 year olds CAN work they should pay for going to high school? Good to know...the CONservative's never fail to show how full of shit they are. Only the wealthy should be healthy, have a home, a car, an education, etc etc etc.
Funny how 19 years of war in Afghanistan and 15 years of war in Iraq etc hasn't bankrupted us, Funny how bailing out CAPITALIST companies didn't bankrupt us, funny how BILLIONS in foreign aid doesn't bankrupt us but providing things 95% of the countries in the world have WOULD bankrupt us.

None of those things even comes close to paying for bernies crazy ideas.
Yes it does. Between making rich assholes and companies actually PAY taxes instead of getting a refund,and have MORE people going to work because they can actually get a college education and keeping them healthy this shit pays for its self.
I would whether see those who pay no taxes not get a refund. Instead of what you suggested.
Then tell the IRS to stop taking taxes from them. OR here is a bright idea pay them more and MAYBE then they would make enough to pay taxes. With 5 kids EVEN AFTER I get done with college and am making 50 or 60k a year I don't expect to pay taxes.
What free college? Its just the fact that the ONLY thing that changes is once you meet the already decent requirements to enter college you don't have to pay to get an education. I swear if we left it up to CONservatives they would be charging High School Students for their education

I asked you what the requirements would be.
Can a low GPA student attend? Someone with a criminal record?
How many would attend just because it's free and turn around and do nothing with their liberals arts degree?
You give anything away for free and it loses its value,just like welfare.
The same they are now! High enough GPA and SAT or ACT scores etc. Why should any of that change? Literally it's just insuring young folks can start a life without 50-100k in student loan debt.

You ignored all of my other concerns.
But it all really boils down to...If you want to go to college pay for it your damn self.
Nope. Just like the government can kiss my white ass if they think I am paying a fucking PENNY back to it for wanting to educate myself so I can get a decent job, you just want the poor to stay dumbed down and to remain the underclass so rich CEO's can get away with slave wages and not paying taxes. Sick society that doesn't want ALL its members to reach their highest capabilities. Our taxes pay for public school from pre k through 12th grade they can do the same fucking thing for college.
Im older than that. And maybe the real world needs to change for the better. Thats what Bernie will do
You're kidding, right. Medicare for all would bankrupt us alone. Not to mention free college.
Funny how 19 years of war in Afghanistan and 15 years of war in Iraq etc hasn't bankrupted us, Funny how bailing out CAPITALIST companies didn't bankrupt us, funny how BILLIONS in foreign aid doesn't bankrupt us but providing things 95% of the countries in the world have WOULD bankrupt us.
Some of those bailouts where too bailout the unions. and if you're whiming about the bailout you need to talk to your Democrats because they voted for it to give them the bailouts
Bush was President....he was a republican and MANY republicans voted for that shit as well so.
You're an ignorant motherfucker maybe they shouldn't have more children than they can afford to have.
My kids are just fine actually. All well fed, clothed and have a nice home over their heads for now. All because we know how to game the shit out of the system and will continue to do so. Do what we must to survive. We weren't born with a silver spoon in our mouths nor were we EVER given a chance at a better life so we have made our own fucking way doing it however I can and damn its fine fucking the government over to do so. So take your nuts in your wife's purse cuckolded ass and fuck off. Thanks BOY.
I would whether see those who pay no taxes not get a refund. Instead of what you suggested.
Then tell the IRS to stop taking taxes from them. OR here is a bright idea pay them more and MAYBE then they would make enough to pay taxes. With 5 kids EVEN AFTER I get done with college and am making 50 or 60k a year I don't expect to pay taxes.
You ignored all of my other concerns.
But it all really boils down to...If you want to go to college pay for it your damn self.
Nope. Just like the government can kiss my white ass if they think I am paying a fucking PENNY back to it for wanting to educate myself so I can get a decent job, you just want the poor to stay dumbed down and to remain the underclass so rich CEO's can get away with slave wages and not paying taxes. Sick society that doesn't want ALL its members to reach their highest capabilities. Our taxes pay for public school from pre k through 12th grade they can do the same fucking thing for college.
Some of those bailouts where too bailout the unions. and if you're whiming about the bailout you need to talk to your Democrats because they voted for it to give them the bailouts
Bush was President....he was a republican and MANY republicans voted for that shit as well so.

I predict real life is going to be a big disappointment for you.

I dropped out of HS and retired at 46. I asked no one for anything.
Why are you so dependent on the gov?
I'm not dependent. I am advocating for FAIRNESS for all. Not just a handout to the 1% which is what happens now. Why should people be PUNISHED for wanting to get a college education? Why not punish high school students for wanting a HS education? At 15 they can start working..maybe we should start making them pay to attend high school!

LOL......are you being punished when you go buy a big mac?
And whats not fair about everyone pays their own way?
So since 15 year olds CAN work they should pay for going to high school? Good to know...the CONservative's never fail to show how full of shit they are. Only the wealthy should be healthy, have a home, a car, an education, etc etc etc.

You've keep saying kids can work at 15,where?
As has already been mentioned you do pay for HS.
No....only those who actually work deserve those things.
I would whether see those who pay no taxes not get a refund. Instead of what you suggested.
Then tell the IRS to stop taking taxes from them. OR here is a bright idea pay them more and MAYBE then they would make enough to pay taxes. With 5 kids EVEN AFTER I get done with college and am making 50 or 60k a year I don't expect to pay taxes.
You ignored all of my other concerns.
But it all really boils down to...If you want to go to college pay for it your damn self.
Nope. Just like the government can kiss my white ass if they think I am paying a fucking PENNY back to it for wanting to educate myself so I can get a decent job, you just want the poor to stay dumbed down and to remain the underclass so rich CEO's can get away with slave wages and not paying taxes. Sick society that doesn't want ALL its members to reach their highest capabilities. Our taxes pay for public school from pre k through 12th grade they can do the same fucking thing for college.
Some of those bailouts where too bailout the unions. and if you're whiming about the bailout you need to talk to your Democrats because they voted for it to give them the bailouts
Bush was President....he was a republican and MANY republicans voted for that shit as well so.

I predict real life is going to be a big disappointment for you.

I dropped out of HS and retired at 46. I asked no one for anything.
Why are you so dependent on the gov?
I'm not dependent. I am advocating for FAIRNESS for all. Not just a handout to the 1% which is what happens now. Why should people be PUNISHED for wanting to get a college education? Why not punish high school students for wanting a HS education? At 15 they can start working..maybe we should start making them pay to attend high school!

LOL......are you being punished when you go buy a big mac?
And whats not fair about everyone pays their own way?
So since 15 year olds CAN work they should pay for going to high school? Good to know...the CONservative's never fail to show how full of shit they are. Only the wealthy should be healthy, have a home, a car, an education, etc etc etc.
Dumfuk, parents property taxes pay for the schools.
Then tell the IRS to stop taking taxes from them. OR here is a bright idea pay them more and MAYBE then they would make enough to pay taxes. With 5 kids EVEN AFTER I get done with college and am making 50 or 60k a year I don't expect to pay taxes.
Nope. Just like the government can kiss my white ass if they think I am paying a fucking PENNY back to it for wanting to educate myself so I can get a decent job, you just want the poor to stay dumbed down and to remain the underclass so rich CEO's can get away with slave wages and not paying taxes. Sick society that doesn't want ALL its members to reach their highest capabilities. Our taxes pay for public school from pre k through 12th grade they can do the same fucking thing for college.
Bush was President....he was a republican and MANY republicans voted for that shit as well so.

I predict real life is going to be a big disappointment for you.

I dropped out of HS and retired at 46. I asked no one for anything.
Why are you so dependent on the gov?
I'm not dependent. I am advocating for FAIRNESS for all. Not just a handout to the 1% which is what happens now. Why should people be PUNISHED for wanting to get a college education? Why not punish high school students for wanting a HS education? At 15 they can start working..maybe we should start making them pay to attend high school!

LOL......are you being punished when you go buy a big mac?
And whats not fair about everyone pays their own way?
So since 15 year olds CAN work they should pay for going to high school? Good to know...the CONservative's never fail to show how full of shit they are. Only the wealthy should be healthy, have a home, a car, an education, etc etc etc.

You've keep saying kids can work at 15,where?
As has already been mentioned you do pay for HS.
No....only those who actually work deserve those things.
My first job was when I was 15. I worked as a cook/dishwasher at Pizza Hut. Could only work so many hours per week so I worked Friday and Saturday nights.
I predict real life is going to be a big disappointment for you.

I dropped out of HS and retired at 46. I asked no one for anything.
Why are you so dependent on the gov?
I'm not dependent. I am advocating for FAIRNESS for all. Not just a handout to the 1% which is what happens now. Why should people be PUNISHED for wanting to get a college education? Why not punish high school students for wanting a HS education? At 15 they can start working..maybe we should start making them pay to attend high school!

LOL......are you being punished when you go buy a big mac?
And whats not fair about everyone pays their own way?
So since 15 year olds CAN work they should pay for going to high school? Good to know...the CONservative's never fail to show how full of shit they are. Only the wealthy should be healthy, have a home, a car, an education, etc etc etc.

You've keep saying kids can work at 15,where?
As has already been mentioned you do pay for HS.
No....only those who actually work deserve those things.
My first job was when I was 15. I worked as a cook/dishwasher at Pizza Hut. Could only work so many hours per week so I worked Friday and Saturday nights.

I think Im voting for Bernie. Students shouldn’t have to worry about debt and loans while studying to fix our broken society. These loans are immoral and need to be forgiven.

Also anyone working full time deserves a comfortable $15/hour wage and free medical care.

Thats all
You are right... everybody also deserves food, and a house, and medical care, and an income. We could give it all to them at the expense of our economy or we can take smaller steps and work to give them opportunity and incentive to work hard, overcome struggle and achieve the smart I am dream.

Bernie is great for platitudes but I don’t think his ideas are practical... I also don’t think he stands a chance of beating Trump
True – Sanders would lose to Trump.

Sanders would likely win more popular votes than Clinton, but like Clinton lose in the EC.
Not even Sanders knows what this would cost or how to pay for it, and has admitted as much.

This is an empty promise that will never happen. He is so serious about this that he hasn't bothered to do the math, as he knows it's a waste of time.

He is pandering for votes. Making promises, telling people what they want to hear.

Free! Free! Free! SSDD.
None of those things even comes close to paying for bernies crazy ideas.
Yes it does. Between making rich assholes and companies actually PAY taxes instead of getting a refund,and have MORE people going to work because they can actually get a college education and keeping them healthy this shit pays for its self.
I would whether see those who pay no taxes not get a refund. Instead of what you suggested.
Then tell the IRS to stop taking taxes from them. OR here is a bright idea pay them more and MAYBE then they would make enough to pay taxes. With 5 kids EVEN AFTER I get done with college and am making 50 or 60k a year I don't expect to pay taxes.
I asked you what the requirements would be.
Can a low GPA student attend? Someone with a criminal record?
How many would attend just because it's free and turn around and do nothing with their liberals arts degree?
You give anything away for free and it loses its value,just like welfare.
The same they are now! High enough GPA and SAT or ACT scores etc. Why should any of that change? Literally it's just insuring young folks can start a life without 50-100k in student loan debt.

You ignored all of my other concerns.
But it all really boils down to...If you want to go to college pay for it your damn self.
Nope. Just like the government can kiss my white ass if they think I am paying a fucking PENNY back to it for wanting to educate myself so I can get a decent job, you just want the poor to stay dumbed down and to remain the underclass so rich CEO's can get away with slave wages and not paying taxes. Sick society that doesn't want ALL its members to reach their highest capabilities. Our taxes pay for public school from pre k through 12th grade they can do the same fucking thing for college.
You're kidding, right. Medicare for all would bankrupt us alone. Not to mention free college.
Funny how 19 years of war in Afghanistan and 15 years of war in Iraq etc hasn't bankrupted us, Funny how bailing out CAPITALIST companies didn't bankrupt us, funny how BILLIONS in foreign aid doesn't bankrupt us but providing things 95% of the countries in the world have WOULD bankrupt us.
Some of those bailouts where too bailout the unions. and if you're whiming about the bailout you need to talk to your Democrats because they voted for it to give them the bailouts
Bush was President....he was a republican and MANY republicans voted for that shit as well so.
You're an ignorant motherfucker maybe they shouldn't have more children than they can afford to have.
My kids are just fine actually. All well fed, clothed and have a nice home over their heads for now. All because we know how to game the shit out of the system and will continue to do so. Do what we must to survive. We weren't born with a silver spoon in our mouths nor were we EVER given a chance at a better life so we have made our own fucking way doing it however I can and damn its fine fucking the government over to do so. So take your nuts in your wife's purse cuckolded ass and fuck off. Thanks BOY.
So you're own welfare. gaming the system will only go so far when Trump cuts the amount you can get in two years.
I think Im voting for Bernie. Students shouldn’t have to worry about debt and loans while studying to fix our broken society. These loans are immoral and need to be forgiven.

Also anyone working full time deserves a comfortable $15/hour wage and free medical care.

Thats all
You are right... everybody also deserves food, and a house, and medical care, and an income. We could give it all to them at the expense of our economy or we can take smaller steps and work to give them opportunity and incentive to work hard, overcome struggle and achieve the smart I am dream.

Bernie is great for platitudes but I don’t think his ideas are practical... I also don’t think he stands a chance of beating Trump
True – Sanders would lose to Trump.

Sanders would likely win more popular votes than Clinton, but like Clinton lose in the EC.
more people oppose Sanders than did Clinton.
I'm not dependent. I am advocating for FAIRNESS for all. Not just a handout to the 1% which is what happens now. Why should people be PUNISHED for wanting to get a college education? Why not punish high school students for wanting a HS education? At 15 they can start working..maybe we should start making them pay to attend high school!

LOL......are you being punished when you go buy a big mac?
And whats not fair about everyone pays their own way?
So since 15 year olds CAN work they should pay for going to high school? Good to know...the CONservative's never fail to show how full of shit they are. Only the wealthy should be healthy, have a home, a car, an education, etc etc etc.

You've keep saying kids can work at 15,where?
As has already been mentioned you do pay for HS.
No....only those who actually work deserve those things.
My first job was when I was 15. I worked as a cook/dishwasher at Pizza Hut. Could only work so many hours per week so I worked Friday and Saturday nights.

he's a piece of shit bragging about gaming the system
I think Im voting for Bernie. Students shouldn’t have to worry about debt and loans while studying to fix our broken society. These loans are immoral and need to be forgiven.

Also anyone working full time deserves a comfortable $15/hour wage and free medical care.

Thats all
Have you and Bernie informed the staff of the countries universities that they'll be working for free?
Yes I would. Randomness is just cruel.

Lets say we have 10 dice.
Capitalism: Random rolls, some 6, some 1, who knows
Democratic Socialism: We patiently place each dice down on a 4 or 5. Everyone does well.

How is that bad?

Socialism Is the Rotting Corpse of Capitalism

First, because you praise education but despise grammar, the singular of dice is die, as in "The die is cast (thrown or rolled)."

Education should not be a choice; the students should be recruited, just like they are for the college football team. And they should be paid a higher salary than they can expect to get anywhere else at that age. Free tuition still means work without pay, which is for teenagers who are afraid to grow up. All this proves that Socialism is generic.

True, especially with inheritance, sometimes Capitalism elevates the inferior and, with unpaid education, it degrades the superior. But hereditary power erodes Capitalism and High IQs create all the capital. So Socialite Socialism or Limousine Liberalism magnifies the failures of Capitalism; both are outside ownership. The university became the cradle of Marxism because it is a decadent aristocratic institution designed for richkids living off an allowance ("independent income").
Im older than that. And maybe the real world needs to change for the better. Thats what Bernie will do
You're kidding, right. Medicare for all would bankrupt us alone. Not to mention free college.
Funny how 19 years of war in Afghanistan and 15 years of war in Iraq etc hasn't bankrupted us, Funny how bailing out CAPITALIST companies didn't bankrupt us, funny how BILLIONS in foreign aid doesn't bankrupt us but providing things 95% of the countries in the world have WOULD bankrupt us.

None of those things even comes close to paying for bernies crazy ideas.
Yes it does. Between making rich assholes and companies actually PAY taxes instead of getting a refund,and have MORE people going to work because they can actually get a college education and keeping them healthy this shit pays for its self.

Like most democrat/socialist schemes the law of unintended consequences comes into play.
These Creeps Are Driven by a Sick Hatred of Normal People

Leftists are vicious vindictive misfits who intend all those dire consequences; don't believe for one minute that they think their agenda will improve conditions and end social conflict. Lenin started out Communism by having everybody work for free. That was not some dreamy idealism; he knew it would be a disaster, so he used it as prove that people wouldn't share and therefore a dictatorship was needed to force them to act "socially responsible."

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