Hookers LIE?....Who Knew?

You still can't answer the question.

*HOW* can you not-talk-about an event ------------------------ IF THERE IS NO EVENT TO NOT-TALK ABOUT?


Fifth time now with no answer.

We sit, and we wait. Yum! Pretzels!
If you talk about it in the right context. 60 Minutes needed the rating. Truth or integrity was not an issue.

The question has absolute Zero to do with "60 Minutes". The question is simple logic: **HOW** can you establish a 'legal' agreement that says the other party won't describe an incident -------------------- while simultaneously claiming there was no such incident?

Can't do it. You cannot draw up an NDA and apply it to nonexisting events. If an NDA exists, then an event existed before it. PERIOD.
No one has posted the NDA, so how can you make any claims about what it says?

Again- I posted the link to it.

Non-moron's can go right to the NDA.
You posted a link to the lawsuit, not the NDA, dumbass.
Again- I posted the link to it.

Non-moron's can go right to the NDA.

Anyone who can't- well they probably voted for Trump.
Again -------------- link?

C'mon. Be the first.
Does she get paid to fuck?

Not by the fuckee, no.

Don't be sad. I challenged the OP to do the same thing. He couldn't do it either. That's him over in the corner making whimpering noises. Kind of annoying too. But then he shouldn't have gone there, should he have.
So if my buddy pays a woman to fuck me on my 50th birthday she's not a whore because someone else paid her?


If you are married with a small child and decide to hook up with a porn star- does that make her a whore- or you?
Lol nice try. It may make me a failure as a husband and father but she is STILL A WHORE lol

And what does that make the man who chooses to screw a whore?

A john?
A coward?
A whoremonger?
If you talk about it in the right context. 60 Minutes needed the rating. Truth or integrity was not an issue.

The question has absolute Zero to do with "60 Minutes". The question is simple logic: **HOW** can you establish a 'legal' agreement that says the other party won't describe an incident -------------------- while simultaneously claiming there was no such incident?

Can't do it. You cannot draw up an NDA and apply it to nonexisting events. If an NDA exists, then an event existed before it. PERIOD.
No one has posted the NDA, so how can you make any claims about what it says?

Again- I posted the link to it.

Non-moron's can go right to the NDA.
You posted a link to the lawsuit, not the NDA, dumbass.
Again- I posted the link to it.

Non-moron's can go right to the NDA.

Anyone who can't- well they probably voted for Trump.
All I've seen you post is a link to the lawsuit. If you posted a link to the NDA, it should be no problem to do it again here.
Once proud "60 Minutes" now finds itself is the same gutter as CNN and MSLSD. A look at the players in this seedy hit-job tells us all we need to know. Stormy is a prostitute with gigantic plastic breasts and a gift for gab...that's what made her a porn star instead of a drug-addicted street whore, Anderson Cooper is the homosexual face of CNN. Stormy's lawyer is a democrat operative, a former associate of Rahm Emanuel, and an LA tough guy...which means he's probably also a homo. Then there's the former Bush man, now running what appears to be a one-man think tank telling us about "campaign finance laws" being broken while pecking at his computer keyboard with one finger. So now Stormy has told told her tale, broken her signed confidentiality-agreement and opened herself up to a $20M defamation suit, as has CBS, Anderson Cooper, and whomever produced that mess. The only thing missing is Lakhota....why isn't he here breathlessly telling us how Trump is finished!


Stormy Daniels Claims She Was Threatened in Parking Lot Against Revealing Alleged Trump Affair

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: rofl:

you're such a lame trumptard. :rofl:

there is nothing to make you think she's lying...

that kind of threat is right up the alley of the Donald's henchman
ijit twit
Hookers lie cheat steal, deal in drugs, rat to the cops and e,t,c/ Stormy was high on the 59 min. show.

so does the orange sociopath.

by the by, you probably don't know the difference, but she isn't a hooker...and Donald didn't pay her for sex.

but I do love watching misogynist pond scum criticize women for having sex but the orange sexual predator? it's all hunky dory.
Does she get paid to fuck?

Not by the fuckee, no.

Don't be sad. I challenged the OP to do the same thing. He couldn't do it either. That's him over in the corner making whimpering noises. Kind of annoying too. But then he shouldn't have gone there, should he have.
So if my buddy pays a woman to fuck me on my 50th birthday she's not a whore because someone else paid her?


If you are married with a small child and decide to hook up with a porn star- does that make her a whore- or you?
Lol nice try. It may make me a failure as a husband and father but she is STILL A WHORE lol

And what does that make the man who chooses to screw a whore?

A john?
A coward?
A whoremonger?

but he's a guy... it's all good to trumpscum
Does she get paid to fuck?

Not by the fuckee, no.

Don't be sad. I challenged the OP to do the same thing. He couldn't do it either. That's him over in the corner making whimpering noises. Kind of annoying too. But then he shouldn't have gone there, should he have.
So if my buddy pays a woman to fuck me on my 50th birthday she's not a whore because someone else paid her?


If you are married with a small child and decide to hook up with a porn star- does that make her a whore- or you?
Lol nice try. It may make me a failure as a husband and father but she is STILL A WHORE lol

And what does that make the man who chooses to screw a whore?

A john?
A coward?
A whoremonger?
I just told you dumbfuck. Can you read? Stop moving the goalposts ya jackass
Not by the fuckee, no.

Don't be sad. I challenged the OP to do the same thing. He couldn't do it either. That's him over in the corner making whimpering noises. Kind of annoying too. But then he shouldn't have gone there, should he have.
So if my buddy pays a woman to fuck me on my 50th birthday she's not a whore because someone else paid her?


If you are married with a small child and decide to hook up with a porn star- does that make her a whore- or you?
Lol nice try. It may make me a failure as a husband and father but she is STILL A WHORE lol

And what does that make the man who chooses to screw a whore?

A john?
A coward?
A whoremonger?
I just told you dumbfuck. Can you read? Stop moving the goalposts ya jackass

So it would just make you a failure- but not a john? Not a whoremonger?

And if you paid her off when you were running for office- in order to protect your chances of being elected-what would that make you?
Once proud "60 Minutes" now finds itself is the same gutter as CNN and MSLSD. A look at the players in this seedy hit-job tells us all we need to know. Stormy is a prostitute with gigantic plastic breasts and a gift for gab...that's what made her a porn star instead of a drug-addicted street whore, Anderson Cooper is the homosexual face of CNN. Stormy's lawyer is a democrat operative, a former associate of Rahm Emanuel, and an LA tough guy...which means he's probably also a homo. Then there's the former Bush man, now running what appears to be a one-man think tank telling us about "campaign finance laws" being broken while pecking at his computer keyboard with one finger. So now Stormy has told told her tale, broken her signed confidentiality-agreement and opened herself up to a $20M defamation suit, as has CBS, Anderson Cooper, and whomever produced that mess. The only thing missing is Lakhota....why isn't he here breathlessly telling us how Trump is finished!


Stormy Daniels Claims She Was Threatened in Parking Lot Against Revealing Alleged Trump Affair

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: rofl:

you're such a lame trumptard. :rofl:

there is nothing to make you think she's lying...

that kind of threat is right up the alley of the Donald's henchman
ijit twit
Hookers lie cheat steal, deal in drugs, rat to the cops and e,t,c/ Stormy was high on the 59 min. show.

so does the orange sociopath.

by the by, you probably don't know the difference, but she isn't a hooker...and Donald didn't pay her for sex.

but I do love watching misogynist pond scum criticize women for having sex but the orange sexual predator? it's all hunky dory.

Multiple wags in these threads tried to float the turd premise that Stormy Daniels either is a "whore" or "has had multiple sex partners", either or both of which impinge her "credibility".

I asked them repeatedly how it does. They all went "hummahummahumma". There's one of them doing just that, two posts up.

Then I asked them if it does then what does it make Rump's "credibility".

Then they ran away.
The question has absolute Zero to do with "60 Minutes". The question is simple logic: **HOW** can you establish a 'legal' agreement that says the other party won't describe an incident -------------------- while simultaneously claiming there was no such incident?

Can't do it. You cannot draw up an NDA and apply it to nonexisting events. If an NDA exists, then an event existed before it. PERIOD.
No one has posted the NDA, so how can you make any claims about what it says?

Again- I posted the link to it.

Non-moron's can go right to the NDA.
You posted a link to the lawsuit, not the NDA, dumbass.
Again- I posted the link to it.

Non-moron's can go right to the NDA.

Anyone who can't- well they probably voted for Trump.
All I've seen you post is a link to the lawsuit. If you posted a link to the NDA, it should be no problem to do it again here.

I posted a link to the lawsuit- and the NDA- here is a clip from the NDA


I can lead a moronic Trumpster to water- but I cannot make him wash himself.

I think I am getting a clearer picture of how Trump got elected.

His supporters are like him- short attention span and inability to focus.
Once proud "60 Minutes" now finds itself is the same gutter as CNN and MSLSD. A look at the players in this seedy hit-job tells us all we need to know. Stormy is a prostitute with gigantic plastic breasts and a gift for gab...that's what made her a porn star instead of a drug-addicted street whore, Anderson Cooper is the homosexual face of CNN. Stormy's lawyer is a democrat operative, a former associate of Rahm Emanuel, and an LA tough guy...which means he's probably also a homo. Then there's the former Bush man, now running what appears to be a one-man think tank telling us about "campaign finance laws" being broken while pecking at his computer keyboard with one finger. So now Stormy has told told her tale, broken her signed confidentiality-agreement and opened herself up to a $20M defamation suit, as has CBS, Anderson Cooper, and whomever produced that mess. The only thing missing is Lakhota....why isn't he here breathlessly telling us how Trump is finished!


Stormy Daniels Claims She Was Threatened in Parking Lot Against Revealing Alleged Trump Affair

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: rofl:

you're such a lame trumptard. :rofl:

there is nothing to make you think she's lying...

that kind of threat is right up the alley of the Donald's henchman
ijit twit
Hookers lie cheat steal, deal in drugs, rat to the cops and e,t,c/ Stormy was high on the 59 min. show.

so does the orange sociopath.

by the by, you probably don't know the difference, but she isn't a hooker...and Donald didn't pay her for sex.

but I do love watching misogynist pond scum criticize women for having sex but the orange sexual predator? it's all hunky dory.

Multiple wags in these threads tried to float the turd premise that Stormy Daniels either is a "whore" or "has had multiple sex partners", either or both of which impinge her "credibility".

I asked them repeatedly how it does. They all went "hummahummahumma". There's one of them doing just that, two posts up.

Then I asked them if it does then what does it make Rump's "credibility".

Then they ran away.

Yep they call her a 'whore' but have no problem with the married man who chose to have unprotected sex with her.
Once proud "60 Minutes" now finds itself is the same gutter as CNN and MSLSD. A look at the players in this seedy hit-job tells us all we need to know. Stormy is a prostitute with gigantic plastic breasts and a gift for gab...that's what made her a porn star instead of a drug-addicted street whore, Anderson Cooper is the homosexual face of CNN. Stormy's lawyer is a democrat operative, a former associate of Rahm Emanuel, and an LA tough guy...which means he's probably also a homo. Then there's the former Bush man, now running what appears to be a one-man think tank telling us about "campaign finance laws" being broken while pecking at his computer keyboard with one finger. So now Stormy has told told her tale, broken her signed confidentiality-agreement and opened herself up to a $20M defamation suit, as has CBS, Anderson Cooper, and whomever produced that mess. The only thing missing is Lakhota....why isn't he here breathlessly telling us how Trump is finished!


Stormy Daniels Claims She Was Threatened in Parking Lot Against Revealing Alleged Trump Affair

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: rofl:

you're such a lame trumptard. :rofl:

there is nothing to make you think she's lying...

that kind of threat is right up the alley of the Donald's henchman
ijit twit
Hookers lie cheat steal, deal in drugs, rat to the cops and e,t,c/ Stormy was high on the 59 min. show.

so does the orange sociopath.

by the by, you probably don't know the difference, but she isn't a hooker...and Donald didn't pay her for sex.

but I do love watching misogynist pond scum criticize women for having sex but the orange sexual predator? it's all hunky dory.

Multiple wags in these threads tried to float the turd premise that Stormy Daniels either is a "whore" or "has had multiple sex partners", either or both of which impinge her "credibility".

I asked them repeatedly how it does. They all went "hummahummahumma". There's one of them doing just that, two posts up.

Then I asked them if it does then what does it make Rump's "credibility".

Then they ran away.

Yep they call her a 'whore' but have no problem with the married man who chose to have unprotected sex with her.

And they can't explain how a female's depth of sexual repertoire somehow affects her 'credibility'.
Apparently it never occurred to them that that might be a question.
Once proud "60 Minutes" now finds itself is the same gutter as CNN and MSLSD. A look at the players in this seedy hit-job tells us all we need to know. Stormy is a prostitute with gigantic plastic breasts and a gift for gab...that's what made her a porn star instead of a drug-addicted street whore, Anderson Cooper is the homosexual face of CNN. Stormy's lawyer is a democrat operative, a former associate of Rahm Emanuel, and an LA tough guy...which means he's probably also a homo. Then there's the former Bush man, now running what appears to be a one-man think tank telling us about "campaign finance laws" being broken while pecking at his keyboard with one finger. So now Stormy has told told her tale, broken her signed confidentiality-agreement and opened herself up to a $20M defamation suit, as has CBS, Anderson Cooper, and whomever produced that mess. The only thing missing is Lakhota....why isn't he here breathlessly telling us how Trump is finished?


Stormy Daniels Claims She Was Threatened in Parking Lot Against Revealing Alleged Trump Affair
maybe the Naked News needs some more talent?
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: rofl:

you're such a lame trumptard. :rofl:

there is nothing to make you think she's lying...

that kind of threat is right up the alley of the Donald's henchman
ijit twit
Hookers lie cheat steal, deal in drugs, rat to the cops and e,t,c/ Stormy was high on the 59 min. show.

so does the orange sociopath.

by the by, you probably don't know the difference, but she isn't a hooker...and Donald didn't pay her for sex.

but I do love watching misogynist pond scum criticize women for having sex but the orange sexual predator? it's all hunky dory.

Multiple wags in these threads tried to float the turd premise that Stormy Daniels either is a "whore" or "has had multiple sex partners", either or both of which impinge her "credibility".

I asked them repeatedly how it does. They all went "hummahummahumma". There's one of them doing just that, two posts up.

Then I asked them if it does then what does it make Rump's "credibility".

Then they ran away.

Yep they call her a 'whore' but have no problem with the married man who chose to have unprotected sex with her.

And they can't explain how a female's depth of sexual repertoire somehow affects her 'credibility'.
Apparently it never occurred to them that that might be a question.

do you think people who aren't misogynists with double standards you could drive a truck through would be trumptards?
Once proud "60 Minutes" now finds itself is the same gutter as CNN and MSLSD. A look at the players in this seedy hit-job tells us all we need to know. Stormy is a prostitute with gigantic plastic breasts and a gift for gab...that's what made her a porn star instead of a drug-addicted street whore, Anderson Cooper is the homosexual face of CNN. Stormy's lawyer is a democrat operative, a former associate of Rahm Emanuel, and an LA tough guy...which means he's probably also a homo. Then there's the former Bush man, now running what appears to be a one-man think tank telling us about "campaign finance laws" being broken while pecking at his computer keyboard with one finger. So now Stormy has told told her tale, broken her signed confidentiality-agreement and opened herself up to a $20M defamation suit, as has CBS, Anderson Cooper, and whomever produced that mess. The only thing missing is Lakhota....why isn't he here breathlessly telling us how Trump is finished!


Stormy Daniels Claims She Was Threatened in Parking Lot Against Revealing Alleged Trump Affair

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: rofl:

you're such a lame trumptard. :rofl:

there is nothing to make you think she's lying...

that kind of threat is right up the alley of the Donald's henchman
ijit twit

Doesn't seem to be any proof she lied :dunno: Didn't she pass a lie detector test or something?
Doesn't seem to be any proof she lied :dunno: Didn't she pass a lie detector test or something?

Surely no proof she's telling the truth after denying having sex with him in 3 affidavits. You can beat a valid lie detector in several ways and I doubt she and her ambulance-chaser used a recognized technician so dismiss that. What it boils down to is whether you hate Trump enough to believe anything ("he's Hitler") or are amused by the idiocy of a STILL butt-sore left who lost an election fair and square. I'm surprised to see my OP revisited and am particularly enjoying Pogo's claims that he's left anybody muttering or running away from him. Earlier I said Trump wouldn't have had unprotected sex with a whore...STDs and a possible pregnancy...no matter how "stupid" one believes a GERMAPHOBE multibillionaire who never ran for anything but the Presidency and WON, few really believe he lets little Donald do his thinking.
So if my buddy pays a woman to fuck me on my 50th birthday she's not a whore because someone else paid her?


If you are married with a small child and decide to hook up with a porn star- does that make her a whore- or you?
Lol nice try. It may make me a failure as a husband and father but she is STILL A WHORE lol

And what does that make the man who chooses to screw a whore?

A john?
A coward?
A whoremonger?
I just told you dumbfuck. Can you read? Stop moving the goalposts ya jackass

So it would just make you a failure- but not a john? Not a whoremonger?

And if you paid her off when you were running for office- in order to protect your chances of being elected-what would that make you?
I didn't fuck her so your diversionary tactic is both pointless and stupid.

She's a whore. She fucks for money.

Now stop quoting me with this Jerry Springer juvenile shit.
Not by the fuckee, no.

Don't be sad. I challenged the OP to do the same thing. He couldn't do it either. That's him over in the corner making whimpering noises. Kind of annoying too. But then he shouldn't have gone there, should he have.
So if my buddy pays a woman to fuck me on my 50th birthday she's not a whore because someone else paid her?


If you are married with a small child and decide to hook up with a porn star- does that make her a whore- or you?
Lol nice try. It may make me a failure as a husband and father but she is STILL A WHORE lol

And what does that make the man who chooses to screw a whore?

A john?
A coward?
A whoremonger?

but he's a guy... it's all good to trumpscum
My leg is lonely dear, get over here.
Once proud "60 Minutes" now finds itself is the same gutter as CNN and MSLSD. A look at the players in this seedy hit-job tells us all we need to know. Stormy is a prostitute with gigantic plastic breasts and a gift for gab...that's what made her a porn star instead of a drug-addicted street whore, Anderson Cooper is the homosexual face of CNN. Stormy's lawyer is a democrat operative, a former associate of Rahm Emanuel, and an LA tough guy...which means he's probably also a homo. Then there's the former Bush man, now running what appears to be a one-man think tank telling us about "campaign finance laws" being broken while pecking at his computer keyboard with one finger. So now Stormy has told told her tale, broken her signed confidentiality-agreement and opened herself up to a $20M defamation suit, as has CBS, Anderson Cooper, and whomever produced that mess. The only thing missing is Lakhota....why isn't he here breathlessly telling us how Trump is finished!


Stormy Daniels Claims She Was Threatened in Parking Lot Against Revealing Alleged Trump Affair

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: rofl:

you're such a lame trumptard. :rofl:

there is nothing to make you think she's lying...

that kind of threat is right up the alley of the Donald's henchman
ijit twit
Hookers lie cheat steal, deal in drugs, rat to the cops and e,t,c/ Stormy was high on the 59 min. show.

so does the orange sociopath.

by the by, you probably don't know the difference, but she isn't a hooker...and Donald didn't pay her for sex.

but I do love watching misogynist pond scum criticize women for having sex but the orange sexual predator? it's all hunky dory.

Yes, she is a hooker.
Once proud "60 Minutes" now finds itself is the same gutter as CNN and MSLSD. A look at the players in this seedy hit-job tells us all we need to know. Stormy is a prostitute with gigantic plastic breasts and a gift for gab...that's what made her a porn star instead of a drug-addicted street whore, Anderson Cooper is the homosexual face of CNN. Stormy's lawyer is a democrat operative, a former associate of Rahm Emanuel, and an LA tough guy...which means he's probably also a homo. Then there's the former Bush man, now running what appears to be a one-man think tank telling us about "campaign finance laws" being broken while pecking at his computer keyboard with one finger. So now Stormy has told told her tale, broken her signed confidentiality-agreement and opened herself up to a $20M defamation suit, as has CBS, Anderson Cooper, and whomever produced that mess. The only thing missing is Lakhota....why isn't he here breathlessly telling us how Trump is finished!


Stormy Daniels Claims She Was Threatened in Parking Lot Against Revealing Alleged Trump Affair

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: rofl:

you're such a lame trumptard. :rofl:

there is nothing to make you think she's lying...

that kind of threat is right up the alley of the Donald's henchman
ijit twit
Hookers lie cheat steal, deal in drugs, rat to the cops and e,t,c/ Stormy was high on the 59 min. show.

so does the orange sociopath.

by the by, you probably don't know the difference, but she isn't a hooker...and Donald didn't pay her for sex.

but I do love watching misogynist pond scum criticize women for having sex but the orange sexual predator? it's all hunky dory.

Multiple wags in these threads tried to float the turd premise that Stormy Daniels either is a "whore" or "has had multiple sex partners", either or both of which impinge her "credibility".

I asked them repeatedly how it does. They all went "hummahummahumma". There's one of them doing just that, two posts up.

Then I asked them if it does then what does it make Rump's "credibility".

Then they ran away.

Yep they call her a 'whore' but have no problem with the married man who chose to have unprotected sex with her.

There's no evidence for that, douchebag, only her unsupported accusations.
No one has posted the NDA, so how can you make any claims about what it says?

Again- I posted the link to it.

Non-moron's can go right to the NDA.
You posted a link to the lawsuit, not the NDA, dumbass.
Again- I posted the link to it.

Non-moron's can go right to the NDA.

Anyone who can't- well they probably voted for Trump.
All I've seen you post is a link to the lawsuit. If you posted a link to the NDA, it should be no problem to do it again here.

I posted a link to the lawsuit- and the NDA- here is a clip from the NDA


I can lead a moronic Trumpster to water- but I cannot make him wash himself.

I think I am getting a clearer picture of how Trump got elected.

His supporters are like him- short attention span and inability to focus.

I can't read that. It's a screenshot.

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