Hooray For Schlafly


Sep 23, 2010
Let me begin with a picture of the most offensive plaque ever to grace an American icon:


The New Colossus​

I thought it great that Phyllis Schlafly sent the Left round the bend with her recent comments about the meaning of the Statue of Liberty:

Left-wing media outlets, such as Right Wing Watch and Salon, pounced on the opportunity to attack both Schlafly and her remarks.

Salon called her comments “hateful” and tried to undermine her reputation by claiming that no one pays attention to her anymore.

Obviously, liberals pay attention to Schlafly! It seems that it is not what is said, but who says it that sends liberals screaming into the night. A few months ago Charles Krauthammer said something equally as devastating to the Left’s immigration ideology:

There is a reason that in the New York Harbor there’s a Statue of Liberty — it’s not a Statue of Equality.

Move the cursor to 4:14:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kQIMpSgPTog&feature=player_detailpage]Krauthammer on Obama: We have a Statue of Liberty, not a Statue of Equality - YouTube[/ame]​

Yet C. K.’s astute observation did not cause anywhere near the angst Phyllis’ comment is causing the Left. In the same vain lots of conservatives noted that the ACA would incorporate death panels, but liberals only began foaming at the mouth when Sarah Palin said it. Of course, it turned out that death panels are in the ACA.

It matters not that Phyllis told the truth:

“It’s most unfortunate that people who had nothing to do with this great gift from the French were allowed to paste a plaque on the base of the statue with a quotation that has misrepresented the statue as an invitation to open immigration. The statue has nothing to do with immigration,” Schlafly declared.

“Remember, it’s the Statue of Liberty, not the Statue of Immigration.”


“The Statue of Liberty memorializes the unique liberty we enjoy in America. It has nothing whatever to do with immigration,” Schlafly stated in her radio blog.

Schlafly: Statue is about liberty, not amnesty
Icon 'has nothing whatever to do with immigration'
Published: 10 hours ago
By Scott Greer

Schlafly: Statue is about liberty, not amnesty

I’ll close with an excerpt from a previous thread for anyone who is unsure of what Lady Liberty means and how its meaning has been perverted by illegal parasites like Barack Taqiyya’s Aunt:


I’ll wager that less than one percent of Americans know that the Statue of Liberty has not a damn thing to do with the tired, poor, huddled masses yearning to be free.

I’ll also bet that less than one percent of Americans know Lady Liberty’s true meaning. You can be sure that in the past 80 or 90 years America’s children never learned it in a public school:

Author John T. Cunningham wrote that "The Statue of Liberty was not conceived and sculpted as a symbol of immigration, but it quickly became so as immigrant ships passed under the statue. However, it was Lazarus's poem that permanently stamped on Miss Liberty the role of unofficial greeter of incoming immigrants".

Paul Auster wrote that "Bartholdi's gigantic effigy was originally intended as a monument to the principles of international republicanism, but 'The New Colossus' reinvented the statue's purpose, turning Liberty into a welcoming mother, a symbol of hope to the outcasts and downtrodden of the world".

The New Colossus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In 2010 Frank Burke was more precise:

Myth No. 1: "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses/The wretched refuse of your teeming shore..." Well, not quite. Emma Lazarus's 1883 poem "The New Colossus" -- written in the year the Statue of Liberty was dedicated -- has been taken by many to reflect a true picture of immigration. This is not the case. From the colonial period on, there were standards that immigrants had to meet. Originally addressed at the regional level, then by the states, they were eventually federalized. The immigration stations, such as the one at Ellis Island in New York harbor, were not welcoming centers. They were processing points for the inspection and certification of new arrivals. Individuals with physical or mental problems, or who were known to be criminals in their country of origin, were denied entry. Older or underage family members required sponsorship. All of this was to ensure that the newly arrived immigrants would not be a burden to their new country and could either support themselves or be supported by others.

November 28, 2010
The Dangerous Mythology of Immigration
By Frank Burke

Archived-Articles: The Dangerous Mythology of Immigration

In short: Instead of a monument to republicanism and individual liberty, Lady Liberty has morphed into an invitation to the wretched refuse of the world who come here not to be free, or to work for themselves. Instead, most of them come with their hands out to the welfare state. Here’s the attitude put into words:

The chance of removing Lazarus’ plaque today is less than zero. That why I go nuts when liberals object so strenuously to the Ten Commandments appearing on public property, but never a word about removing a piece of crap from one of America’s universally recognized symbols.

In fact, I’ve said it would not be a bad thing if Muslim fundamentalists blew up the Statue of Liberty just so long as that terrible, terrible, concept in Lazarus’ sonnet is also destroyed. Don’t laugh. I’ve run across open-borders advocates on message boards who truly believed the words in Lazarus’ sonnet is the law of the land. I even ran into a few geniuses on message boards who insisted the “tired and poor” crap is in the Constitution and/or the Declaration of Independence. Checking those documents never occurred to them

Just so my remarks are not misunderstood: Remove The New Colossus and there is no one who loves Lady Liberty more than I. Blow it up after the plaque is removed and Americans would be justifiably angry for the right reason.

Last edited:
I love starting my day with something positive. Today, it is one great lady praising another. Sarah begins her remarks by throwing loving bouquets at Phyllis:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=p0zuNzg4PaU]? Sarah Palin ? Iowa Faith and Freedom Coalition ? November 9th 2013 ? - YouTube[/ame]​
Thank Emma Lazarus for this:


I wish conservatives would get it right when they talk about democracy, the true meaning of Lady Liberty —— and the New Colossus:

The Statue of Liberty, that grande dame of Democracy who endless holds aloft freedom’s torch, must feel today more and more the burdens of Atlas, the mythical Greek Titan who held the whole world on his shoulders. This towering symbol of all things beautiful and uniquely American communicates these words of compassion: “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.” This humanitarian ideal and these inspiring words on the statue’s pedestal—immortalized in the 1883 poem “The New Colossus” by Emma Lazarus—do not refer to the tsunami of illegals at our porous borders bringing with them all manners of long-term societal problems in their wake: disease, crime and poverty.

Liberty’s ‘huddled masses’ are not illegals
By David L. Hunter -- Bio and Archives June 14, 2015

Liberty s huddled masses are not illegals
Here is a readable version of the poem on the plaque that seems so offensive to some that it has caused a vicious political agenda driven attack on a statue. After you read it, it may occur to you why a photo of the plaque is used instead and without a copy of the actual poem for readers to evaluated for themselves.

Open borders and the Progressive Welfare State are a recipe for ruin, just as intended
The Statue of Liberty has no relationship to open borders. It stands beside Ellis Island, the place where immigrants were filtered through the border administratively and many were turned away or held in holding while investigations or medical diagnostics took place. By no means an "open border"
Here is a readable version of the poem on the plaque that seems so offensive to some that it has caused a vicious political agenda driven attack on a statue. After you read it, it may occur to you why a photo of the plaque is used instead and without a copy of the actual poem for readers to evaluated for themselves.
To Camp: The plague should be removed. You’d be surprised at how many Americans believe those sick words are in the Constitution and/or the Declaration of Independence.
The Statue of Liberty has no relationship to open borders. It stands beside Ellis Island, the place where immigrants were filtered through the border administratively and many were turned away or held in holding while investigations or medical diagnostics took place. By no means an "open border"
To Camp: The garbage in the New Colossus has everything to do with open borders TODAY. The following comments come from a previous thread that I’ve edited.

The motives of the illegal immigrants who come here now do not come for the same motives the immigrants had who came before the welfare state was established. Aside from illegal aliens pouring in, one other thing is coming through open-borders —— the knowledge that the government will not stop illegal aliens at the border, nor will they deport them.

And it is not only presidents who bring illegal aliens in based on their own moral authority —— an authority that does not exist in the Constitution or in the law —— presidents refuse to deport parasites and criminals for the same reason.

NOTE: A minimum of research will show that Taqiyya the Liar is not the first president to admit aliens on his non-existent moral authority. One of the worst examples was Bush the Elder doing it with the Haitian Boat people who came here for economic reasons only. It is not stretching it too thin to say that a president’s personal views on immigration is a crucial prop in an imperial presidency.

The presidency itself is the problem. Obviously, the only difference between Taqiyya the Liar and his predecessors is the huge number of illegals the Chicago sewer rat is bringing in at everybody else’s expense.

Then there is the touchy-feely myth that says illegal aliens only want to come here for jobs so they can feed their families and send money back home. In fact, the America-haters who tear down the borders know very well there are no jobs, nor will there be jobs in 10 years or 20 years or 50 years for one obvious reason. The global government crowd is close to solidifying equal distribution of poverty worldwide. In short: A movable universal source of cheap labor.

On top of it all, Third World countries will send the worst of their populations to America, while smart countries will protect their own borders, health, and jobs.

Here’s a very brief chronology of the ideology that is destroying America:

1903: A plaque with an excerpt from The New Colossus installed inside the Statue of Liberty pedestal.

NOTE: The “WE” in The New Colossus is a variation of the royal we. Emma Lazarus was smart enough to put the word in the mouth of a statue rather than say it herself. Today’s dirty little moralists are not quite as clever. Indeed, Democrats like Typhoid Nancy added “give me your sick” to the rest of the garbage found in Lazarus’ sonnet. Naturally, Pelosi’s we in “give me” means give you the sick.

Concerned senators would serve the country well by using their clout to remove The New Colossus from the Statue of Liberty. That would be a good start in knocking the props out from under the philosophy driving the illegal immigration crowd. I believe it is doable because no Democrat contortion can turn that foul plaque into a National Treasure let alone a National Monument. I even have a suggestion for its new home: Right over Typhoid Nancy’s front door.

Everything that happened in immigration since 1903 codified The New Colossus ideology incrementally.

1924: President Coolidge abuses the Antiquities Act of 1906 by declaring the Statue of Liberty is a National Monument.

1945: President Truman and WWII refugees.

On 22 December 1945, President Harry S. Truman directed that 40,000 refugees be admitted and charged against national origins quotas, in the future if necessary.​

Refugee Policies - Refugees and the cold war
Refugees and the cold war - Refugee Policies

1951: United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees

. . . the newly formed United Nations also played a growing role in settling refugees. Building upon the work of the League of Nations, the United Nations emerged as the most important international agency coping with refugees when it created the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and adopted the Convention on Refugees in 1951. The United States supported the UNHCR financially and eventually accepted the convention's statement as its own. While more than three million refugees settled in the United States from 1945 to 2000, American support of the UNHCR was based on the belief that most refugees wanted to return home when conditions permitted and not necessarily immigrate to the United States.​

Refugee Policies - Refugees and the cold war

Refugees and the cold war - Refugee Policies

Today, the United Nations (UNHCR) is sending Muslims here by the tens of thousands. It will be millions before long.

1965: Senator Ted Kennedy’s Immigration Act turns immigration into an affirmative action program.

1986: President Reagan signs first amnesty bill.

Recently the liberal media has been pushing its pro-amnesty agenda by painting a false picture of Reagan on immigration and amnesty. Reagan saw that illegal immigration was becoming a big problem and wanted to stop it. He was persuaded to allow a relatively small amnesty as a bargaining chip to strengthen border security, and more importantly, workplace enforcement. Reagan wanted to fine employers $3,000 to $10,000 for each illegal immigrant deliberately hired. Congress betrayed him on the enforcement measures and probably the extent and eventual costs of the amnesty. Blindness to likely consequences and costs of social legislation seems to be an inherent characteristic of liberal politicians of both major parties. One of the great shortcomings of progressives is their inability to progress to step 2 or 3 in thinking through the logical consequences of legislation. They have an unshakeable faith in the wisdom of the latest poll of uninformed voters. Reagan should have known better than to trust the happy-clappy liberals and servants of the big dollar lobbyists. He made a big mistake, but he admitted it.​

Ronald Reagan was not comfortable with amnesty. He was pro-enforcement, and he admitted to Edwin Meese that the biggest mistake of his presidency was to sign the 1986 amnesty. We should learn from the wisdom Reagan gained by bitter experience. Any amnesty is a slippery slope to national economic and social disaster.​

Ronald Reagan’s Biggest Mistake – According to Reagan Himself
by Mike Scruggs


1990: The Immigration Act is passed.

2009: Democrats, RINO, and the New World Order crowd begin tearing down America’s borders permanently; setting the stage for the invasion of children.

There's Nothing as Permanent as a Temporary Refugee
By Mark Krikorian August 1999

Here to Stay Center for Immigration Studies


What does television have to do with immigration? Answer: Television is most responsible for promoting The New Colossus over the true meaning of the Statue of Liberty. Even worse, it does no good to expose a destructive ideology while television continues to elevate the America-haters who promote that ideology. Aside from the America-haters, the hustlers, and the political opportunists, a significant number of talking heads are true believers. The current invasion by children gives talking heads the opportunity to show how compassionate they are. It’s bad enough when government priests impose their personal morality on the country, it is the height of arrogance when media ghouls do it.

It all comes down to the media instilling fear in elected officials —— speak against anything we believe in and your career is over. The joke is that the media is scaring itself in that responsible journalists are afraid to denounce The New Colossus and what it did to this country to date.

Incidentally, the Lady is only gagged by America’s enemies when she denounces the New Colossus:


I doubt if anything I say will your change your opinion, but you were dead wrong when you said “The Statue of Liberty has no relationship to open borders.”
Raise your hand if your family did not immigrate to the United States.


Raise your hand if your family did not immigrate to the United States.
To Nosmo King: Raise your hand if your family were not parasites.
I have no doubt that some non-thinking individual such as yourself considered them to be parasites upon their arrival at Ellis island. There has been a long tradition of idiots who immigrate here and then see subsequent immigrants as parasites. You are not alone, unfortunately.
Here is a readable version of the poem on the plaque that seems so offensive to some that it has caused a vicious political agenda driven attack on a statue. After you read it, it may occur to you why a photo of the plaque is used instead and without a copy of the actual poem for readers to evaluated for themselves.
To Camp: The plague should be removed. You’d be surprised at how many Americans believe those sick words are in the Constitution and/or the Declaration of Independence.
The Statue of Liberty has no relationship to open borders. It stands beside Ellis Island, the place where immigrants were filtered through the border administratively and many were turned away or held in holding while investigations or medical diagnostics took place. By no means an "open border"
To Camp: The garbage in the New Colossus has everything to do with open borders TODAY. The following comments come from a previous thread that I’ve edited.

I doubt if anything I say will your change your opinion, but you were dead wrong when you said “The Statue of Liberty has no relationship to open borders.”
You are correct. I only had to read a small amount to realize you were just quoting hater dupe crap and nothing but ignorant nonsense to add. Nothing original. Just generic hater dupe trash talk.
BTW, I am right and you are wrong.
Raise your hand if your family did not immigrate to the United States.
To Nosmo King: Raise your hand if your family were not parasites.
I have no doubt that some non-thinking individual such as yourself considered them to be parasites upon their arrival at Ellis island. There has been a long tradition of idiots who immigrate here and then see subsequent immigrants as parasites. You are not alone, unfortunately.
To Nosmo King: Everybody raise their hand if their family came here ILLEGALLY.

Everybody raise their hand if their family came here legally.

You are correct. I only had to read a small amount to realize you were just quoting hater dupe crap and nothing but ignorant nonsense to add. Nothing original. Just generic hater dupe trash talk.
BTW, I am right and you are wrong.
To Camp: Obviously, the historical facts I included in this entire thread sent you scurrying to the last refuge of an idiot —— the personal attack.
Have the gifts immigrants bring to America benefitted or damaged our society?

I submit that the cultural gifts have rewarded us a hundred fold.

Our American language has become richer, our cuisine has become more savory and delicious, our neighborhoods have become a more rewarding place to grow up in and our outlook has become broader as a result of immigration.

Only the xenophile, the chauvinist, the bigot complains. All while he enjoys pizza, a mariachi band and slaps his forehead with an incredulous "Oy!".
Have the gifts immigrants bring to America benefitted or damaged our society?

To Nosmo King: I am not going to waste my time giving you a history lesson explaining who built this country before the welfare state. I will assume you have weak eyes. These extra large fonts might get through to you:


Raise your hand if your family did not immigrate to the United States.
To Nosmo King: Raise your hand if your family were not parasites.
I have no doubt that some non-thinking individual such as yourself considered them to be parasites upon their arrival at Ellis island. There has been a long tradition of idiots who immigrate here and then see subsequent immigrants as parasites. You are not alone, unfortunately.
To Nosmo King: Everybody raise their hand if their family came here ILLEGALLY.

Everybody raise their hand if their family came here legally.

You are correct. I only had to read a small amount to realize you were just quoting hater dupe crap and nothing but ignorant nonsense to add. Nothing original. Just generic hater dupe trash talk.
BTW, I am right and you are wrong.
To Camp: Obviously, the historical facts I included in this entire thread sent you scurrying to the last refuge of an idiot —— the personal attack.
I am not fooled by disjointed out of context agenda driven propaganda. I read the bold portions of what I assumed were your words and judged your disrespect for both the Statue of Liberty, poem on the plaque and the President of the United States to conclude you are a hater dupe. As far as the persons you quote, I have been familiar with them for as long as they have been talking heads and commentators. I have some patience with Krauthammer and am willing to listen to him, even though I rarely agree with him and put him in the typical agenda driven talking head media whore category. I have no patience with Phylis and put her in the evil, hateful, mean spirited human being category.
WTF? The poem by Emma Lazarous on the Statue of Liberty and Phyllis Schlafly? Can you make your case without posting a bunch of crap?
I read the bold portions of what I assumed were your words and judged your disrespect for both the Statue of Liberty,
To Camp: Just so my position is not misunderstood, I would not shed a tear if the Statue of Liberty came down so long as that terrible, terrible, concept in Lazarus’ sonnet is also destroyed.
poem on the plaque
To Camp: Remove The New Colossus and there is no one who loves Lady Liberty more than I. In short: My disrespect is for The New Colossus —— not the statue the parasites feed on.

Incidentally, Socialists, and assorted America-haters raise holy hell every time they uncover a reference to God or religion on public property; especially in the public schools. But have you ever heard them call for the removal of The New Colossus plaque?

and the President of the United States to conclude you are a hater dupe.
To Camp: Disrespect barely scratches the surface. No president deserves more contempt than does the Chicago sewer rat for everything he did, and is still trying to do, to this country.

If anything, you and your kind are the worst kind of hater dupes, because you believe everything he tells you is worthy and noble. When you admire him you stand for his hatred. And please do not tell me I should respect the office if not the man. Every foul human being who attains high office is protected by the ass-kisser’s creed. Not a one of them can do a thing without a legion of suck-asses defending them.

I will not detail the sewer rat’s long list of policies, regulations, and EO’s that implemented his agenda of hatred for this country except to mention one item: Illegal Immigration.

The sewer rat’s late aunt expresses the very immigration system (political philosophy) her nephew is putting in place. Instead of a monument to republicanism and individual liberty, Lady Liberty has morphed into an invitation to the wretched refuse of the world like Aunt Zeituni who come here not to be free, or to work for themselves. Instead, they come with their hands out to big government. Note that she says “If I come . . .” as though she was doing Americans a favor.

One final observation. Lady liberty is becoming a symbol for promoting democracy around the world. Unfortunately, symbols that begin life as monuments often come to represent the opposite of their original intent. Lady Liberty standing for democracy is the sickest perversion of all. The Muslim Brotherhood in the Middle East surely know they can thank democracy advocates for the Arab Spring.

p.s. Hillary Clinton praises democracy eight times in her ‘launch speech’

Democracy is essential to socialism. Lenin
I read the bold portions of what I assumed were your words and judged your disrespect for both the Statue of Liberty,
To Camp: Just so my position is not misunderstood, I would not shed a tear if the Statue of Liberty came down so long as that terrible, terrible, concept in Lazarus’ sonnet is also destroyed.
poem on the plaque
To Camp: Remove The New Colossus and there is no one who loves Lady Liberty more than I. In short: My disrespect is for The New Colossus —— not the statue the parasites feed on.

Incidentally, Socialists, and assorted America-haters raise holy hell every time they uncover a reference to God or religion on public property; especially in the public schools. But have you ever heard them call for the removal of The New Colossus plaque?

and the President of the United States to conclude you are a hater dupe.
To Camp: Disrespect barely scratches the surface. No president deserves more contempt than does the Chicago sewer rat for everything he did, and is still trying to do, to this country.

If anything, you and your kind are the worst kind of hater dupes, because you believe everything he tells you is worthy and noble. When you admire him you stand for his hatred. And please do not tell me I should respect the office if not the man. Every foul human being who attains high office is protected by the ass-kisser’s creed. Not a one of them can do a thing without a legion of suck-asses defending them.

I will not detail the sewer rat’s long list of policies, regulations, and EO’s that implemented his agenda of hatred for this country except to mention one item: Illegal Immigration.

The sewer rat’s late aunt expresses the very immigration system (political philosophy) her nephew is putting in place. Instead of a monument to republicanism and individual liberty, Lady Liberty has morphed into an invitation to the wretched refuse of the world like Aunt Zeituni who come here not to be free, or to work for themselves. Instead, they come with their hands out to big government. Note that she says “If I come . . .” as though she was doing Americans a favor.

One final observation. Lady liberty is becoming a symbol for promoting democracy around the world. Unfortunately, symbols that begin life as monuments often come to represent the opposite of their original intent. Lady Liberty standing for democracy is the sickest perversion of all. The Muslim Brotherhood in the Middle East surely know they can thank democracy advocates for the Arab Spring.

p.s. Hillary Clinton praises democracy eight times in her ‘launch speech’

Democracy is essential to socialism. Lenin

Don't pretend to be able to analyze me asshole. You no nothing about me and even if you did it is obvious you don't have the intelligence to do so. Your obsession with crude insulting language shows a lack of character and ability to communicate thoughts with even a minimal of educated ability. Vileness and crudeness like you display can only influence and be of interest to people of possess the same kind of vileness and crudeness. I do not fit into your category.

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