Hooray! Lesbian got killed

I like the Walking Dead. If you really want to be disgusted try The 100.
Why? That show is awesome and the lesbian scenes are top notch.

Two gays kiss once in 3 seasons!

Not bad on 'Black Sails' either. Just got into that show.
Didnt that one get ugly?

And it had such potential!

I'm only in season 1.
Ah. Then they havent sucicided the show yet. Youll see. Its bizarre.
How come they never run out of arrows (okay bolts is the right term) for that dang crossbow?
He picks them back up whenever he can. Crossbow bolts are pretty sturdy... more so than arrows.

Most of those shots would go clean through a zombie head and off somewheres.
Sometimes, possibly, but I think that he is experienced enough (in the show) to know the general area where the bolt could land, like bowhunters do.
I'm sure that he would also be on the lookout for them whenever they loot a suitable area.
I like the Walking Dead. If you really want to be disgusted try The 100.
Why? That show is awesome and the lesbian scenes are top notch.

Two gays kiss once in 3 seasons!

Not bad on 'Black Sails' either. Just got into that show.
In Black Sails, the only lesbian is the mulatto brothel manager. From what she says about herself, being a lesbian is her way of dealing with childhood abuse. Not normal. A mental illness.

Oh yes, The feared Captain Flint is hiding his gayness. Instead of fucking men he kills them. That's his way of dealing with his mental illness.

The only worthwhile character was Charles Vane and he was just hanged.
I like the Walking Dead. If you really want to be disgusted try The 100.
Why? That show is awesome and the lesbian scenes are top notch.

Two gays kiss once in 3 seasons!

Not bad on 'Black Sails' either. Just got into that show.
Didnt that one get ugly?

And it had such potential!
I don't know if Black Sails is even going to be interesting without Vane.
lesbians and homosexuals and people in general always get killed

it's part of life sadly

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