Hooty Tooties winning the Red Sea battle.

Your reaction to someone gleefully posting about nuking American cities, and this OP, says all I need to know about you. And judging by the mentions I have seen around of you, from other posters, this is more or less something you do consistently here.

You can think whatever you want about me, have fun with it :)
We should forgive her. She was not well treated on the funny farm.
We should forgive her. She was not well treated on the funny farm.
Honestly we're all a little funny, I get that... and I'm totally fine disagreeing with someone, even on very contentious things, like whether they see Israel's actions as genocide.

Her go to response is, from what I've seen, to vitriolically attack others and attempt to place herself on an intellectual pedestal. I think it's something coming from insecurity, personally, and that alone is not that bad. But there is no empathy in her posts, nor any doubt in her strong words, when she claims victims of war are AI generated or straight up lifeless dummies, staged. She seeks no forgiveness from anyone here, she only wants to grow her ego, I think.
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Originally posted by Insaneworld
Your reaction to someone gleefully posting about nuking American cities, and this OP, says all I need to know about you. And judging by the mentions I have seen around of you, from other posters, this is more or less something you do consistently here.

You can think whatever you want about me, have fun with it :)

If someday in the future, a crude, primitive nuclear device is detonated in NYC or LA, the fault will fall squarely on 300 million super patriotic american clowns like you who just can't stop glamourizing, romanticizing, and (what is worse), financing and arming the jewish racial dictatorship.
If someday in the future, a crude, primitive nuclear device is detonated in NYC or LA, the fault will fall squarely of 300 million super patriotic american clowns like you who just can't stop glamourizing, romanticizing, and (what is worse), financing and arming the jewish racial dictatorship.
Ahh, it's nuke boy himself.

Whatever you say...
Your reaction to someone gleefully posting about nuking American cities, and this OP, says all I need to know about you. And judging by the mentions I have seen around of you, from other posters, this is more or less something you do consistently here.

You can think whatever you want about me, have fun with it :)
As expected you could not respond sensibly to anything I raised .
In fact , your first two sentences above are gobbledygook .
It seems that you are so poorly organised that you have muddled posts from at least me and another person .
Fool .
The timing of your recent entry here plus the stance that you have taken stinks of you having been called in to help out the very poor calibre of Hasbara Trilly Trolls here whom I call the Forum Outcasts .
Until clearly proven otherwise I shall assume you are now one of them , but to avoid my boredom I trust your pay grade is a little higher and that you can do more than just regurgitate Fake News and poorly constructed peopaganda -- as that is all they do .
----And stems from the October7 False Flag which nearly everybody denied then, and which Normies and Sheeple still cannot and/or will not see .

One or two of our less perceptive Posters think I am obsessively anti American .
No .
I just don't think psychotics should be allowed to mix with others unless carefully supervised .

Nobody has yet managed to see one particular real villain in this unfolding disaster --- my own country , Team GB .
Headed by the Deep State duo of Sunak and Cameron they are deep meddlers both in this conflict and with the Kyiv Nazis .

I wish I lived a little further away from London because one day Dear Uncle P is going to wake up in a really foul mood and decide to revenge his country on the UK . He has so many justifications . And I do not blame him , unless I suffer directly !!
Looks like all the Holocaust denying mentally ill scumbags have shifted to denying Oct. 7. Just the same low IQ group of people with defective DNA, different day.
They like to claim it isn't genocide because Israel isn’t mass murdering ALL OF THE Palestinians. If that isn’t fucked up propaganda pushed by the establishment, I don’t know what is.
Moron…If Israel wanted to commit genocide like you Islamist animals do all the time, this thing would have been over with on Oct. 8.
As expected you could not respond sensibly to anything I raised .
In fact , your first two sentences above are gobbledygook .
It seems that you are so poorly organised that you have muddled posts from at least me and another person .
Fool .
The timing of your recent entry here plus the stance that you have taken stinks of you having been called in to help out the very poor calibre of Hasbara Trilly Trolls here whom I call the Forum Outcasts .
Until clearly proven otherwise I shall assume you are now one of them , but to avoid my boredom I trust your pay grade is a little higher and that you can do more than just regurgitate Fake News and poorly constructed peopaganda -- as that is all they do .
If you say so, do another victory lap go! I know your ego needs it, desperately.
If you say so, do another victory lap go! I know your ego needs it, desperately.

Now , now Insanitary , stop living up to your name .
You Hasbara Trolls get so livid when your narratives are punctured by a few Facts .

Look at Raspberry . Total brain collapse although he probably has always been uncouth and been Cognitively Blind as well as rigid .

As a bunch of troubled Outcasts it doubtless infuriates you to see the False Flag accusation growing more certain and the insanity of Nutty Yahoo becoming more obvious .
Good manic rant of his yesterday . Reminded me of Joseph Goebbels , presumably a firm favourite among the Nazi Israeli crowd
No, ignorant jackass. He removed them from the list in order to help the people of Yemen with food aid, who were in a famine due to the Saudi Arabian war on them.

The Houthis have been attacking Arabia since 2005.
Looks like all the Holocaust denying mentally ill scumbags have shifted to denying Oct. 7. Just the same low IQ group of people with defective DNA, different day.

Hamas has always hurt the Palestinians.
Keep rooting against the USA, 🅒🅤🅝🅣.
It's all right.... So far the Navy strikes have been basically little bits and pieces of straw thrown back at the Houthis..... If they get to be annoying enough the US will simply take the leash off of the Navy. If they decide to go full-fledge attack there won't be anything left for them to fire. Restraint is being used right now to avoid broadening the Middle East and conflict. However should they continue to disrupt shipping That's exactly what will happen and when that decision gets made it will be very bad news for the pirates.
Forum outcast infamous RACIST motivated posting:
'Luiza' - Nazism:


  • Pro Jihad child killing.
  • Admitting Jews today are the same ethnicity as Jesus . But often tries to lie about it.
  • Advocates for genocide.
  • Pro Jihad entities use of its children.
  • Promoting Hitler garbage.
  • Spamming the forums with despicable wording.

Gas chambers or Ovens - Nazi Luiza asks?

Exterminating J.

image upload

Against all Jews.

And more...

Today's Jews are as Jesus ethnicity she admits. But racist Luiza still hates via ancient lies canards stereotypes.


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