Hooty Tooties winning the Red Sea battle.

This person has posted almost 12000 times in less than two years. Judging by the quality and content of the posts in the past two days, she is another uninspired ideologue, in this case an extremely anti American one. Her aim is to create chaos and discord, she gets satisfaction from it.

Her OPs are bait, as are her replies. At best, she is a disturbed individual doing this for her own ego, at worst she's getting paid for it. Either way, it is engagement that she seeks. I think it's best to ignore her, honestly. Report if appropriate and move on
Oh but what fun she is for laughs.

Good to see the combined Freedom Fighting forces of the Hamas Hammers , Hooty Tooties and the Hezzers making Israel and USeLess look weak and aimless .​

Decent people detest bully nations like the US and its proxy Israel employing evil Ethnic Cleansing and the murder of thousands of civilians to get their hands on Oil and Gas .
So far, and with the help of the Iranese , the under dogs have resisted the bullies admirably .
If it continues with Sea Routes being taken out of free control , the effect on the world economy will be huge .See below .
And if the bullies want to become even more psychopathic, the dangers of total ME conflagration grow higher .

Israel will be in desperate trouble if Turkey and Syria decided to intervene and the prospect of Russia becoming actively involved must sent shudders of dread in the White House and Pentagon .

But most important

is preventing more Nazi Israeli war crimes . So I leave you with the words of all decent people and those opposed to Ethnic Cleansing .​

Let the Freedom Fighters all unite
And Destroy the Nazi Israeli shite
Eknock 4, 6 and 7

Red Sea Conflict "Getting Worse, Not Better", Forcing More Ship Detours Around Africa​

WEDNESDAY, JAN 17, 2024 - 04:45 PM
By Greg Miller of Freightwaves . Part report only.
U.S. and U.K. airstrikes on Houthi positions in Yemen have not made the Red Sea any safer for shipping. “Red Sea issues are getting worse, not better,” said Stifel shipping analyst Ben Nolan.

The dry bulk carrier Gibraltar Eagle, owned by Connecticut-based Eagle Bulk (NYSE: EGLE), was struck by an anti-ship ballistic missile in the Gulf of Aden on Monday. The Greek-owned dry bulk carrier Zografia was hit by a missile in the southern Red Sea on Tuesday.
Energy shipper Shell halted all Red Sea transits on Tuesday, as did the big three Japanese tanker and bulker owners: MOL, NYK and K-Line.
Container-ship diversions around the Cape of Good Hope now appear likely to last for months. Spot rate gains from diversions will almost certainly extend into the period when 2023 annual trans-Pacific contracts are negotiated, pushing up contract rates.
The Red Sea effect on tanker trades remains uncertain, although a tipping point may be very near. If crude and product tankers divert away from the Red Sea and Suez Canal to the same extent as container ships, tanker spot rates should rise, because longer voyages would soak up tanker capacity.
Is the traffic bad in Tehran today?
Forum outcast infamous RACIST motivated posting:
'Luiza' - Nazism:


  • Pro Jihad child killing.
  • Admitting Jews today are the same ethnicity as Jesus . But often tries to lie about it.
  • Advocates for genocide.
  • Pro Jihad entities use of its children.
  • Promoting Hitler garbage.
  • Spamming the forums with despicable wording.

Gas chambers or Ovens - Nazi Luiza asks?

Exterminating J.

image upload

Against all Jews.

And more...

Today's Jews are as Jesus ethnicity she admits. But racist Luiza still hates via ancient lies canards stereotypes.

Have at it Mr insanity

and when the USMB bows to your wishes, free speech will be gone along with any serious posters

This poster is yet another example of what occurs in every war. They demand censorship of any opinions opposing war. This in the so called Land of the Free and the 1A. These useful idiots will support government tyranny. They do it in every war.

They never learn from history.

Good to see the combined Freedom Fighting forces of the Hamas Hammers , Hooty Tooties and the Hezzers making Israel and USeLess look weak and aimless .​

Decent people detest bully nations like the US and its proxy Israel employing evil Ethnic Cleansing and the murder of thousands of civilians to get their hands on Oil and Gas .
So far, and with the help of the Iranese , the under dogs have resisted the bullies admirably .
If it continues with Sea Routes being taken out of free control , the effect on the world economy will be huge .See below .
And if the bullies want to become even more psychopathic, the dangers of total ME conflagration grow higher .

Israel will be in desperate trouble if Turkey and Syria decided to intervene and the prospect of Russia becoming actively involved must sent shudders of dread in the White House and Pentagon .

But most important

is preventing more Nazi Israeli war crimes . So I leave you with the words of all decent people and those opposed to Ethnic Cleansing .​

Let the Freedom Fighters all unite
And Destroy the Nazi Israeli shite
Eknock 4, 6 and 7

Red Sea Conflict "Getting Worse, Not Better", Forcing More Ship Detours Around Africa​

WEDNESDAY, JAN 17, 2024 - 04:45 PM
By Greg Miller of Freightwaves . Part report only.
U.S. and U.K. airstrikes on Houthi positions in Yemen have not made the Red Sea any safer for shipping. “Red Sea issues are getting worse, not better,” said Stifel shipping analyst Ben Nolan.

The dry bulk carrier Gibraltar Eagle, owned by Connecticut-based Eagle Bulk (NYSE: EGLE), was struck by an anti-ship ballistic missile in the Gulf of Aden on Monday. The Greek-owned dry bulk carrier Zografia was hit by a missile in the southern Red Sea on Tuesday.
Energy shipper Shell halted all Red Sea transits on Tuesday, as did the big three Japanese tanker and bulker owners: MOL, NYK and K-Line.
Container-ship diversions around the Cape of Good Hope now appear likely to last for months. Spot rate gains from diversions will almost certainly extend into the period when 2023 annual trans-Pacific contracts are negotiated, pushing up contract rates.
The Red Sea effect on tanker trades remains uncertain, although a tipping point may be very near. If crude and product tankers divert away from the Red Sea and Suez Canal to the same extent as container ships, tanker spot rates should rise, because longer voyages would soak up tanker capacity.
The Suez Canal is too small for most oil tankers and many freighters.
This person has posted almost 12000 times in less than two years. Judging by the quality and content of the posts in the past two days, she is another uninspired ideologue, in this case an extremely anti American one. Her aim is to create chaos and discord, she gets satisfaction from it.

Her OPs are bait, as are her replies. At best, she is a disturbed individual doing this for her own ego, at worst she's getting paid for it. Either way, it is engagement that she seeks. I think it's best to ignore her, honestly. Report if appropriate and move on
Aha , Another obvious paid Trilly Troll trying to look smart .
If you can move up at least a league you might be able to compete . But zero evidence so far ..
Why you should choose to give undying support to the USeLess is near impossible to fathom -- the world leader now only in terrorism and bullying , with its inner guts spilled out for all to see .

Of course I must be ignored if doing that with my posts makes it harder for others to read your efforts with any confidence . The Fascist approach

The problem for you little fellow is that I tend to be accurate and right whenever I am obviously serious .
You , on the other hand have a zero track record .
And you suffer from the trait that always catches out the low pay grade Trills -- you cannot handle people who are smarter and also behave outrageously ---- hold different views from the ones you claim and are likely to be paid to promote .
So , on your pedal bike -- as we say ----but by all means listen and learn .

BTW , 12000 in just over a year as I never posted for the first 6 months due to a work priority .Plus , have staff who handle about half of my output with me dictating while I attend to other more real and pressing matters .
I now think of you as, Insanitarything .
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The blind warmongers here are who advocate chaos and discord

Genocide is now the national narrative , questioning it's insanity is now unpatriotic Mr Insane

Reporting it is jackbooted brownshirt fascism

They like to claim it isn't genocide because Israel isn’t mass murdering ALL OF THE Palestinians. If that isn’t fucked up propaganda pushed by the establishment, I don’t know what is.
The Suez Canal is too small for most oil tankers and many freighters.
Obviously .
But look at the amount of all " non large" tanker trade that does use that route and express it as a per cent of all Suez shipping trade .
Look at Suez revenue to Egypt as a per cent of its total national income .
See the future discord between Egypt and the USeLess when the former needs more funds .
And think of the hatred from Egypt toward Nazi Israeli when they see evidence for the creation of an alternative canal which is an integral part of the Nazi grand theft -- Gas and Oil being the other two major items .
Obviously .
But look at the amount of all " non large" tanker trade that does use that route and express it as a per cent of all Suez shipping trade .
Look at Suez revenue to Egypt as a per cent of its total national income .
See the future discord between Egypt and the USeLess when the former needs more funds .
And think of the hatred from Egypt toward Nazi Israeli when they see evidence for the creation of an alternative canal which is an integral part of the Nazi grand theft -- Gas and Oil being the other two major items .

None of the major oil companies have ever expressed any interest in Israel. I wouldn't worry about it.
None of the major oil companies have ever expressed any interest in Israel. I wouldn't worry about it.
Unless there is a new find of major fields in the southern desert
Butthurt from history Gip

These sword rattlers haven't see us win a war in quite a while

we will never again WIN a war unless the Enemy are not Minorities or People of Color
Butthurt from history Gip

These sword rattlers haven't see us win a war in quite a while

Yet they support every war pushed by the establishment. They not only refuse to learn from recent history, they condemn those of us opposing non-stop war as traitors. Truly useful idiots.
Aha , Another obvious paid Trilly Troll trying to look smart .
If you can move up at least a league you might be able to compete . But zero evidence so far ..
Why you should choose to give undying support to the USeLess is near impossible to fathom -- the world leader now only in terrorism and bullying , with its inner guts spilled out for all to see .

Of course I must be ignored if doing that with my posts makes it harder for others to read your efforts with any confidence . The Fascist approach

The problem for you little fellow is that I tend to be accurate and right whenever I am obviously serious .
You , on the other hand have a zero track record .
And you suffer from the trait that always catches out the low pay grade Trills -- you cannot handle people who are smarter and also behave outrageously ---- hold different views from the ones you claim and are likely to be paid to promote .
So , on your pedal bike -- as we say ----but by all means listen and learn .

BTW , 12000 in just over a year as I never posted for the first 6 months due to a work priority .Plus , have staff who handle about half of my output with me dictating while I attend to other more real and pressing matters .
I now think of you as, Insanitarything .
Your reaction to someone gleefully posting about nuking American cities, and this OP, says all I need to know about you. And judging by the mentions I have seen around of you, from other posters, this is more or less something you do consistently here.

You can think whatever you want about me, have fun with it :)
This poster is yet another example of what occurs in every war. They demand censorship of any opinions opposing war. This in the so called Land of the Free and the 1A. These useful idiots will support government tyranny. They do it in every war.

They never learn from history.
I report posts which endorse terrorism on America. While this specific OP is not doing this, and I did not report any post here, I did report a few yesterday which, like I said, endorsed terror attacks on America. I wouldn't even remember her name (luiza) if it weren't for the fact she liked those posts I reported.

I simply stated what I think of the poster, and how I believe her divisiveness is best ignored. If any of the posts cross a line, they should be reported. Because there is a line in my opinion, otherwise I welcome free and open discussion. I just believe endorsing the nuking of present cities (and not as a bad joke) as a response to America's foreign policy in the middle east crosses that line.
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