Hope Hicks puts trump sexual incontinence on centre stage.

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras

Its not an edifying sight.
I dont think it bothers his evangelical fans who seem to have strong stomachs.
But it must work on people who dont see trump as Gods envoy.
I think there may be more of the latter and trump needs to win them over in order to win.
So is this a criminal trial or a smear campaign?....
So far I haven't heard one crime....
The prosecution and the Judge clearly don't give a fuck about being reversed. All they care about is a conviction before the election.

Just in case they were so clueless, Trump's attorneys made sure it was on the record the both the Judge and the prosecution were fully aware of the New York Court of Appeals Weinstein decision.
Your cult has the candidate for the opposition party sitting in a courtroom under criminal indictment. A rather a unique and important event in the 250 year history of our country. But that could just be me.
Yeah, it's its the first time we held the person who once held the most powerful position in the country to the same standards as everyone else. That's reason to rejoice, not be salty.

Its not an edifying sight.
I dont think it bothers his evangelical fans who seem to have strong stomachs.
But it must work on people who dont see trump as Gods envoy.
I think there may be more of the latter and trump needs to win them over in order to win.

I'm not even going to bother reading the article, is this why Biden out Trump in trial?

Its not an edifying sight.
I dont think it bothers his evangelical fans who seem to have strong stomachs.
But it must work on people who dont see trump as Gods envoy.
I think there may be more of the latter and trump needs to win them over in order to win.
This really just further undermines the case against trump.
If he fucked a porn star its not a crime. 2 adults can do that wether married or not.

Did he? I dont know.

Lets say he did for now. She came to him and goes Ill post I fucked you OR YOU PAY ME...


Perhaps the wrong party is on trial.

BTW. Congess set up a tax payer fund for false accusation pay offs. SHOULD CONGRESS CRITERS BE CHARGED FOR HUSH MONEY?

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