Horowitz Report on Obama DOJ/FBI Corruption--Liberal Talking Points are Out


Platinum Member
Jun 23, 2013
To you Bolsheviks-in-Training (currently known as Democrats):

I wonder if you half-wit turds have ever even heard of Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, Bruce Ohr. If you don't know who they are, because you are watching Pravda-like propaganda Channels like CNN and MSNBC---please know that they are Obama Deep State Traitors who have been caught and who have been singing like larks for months and months now.

And, you may not have heard of Michael Horowitz, an Obama appointee, who just might be the only honest Obama appointee in existence. His report on corruption in the Obama DOJ/FBI is coming soon and the Schumer/Peosli Talking Points on it are out.

See if you can discern any commonalities between these statements just released...in anticipation of the Horowitz Report... by the Washington Post and the young turd who was Comey's official Butt-Wipe for the last few years at the FBI:

"Those who know Horowitz say his findings will be as nonpartisan as they are thorough. But his work is almost certain to be weaponized by President Trump against federal law enforcement, and some question whether it will quell the tension gripping Washington."

As Justice Dept. inspector general moves from Clinton email to Russia and Trump, he risks becoming a political weapon

Josh Campbell is Comey's young FBI Butt-Wipe who is now a CNN Analyst:


For the Educated and the Understanding, both of these pieces of pure bullshit effectively say:

Horowitz is an honest guy; his report on Obama's DOJ/FBI is going to be damning--it will essentially say they tanked the Clinton investigation on purpose (obstruction of justice) and tried to frame Trump (sedition/treason)----but look out, be on guard, that bastard Trump is going to try to make political hay with it!


How desperate and how stupid must they be?

In the coming days, as this story breaks, if you are an American first and not a blind rabid partisan, ask yourself:

Who is trying to bring Sunlight to what has been going on in our Government, particularly the DOJ/FBI and Intelligence Agencies.......and who is trying to keep the Citizens in the Dark?

And whose side do you want to be on?
The un-Americans (progressives) won’t care. Their goal isn’t exposing the truth or ending corruption, it’s the destruction of the West. Right now the biggest obstacle is President Trump, so undermining his presidency is their biggest goal. He’s exposed the Hussein administration as being the most corrupt to ever sit in the White House. They will continue their media blackout on any story that exposes that, and will continue their anti-Trump, anti-American propaganda non-stop.

All that matters to them is the progressive and globalist Agenda. Once you accept that fact, nothing they do will surprise you. In fact, they become quite predictable in how they will respond to any story or issue that comes up.

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