Horrible murder in Seattle . Awful

for the record----assault on THE SYSTEM WORKERS---ain't nuthin' new. Persons with "antisocial personality disorders" (the erstwhile "SOCIOPATHS"--before DSM
5) display "antisocial rage" when their demands are
frustrated. In fact, even the suicide of Adolf Hitler can
be construed as an example of "antisocial personality disorder rage" ----the erstwhile "sociopathic rage"
During my now ended professional career----I did examine and evaluate MANY cases of attacks on
"system workers"----from "benefit social workers"--
even to "meter maids" who were injured to the point
that they needed to be placed on "worker's compensation" (if they were not dead) Persons who
harbor "anti-social personality disorder"---ALSO carry
a sense of extreme ENTITLEMENT -----if that sense is
frustrated, violent behavior is OFTEN the answer---We are likely to see more and more attacks on the "system" government employees who deal with
ENTITLEMENTS------like welfare payments, free this and free that and free everything and the SHARE of the vast and endless pile of money that geniuses
like AOC insist is their JUST DUE

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