Horrible news Democrats

Trump is too scary
What are you afraid of ?.....an America first president?....why?...I would think you would be more afraid of a government entity with no leash on its power....afraid of a former president trying to undo a sitting president...afraid of a special prosecutor run amok...afraid of a FISA court that is not set up to protect you....or me....or a president....That's what is the scary thing if you ask me....

The truth is the exact opposite. Donald Trump and his supporters want to ignore the checks and balances on a President and ignore the laws of this country. That is a government with no leash on it. No one is trying to undo anything. The special prosecutor is trying to do his job despite obstruction from Trump, Republicans and apparently Russia. The FISA court is not there to protect anyone. There is no evidence of anything amiss. Just because you are a rabid Trump supporter and will stoop to any lie does not matter to me.
Trump is too scary
What are you afraid of ?.....an America first president?....why?...I would think you would be more afraid of a government entity with no leash on its power....afraid of a former president trying to undo a sitting president...afraid of a special prosecutor run amok...afraid of a pravda type government run media...afraid of a FISA court that is not set up to protect you....or me....or a president....That's what is the scary if you ask me....
What we're concerned about is the current RUSSIA first President
New 2020 poll of Iowans has Biden leading the pack

Only one thing could be worse. Well, maybe two if you think of Liz Warren or three if Hilalry. Ahh

Some Dems are already saying No White Men - so the internecine Dem identity politics warfare is going to be incredibly amusing to observe.
Last time I looked...Beto,Biden, and Sherrod Brown WERE while and male

And Kirsten is not happy about that.

Kirsten Gillibrand Is Worried That Top 2020 Dem Candidates Are All White Men | HuffPost
New 2020 poll of Iowans has Biden leading the pack

Only one thing could be worse. Well, maybe two if you think of Liz Warren or three if Hilalry. Ahh

Some Dems are already saying No White Men - so the internecine Dem identity politics warfare is going to be incredibly amusing to observe.
Last time I looked...Beto,Biden, and Sherrod Brown WERE while and male

It doesn't matter. In the midterms, several white, male Democrats beat female Republicans. James Gilmore won the female vote by a larger margin in the 2017 gubernatorial race than Clinton did in 2016. Too many Republicans think they can run a woman and that is all that is required. Women outside of rural areas are more moderate politically. Marsha Blackburn does not represent women politically. She is a far right wing extremist who could only win in a red state. If she ran in Pennsylvania, she would have done no better than the Republican candidate for Senate did in 2018.
New 2020 poll of Iowans has Biden leading the pack

Only one thing could be worse. Well, maybe two if you think of Liz Warren or three if Hilalry. Ahh

Some Dems are already saying No White Men - so the internecine Dem identity politics warfare is going to be incredibly amusing to observe.
Last time I looked...Beto,Biden, and Sherrod Brown WERE while and male

And Kirsten is not happy about that.

Kirsten Gillibrand Is Worried That Top 2020 Dem Candidates Are All White Men | HuffPost
Oh well...She'll be fine
Mean while the markets are tanking
The markets are not tanking...they are up and down.....but tanking?...come on man...why do you insist on appearing so wrong?....
Down for the year
Down for the year is still up for long term investors...I find it amazing how many smart people miss that fact....maybe day traders are not happy but when have they ever been?.....

The reason the market is going sideways is because the fear of a slowdown or recession among other things.
New 2020 poll of Iowans has Biden leading the pack

Only one thing could be worse. Well, maybe two if you think of Liz Warren or three if Hilalry. Ahh

Some Dems are already saying No White Men - so the internecine Dem identity politics warfare is going to be incredibly amusing to observe.
Last time I looked...Beto,Biden, and Sherrod Brown WERE while and male

And Kirsten is not happy about that.

Kirsten Gillibrand Is Worried That Top 2020 Dem Candidates Are All White Men | HuffPost
Still have Corey Booker, Liz Warren and Kamala Harris
Who do the Republicans have to run in 2020 after Trump drops out
Love to see Trump go there!

Let’s us post pictures of him molesting Ivanka
Feel free if you got them. I have a feeling your HATE influences your perspective though.

But you're not dealing with my point. It is YOU who pretends to be offended by pedos. Unless you intend to show us what hypocrites you really are, you simply cannot vote for a pervert. Biden is a well known pervert.

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