Horrible news Democrats

Did your Orange demagogue not say Ted Cruz's father was involved in the Kennedy assassination during the Rethugs campaign?
He was running against him for the presidency....it worked didn't it?....yes it did...that is why we voted for him...he wins...

So ewe admit that you love abject liars? No surprise really.
who would that be exactly?

Your Orange demagogue.
who's that? I don't own anything orange.

Correct, he owns you.
Beto gave Cruz a run for his money in friggin TEXAS.

And Biden was dealing with the loss of his son...
That was before Crooked Donald's own filth was exposed.

And before all the filth of his Administration was exposed.

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All of Trump's "filth" as you call it is known by his supporters and took place before he was in office and it doesn't affect us...the people...so we do not care...he is fighting for us...get it?....we didn't send a Bush into office...we could have...but we selected a warrior...his name is Trump.....

No it was not. What put Trump over the top was that voters in the suburbs decided he was less worse than Clinton. Anyone who runs against him will be seen as more honest.
That was before Crooked Donald's own filth was exposed.

And before all the filth of his Administration was exposed.

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All of Trump's "filth" as you call it is known by his supporters and took place before he was in office and it doesn't affect us...the people...so we do not care...he is fighting for us...get it?....we didn't send a Bush into office...we could have...but we selected a warrior...his name is Trump.....

Ah. So you do need a refresher. Okey doke!

Michael Cohen pleads guilty to making false statements to Congress

Paul Manafort charged with conspiracy against the U.S.

Rick Gates, Trump Campaign Aide, Pleads Guilty in Mueller Inquiry and Will Cooperate

How a future Trump Cabinet member gave a serial sex abuser the deal of a lifetime

Six White House officials reprimanded for violating the Hatch Act

VA chief doctored email so wife could travel on taxpayer dime: watchdog

Omarosa: 'I was haunted by tweets every single day'

Michael Flynn 'putting his life back together' after guilty plea in Mueller probe

Rob Porter's ex-wives detail abuse allegations

Steve Bannon: The Trump-whisperer's rapid fall from grace

Ryan Zinke’s Rocky, Scandal-Ridden Year at Interior

Scott Pruitt’s bizarre condo scandal and mounting ethics questions, explained

Tom Price, Trump’s scandal-plagued HHS secretary, is stepping down

Anthony Scaramucci: Fired from the White House after 10 days

Trump frustrated with Hicks' role in Porter scandal

The Final Humiliation of Reince Priebus

George Papadopoulos: The Mueller Probe's First Guilty Plea

Karen McDougal tells CNN Trump once tried to pay her after sex

Stormy Daniels describes her alleged affair with Donald Trump

F.B.I. Raids Office of Trump’s Longtime Lawyer Michael Cohen

VA nominee Ronny Jackson dished out opioids, wrecked vehicle while drunk, colleagues say

HUD spent $31,000 in 2017 on new dining room set for Carson's office

The 7 trips Steven Mnuchin took on government planes for $811,800

Trump's top health official traded tobacco stock while leading anti-smoking efforts

Rex Tillerson Gets Fired the Day After He Criticized Russia

Mick Mulvaney just said the swampiest thing ever

"If you were a lobbyist who never gave us money, I didn't talk to you. If you were a lobbyist who gave us money, I might talk to you." - Mick Mulvaney

Interior Secretary Zinke resigns amid investigations


Matters not.....the alternative is too scary....

Trump is too scary.
No it was not. What put Trump over the top was that voters in the suburbs decided he was less worse than Clinton. Anyone who runs against him will be seen as more honest.
That's your guess Bee...but its not the case...I went to a rally...I have talked to his supporters...I've walked with them...you have not...why don't you give it a try?....
Trump is too scary
What are you afraid of ?.....an America first president?....why?...I would think you would be more afraid of a government entity with no leash on its power....afraid of a former president trying to undo a sitting president...afraid of a special prosecutor run amok...afraid of a pravda type government run media...afraid of a FISA court that is not set up to protect you....or me....or a president....That's what is the scary if you ask me....
No it was not. What put Trump over the top was that voters in the suburbs decided he was less worse than Clinton. Anyone who runs against him will be seen as more honest.
That's your guess Bee...but its not the case...I went to a rally...I have talked to his supporters...I've walked with them...you have not...why don't you give it a try?....

A quarter of the votes cast were votes against the other candidate. Trump won that vote by a small margin and that is what gave him the win.
A quarter of the votes cast were votes against the other candidate. Trump won that vote by a small margin and that is what gave him the win
Only a mind reader would know that...are you a mind reader Bee?.....or have you been watching CNN too long?....
You are a dumb fuck! Obama is not Hilary. The jury is out it happened. Obama won two elections obviously hard to beat. Not a cake walk as you call it, but then again you were the one saying we will win the trade war with tarriffs. We hold all the cards you said. More simpleton bull shit
Obama is not loved buddy...he is laughed at abroad and hated by people that lost their healthcare plans....even in the African American community his favorable rating is way down...
Obama and his lovely wife are Rock Stars

Trump and his family are not welcome abroad
Mean while the markets are tanking
The markets are not tanking...they are up and down.....but tanking?...come on man...why do you insist on appearing so wrong?....
Down for the year
Down for the year is still up for long term investors...I find it amazing how many smart people miss that fact....maybe day traders are not happy but when have they ever been?.....
Down for the year is still down

Long term investors are living off their Obama profits

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