Horrible… Obama to Young People: “The Republicans Are Radical… Their Vision Is Radica

yea, ok, bush voter.


Just pointing out the truth btw I didn't vote for bush nor did I like him or his policies.

Your problem appears to be you didn't like the truth and the truth is the Messiah is not a leader nor is he a uniter of our people.

His politics are the most destructive kind he's not even trying to bring our nation together instead its like he's trying to foment unrest between the US vs Them that live in his little mind. Be careful of what he wishes for you might just get it.

Partisan, much? Please show me one instance where Boehner and his clods have attempted to unite the country?

Pleae show an instance where Boehner engaged in this kind of partisanship and name calling.

I guess all that talk about new civility and pivoting to the center is out the window.

How can Obama seriously think he can talk like this and then go and negotiate? How can he give the verbal tongue lashings and misrepresentations he has and then expect the GOP to talk to him seriously?
He has the worst political instincts ever. He is a total and complete disaster for this country.
Republicans are radical…. Their vision is radical.”
Via The Blaze:

YouTube - Obama Calls GOP Budget 'radical, Not Courageous'

He's ABSOLUTELY right about that.

The true agenda of the GOP (and probably the DNC, too) is revolutionary.

Now how do I know this?

Well certainly not based on their rhetoric.

But what one does is indicative of ones motives.

And what the GOP does, leads me to the conclusion that their aim is the revolutionary overthrow of nationalist power in favor of giving all real and meaningful power to the international corporations .
Just pointing out the truth btw I didn't vote for bush nor did I like him or his policies.

Your problem appears to be you didn't like the truth and the truth is the Messiah is not a leader nor is he a uniter of our people.

His politics are the most destructive kind he's not even trying to bring our nation together instead its like he's trying to foment unrest between the US vs Them that live in his little mind. Be careful of what he wishes for you might just get it.

Partisan, much? Please show me one instance where Boehner and his clods have attempted to unite the country?

Pleae show an instance where Boehner engaged in this kind of partisanship and name calling.

I guess all that talk about new civility and pivoting to the center is out the window.

How can Obama seriously think he can talk like this and then go and negotiate? How can he give the verbal tongue lashings and misrepresentations he has and then expect the GOP to talk to him seriously?
He has the worst political instincts ever. He is a total and complete disaster for this country.

How about as soon as he took over the Speaker position and threatened to stop negaotitions on EVERYTHING until Obama agreed to extend the Bush tax cuts? Can we start there?
So trying to cut Federal Guberment Spending IS NOW RADICAL to Obama.He also told the (unemployed?) kids that Republicans will reduce the deficit “on your backs.”

Barack Obama is the biggest spender in the history of earth. He tripled the deficit in one year, he increased the debt by nearly $4 trillion in two years and Obama and democrats increased the budget by $1 trillion in the three years.

Oh no! She is changing her font color and size! Must...submit to stupidity!

No seriously, Republicans suck. Young people already know that they put their financial futures on the charge card and are now trying to pass the buck to Obama.

And Spare me your bullshit about how Obama raised the deficit :evil: The bailout was already under way when he took office. It had to be done, McCain would have done it bigger for an Ensure and a box of Depends.

Simply pointing and shouting "HE DID IT!!!" isn't going to convince anyone that doesn't already agree with you. Especially when anyone capable of clearly recalling the last 5 years know that Bush dirty dicked this country and ran out the back door
“This is not a time for compromise, and I can tell you that we will not compromise on our principles,”~ The Boehner
Partisan, much? Please show me one instance where Boehner and his clods have attempted to unite the country?

Pleae show an instance where Boehner engaged in this kind of partisanship and name calling.

I guess all that talk about new civility and pivoting to the center is out the window.

How can Obama seriously think he can talk like this and then go and negotiate? How can he give the verbal tongue lashings and misrepresentations he has and then expect the GOP to talk to him seriously?
He has the worst political instincts ever. He is a total and complete disaster for this country.

How about as soon as he took over the Speaker position and threatened to stop negaotitions on EVERYTHING until Obama agreed to extend the Bush tax cuts? Can we start there?

You're kidding, right? Are you seriously comparing a political position to the kind of rhetoric Obama dishes out regularly?
Are you on drugs?
Republicans are radical…. Their vision is radical.”
Via The Blaze:

YouTube - Obama Calls GOP Budget 'radical, Not Courageous'

He's ABSOLUTELY right about that.

The true agenda of the GOP (and probably the DNC, too) is revolutionary.

Now how do I know this?

Well certainly not based on their rhetoric.

But what one does is indicative of ones motives.

And what the GOP does, leads me to the conclusion that their aim is the revolutionary overthrow of nationalist power in favor of giving all real and meaningful power to the international corporations .

You know this how?
Which international corporations have been staunch supports of Obama?
Answer: All of them.
“This is not a time for compromise, and I can tell you that we will not compromise on our principles,”~ The Boehner

Gee, I don't see any name calling there. Did he say that he wouldn't compromise with Obama's radical agenda?
Did he say that Obama was out to ruin the country?
If this is the best you can do, give up now.
Pleae show an instance where Boehner engaged in this kind of partisanship and name calling.

I guess all that talk about new civility and pivoting to the center is out the window.

How can Obama seriously think he can talk like this and then go and negotiate? How can he give the verbal tongue lashings and misrepresentations he has and then expect the GOP to talk to him seriously?
He has the worst political instincts ever. He is a total and complete disaster for this country.

How about as soon as he took over the Speaker position and threatened to stop negaotitions on EVERYTHING until Obama agreed to extend the Bush tax cuts? Can we start there?

You're kidding, right? Are you seriously comparing a political position to the kind of rhetoric Obama dishes out regularly?
Are you on drugs?

Its what Partisans do...Its pretty damn funny trying to equate the President the Leader of our Nation to the Majority speaker of the House of Representatives to the divisive rhetoric being used by the President in his attempts to divide this Nation further than what it is already is... But hey they have to try something
How about as soon as he took over the Speaker position and threatened to stop negaotitions on EVERYTHING until Obama agreed to extend the Bush tax cuts? Can we start there?

You're kidding, right? Are you seriously comparing a political position to the kind of rhetoric Obama dishes out regularly?
Are you on drugs?

Its what Partisans do...Its pretty damn funny trying to equate the President the Leader of our Nation to the Majority speaker of the House of Representatives to the divisive rhetoric being used by the President in his attempts to divide this Nation further than what it is already is... But hey they have to try something

Ya, its almost as crafty as drumming up some bullshit about birth certificates :lol:
That is what Clinton said too. This is what liberals do. Thats why they hate Anne Coulter and Rush Limbaugh types so much - they act the same way but they are entertainers pointing out how the eilite left carry on like middle school name calling bullies.

Liberals lack self awareness.
I guess you can't take the COMMUNITY AGITATOR out of him even as President. total disgrace. you all who voted for him should be ASHAMED

Posted by Jim Hoft on Thursday, April 21, 2011, 5:03 AM
Worst. President. Ever.
The most radical far left president in American history yesterday told an audience of (unemployed?) young Americans that, “Republicans are radical…. Their vision is radical.”
Via The Blaze:
YouTube - Obama Calls GOP Budget 'radical, Not Courageous'

He also told the (unemployed?) kids that Republicans will reduce the deficit “on your backs.”
What a horrible leader.

Barack Obama is the biggest spender in the history of earth. He tripled the deficit in one year, he increased the debt by nearly $4 trillion in two years and Obama and democrats increased the budget by $1 trillion in the three years.

read the rest and comments.
Horrible… Obama to Young People: “The Republicans Are Radical… Their Vision Is Radical” (Video) | The Gateway Pundit

When Obama has nothing, and it's a campaign year, Obama has to come up with something. :eusa_whistle:
Pleae show an instance where Boehner engaged in this kind of partisanship and name calling.

I guess all that talk about new civility and pivoting to the center is out the window.

How can Obama seriously think he can talk like this and then go and negotiate? How can he give the verbal tongue lashings and misrepresentations he has and then expect the GOP to talk to him seriously?
He has the worst political instincts ever. He is a total and complete disaster for this country.

How about as soon as he took over the Speaker position and threatened to stop negaotitions on EVERYTHING until Obama agreed to extend the Bush tax cuts? Can we start there?

You're kidding, right? Are you seriously comparing a political position to the kind of rhetoric Obama dishes out regularly?
Are you on drugs?

You DID ask me to state a time when Boehner "engaged in this kind of partisanship", didn't you? Do you always move the goal posts in everything you do?
Now we know why Facebook Execs met regularly with this White House. They are now beginning their propaganda campaign to get him re-elected. I expected this. Look for Google to do the same thing. They also meet regularly with this White House. It's all propaganda. They're just getting an early jump on getting him re-elected. We'll see if the People buy into this kind of propaganda again in 2012. I don't think nearly as many will be fooled twice by this guy. Shame on Facebook & Google for being propaganda tools for this White House.
I watched him on facebook. He also lied to those young people about Ryan's Bill and said that those in the future with disabilities would get Block Grants. It does not say that anywhere in Ryan's Bill.
Just like he lied about the new health care bill - that you can keep what you have, many have been dropped from their insurance programs and had to go to new ones. Especially those that are in Medicare.
Yea Google should be joining Facebook in a massive propaganda campaign to get Hopey Changey re-elected. I tried to tell people that there was a reason top Facebook & Google Execs were meeting with this White House on regular basis. Their massive propaganda campaign has begun. I guess we'll see if the People fall for this stuff twice. See Ya in 2012.
How about as soon as he took over the Speaker position and threatened to stop negaotitions on EVERYTHING until Obama agreed to extend the Bush tax cuts? Can we start there?

You're kidding, right? Are you seriously comparing a political position to the kind of rhetoric Obama dishes out regularly?
Are you on drugs?

You DID ask me to state a time when Boehner "engaged in this kind of partisanship", didn't you? Do you always move the goal posts in everything you do?

Ad you failed to answer the question. What Boehner said was in no way comparable to Obama's statement.
How about as soon as he took over the Speaker position and threatened to stop negaotitions on EVERYTHING until Obama agreed to extend the Bush tax cuts? Can we start there?

You're kidding, right? Are you seriously comparing a political position to the kind of rhetoric Obama dishes out regularly?
Are you on drugs?

You DID ask me to state a time when Boehner "engaged in this kind of partisanship", didn't you? Do you always move the goal posts in everything you do?

Liberals also benefit from the Bush tax cuts
You're kidding, right? Are you seriously comparing a political position to the kind of rhetoric Obama dishes out regularly?
Are you on drugs?

You DID ask me to state a time when Boehner "engaged in this kind of partisanship", didn't you? Do you always move the goal posts in everything you do?

Liberals also benefit from the Bush tax cuts

Benefit from them? Hell, they passed them and signed off on them.
I guess you can't take the COMMUNITY AGITATOR out of him even as President. total disgrace. you all who voted for him should be ASHAMED

Posted by Jim Hoft on Thursday, April 21, 2011, 5:03 AM
Worst. President. Ever.
The most radical far left president in American history yesterday told an audience of (unemployed?) young Americans that, “Republicans are radical…. Their vision is radical.”
Via The Blaze:
YouTube - Obama Calls GOP Budget 'radical, Not Courageous'

He also told the (unemployed?) kids that Republicans will reduce the deficit “on your backs.”
What a horrible leader.

Barack Obama is the biggest spender in the history of earth. He tripled the deficit in one year, he increased the debt by nearly $4 trillion in two years and Obama and democrats increased the budget by $1 trillion in the three years.

read the rest and comments.
Horrible… Obama to Young People: “The Republicans Are Radical… Their Vision Is Radical” (Video) | The Gateway Pundit

Our founding fathers were conisdered radicals too.

Thats actually a compliment coming from someone with the values and positions of president obama. In light of his values and positions being a radical is a good thing, not a bad thing.

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