Horses are now being stolen and butchered to be eaten.

Stealing horses is a crime, eating them is not.
It is against the law in CA, TX or IL to eat or sell a horse for human consumption.

In addition to federal laws, various states have enacted their own regulations to restrict or prohibit horse slaughter, further reinforcing the nationwide ban on horse meat for human consumption. These state-specific laws reflect a combination of public sentiment and a broader commitment to animal welfare.

  • California: In 1998, California passed Proposition 6, known as the “Prohibition on Slaughter of Horses and Sale of Horsemeat for Human Consumption Act.” This law criminalizes the slaughter of horses, ponies, donkeys, and mules for human consumption, as well as the sale, possession, or transportation of horse meat for human consumption within California.
  • Illinois: Although Illinois once had a horse slaughterhouse, state legislation has since banned the practice. The Illinois Horse Meat Act (510 ILCS 30/1-30/3) makes it illegal to slaughter horses for human consumption or to import or export horse meat for human consumption.
  • Texas: The state has also enacted laws to restrict horse slaughter. Texas Agriculture Code, Section 149.002, prohibits the sale of horse meat as food for human consumption, reinforcing the state’s prohibition against horse slaughterhouses.
so where's this allegedly happening (and if you think I'm clicking on some blind horse link you're on more crack than Guilfoyle.)

But I gotta tell you, people in marginalized communites eat horses. Been going on my whole life, and i'm old. lol (not me, I love horses like dogs, but when you got nothing else ...._)

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