Hospitals know how to protect mothers. They just aren’t doing it.


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
Every year, thousands of women suffer life-altering injuries or die during childbirth because hospitals and medical workers skip safety practices known to head off disaster, a USA TODAY investigation has found.

...These are not complicated procedures requiring expensive technology. They are among basic tasks that experts have recommended for years because they can save mothers’ lives.

Yet hospitals, doctors and nurses across the country continue to ignore them, USA TODAY found.

As a result, women are left to bleed until their organs shut down. Their high blood pressure goes untreated until they suffer strokes. They die of preventable blood clots and untreated infections. Survivors can be left paralyzed or unable to have more children.
Hospitals know how to protect mothers. They just aren’t doing it.

Outrages amounts of money for inadequate care.
I am not sure what the real issues are. I was taken thru a really dangerous eclampsia thing-----very nicely. -----BUT we ---in the USA have a really diverse population----and some of the problems are related to
the actual BEHAVIORS of people and the problems that our very diverse and INTERNATIONALLY MOBILE populations carry along with them. We are not SWEDEN------and soon even Sweden will not be
I am not sure what the real issues are. I was taken thru a really dangerous eclampsia thing-----very nicely. -----BUT we ---in the USA have a really diverse population----and some of the problems are related to
the actual BEHAVIORS of people and the problems that our very diverse and INTERNATIONALLY MOBILE populations carry along with them. We are not SWEDEN------and soon even Sweden will not be

There were two simple procedures mentioned in the article that would prevent half of the deaths and more than half of the serious injuries.

"Doctors and nurses should be weighing bloody pads to track blood loss so they recognize the danger sooner. They should be giving medication within an hour of spotting dangerously high blood pressure to fend off strokes."

Please explain to me what BEHAVIORS of people or our diverse population have to do with either of those actions? Women are bleeding to death in a hospital, with medical staff in attendance. That is not a "lifestyle" problem or a "diversity" problem. It is a problem of hospitals ignoring simple steps that will save lives.
I am not sure what the real issues are. I was taken thru a really dangerous eclampsia thing-----very nicely. -----BUT we ---in the USA have a really diverse population----and some of the problems are related to
the actual BEHAVIORS of people and the problems that our very diverse and INTERNATIONALLY MOBILE populations carry along with them. We are not SWEDEN------and soon even Sweden will not be

There were two simple procedures mentioned in the article that would prevent half of the deaths and more than half of the serious injuries.

"Doctors and nurses should be weighing bloody pads to track blood loss so they recognize the danger sooner. They should be giving medication within an hour of spotting dangerously high blood pressure to fend off strokes."

Please explain to me what BEHAVIORS of people or our diverse population have to do with either of those actions? Women are bleeding to death in a hospital, with medical staff in attendance. That is not a "lifestyle" problem or a "diversity" problem. It is a problem of hospitals ignoring simple steps that will save lives.

I am not all that impressed with the article. It is not
a scholarly article------it is an OPINION PIECE. Stop
being silly.
I am not sure what the real issues are. I was taken thru a really dangerous eclampsia thing-----very nicely. -----BUT we ---in the USA have a really diverse population----and some of the problems are related to
the actual BEHAVIORS of people and the problems that our very diverse and INTERNATIONALLY MOBILE populations carry along with them. We are not SWEDEN------and soon even Sweden will not be

There were two simple procedures mentioned in the article that would prevent half of the deaths and more than half of the serious injuries.

"Doctors and nurses should be weighing bloody pads to track blood loss so they recognize the danger sooner. They should be giving medication within an hour of spotting dangerously high blood pressure to fend off strokes."

Please explain to me what BEHAVIORS of people or our diverse population have to do with either of those actions? Women are bleeding to death in a hospital, with medical staff in attendance. That is not a "lifestyle" problem or a "diversity" problem. It is a problem of hospitals ignoring simple steps that will save lives.

I am not all that impressed with the article. It is not
a scholarly article------it is an OPINION PIECE. Stop
being silly.

Silly? 50,000 serious injuries and 700 deaths IN HOSPITAL due to simple medical procedures not being implemented is "silly"?

Bleeding after giving birth is not some rare event.
I am not sure what the real issues are. I was taken thru a really dangerous eclampsia thing-----very nicely. -----BUT we ---in the USA have a really diverse population----and some of the problems are related to
the actual BEHAVIORS of people and the problems that our very diverse and INTERNATIONALLY MOBILE populations carry along with them. We are not SWEDEN------and soon even Sweden will not be

There were two simple procedures mentioned in the article that would prevent half of the deaths and more than half of the serious injuries.

"Doctors and nurses should be weighing bloody pads to track blood loss so they recognize the danger sooner. They should be giving medication within an hour of spotting dangerously high blood pressure to fend off strokes."

Please explain to me what BEHAVIORS of people or our diverse population have to do with either of those actions? Women are bleeding to death in a hospital, with medical staff in attendance. That is not a "lifestyle" problem or a "diversity" problem. It is a problem of hospitals ignoring simple steps that will save lives.

I am not all that impressed with the article. It is not
a scholarly article------it is an OPINION PIECE. Stop
being silly.

And I am still waiting for you to explain how behaviors of people or our diverse population have to do with the topic?
I am not sure what the real issues are. I was taken thru a really dangerous eclampsia thing-----very nicely. -----BUT we ---in the USA have a really diverse population----and some of the problems are related to
the actual BEHAVIORS of people and the problems that our very diverse and INTERNATIONALLY MOBILE populations carry along with them. We are not SWEDEN------and soon even Sweden will not be

There were two simple procedures mentioned in the article that would prevent half of the deaths and more than half of the serious injuries.

"Doctors and nurses should be weighing bloody pads to track blood loss so they recognize the danger sooner. They should be giving medication within an hour of spotting dangerously high blood pressure to fend off strokes."

Please explain to me what BEHAVIORS of people or our diverse population have to do with either of those actions? Women are bleeding to death in a hospital, with medical staff in attendance. That is not a "lifestyle" problem or a "diversity" problem. It is a problem of hospitals ignoring simple steps that will save lives.

I am not all that impressed with the article. It is not
a scholarly article------it is an OPINION PIECE. Stop
being silly.

Silly? 50,000 serious injuries and 700 deaths IN HOSPITAL due to simple medical procedures not being implemented is "silly"?

Bleeding after giving birth is not some rare event.

I did not say that "bleeding after giving birth is some rare event" In the past people died of it REGULARLY.
I have never heard of a single such case IN HOSPITAL.
I started working in hospitals at age 19----and stopped when I became disabled almost 40 years later. As to strokes and
blood clots-------NOT SO EASY TO DIAGNOSE OR PREVENT. The article ----as written ------is worthless. It is an opinion piece
I am not sure what the real issues are. I was taken thru a really dangerous eclampsia thing-----very nicely. -----BUT we ---in the USA have a really diverse population----and some of the problems are related to
the actual BEHAVIORS of people and the problems that our very diverse and INTERNATIONALLY MOBILE populations carry along with them. We are not SWEDEN------and soon even Sweden will not be

There were two simple procedures mentioned in the article that would prevent half of the deaths and more than half of the serious injuries.

"Doctors and nurses should be weighing bloody pads to track blood loss so they recognize the danger sooner. They should be giving medication within an hour of spotting dangerously high blood pressure to fend off strokes."

Please explain to me what BEHAVIORS of people or our diverse population have to do with either of those actions? Women are bleeding to death in a hospital, with medical staff in attendance. That is not a "lifestyle" problem or a "diversity" problem. It is a problem of hospitals ignoring simple steps that will save lives.

I am not all that impressed with the article. It is not
a scholarly article------it is an OPINION PIECE. Stop
being silly.

And I am still waiting for you to explain how behaviors of people or our diverse population have to do with the topic?

one of the problems mentioned is HYPERTENSION-----
very much ignored by the most vulnerable in our population-------black women. for the record---I am not black but almost died of eclampsia
I am not sure what the real issues are. I was taken thru a really dangerous eclampsia thing-----very nicely. -----BUT we ---in the USA have a really diverse population----and some of the problems are related to
the actual BEHAVIORS of people and the problems that our very diverse and INTERNATIONALLY MOBILE populations carry along with them. We are not SWEDEN------and soon even Sweden will not be

There were two simple procedures mentioned in the article that would prevent half of the deaths and more than half of the serious injuries.

"Doctors and nurses should be weighing bloody pads to track blood loss so they recognize the danger sooner. They should be giving medication within an hour of spotting dangerously high blood pressure to fend off strokes."

Please explain to me what BEHAVIORS of people or our diverse population have to do with either of those actions? Women are bleeding to death in a hospital, with medical staff in attendance. That is not a "lifestyle" problem or a "diversity" problem. It is a problem of hospitals ignoring simple steps that will save lives.

I am not all that impressed with the article. It is not
a scholarly article------it is an OPINION PIECE. Stop
being silly.

Silly? 50,000 serious injuries and 700 deaths IN HOSPITAL due to simple medical procedures not being implemented is "silly"?

Bleeding after giving birth is not some rare event.

I did not say that "bleeding after giving birth is some rare event" In the past people died of it REGULARLY.
I have never heard of a single such case IN HOSPITAL.
I started working in hospitals at age 19----and stopped when I became disabled almost 40 years later. As to strokes and
blood clots-------NOT SO EASY TO DIAGNOSE OR PREVENT. The article ----as written ------is worthless. It is an opinion piece

The article addresses strokes and deaths due to bleeding. How difficult would it be to simply weigh the pad when it is removed, and note that weight? Every birth involves bleeding. The difference between typical, safe birth and dangerous situations for the mother is the volume of blood lost. Yes, women died from blood loss regularly in the past. Does that mean it is ok? There are VERY simple procedure to monitor the amount of blood lost by the mother. Weighing the pads as they are removed is about as easy as it gets. Set a threshold for total weight before a doctor is called in.

Most other industrialized nations are doing this. Why are we behind?
I am not sure what the real issues are. I was taken thru a really dangerous eclampsia thing-----very nicely. -----BUT we ---in the USA have a really diverse population----and some of the problems are related to
the actual BEHAVIORS of people and the problems that our very diverse and INTERNATIONALLY MOBILE populations carry along with them. We are not SWEDEN------and soon even Sweden will not be

There were two simple procedures mentioned in the article that would prevent half of the deaths and more than half of the serious injuries.

"Doctors and nurses should be weighing bloody pads to track blood loss so they recognize the danger sooner. They should be giving medication within an hour of spotting dangerously high blood pressure to fend off strokes."

Please explain to me what BEHAVIORS of people or our diverse population have to do with either of those actions? Women are bleeding to death in a hospital, with medical staff in attendance. That is not a "lifestyle" problem or a "diversity" problem. It is a problem of hospitals ignoring simple steps that will save lives.

I am not all that impressed with the article. It is not
a scholarly article------it is an OPINION PIECE. Stop
being silly.

Silly? 50,000 serious injuries and 700 deaths IN HOSPITAL due to simple medical procedures not being implemented is "silly"?

Bleeding after giving birth is not some rare event.

I did not say that "bleeding after giving birth is some rare event" In the past people died of it REGULARLY.
I have never heard of a single such case IN HOSPITAL.
I started working in hospitals at age 19----and stopped when I became disabled almost 40 years later. As to strokes and
blood clots-------NOT SO EASY TO DIAGNOSE OR PREVENT. The article ----as written ------is worthless. It is an opinion piece

The article addresses strokes and deaths due to bleeding. How difficult would it be to simply weigh the pad when it is removed, and note that weight? Every birth involves bleeding. The difference between typical, safe birth and dangerous situations for the mother is the volume of blood lost. Yes, women died from blood loss regularly in the past. Does that mean it is ok? There are VERY simple procedure to monitor the amount of blood lost by the mother. Weighing the pads as they are removed is about as easy as it gets. Set a threshold for total weight before a doctor is called in.

Most other industrialized nations are doing this. Why are we behind?

the part I do not believe is "THE DEATH BY UNRECOGNIZED BLOOD LOSS"
which is mentioned in the article. "REMOVAL OF THE PADS" What
"removal of the pads" ? The women do it themselves. Someone REMOVED
YOUR PADS? gee----you really had HANDS ON ATTENTION. I had C.section
for eclampsia (very high blood pressure) but NO ONE REMOVED MY PADS FOR
ME. WEIGH THE PADS? <<< that one is funny. When pads or gauze
sponges are used for sopping up blood----the QUANTITY of blood is determined
by counting the soaked pads or gauzes-----NO ONE WEIGHS THEM----the article
is silly. In England they WEIGH THE PADS? I must inquire. For that kind of
stuff-----stick to peer reviewed journals
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