Hostage Situation at Texas Synagogue.

I'm not celebrating it, so don't be stupid.

Not mourning the death of a scumbag and celebrating his death are different things...
I'll take your word for it, even though I don't agree with calling him a scumbag.
I'm opposed to death by police in all situations in which the killing wasn't necessary. That's the reason why I asked if anyone knew if it was suicide or death by police.

Ideally of course, there won't be anybody shot dead, be it victims or perpetrator.

And I feel that ideally, some would express that same opinion. Do you?

The death sentence is for the law to decide.
(I'm opposed to the death penalty in all cases)
I'll take your word for it, even though I don't agree with calling him a scumbag.
I'm opposed to death by police in all situations in which the killing wasn't necessary. That's the reason why I asked if anyone knew if it was suicide or death by police.

Ideally of course, there won't be anybody shot dead, be it victims or perpetrator.

And I feel that ideally, some would express that same opinion. Do you?

The death sentence is for the law to decide.
(I'm opposed to the death penalty in all cases)

Someone who would terrorize innocent people in order to serve some political end is someone I don't view as human.

He's dead.

The world is better off now than when he wasn't dead...
I'll take your word for it, even though I don't agree with calling him a scumbag.
I'm opposed to death by police in all situations in which the killing wasn't necessary. That's the reason why I asked if anyone knew if it was suicide or death by police.

Ideally of course, there won't be anybody shot dead, be it victims or perpetrator.

And I feel that ideally, some would express that same opinion. Do you?

The death sentence is for the law to decide.
(I'm opposed to the death penalty in all cases)
The rabbi said in the last hour, the terrorist was becoming increasingly hostile and threatening. I say it’s justified in the police killing at that stage rather than risk the lives of four innocent people who did nothing wrong other than go to Shabbat services.
Nah, just fewer snowflakes that are scared of their own shadows.
From what I read, the rabbi is far to the left and opposed to guns. Perhaps he will reevaluate that position now, and allow at one or two of his congregants to be armed.
We have designated shooters at our church. Two old men who carry .357 magnums.

Wish it didn't have to be that way, but it does.
The only thing worse than having to keep arms inside a church is refusing to protect the people there from a very real and present evil in the community. Had there been even a single armed member in that TX church a few years back, several lives might have been saved.
.357 magnum wheel guns? That is so 20th century. :laughing0301:
I dunno... wheel guns may not be sexy or hold as many rounds but in the hands of someone who KNOWS what they're doing, 6 or 8 rounds is more than enough to take down the single threat who isn't a trained shooter. That said, I carry a Glock 19 and love it ;)
Of course you can show a link to this alleged threat...right?
If I thought you were a serious individual and not an effing hack, I might put one up for you. As it is, get over yourself. It was "in the news" for several days, Mr. Internet Barrister.

the saga continues​

UK police arrest two people in investigation connected to hostage-taking at synagogue in Texas​

The captor, who died in the 10-hour siege in the small town of Colleyville on Saturday, was named by the FBI as 44-year-old Malik Faisal Akram.

Hours later, Britain’s counter terrorism police arrested two people and were questioning them in connection with the incident.

“Two teenagers were detained in South Manchester this evening. They remain in custody,” the Greater Manchester Police said in a statement.

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So the Muslim who took hostages and had a gun was simply misunderstood but Babbitt was the real terrorist?? Too fcking funny.

Don't forget the parents who object to CRT and transgender bathrooms. The Biden DOJ considers THEM terrorists, too.
Don't forget the parents who object to CRT and transgender bathrooms. The Biden DOJ considers THEM terrorists, too.

I see that anything that leftists believe should not be challenged. Anyone presenting a different perspective frightens them and they need to label dissenters as bad people, deplorables or terrorists. Leftists lack courage to accept that people may have differing opinions and are desperate to silence "non-believers".

I see that anything that leftists believe should not be challenged. Anyone presenting a different perspective frightens them and they need to label dissenters as bad people, deplorables or terrorists. Leftists lack courage to accept that people may have differing opinions and are desperate to silence "non-believers".

Yes, and it’s been that way for years - with them screeching “raaaacist” at anyone who refuses to bow at the Alter of Liberalism. I myself was accused of objecting to Obamacare 10 years ago not because I knew it would drive costs up on the middle class, and not because it would result in worse coverage for the middle class, but, as was contemptuously explained to me, “because a black man came up with the idea.”

Now it’s even worse. Now Biden is positioning all dissenters as “domestic terrorists,” as seen by his sicing the FBI on parents (including the father who wouldn’t shut up when his daughter was raped) who don’t like what leftist educators are cramming down our kids’ throats.

His new ”Department of Domestic Terrorists” is meant to further intimidate non-leftists who object to the upside-down values of the Radical Left.
Nah, they both are or were terrorists.
And you make no distinction between an unarmed woman who trespassed at the Capitol to protest the certification of an election that she, and about half the country, believe was fraudulent - and an armed Muslim taking Jews hostage and threatening to kill them?

Would you at least acknowledge that what the Muslim did - particularly since he was motivated by antisemitism, and I know how all you liberals hate bigotry - and the woman upset by election fraud?
And you make no distinction between an unarmed woman who trespassed at the Capitol to protest the certification of an election that she, and about half the country, believe was fraudulent - and an armed Muslim taking Jews hostage and threatening to kill them?

They went there to take hostages (or do you think zip tie restraints was a fashion statement). The guy in Fort Worth took hostages. Little distinction to be made. I hope they send both of their families a bill for the bullets used to kill them.
They went there to take hostages (or do you think zip tie restraints was a fashion statement). The guy in Fort Worth took hostages. Little distinction to be made. I hope they send both of their families a bill for the bullets used to kill them.
Wow. Great example how ledtists, in their sick minds, cosnider it to be equal offenses when a Muslim terrorists WITH A GUN threatens to murder numerous Jews, and Republicans have zip-ties.

One was committing a hate crime, threatening to murder. But of course, he has in his favor that they were only Jews - so eh - and he was a Muslim, whom liberals Side with over Jews.

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