Hostage Situation at Texas Synagogue.

A Muslim Pakistani, brother of a convicted terrorist serving 85 years in jail, seizes a Texas Synagogue taking Jewish hostages, threatens to kill them all - making him a terrorist, says he has placed bombs, asks about 'Lady Al Qaeda, and says he will die at the end - making him an anti-Semitic terrorist and would-be suicide bomber....

The 'greatest investigative police force in the world', the FBI, claims they still can't find a motive...

The President says mot enough is known to come up with a motive...

...and the Michigan AG says the motive involves WHITE SUPREMACY.


You can't make this shit up. We are being run either by the dumbest m*er f*ers, the most corrupt m*er f*ers, & / or the biggest anti-Semitic terrorist sypathizers on the planet.

yeah well, I don't first ask "what religion are they" before I determine if their actions are just misguided or are terrorist.
Sure you do. That’s why you are downplaying the Muslim’s actions to the level of trespassing. He belongs to the “protected” religion, and besides, it was only Jews who was threatening to kill.
Well, stop committing terrorists acts, making terrorists threats, supporting terrorist organizations (and elected officials who tell them to "stand by") and perhaps that day will come.
OMG. I am so disgusted with you and your biased judgment as to what constitutes terrorism that I’m ready to throw up.

Details to follow soon.
The coverage dropped substantially when it was discovered he was a Muslim. Even then the media refused to say terrorist, Muslims, or Islamist.
Teen links immediately came out of Manchester. Difficult to call it a coincidence.
The coverage dropped substantially when it was discovered he was a Muslim. Even then the media refused to say terrorist, Muslims, or Islamist.
Yup. Can you imagine the coverage if whitey took over a mosque and was threatening to kill Muslims?
Teen links immediately came out of Manchester. Difficult to call it a coincidence.
Antisemitism is a rising problem in England, coincidently occurring as more and more radicalized Muslims immigrate there.

RT, "Russia Today", is ran by Russian military intelligence.

When you visit RT, you wind up on two lists. A prospective list of America traitors for the Russian military, and a prospective list of America traitors for the FBI.
Or maybe they report some of the news and details the gutless leftist media that your bow down to doesn’t report.

Yes they give a Russian slant and you should take what they report with a grain of salt,,, but they are far more accurate then the US leftist media!
The coverage dropped substantially when it was discovered he was a Muslim. Even then the media refused to say terrorist, Muslims, or Islamist.
Well, we would not want to insult the Anti-Semitic Pakistani Suicide Bomber wanna-be or his terrorist brother serving 85 years in prison, now would we?!

Well, we would not want to insult the Anti-Semitic Pakistani Suicide Bomber wanna-be or his terrorist brother serving 85 years in prison, now would we?!

Terrorist SISTER, but the point is accurate.

While the Muslim terrorist was holding Jews hostages, we had libersls on this forum expressing more concern that this incident might result in more bias against Muslims than they demonstrated for the lives of the Jews at risk. In fact, I asked one such liberal if he could express concern for the Jews, too, and he could NOT.
Every time you hear Democrats, like Biden and/or the Squad or other Marxist douche bags call conservatives every foul name they can think of just remember back to when the DNC e-mails were hacked and released, exposing how the Democrats were / are racist, sexist, homophobic, anti-Semitic, misogynistic, etc... Their e-mails were full of all of it.

To this day they still try to accuse everyone else of being who THEY are and of doing what THEY have done & still do.

Joe's divisive Georgia election speech was just another great reminder.

So far Joe & Democrats have called millions of Americans segregationists, racists, domestic enemies, terrorists, and worse....

Hail the 'great uniter'.

The Weather Underground, Red Brigades and many other left wing organizations were and are terrorists but none of them are religious. Comparing Ashley Babbitt to the actions of these left wing terrorist organizations I can say with confidence that she was not a terrorist.

Feel better???

As you stated, we can have our own opinions. Two questions.

I'm not familiar with those organizations too much. Do you think everyone of their members committed terrorists acts and if so can you prove it?

When there was an act of terrorism done by those organizations, would it be safe to say that everyone of the members present at the act should be called a "terrorist?
Sure you do. That’s why you are downplaying the Muslim’s actions to the level of trespassing. He belongs to the “protected” religion, and besides, it was only Jews who was threatening to kill.

Never downplayed it at all. You're just making things up at this point.
OMG. I am so disgusted with you and your biased judgment as to what constitutes terrorism that I’m ready to throw up.
I itemized like 10 terror incidents you guys have done in the last 10 years.... that the list disgusts you and the acts of terrorism/terroristic threats does not says quite a bit about your lack of character.
Terrorist SISTER, but the point is accurate.

While the Muslim terrorist was holding Jews hostages, we had libersls on this forum expressing more concern that this incident might result in more bias against Muslims than they demonstrated for the lives of the Jews at risk. In fact, I asked one such liberal if he could express concern for the Jews, too, and he could NOT.
I wonder if the Jews being marched to the fas chambers and acid showers were more concerned for the welfare of their captors committing genocide, as these idiots who can no longer remember 9/11/01, the beheading of Americans, and the 3,000 Americans slaughtered, felt about Jihadi Muslims like the Pakistani would-be suicide bomber?
Speaking of 'Uniting', perhaps a family reunion down at Gitmo could be arranged....
The coverage dropped substantially when it was discovered he was a Muslim. Even then the media refused to say terrorist, Muslims, or Islamist.

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