Hostage Situation at Texas Synagogue.

The Muslim world is no more guilty [SIC] than the Christian world for the rise in violence throughout the world.

You truly are a moron.
No Church today is calling for the conquest of another religion.
And no church flew planes into buildings and murdered 3000 Americans, either.
I suspect we won’t see any praise for the evil weaponized FBI who rescued the hostages coming from the anti-law enforcement rightist.
You give the FBI to much credit----they lie and you know in this story's case that there is a bunch of propaganda.
1) The hostages report fleeing at the right time to escape and credit their training--which tells me that the hostages freed themselves and then the terrorist was killed by either the FBI or others when he had no one to hide behind.
2) They are trying to label this as a WHITE SUPREMIST attack when it is a middle eastern muslim just from Britian attacking---something that our corrupt FBI has been doing for years now to try to make whites the terrorists and the muslims not terrorist propaganda.
3) You should be asking where this newly arrived homeless guy got the money for a plane ticket and was able to get a gun in a country that he knew nothing about. THE FBI again is spreading bullshit---trying to say that he could have gotten the gun off the street.

FBI is covering for a group of muslims trying to kill us by spreading propaganda-----the logical step is to assume that they would also lie about who actually took this terrorist out as they are political animals trying to make themselves sound better than they are.
You miss my point. The ME was a peaceful area of the world before the US arrived. Even the Israelis were much more peaceful toward their Arab citizens.
Yes, well it's xianity that is #1 for secreting atheism. Therein lies the pathology, apart from the inherent violence of all religions with illusory avatars.
There's no need to single out any race, religion, or ethnicity. That only contributes to more incidents of the same. The Muslim world is no more guilty thatn the Christian world for the rise in violence throughout the world.
LOL.... No need to single out a religion, then you single out a religion... Dufus.
On the contrary, there is a great need to single out a religion when that religion manufactures its antipode.
Correct. Except for the 3000 Americans part. Hundreds of non US citizens were killed including a lot of Muslims.
Ok so their nationalities were Saudi that hit the building's correct, but what was their religion ??
Probably Islam. One of the hijackers on 77 was not Muslim.

So you’re thinking their actions should condemn all who practice Islam?
Nope, but the true practicianors of Islam need definitely to be looked at, and possibly they should be heavily monitored while in these United States.
Nope, but the true practicianors of Islam need definitely to be looked at, and possibly they should be heavily monitored while in these United States.

So when Eric Rudolph blew up an abortion clinic and the Olympic of course wanted followers of whatever religion he was to be "heavily monitored" as well, right?
As you stated, we can have our own opinions. Two questions.

I'm not familiar with those organizations too much. Do you think everyone of their members committed terrorists acts and if so can you prove it?

When there was an act of terrorism done by those organizations, would it be safe to say that everyone of the members present at the act should be called a "terrorist?

The acts of those left wing terrorist groups have several features that Ashley Babbitt didn't demonstrate:
  • Leftist terrorist groups often engaged in long and careful planning,
  • Leftist terrorist groups were well armed with everything from automatic weapons to bombs,
  • Leftist terrorist groups carefully coordinated the actions of all of its members.
Anyone belonging to a terrorist group irrespective of their role is guilty of plotting or carrying out crimes, and should be punished.

What was Ashley Babbitt's planning? What was Ashley Babbitt's weapons? What was Ashley Babbitt's role or objective?

Ashley Babbitt was not a terrorist.

The acts of those left wing terrorist groups have several features that Ashley Babbitt didn't demonstrate:
  • Leftist terrorist groups often engaged in long and careful planning,
  • Leftist terrorist groups were well armed with everything from automatic weapons to bombs,
  • Leftist terrorist groups carefully coordinated the actions of all of its members.
Anyone belonging to a terrorist group irrespective of their role is guilty of plotting or carrying out crimes, and should be punished.

What was Ashley Babbitt's planning? What was Ashley Babbitt's weapons? What was Ashley Babbitt's role or objective?

Ashley Babbitt was not a terrorist.

Wow. Nice double standard there. In one breath--anyone beloging to a group is a terrorist. So that means that all of the members of the Proud Boys, Oath Keepers, etc... are terrorist even if they were not at the Capitol that day?

As for Babbitt..she was there committing a crime--just like the dude in Fort Worth. Terrorists them both.
Wow. Nice double standard there. In one breath--anyone beloging to a group is a terrorist. So that means that all of the members of the Proud Boys, Oath Keepers, etc... are terrorist even if they were not at the Capitol that day?

As for Babbitt..she was there committing a crime--just like the dude in Fort Worth. Terrorists them both.

Why don't we throw in BLM and Antifa, as they've obviously participating in torching more buildings then the other groups you mention.

Babbitt did not have a hostage or a gun or zip-ties. Can you show Babbitt's actions were coordinated? No you can't. She is not a terrorist.

Why don't we throw in BLM and Antifa, as they've obviously participating in torching more buildings then the other groups you mention.

Babbitt did not have a hostage or a gun or zip-ties. Can you show Babbitt's actions were coordinated? No you can't. She is not a terrorist.

We've covered this already. She was a member of the insurrectionists who went to the capitol to take hostages. Sorry but that makes her a domestic terrorist. As you stated...if you're a member of the're a terrorist.

Is there anything else?
We've covered this already. She was a member of the insurrectionists who went to the capitol to take hostages. Sorry but that makes her a domestic terrorist. As you stated...if you're a member of the're a terrorist.

Is there anything else?

You say that Babbitt was "a member of the insurrectionists" - is this insurrectionist group an organized group or are you just lumping together all the protestors at the Capitol? The fact is that Babbitt is not a terrorist.


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