Hot-Cat Report Out and Vindicates Rossi's Claims


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
[1305.3913] Indication of anomalous heat energy production in a reactor device

“Even by the most conservative assumptions as to the errors in the measurements, the result is still one order of magnitude greater than conventional energy sources.” -- Report Abstract
“The results obtained indicate that energy was produced in decidedly higher quantities than what may be gained from any conventional source.” -- Report Conclusion

One persons take on it:

VINDICATION! Third-Party E-Cat Test Results Published

Our lives are going to change in the most dramatic way. The Oligarchs will try to stamp this down so they can control it, but it wont work. Hell, our whole planet is about to change over the next century.
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The report was delayed because the Hot-Cat they tested back in November MELTED from the heat it produced.
The report was delayed because the Hot-Cat they tested back in November MELTED from the heat it produced.

I thought rossi said that was impossible?

Well, glad to see that real data is proving that it does create heat. One step closer to becoming reality for civilization!

I think Rossi has said it is completely safe, as in no danger of a meltdown.

But then again, those are ceramic tubes, so maybe even he didn't think the Hot-Cat could do that?

But all day I have engaged in an orgy of utopian speculation. I think I need some personally bad thing to happen so that I return to Earth.

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[1305.3913] Indication of anomalous heat energy production in a reactor device

“Even by the most conservative assumptions as to the errors in the measurements, the result is still one order of magnitude greater than conventional energy sources.” -- Report Abstract
“The results obtained indicate that energy was produced in decidedly higher quantities than what may be gained from any conventional source.” -- Report Conclusion

One persons take on it:

VINDICATION! Third-Party E-Cat Test Results Published

Our lives are going to change in the most dramatic way. The Oligarchs will try to stamp this down so they can control it, but it wont work. Hell, our whole planet is about to change over the next century.

I would not get too excited if I were you, but I`m not you so I had a good laugh when I read that pdf
The reactor tube is charged with a small amount of hydrogen loaded nickel powder plus some additives.
I agree that this would change your life (not mine) in a dramatic way if you never heard of Raney Nickel and have no idea how to use it safely. Raney Nickel has been used in the Chemical industry since 1926. That "secret ingredient" they are yapping about is the Aluminum in the Raney Nickel Catalyst. You activate it with 5 N NaOH and after drying it can absorb a huge amount of Hydrogen.
It`s used to produce saturated HC`s from linear and cyclical multi-unsaturated Hydrocarbons without having to use an autoclave. The fun starts when some idiot tries to suction filter the reaction product to get rid of the Ni-Al which is still loaded with unreacted will ignite and change the idiot`s life in a dramatic way alright , because it will burn as hot as thermite...for hours !!! and there is no way to stop the burn because the Raney Nickel catalyst still contains lots of Na[Al(OH)4] from the activation stage.
None of that crap experiment has anything to do with "cold fusion" but has everything in common with investment fraud. This is the usual setup stage, getting press coverage is next and after that I `ll bet you 1000:1 odds that they never will apply for a legitimate patent because that involves full disclosure...and that`s bad for snake oil sales.
But hey, don`t let me stop you to buy into it when they pass around the collection basket
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LOL, gonna go with PB on this one for a lot of reasons. PB is the chemist, all I do is analyze things for BS. That being the case, this reeks of it...

Along with the chemistry issues PB touched on, there is the obvious behavior issues with the inventors and those involved..A link I found talking about something that shows my point..

Rossi Responds to Smith's Challenge to Prove E-Cat Works - Forbes

Rossi Responds to Smith's Challenge to Prove E-Cat Works

Following my post yesterday about Australian entrepreneur Dick Smith’s offer of $1,000,000 to Andrea Rossi for proof that Rossi’s E-Cat Low Energy Nuclear Reaction (LENR) device performs as claimed, Mr. Rossi kindly responded with the following comment:

Andrea Rossi
February 15th, 2012 at 12:23 PM





Seems odd behavior for a scientist or inventor that just effectively changed energy production on the planet in such a dramatic way. They seem so ready to claim it works and flood the media on it's miracle qualities, yet are reluctant to show it..

It would be like Einstein promising the world relativity, yet not letting anyone see the equations until they sign a non-disclosure agreement and pay up front for the right.. It's not how a scientist would work, unless something was off about it. Much less an inventor who just changed the world...

But hey, yall can goon ahead and invest your retirement in it..ROFL, get a receipt and don't sign a thing..

EDIT: Just wanted to point out the Forbes article title said ; "Finally! Independent Testing Of Rossi's E-Cat Cold Fusion Device: Maybe The World Will Change After All"

But the tests weren't Independent they were done by the inventor, and scientists involved with it exclusively. The are now calling their own tests independent??? I think the rape of science is near completion now. What a sad day..
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[1305.3913] Indication of anomalous heat energy production in a reactor device

“Even by the most conservative assumptions as to the errors in the measurements, the result is still one order of magnitude greater than conventional energy sources.” -- Report Abstract
“The results obtained indicate that energy was produced in decidedly higher quantities than what may be gained from any conventional source.” -- Report Conclusion

One persons take on it:

VINDICATION! Third-Party E-Cat Test Results Published

Our lives are going to change in the most dramatic way. The Oligarchs will try to stamp this down so they can control it, but it wont work. Hell, our whole planet is about to change over the next century.

I would not get too excited if I were you, but I`m not you so I had a good laugh when I read that pdf
The reactor tube is charged with a small amount of hydrogen loaded nickel powder plus some additives.
I agree that this would change your life (not mine) in a dramatic way if you never heard of Raney Nickel and have no idea how to use it safely. Raney Nickel has been used in the Chemical industry since 1926. That "secret ingredient" they are yapping about is the Aluminum in the Raney Nickel Catalyst. You activate it with 5 N NaOH and after drying it can absorb a huge amount of Hydrogen.
It`s used to produce saturated HC`s from linear and cyclical multi-unsaturated Hydrocarbons without having to use an autoclave. The fun starts when some idiot tries to suction filter the reaction product to get rid of the Ni-Al which is still loaded with unreacted will ignite and change the idiot`s life in a dramatic way alright , because it will burn as hot as thermite...for hours !!! and there is no way to stop the burn because the Raney Nickel catalyst still contains lots of Na[Al(OH)4] from the activation stage.
None of that crap experiment has anything to do with "cold fusion" but has everything in common with investment fraud. This is the usual setup stage, getting press coverage is next and after that I `ll bet you 1000:1 odds that they never will apply for a legitimate patent because that involves full disclosure...and that`s bad for snake oil sales.
But hey, don`t let me stop you to buy into it when they pass around the collection basket

Lol, so we have an international conspiracy to include all the scientists that have tested and reviewed Rossi's e-cat? The tiny little box he uses for his 'secret sauce' is not large enough to hold ANY SORT of chemical reaction that would last for FIVE DAYS.

Get real. Your pathological skepticism is not a virtue of any sort.
Seems odd behavior for a scientist or inventor that just effectively changed energy production on the planet in such a dramatic way. They seem so ready to claim it works and flood the media on it's miracle qualities, yet are reluctant to show it..

It would be like Einstein promising the world relativity, yet not letting anyone see the equations until they sign a non-disclosure agreement and pay up front for the right.. It's not how a scientist would work, unless something was off about it. Much less an inventor who just changed the world...

But hey, yall can goon ahead and invest your retirement in it..ROFL, get a receipt and don't sign a thing..

So now amateur psychoanalysis from a distance via third party reports trumps scientific tests conducted by nearly a dozen scientists from across Europe?


EDIT: Just wanted to point out the Forbes article title said ; "Finally! Independent Testing Of Rossi's E-Cat Cold Fusion Device: Maybe The World Will Change After All"

But the tests weren't Independent they were done by the inventor, and scientists involved with it exclusively. The are now calling their own tests independent??? I think the rape of science is near completion now. What a sad day..

No, they were in fact independent. The first test was done in December and the machine was already assembled for the scientist, who protested that they did not assemble it, but did the first test anyway.

The second test in March was done with the outside scientists analyzing all the parts in detail then they supervised its assembly.

Rossi was not involved in any of the tests.

And this is not any kind of fusion; it is a combination of electron capture, neutron capture and atomic decay. That you don't yet realize this tells me you have no genuine interest in understanding this subject.
Seems odd behavior for a scientist or inventor that just effectively changed energy production on the planet in such a dramatic way. They seem so ready to claim it works and flood the media on it's miracle qualities, yet are reluctant to show it..

It would be like Einstein promising the world relativity, yet not letting anyone see the equations until they sign a non-disclosure agreement and pay up front for the right.. It's not how a scientist would work, unless something was off about it. Much less an inventor who just changed the world...

But hey, yall can goon ahead and invest your retirement in it..ROFL, get a receipt and don't sign a thing..

So now amateur psychoanalysis from a distance via third party reports trumps scientific tests conducted by nearly a dozen scientists from across Europe?


EDIT: Just wanted to point out the Forbes article title said ; "Finally! Independent Testing Of Rossi's E-Cat Cold Fusion Device: Maybe The World Will Change After All"

But the tests weren't Independent they were done by the inventor, and scientists involved with it exclusively. The are now calling their own tests independent??? I think the rape of science is near completion now. What a sad day..

No, they were in fact independent. The first test was done in December and the machine was already assembled for the scientist, who protested that they did not assemble it, but did the first test anyway.

The second test in March was done with the outside scientists analyzing all the parts in detail then they supervised its assembly.

Rossi was not involved in any of the tests.

And this is not any kind of fusion; it is a combination of electron capture, neutron capture and atomic decay. That you don't yet realize this tells me you have no genuine interest in understanding this subject.

First I'm a data analyst not a psychoanalyst.

Second, your full of it...

From your linked article..

Finally! Independent Testing Of Rossi's E-Cat Cold Fusion Device: Maybe The World Will Change After All - Forbes

The present report describes the results obtained from evaluations of the operation of the E-Cat HT in two test runs. The first test experiment, lasting 96 hours (from Dec. 13th 2012, to Dec. 17th 2012), was carried out by the two first authors of this paper, Levi and Foschi, while the second experiment, lasting for 116 hours (from March 18th 2013, to March 23rd 2013), was carried out by all authors.

See? The authors of the respective papers on this were the ones doing the test. All results were obtained by them and given out through them. Making it a closed test... Gimme a break...

Further...The entire article reads like somebody trying to be honest so long as it doesn't hurt the device's chances.. An example:

From the same article...

To put that in perspective, the following graph plots the peak power of various energy sources against their specific energy (energy per unit mass). As you can see, gasoline is way out in front in terms of how much energy is available and how much power can be delivered but if this paper is correct, you can make that “gasoline was way out in front” because, as can be seen, the E-Cat has roughly four orders of magnitude more specific energy and three orders of magnitude greater peak power than gasoline!


Gasoline can deliver more energy per unit mass, but to fix this problem they pull this out of nowhere..“gasoline was way out in front” because, as can be seen, the E-Cat has roughly four orders of magnitude more specific energy and three orders of magnitude greater peak power than gasoline."

HUH???? Gasoline was out in front because the E-cat was actually anyway??? What in the world kind of double talk nonsense was that? They didn't say anything of value, they simply garbled the point that Gasoline is in front as far as delivering energy per unit mass.

Not exactly earth shaking results.. You people need to start reading things more critically..

UPDATE: A very qualified person commented on it much the same way I did...

Steven B. Krivit 2 days ago
This is a partially independent measurement, performed on a device that was built by and controlled by Rossi, and located in Rossi’s facility. The measurement was performed by some of the parties that have been involved in this scam since 2011.

The fact that the authors of the paper have stated that they have performed an independent test is a significant misrepresentation and would qualify as research misconduct by some organizations.

Steven B. Krivit
Publisher and Senior Editor, New Energy Times
Editor-in-Chief, 2011 Wiley Nuclear Energy Encyclopedia

So it's not just me saying it..
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Seems odd behavior for a scientist or inventor that just effectively changed energy production on the planet in such a dramatic way. They seem so ready to claim it works and flood the media on it's miracle qualities, yet are reluctant to show it..

It would be like Einstein promising the world relativity, yet not letting anyone see the equations until they sign a non-disclosure agreement and pay up front for the right.. It's not how a scientist would work, unless something was off about it. Much less an inventor who just changed the world...

But hey, yall can goon ahead and invest your retirement in it..ROFL, get a receipt and don't sign a thing..

So now amateur psychoanalysis from a distance via third party reports trumps scientific tests conducted by nearly a dozen scientists from across Europe?


No, they were in fact independent. The first test was done in December and the machine was already assembled for the scientist, who protested that they did not assemble it, but did the first test anyway.

The second test in March was done with the outside scientists analyzing all the parts in detail then they supervised its assembly.

Rossi was not involved in any of the tests.

And this is not any kind of fusion; it is a combination of electron capture, neutron capture and atomic decay. That you don't yet realize this tells me you have no genuine interest in understanding this subject.

First I'm a data analyst not a psychoanalyst.

Second, your full of it...

From your linked article..

Finally! Independent Testing Of Rossi's E-Cat Cold Fusion Device: Maybe The World Will Change After All - Forbes

See? The authors of the respective papers on this were the ones doing the test. All results were obtained by them and given out through them. Making it a closed test... Gimme a break...

Further...The entire article reads like somebody trying to be honest so long as it doesn't hurt the device's chances.. An example:

From the same article...

To put that in perspective, the following graph plots the peak power of various energy sources against their specific energy (energy per unit mass). As you can see, gasoline is way out in front in terms of how much energy is available and how much power can be delivered but if this paper is correct, you can make that “gasoline was way out in front” because, as can be seen, the E-Cat has roughly four orders of magnitude more specific energy and three orders of magnitude greater peak power than gasoline!

That is not in the report, you fucking liar. And Gibbs knows a hell of a lot more about this than you do, so all that is left for your motivations would seem to be... you are a liar once again!

Gasoline can deliver more energy per unit mass, but to fix this problem they pull this out of nowhere..“gasoline was way out in front” because, as can be seen, the E-Cat has roughly four orders of magnitude more specific energy and three orders of magnitude greater peak power than gasoline."

HUH???? Gasoline was out in front because the E-cat was actually anyway??? What in the world kind of double talk nonsense was that? They didn't say anything of value, they simply garbled the point that Gasoline is in front as far as delivering energy per unit mass.

Not exactly earth shaking results.. You people need to start reading things more critically..

UPDATE: A very qualified person commented on it much the same way I did...

Steven B. Krivit 2 days ago
This is a partially independent measurement, performed on a device that was built by and controlled by Rossi, and located in Rossi’s facility. The measurement was performed by some of the parties that have been involved in this scam since 2011.

The fact that the authors of the paper have stated that they have performed an independent test is a significant misrepresentation and would qualify as research misconduct by some organizations.

Steven B. Krivit
Publisher and Senior Editor, New Energy Times
Editor-in-Chief, 2011 Wiley Nuclear Energy Encyclopedia

So it's not just me saying it..

Krivit has no credibility among LENR researchers and has a rep for just making things up to sell his rag.

But aside from that, your attempt to psychoanalyze the testers while admitting you are not a shrink, and your critiques of the experiment though you are obviously not a scientist nor an engineer does prove that you are full of hubris.

The five Swedish scientists were not paid by Rossi nor had any influence from Rossi.

you just make things up and tell it like it is true.

You are a liar. simple as that.

We could have had this new source of energy being developed more than twenty years ago, but frauds and liars like you smeared two good men and hounded them into obscurity and an early grave. We have fought three wars over oil since then with who knows how many hundreds of thousands of people being killed and maimed when the Middle East could have been made irrelevant. There is a special place in Hell for liars like you and I am glad for it.

Now fuck you.
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So now amateur psychoanalysis from a distance via third party reports trumps scientific tests conducted by nearly a dozen scientists from across Europe?


No, they were in fact independent. The first test was done in December and the machine was already assembled for the scientist, who protested that they did not assemble it, but did the first test anyway.

The second test in March was done with the outside scientists analyzing all the parts in detail then they supervised its assembly.

Rossi was not involved in any of the tests.

And this is not any kind of fusion; it is a combination of electron capture, neutron capture and atomic decay. That you don't yet realize this tells me you have no genuine interest in understanding this subject.

First I'm a data analyst not a psychoanalyst.

Second, your full of it...

From your linked article..

Finally! Independent Testing Of Rossi's E-Cat Cold Fusion Device: Maybe The World Will Change After All - Forbes

See? The authors of the respective papers on this were the ones doing the test. All results were obtained by them and given out through them. Making it a closed test... Gimme a break...

Further...The entire article reads like somebody trying to be honest so long as it doesn't hurt the device's chances.. An example:

From the same article...

Gasoline can deliver more energy per unit mass, but to fix this problem they pull this out of nowhere..“gasoline was way out in front” because, as can be seen, the E-Cat has roughly four orders of magnitude more specific energy and three orders of magnitude greater peak power than gasoline."

HUH???? Gasoline was out in front because the E-cat was actually anyway??? What in the world kind of double talk nonsense was that? They didn't say anything of value, they simply garbled the point that Gasoline is in front as far as delivering energy per unit mass.

Not exactly earth shaking results.. You people need to start reading things more critically..

UPDATE: A very qualified person commented on it much the same way I did...

Steven B. Krivit 2 days ago
This is a partially independent measurement, performed on a device that was built by and controlled by Rossi, and located in Rossi’s facility. The measurement was performed by some of the parties that have been involved in this scam since 2011.

The fact that the authors of the paper have stated that they have performed an independent test is a significant misrepresentation and would qualify as research misconduct by some organizations.

Steven B. Krivit
Publisher and Senior Editor, New Energy Times
Editor-in-Chief, 2011 Wiley Nuclear Energy Encyclopedia

So it's not just me saying it..

Krivit has no credibility among LENR researchers and has a rep for just making things up to sell his rag.

But aside from that, your attempt to psychoanalyze the testers while admitting you are not a shrink, and your critiques of the experiment though you are obviously not a scientist nor an engineer does prove that you are full of hubris.

The five Swedish scientists were not paid by Rossi nor had any influence from Rossi.

you just make things up and tell it like it is true.

You are a liar. simple as that.

Now fuck you.

What rag is he selling? Gimme a break dude..

I didn't psychoanalyze them, I told you what was obvious to anybody not taken in by this scam..

The scientists were authors of the respective papers. I quote the article you sent me to, and that quote was from them..

The present report describes the results obtained from evaluations of the operation of the E-Cat HT in two test runs. The first test experiment, lasting 96 hours (from Dec. 13th 2012, to Dec. 17th 2012), was carried out by the two first authors of this paper, Levi and Foschi, while the second experiment, lasting for 116 hours (from March 18th 2013, to March 23rd 2013), was carried out by all authors.

That was from the article you linked to, not from me...Their own words they tell you it was a test done by themselves but you would rather blame me and throw a fit than accept it...pissed? Good! tell them about it! They are frauds and liars not me. Dudes been peddling this nonsense for how many years now and not one person outside his own private circle has actually seen the device working as claimed. No ones allowed to do anything but watch him and his crew perform staged and limited tests. hell the man wouldn't even accept a million dollars just to prove it works to one man.. Why not? that million would go a long way to further the company and his credibility. Even if the guy stiffed him, he would have that toshow he was willing and could have helped get others to take him seriously. He made it very clear its a case of sign a Non-disclosure agreement, then pay for it, then wait till he has it done if you want to see if it works. Does that sound like a guy wanting to save the world from oil dependence? No, sounds like a scam artist.

You don't know a thing about me, so take your insults and rage, and shove them..
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First I'm a data analyst not a psychoanalyst.

Second, your full of it...

From your linked article..

Finally! Independent Testing Of Rossi's E-Cat Cold Fusion Device: Maybe The World Will Change After All - Forbes

See? The authors of the respective papers on this were the ones doing the test. All results were obtained by them and given out through them. Making it a closed test... Gimme a break...

Further...The entire article reads like somebody trying to be honest so long as it doesn't hurt the device's chances.. An example:

From the same article...

Gasoline can deliver more energy per unit mass, but to fix this problem they pull this out of nowhere..“gasoline was way out in front” because, as can be seen, the E-Cat has roughly four orders of magnitude more specific energy and three orders of magnitude greater peak power than gasoline."

HUH???? Gasoline was out in front because the E-cat was actually anyway??? What in the world kind of double talk nonsense was that? They didn't say anything of value, they simply garbled the point that Gasoline is in front as far as delivering energy per unit mass.

Not exactly earth shaking results.. You people need to start reading things more critically..

UPDATE: A very qualified person commented on it much the same way I did...

So it's not just me saying it..

Krivit has no credibility among LENR researchers and has a rep for just making things up to sell his rag.

But aside from that, your attempt to psychoanalyze the testers while admitting you are not a shrink, and your critiques of the experiment though you are obviously not a scientist nor an engineer does prove that you are full of hubris.

The five Swedish scientists were not paid by Rossi nor had any influence from Rossi.

you just make things up and tell it like it is true.

You are a liar. simple as that.

Now fuck you.

What rag is he selling? Gimme a break dude..

I didn't psychoanalyze them, I told you what was obvious to anybody not taken in by this scam..

The scientists were authors of the respective papers. I quote the article you sent me to, and that quote was from them..

The present report describes the results obtained from evaluations of the operation of the E-Cat HT in two test runs. The first test experiment, lasting 96 hours (from Dec. 13th 2012, to Dec. 17th 2012), was carried out by the two first authors of this paper, Levi and Foschi, while the second experiment, lasting for 116 hours (from March 18th 2013, to March 23rd 2013), was carried out by all authors.

That was from the article you linked to, not from me...Their own words they tell you it was a test done by themselves but you would rather blame me and throw a fit than accept it...pissed? Good! tell them about it! They are frauds and liars not me. Dudes been peddling this nonsense for how many years now and not one person outside his own private circle has actually seen the device working as claimed. No ones allowed to do anything but watch him and his crew perform staged and limited tests. hell the man wouldn't even accept a million dollars just to prove it works to one man.. Why not? that million would go a long way to further the company and his credibility. Even if the guy stiffed him, he would have that toshow he was willing and could have helped get others to take him seriously. He made it very clear its a case of sign a Non-disclosure agreement, then pay for it, then wait till he has it done if you want to see if it works. Does that sound like a guy wanting to save the world from oil dependence? No, sounds like a scam artist.

You don't know a thing about me, so take your insults and rage, and shove them..

That article wasn't the report, dude, it was an article by a writer at Forbes magazine, so in addition to critiquing scientists on their technique and psychoanalyzing people on other continents, now you can add your editorial services to your fantasy stack of expertise.

You are just another pathological skeptic, thinking your so cool cause you shoot something down. You know its a scam 'cause your Magic Tarot Deck tells you it is...blah, blah, blah.

Fuck off. You don't know what the hell you are talking about, dumbass.
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Krivit has no credibility among LENR researchers and has a rep for just making things up to sell his rag.

But aside from that, your attempt to psychoanalyze the testers while admitting you are not a shrink, and your critiques of the experiment though you are obviously not a scientist nor an engineer does prove that you are full of hubris.

The five Swedish scientists were not paid by Rossi nor had any influence from Rossi.

you just make things up and tell it like it is true.

You are a liar. simple as that.

Now fuck you.

What rag is he selling? Gimme a break dude..

I didn't psychoanalyze them, I told you what was obvious to anybody not taken in by this scam..

The scientists were authors of the respective papers. I quote the article you sent me to, and that quote was from them..

The present report describes the results obtained from evaluations of the operation of the E-Cat HT in two test runs. The first test experiment, lasting 96 hours (from Dec. 13th 2012, to Dec. 17th 2012), was carried out by the two first authors of this paper, Levi and Foschi, while the second experiment, lasting for 116 hours (from March 18th 2013, to March 23rd 2013), was carried out by all authors.

That was from the article you linked to, not from me...Their own words they tell you it was a test done by themselves but you would rather blame me and throw a fit than accept it...pissed? Good! tell them about it! They are frauds and liars not me. Dudes been peddling this nonsense for how many years now and not one person outside his own private circle has actually seen the device working as claimed. No ones allowed to do anything but watch him and his crew perform staged and limited tests. hell the man wouldn't even accept a million dollars just to prove it works to one man.. Why not? that million would go a long way to further the company and his credibility. Even if the guy stiffed him, he would have that toshow he was willing and could have helped get others to take him seriously. He made it very clear its a case of sign a Non-disclosure agreement, then pay for it, then wait till he has it done if you want to see if it works. Does that sound like a guy wanting to save the world from oil dependence? No, sounds like a scam artist.

You don't know a thing about me, so take your insults and rage, and shove them..

That article wasn't the report, dude, it was an article by a writer at Forbes magazine, so in addition to critiquing scientists on their technique and psychoanalyzing people on other continents, now you can add your editorial services to your fantasy stack of expertise.

You are just another pathological skeptic, thinking your so cool cause you shoot something down. You know its a scam 'cause your Magic Tarot Deck tells you it is...blah, blah, blah.

Fuck off. You don't know what the hell you are talking about, dumbass.

Okay shithead, you just went past being an idiot to being a loon...


The present report describes the results obtained from evaluations of the operation of the E-Cat HT in two test runs. The first test experiment, lasting 96 hours (from Dec. 13th 2012, to Dec. 17th 2012), was carried out by the two first authors of this paper, Levi and Foschi, while the second experiment, lasting for 116 hours (from March 18th 2013, to March 23rd 2013), was carried out by all authors.

That was from your article just as I said.That article got that from the paper itself according to them... So if the quotes wrong take it up with the forbes article writer.. The fact is the quotes correct, and you were misled by poor reporting from the author, and misleading claims by the people behind the paper the article referred to...

Now grow up and quit throwing a fit, ya big whiny punk.. Unbelievable, you rage at me because you were conned by them.. Life lesson time, there is no such thing as a free lunch. There is no easter bunny, no santa claus, and that machine is BS too.
What rag is he selling? Gimme a break dude..

I didn't psychoanalyze them, I told you what was obvious to anybody not taken in by this scam..

The scientists were authors of the respective papers. I quote the article you sent me to, and that quote was from them..

That was from the article you linked to, not from me...Their own words they tell you it was a test done by themselves but you would rather blame me and throw a fit than accept it...pissed? Good! tell them about it! They are frauds and liars not me. Dudes been peddling this nonsense for how many years now and not one person outside his own private circle has actually seen the device working as claimed. No ones allowed to do anything but watch him and his crew perform staged and limited tests. hell the man wouldn't even accept a million dollars just to prove it works to one man.. Why not? that million would go a long way to further the company and his credibility. Even if the guy stiffed him, he would have that toshow he was willing and could have helped get others to take him seriously. He made it very clear its a case of sign a Non-disclosure agreement, then pay for it, then wait till he has it done if you want to see if it works. Does that sound like a guy wanting to save the world from oil dependence? No, sounds like a scam artist.

You don't know a thing about me, so take your insults and rage, and shove them..

That article wasn't the report, dude, it was an article by a writer at Forbes magazine, so in addition to critiquing scientists on their technique and psychoanalyzing people on other continents, now you can add your editorial services to your fantasy stack of expertise.

You are just another pathological skeptic, thinking your so cool cause you shoot something down. You know its a scam 'cause your Magic Tarot Deck tells you it is...blah, blah, blah.

Fuck off. You don't know what the hell you are talking about, dumbass.

Okay shithead, you just went past being an idiot to being a loon...


The present report describes the results obtained from evaluations of the operation of the E-Cat HT in two test runs. The first test experiment, lasting 96 hours (from Dec. 13th 2012, to Dec. 17th 2012), was carried out by the two first authors of this paper, Levi and Foschi, while the second experiment, lasting for 116 hours (from March 18th 2013, to March 23rd 2013), was carried out by all authors.

That was from your article just as I said.That article got that from the paper itself according to them... So if the quotes wrong take it up with the forbes article writer.. The fact is the quotes correct, and you were misled by poor reporting from the author, and misleading claims by the people behind the paper the article referred to...

Now grow up and quit throwing a fit, ya big whiny punk.. Unbelievable, you rage at me because you were conned by them.. Life lesson time, there is no such thing as a free lunch. There is no easter bunny, no santa claus, and that machine is BS too.

Lol, the REPORT issued was being commented on in the link you supposedly took the comment from.

THE REPORT DID NOT HAVE THE STATEMENT YOU SAID IT DID. That was in the PESN review. (not Forbes, my bad).

This is what you stated
See? The authors of the respective papers on this were the ones doing the test. All results were obtained by them and given out through them. Making it a closed test... Gimme a break...

Further...The entire article reads like somebody trying to be honest so long as it doesn't hurt the device's chances.. An example:

From the same article...

Gasoline can deliver more energy per unit mass, but to fix this problem they pull this out of nowhere..“gasoline was way out in front” because, as can be seen, the E-Cat has roughly four orders of magnitude more specific energy and three orders of magnitude greater peak power than gasoline."

HUH???? Gasoline was out in front because the E-cat was actually anyway???
What in the world kind of double talk nonsense was that? They didn't say anything of value, they simply garbled the point that Gasoline is in front as far as delivering energy per unit mass.

What was written in the article that reviewed the report was this:
The official report states: "The results obtained place both devices several orders of magnitude outside the bounds of the Ragone plot region for chemical sources."

To be more precise, the highest specific energy is Gasoline (which has a lower peak power), shown at 3x103 Wh/kg. Whereas the specific energy of the Hot-Cat is shown at 5x107 Wh/kg -- over four orders of magnitude greater (1700x). And from the peak power scale, super capacitors (which have a very low specific energy) are listed at 1x104 W/kg, whereas the Hot-Cat registers at 4x105 W/kg, more than an order of magnitude greater (40x).

And they add (emphasis mine): "Lastly, it must be remarked that both tests were terminated by a deliberate shut down of the reactor, not by fuel exhaustion; thus, the energy densities that were measured should be considered as lower limits of real values."

They were referring to gasoline having the highest specific energy of all the OTHER sources of energy, to not include the Hot-cat. And that is obvious to even a fifth grade student. Your out of context quote was simply a distortion of what was written and thus a lie.

I got my reference wrong, thinking I had linked to the Forbes story at that point instead of the PESN article, but that's my bad and I have enough nerve and integrity to admit it. You do not.

Your stupidity and thick headedness are astonishing. You have no integrity, conscience or moral framework. You are a coward, a liar, and a fool.

BTW, fuck off, you cock sucking bitch.
Last edited:
Jim, if you're that convinced, I suggest you invest all your money with Rossi, like he wants. However, other people see a few teentsy problems.

He posits a hydrogen-nickel fusion into copper, a reaction so difficult that that doesn't even happen in supernovas.

He now won't let anyone examine the resulting copper. He used to, but they found it was identical to terrestrial copper in isotope ratio, while copper created by fusion would have to show a very different isotope ratio. That made him look like he just planted the copper, so he no longer lets people look at it.

There's a mysterious total lack of any gamma or neutron radiation, something that would have to occur in fusion. Given the power levels involved and the lack of any significant shielding, actual fusion at that level would make a device dangerous to be near, because of radiation levels.

And there's just his word about the input power measurement. It's not that difficult to rig the wires to fool a clamp-around ammeter. The simplest explanation is that he's lying about the input power, and that e-cat is heating up solely due to the input electrical power.

Since Rossi says outside power is only needed for the heat that starts the reaction, e-cat should be able to run just fine on self-generated heat, once it gets going, without any outside electricity. So, if he wants to be taken seriously, he needs to get it running, and then disconnect every wire and have it run for the next week unassisted.
That article wasn't the report, dude, it was an article by a writer at Forbes magazine, so in addition to critiquing scientists on their technique and psychoanalyzing people on other continents, now you can add your editorial services to your fantasy stack of expertise.

You are just another pathological skeptic, thinking your so cool cause you shoot something down. You know its a scam 'cause your Magic Tarot Deck tells you it is...blah, blah, blah.

Fuck off. You don't know what the hell you are talking about, dumbass.

Okay shithead, you just went past being an idiot to being a loon...


The present report describes the results obtained from evaluations of the operation of the E-Cat HT in two test runs. The first test experiment, lasting 96 hours (from Dec. 13th 2012, to Dec. 17th 2012), was carried out by the two first authors of this paper, Levi and Foschi, while the second experiment, lasting for 116 hours (from March 18th 2013, to March 23rd 2013), was carried out by all authors.

That was from your article just as I said.That article got that from the paper itself according to them... So if the quotes wrong take it up with the forbes article writer.. The fact is the quotes correct, and you were misled by poor reporting from the author, and misleading claims by the people behind the paper the article referred to...

Now grow up and quit throwing a fit, ya big whiny punk.. Unbelievable, you rage at me because you were conned by them.. Life lesson time, there is no such thing as a free lunch. There is no easter bunny, no santa claus, and that machine is BS too.

Lol, the REPORT issued was being commented on in the link you supposedly took the comment from.

THE REPORT DID NOT HAVE THE STATEMENT YOU SAID IT DID. That was in the PESN review. (not Forbes, my bad).

This is what you stated
See? The authors of the respective papers on this were the ones doing the test. All results were obtained by them and given out through them. Making it a closed test... Gimme a break...

Further...The entire article reads like somebody trying to be honest so long as it doesn't hurt the device's chances.. An example:

From the same article...

Gasoline can deliver more energy per unit mass, but to fix this problem they pull this out of nowhere..“gasoline was way out in front” because, as can be seen, the E-Cat has roughly four orders of magnitude more specific energy and three orders of magnitude greater peak power than gasoline."

HUH???? Gasoline was out in front because the E-cat was actually anyway???
What in the world kind of double talk nonsense was that? They didn't say anything of value, they simply garbled the point that Gasoline is in front as far as delivering energy per unit mass.

What was written in the article that reviewed the report was this:
The official report states: "The results obtained place both devices several orders of magnitude outside the bounds of the Ragone plot region for chemical sources."

To be more precise, the highest specific energy is Gasoline (which has a lower peak power), shown at 3x103 Wh/kg. Whereas the specific energy of the Hot-Cat is shown at 5x107 Wh/kg -- over four orders of magnitude greater (1700x). And from the peak power scale, super capacitors (which have a very low specific energy) are listed at 1x104 W/kg, whereas the Hot-Cat registers at 4x105 W/kg, more than an order of magnitude greater (40x).

And they add (emphasis mine): "Lastly, it must be remarked that both tests were terminated by a deliberate shut down of the reactor, not by fuel exhaustion; thus, the energy densities that were measured should be considered as lower limits of real values."

They were referring to gasoline having the highest specific energy of all the OTHER sources of energy, to not include the Hot-cat. And that is obvious to even a fifth grade student. Your out of context quote was simply a distortion of what was written and thus a lie.

I got my reference wrong, thinking I had linked to the Forbes story at that point instead of the PESN article, but that's my bad and I have enough nerve and integrity to admit it. You do not.

Your stupidity and thick headedness are astonishing. You have no integrity, conscience or moral framework. You are a coward, a liar, and a fool.

BTW, fuck off, you cock sucking bitch.

Cool Story bro!

Now please explain the part about the article quoiting the paper itself in that part... Yeah, so it was from the paper too...

Also, the E-CAT results are dubious and their loose chart shows this. The chart was pulled out of their butt,they showed it.

Now cry, all you want, send him your money if you want, be my guest.
Okay shithead, you just went past being an idiot to being a loon...


The present report describes the results obtained from evaluations of the operation of the E-Cat HT in two test runs. The first test experiment, lasting 96 hours (from Dec. 13th 2012, to Dec. 17th 2012), was carried out by the two first authors of this paper, Levi and Foschi, while the second experiment, lasting for 116 hours (from March 18th 2013, to March 23rd 2013), was carried out by all authors.

That was from your article just as I said.That article got that from the paper itself according to them... So if the quotes wrong take it up with the forbes article writer.. The fact is the quotes correct, and you were misled by poor reporting from the author, and misleading claims by the people behind the paper the article referred to...

Now grow up and quit throwing a fit, ya big whiny punk.. Unbelievable, you rage at me because you were conned by them.. Life lesson time, there is no such thing as a free lunch. There is no easter bunny, no santa claus, and that machine is BS too.

Lol, the REPORT issued was being commented on in the link you supposedly took the comment from.

THE REPORT DID NOT HAVE THE STATEMENT YOU SAID IT DID. That was in the PESN review. (not Forbes, my bad).

This is what you stated

What was written in the article that reviewed the report was this:
The official report states: "The results obtained place both devices several orders of magnitude outside the bounds of the Ragone plot region for chemical sources."

To be more precise, the highest specific energy is Gasoline (which has a lower peak power), shown at 3x103 Wh/kg. Whereas the specific energy of the Hot-Cat is shown at 5x107 Wh/kg -- over four orders of magnitude greater (1700x). And from the peak power scale, super capacitors (which have a very low specific energy) are listed at 1x104 W/kg, whereas the Hot-Cat registers at 4x105 W/kg, more than an order of magnitude greater (40x).

And they add (emphasis mine): "Lastly, it must be remarked that both tests were terminated by a deliberate shut down of the reactor, not by fuel exhaustion; thus, the energy densities that were measured should be considered as lower limits of real values."

They were referring to gasoline having the highest specific energy of all the OTHER sources of energy, to not include the Hot-cat. And that is obvious to even a fifth grade student. Your out of context quote was simply a distortion of what was written and thus a lie.

I got my reference wrong, thinking I had linked to the Forbes story at that point instead of the PESN article, but that's my bad and I have enough nerve and integrity to admit it. You do not.

Your stupidity and thick headedness are astonishing. You have no integrity, conscience or moral framework. You are a coward, a liar, and a fool.

BTW, fuck off, you cock sucking bitch.

Cool Story bro!

Its not a story,. jack ass.

Now please explain the part about the article quoiting the paper itself in that part... Yeah, so it was from the paper too...

Bullshit. Give the page and paragraph then, asswipe.

Also, the E-CAT results are dubious and their loose chart shows this. The chart was pulled out of their butt,they showed it.

The chart isn't from the report, fuckface.

IF you weren't such a liar your stupidity would be more plain, but you cant even lie well, so you show yourself to be an ignoramus as well as a lying piece of poop.

Now cry, all you want, send him your money if you want, be my guest.

I haven't sent him a dime, and I wont.

Just hate to see fucktards like you slandering a good man whose work will be the biggest blessing of this century.

BTW, fuck off.
Jim, if you're that convinced, I suggest you invest all your money with Rossi, like he wants. However, other people see a few teentsy problems.

He posits a hydrogen-nickel fusion into copper, a reaction so difficult that that doesn't even happen in supernovas.

He now won't let anyone examine the resulting copper. He used to, but they found it was identical to terrestrial copper in isotope ratio, while copper created by fusion would have to show a very different isotope ratio. That made him look like he just planted the copper, so he no longer lets people look at it.

There's a mysterious total lack of any gamma or neutron radiation, something that would have to occur in fusion. Given the power levels involved and the lack of any significant shielding, actual fusion at that level would make a device dangerous to be near, because of radiation levels.

And there's just his word about the input power measurement. It's not that difficult to rig the wires to fool a clamp-around ammeter. The simplest explanation is that he's lying about the input power, and that e-cat is heating up solely due to the input electrical power.

Since Rossi says outside power is only needed for the heat that starts the reaction, e-cat should be able to run just fine on self-generated heat, once it gets going, without any outside electricity. So, if he wants to be taken seriously, he needs to get it running, and then disconnect every wire and have it run for the next week unassisted.

Mamooth, either these seven scientists from four universities are all lying or they did in fact measure the nickel after the plug got pulled. ITs in the report.

This thing is way past reasonable doubt now. To think this is a fraud you have to suggest that about a hundred different people involved, four universities, a European certification corporation and Seimens have all engaged in deliberate fraud.

It aint happening.

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