Hot-Cat Report Out and Vindicates Rossi's Claims

Lol, the REPORT issued was being commented on in the link you supposedly took the comment from.

THE REPORT DID NOT HAVE THE STATEMENT YOU SAID IT DID. That was in the PESN review. (not Forbes, my bad).

This is what you stated

What was written in the article that reviewed the report was this:

They were referring to gasoline having the highest specific energy of all the OTHER sources of energy, to not include the Hot-cat. And that is obvious to even a fifth grade student. Your out of context quote was simply a distortion of what was written and thus a lie.

I got my reference wrong, thinking I had linked to the Forbes story at that point instead of the PESN article, but that's my bad and I have enough nerve and integrity to admit it. You do not.

Your stupidity and thick headedness are astonishing. You have no integrity, conscience or moral framework. You are a coward, a liar, and a fool.

BTW, fuck off, you cock sucking bitch.

Cool Story bro!

Its not a story,. jack ass.

Bullshit. Give the page and paragraph then, asswipe.

Also, the E-CAT results are dubious and their loose chart shows this. The chart was pulled out of their butt,they showed it.

The chart isn't from the report, fuckface.

IF you weren't such a liar your stupidity would be more plain, but you cant even lie well, so you show yourself to be an ignoramus as well as a lying piece of poop.

Now cry, all you want, send him your money if you want, be my guest.

I haven't sent him a dime, and I wont.

Just hate to see fucktards like you slandering a good man whose work will be the biggest blessing of this century.

BTW, fuck off.

LOL, you big crybaby.... They stated the line and quoted it from the paper. They did so, if it'snot there in the paper, yell at the writer not me..

Oh go cry me a river you little whiny punk...
LOL, you big crybaby.... They stated the line and quoted it from the paper. They did so, if it'snot there in the paper, yell at the writer not me..

They referenced the data correctly, but your quote of that summary was deliberately distorted and a lie.

Anyone can read it and see for themselves that you are a lying dirtbag.

Oh go cry me a river you little whiny punk...

Lol, another internet brave boy, talking shit to people he never met.

If you were standing in front of me, you wouldn't say that to my face.

You are a coward, a liar and a blithering idiot.
When is it going to be on the market? He said it would be 2 years ago way before now.

Well, rolling out a brand new piece of technology isn't as simple as it sounds. The process usually runs into all kinds of delays, revisions and bottle necks that have to be dealt with.

Take for example Butterfly Labs development of their ACIS Bitcoin mining machine.

They are finally delivering, but after many delays they did not anticipate and many accusations of pulling a scam.
Some interesting links from Ian Walker in the comments section of the Forbes article.
The behavior of the big oil companies and big Wall Street banks is a fair indicator of Rossi's legitimacy.

******* Ian Walker's text follows ********************************
The Oil Companies have been selling their Oil Fields for the past two years, since Rossi first demonstrated the his warm E-Cat, the one before the one in this test called the E-Cat HT or High Temperature, the Warm E-Cat produced heating to ~150 degrees centigrade and a customer took delivery of the first 1 Mw research version at the end of last month, it is currently being shipped by the customer to the US.

Do a Google Searches:
“Oil Field” Divest
“Oil Field” Sell
You will find a vast strategic shifts in the oil companies position like these:
Shell has been on a massive divestment strategy on its oil field assets, from Africa to the Far East for the last 12 months, or since Rossi did his first demonstration this time last year.
Shell divests stake in Nigerian oil asset - Hydrocarbons Technology

Other Fossil Fuel companies on a divestment strategy are BP who are selling their stakes in fields in the North Sea, Russia, the Arctic and the Gulf to name but a few and not even batting an eyelid about being refused license to buy future assets in the Gulf.
BBC News - BP to raise $1.1bn from North Sea field sale

BP Completes Sale of Non-Strategic US Gulf of Mexico Assets to PXP| Press | BP

BP Sells its Bottle and Wholesale LPG and Petgaz Autogas Businesses in Turkey to Oteko Group

Rosneft and BP to develop new Arctic oil fields | Russia & India Report

Latest News Headlines -

Iraqi official says Exxon Mobil is trying to sell stake in major oil field by year's end | Fox News

Weak Demand Outlook Forces Exxon Mobil (XOM) to Sell Its Japanese Unit |

Iraq says Exxon to quit oilfield, ends Turkey TPAO deal | Reuters

Even the pipeline parts and refinery companies are joining the rush to divest the fossil fuel business.
North American Energy Partners Announces Divestiture of Pipeline Assets – Daily Commercial News

Petrobras Looks to Sell Houston Area Refinery -

Do a Google search for any oil company and the phrase “Oil field” and the words divest or sell.

Athabasca Exercises its Option to Sell its Interest in the MacKay River Oil Sands Project - Press Release - Digital Journal

Some are trying to cover their strategy and the risk by divesting half of the asset others are just cashing in their chips.

Conoco to halve its LUKOIL stake, sell some assets | Reuters

This year has been an Oil Field Night of the Long Knives as all the major players have been dumping these soon to be seriously downgraded assets.

The price per barrel dropped 20+ dollars since May.

I expect the real drop to be when the 60 day and 30 Day options on the price per barrel get shorted when the Rossi announcement is about to be made. I expect the price per barrel will drop below 70. Then it will resurge as people realise LENR will not happen overnight. Then Oil and other fossil fuels will go into a long decline with investors on a business decline strategy making money out of the asset stripping and running the oil fields into the ground. Natural Gas will be the longest lived of the Fossil Fuel assets.

Coal might die out out in as little a year and a half as converting coal power plants to use Rossi’s Hot Cat or other LENR tech will be very easy. Oil will be next. Converting all power plants could take a 5 to 7 years but the fact that President Obama changed the Law to allow Combined Heat and Power means that many plants will end up being scrapped before they can convert, as faster cheaper more nimble competitors will create power plants on customers door steps, that provide power at a tenth but theoretically at up to one thousandth of the cost.

All these oil company moves are disguised with explanations like we are buying US Shale Oil instead, yet an examination of US total discovered Oil reserves shows it accounts for less than 1% of the worlds oil, more importantly most of the so called buying is not buying it options to buy 6 months or more from now. All they have done is put a deposit down often as not not even that just a promise to buy if the price of oil remains high enough.

The other big excuse is we are going to use all the money we got from the sales in order to go exploring for new reserves. In other words 10 people in an office will spend a couple of million pondering some maps while the billions from the sale of the worlds Oil Fields remain safe in the bank.

For that is where all that money is now deposited in the bank.

Putting money in the bank like that, and in the case of just BP alone it is over 30 billion at last count, is called Building a War Chest. The others like Shell have far bigger war chests.

So what are the banks doing now that they are awash with money? Well they are building a huge Short position against oil:
Why Are the Big Financial Institutions Selling Oil BIG?

And what of Nuclear? And Green Energy well the Nuclear companies have stopped building and will not restart unless a government covers all the costs. The fact that Siemens have have dropped not just all their Nuclear Power plants but also all their attached industries should give you a clue

As for Green Energy Siemens also sold all of their green power industries assets where they were a world leader, including a multi billion dollar project to place their solar cell technology in the Sahara to provide electricity to Europe that they just cancelled like it was nothing despite millions already invested; and that they then went and bought a small marine heat and power plant company in Italy linked to Rossi originally worth a few million but Siemens put in a bid for it of 1.5 billion dollars and were outbid!

Since then Siemens and GE have been on a CHP manufacturing company buying spree. Use Google you will see it is so.

That STMicroelectronics a leader in mobile phone electronics and former owners of Ericsson mobile did a replication of another LENR researcher Celini’s experiment have dropped all that mobile phone technology to manufacture electronics for, would guess, combined heat and power plant?
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LOL, you big crybaby.... They stated the line and quoted it from the paper. They did so, if it'snot there in the paper, yell at the writer not me..

They referenced the data correctly, but your quote of that summary was deliberately distorted and a lie.

Anyone can read it and see for themselves that you are a lying dirtbag.

Oh go cry me a river you little whiny punk...

Lol, another internet brave boy, talking shit to people he never met.

If you were standing in front of me, you wouldn't say that to my face.

You are a coward, a liar and a blithering idiot.

You just spent several posts telling me to "F" off and "F" me, and now you try and pretend I am playing internet tough guy????

LOL, sure buddy sure.

The summary was truthful, the information for it came form your article, and the article info came from the paper...

They just did a closed test, done by the papers authors, and in their own labs, published the findings, and called an independent test.

In other words they lied to you, and the author paper, and like the author of the paper you are willing to be lied to because you have hope in the machine. Well that's your choice, but I won't be sucked in so easy, and thankfully others won't either.
Years ago a brilliant inventor would patent his concept and the private sector would develop it if it was worth developing. Today the energy slicksters have more than the private sector in mind. It's all about left wing deep pocket government funding.
LOL, you big crybaby.... They stated the line and quoted it from the paper. They did so, if it'snot there in the paper, yell at the writer not me..

They referenced the data correctly, but your quote of that summary was deliberately distorted and a lie.

Anyone can read it and see for themselves that you are a lying dirtbag.

Oh go cry me a river you little whiny punk...

Lol, another internet brave boy, talking shit to people he never met.

If you were standing in front of me, you wouldn't say that to my face.

You are a coward, a liar and a blithering idiot.

You just spent several posts telling me to "F" off and "F" me, and now you try and pretend I am playing internet tough guy????

LOL, sure buddy sure.

The summary was truthful, the information for it came form your article, and the article info came from the paper....

Yes, but your misrepresentation came from your asshole.

They just did a closed test, done by the papers authors, and in their own labs, published the findings, and called an independent test. .

Wow, so you think that a power generation company gets verification tests by ...what, building a replica at the testers lab? Of course they tested at Rossie's facilities and verified all the input power and found excess energy. Yes, you are fucking stupid.

In other words they lied to you, and the author paper, and like the author of the paper you are willing to be lied to because you have hope in the machine. Well that's your choice, but I won't be sucked in so easy, and thankfully others won't either.

No, you lied because you misquoted the article by combining statements out of context and anyone can see that.

So, once again, fuck off you sorry ass troll.
Years ago a brilliant inventor would patent his concept and the private sector would develop it if it was worth developing. Today the energy slicksters have more than the private sector in mind. It's all about left wing deep pocket government funding.

Agree, for the most part.

But even in the Good ole days, things like RCA's rip-off of Farnsworth and Detroits rip off of the dude that invented the adjustable wiper, and more, all testified to the fact that corporations will steal anything they want and make money off it, counting their legal costs as a business expense and still make money.
They referenced the data correctly, but your quote of that summary was deliberately distorted and a lie.

Anyone can read it and see for themselves that you are a lying dirtbag.

Lol, another internet brave boy, talking shit to people he never met.

If you were standing in front of me, you wouldn't say that to my face.

You are a coward, a liar and a blithering idiot.

You just spent several posts telling me to "F" off and "F" me, and now you try and pretend I am playing internet tough guy????

LOL, sure buddy sure.

The summary was truthful, the information for it came form your article, and the article info came from the paper....

Yes, but your misrepresentation came from your asshole.

They just did a closed test, done by the papers authors, and in their own labs, published the findings, and called an independent test. .

Wow, so you think that a power generation company gets verification tests by ...what, building a replica at the testers lab? Of course they tested at Rossie's facilities and verified all the input power and found excess energy. Yes, you are fucking stupid.

In other words they lied to you, and the author paper, and like the author of the paper you are willing to be lied to because you have hope in the machine. Well that's your choice, but I won't be sucked in so easy, and thankfully others won't either.

No, you lied because you misquoted the article by combining statements out of context and anyone can see that.

So, once again, fuck off you sorry ass troll.

No liar, the quote was verbatim, it was not out of context because it came from the article as it was..

Nice try.. Why don't you send him your money then? Seriously dude you just raged at me for spotting the obvious and went off in their defense, so send him your money and prove us all wrong..
You just spent several posts telling me to "F" off and "F" me, and now you try and pretend I am playing internet tough guy????

LOL, sure buddy sure.

The summary was truthful, the information for it came form your article, and the article info came from the paper....

Yes, but your misrepresentation came from your asshole.

Wow, so you think that a power generation company gets verification tests by ...what, building a replica at the testers lab? Of course they tested at Rossie's facilities and verified all the input power and found excess energy. Yes, you are fucking stupid.

In other words they lied to you, and the author paper, and like the author of the paper you are willing to be lied to because you have hope in the machine. Well that's your choice, but I won't be sucked in so easy, and thankfully others won't either.

No, you lied because you misquoted the article by combining statements out of context and anyone can see that.

So, once again, fuck off you sorry ass troll.

No liar, the quote was verbatim, it was not out of context because it came from the article as it was..

Nice try.. Why don't you send him your money then? Seriously dude you just raged at me for spotting the obvious and went off in their defense, so send him your money and prove us all wrong..

I posted your quote alongside the text from the article and YOU DISTORTED IT.

Need I post it again? Don't see why. Fact is you are a liar, full of shit, and a godam coward.

BTW, fuck off, bitch.
Yes, but your misrepresentation came from your asshole.

Wow, so you think that a power generation company gets verification tests by ...what, building a replica at the testers lab? Of course they tested at Rossie's facilities and verified all the input power and found excess energy. Yes, you are fucking stupid.

No, you lied because you misquoted the article by combining statements out of context and anyone can see that.

So, once again, fuck off you sorry ass troll.

No liar, the quote was verbatim, it was not out of context because it came from the article as it was..

Nice try.. Why don't you send him your money then? Seriously dude you just raged at me for spotting the obvious and went off in their defense, so send him your money and prove us all wrong..

I posted your quote alongside the text from the article and YOU DISTORTED IT.

Need I post it again? Don't see why. Fact is you are a liar, full of shit, and a godam coward.

BTW, fuck off, bitch.

LOL, please send him your money then. And when you get your E-CAT power your world with it...

BTW, you can deny all you want to but even wikki shows the same things I said about it..

Energy Catalyzer - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Read it, don't read it, cry about it,tell me to "F" off all you want, but there it is and a great many educated people seem to think the same things I do about it.

Carry on with your rant and obsession.
Tons of groups have been expected to buy one throughout the last 3 years. None of them worked out.
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No liar, the quote was verbatim, it was not out of context because it came from the article as it was..

Nice try.. Why don't you send him your money then? Seriously dude you just raged at me for spotting the obvious and went off in their defense, so send him your money and prove us all wrong..

I posted your quote alongside the text from the article and YOU DISTORTED IT.

Need I post it again? Don't see why. Fact is you are a liar, full of shit, and a godam coward.

BTW, fuck off, bitch.

LOL, please send him your money then. And when you get your E-CAT power your world with it...

BTW, you can deny all you want to but even wikki shows the same things I said about it..

Energy Catalyzer - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Read it, don't read it, cry about it,tell me to "F" off all you want, but there it is and a great many educated people seem to think the same things I do about it.

Carry on with your rant and obsession.

Lol, final proof of your irrationality.

Wikipedia is usually good for generic reference material, but it is not at all authoritative for controversial subjects like this one, and it has a history of being monopolized by dedicated groups of ideologues/fanatics to present only their view.

That you don't understand or ignore this about Wikipedia suggests you are either sloppy or deliberately dishonest. My bet is that you are merely being dishonest as you are already a proven liar.
Tons of groups have been expected to buy one throughout the last 3 years. None of them worked out.

Actually Rossi and his people have claimed three deliveries, one of which is pictured here.

E-Cat Shipping Pictures Posted on the JONP | E-Cat World

The thing had to be revised after initial test of first delivery, but also I think that machine is already obsolete with the hot-cat making such a splash.

I read somewhere that he has tens of orders for the 1Mw generators and countless orders for the individual e-cats.
I posted your quote alongside the text from the article and YOU DISTORTED IT.

Need I post it again? Don't see why. Fact is you are a liar, full of shit, and a godam coward.

BTW, fuck off, bitch.

LOL, please send him your money then. And when you get your E-CAT power your world with it...

BTW, you can deny all you want to but even wikki shows the same things I said about it..

Energy Catalyzer - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Read it, don't read it, cry about it,tell me to "F" off all you want, but there it is and a great many educated people seem to think the same things I do about it.

Carry on with your rant and obsession.

Lol, final proof of your irrationality.

Wikipedia is usually good for generic reference material, but it is not at all authoritative for controversial subjects like this one, and it has a history of being monopolized by dedicated groups of ideologues/fanatics to present only their view.

That you don't understand or ignore this about Wikipedia suggests you are either sloppy or deliberately dishonest. My bet is that you are merely being dishonest as you are already a proven liar.

And finally your obsession with this scam is shown. You contend that despite all the cited and referenced links and data supplied in that wikki page, it's still all lies anyway because?You don't like it... Well tough, it's the truth...

Now go write him a check and quit whining..
LOL, please send him your money then. And when you get your E-CAT power your world with it...

BTW, you can deny all you want to but even wikki shows the same things I said about it..

Energy Catalyzer - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Read it, don't read it, cry about it,tell me to "F" off all you want, but there it is and a great many educated people seem to think the same things I do about it.

Carry on with your rant and obsession.

Lol, final proof of your irrationality.

Wikipedia is usually good for generic reference material, but it is not at all authoritative for controversial subjects like this one, and it has a history of being monopolized by dedicated groups of ideologues/fanatics to present only their view.

That you don't understand or ignore this about Wikipedia suggests you are either sloppy or deliberately dishonest. My bet is that you are merely being dishonest as you are already a proven liar.

And finally your obsession with this scam is shown. You contend that despite all the cited and referenced links and data supplied in that wikki page, it's still all lies anyway because?You don't like it... Well tough, it's the truth...

Now go write him a check and quit whining..

Lol, now rejection of Wikipedia objectivity on controversial topics proves that Rossi is scamming?

You truly are a loon.

BTW, fuck off, you liar.

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