Hot-Cat Report Out and Vindicates Rossi's Claims

BULLSHIT! he scammed those people and wrecked the soil,left poison in the eco-system and got away with it because he used the money they paid him to buy lawyers who barely kept him out of prison.

Tell it to the people whose soil he ruined.. Acquitted doesn't mean his machine worked,it just means his lawyers saved his ass in that case. The place is still poisoned, the people there can't use the soil, and as usual rich people with good lawyers get away with it.

He did the exact thing he tells everyone his machines will prevent, and you refuse to accept it. You would rather believe in the fantasy rather than acknowledge the reality no matter who pays for it.

Its scumbags like that guy who play on the confidence of well-meaning and otherwise good people, who encompass some of the worst traits of humanity. A parasite who sells hope and false dreams to the masses for money.

The fact he left an eco-system in that state is all I need to know about that POS and his "inventions". Couple that with the fact the copper made from his device was shown to actually come from earth and not from a nuclear reaction, and we get a real clear picture here.

Have a good time trying to see the E-CAT into reality. Soon he will get enough money and pull out with his cohorts and leave the rest of the people holding his bag of empty promises. I just hope nobody else has to clean up their environment because of it.

Rossi did not wreck anything. Since the Italian government would not give clearance to his process, they pretended that his product was toxic waste. He was later ACQUITTED. That means not guilty, that means no history of scamming.

But lets get right to the nitty gritty here; simple question:

Is Rossi a felon or not?


I previously thought you were an angry but well-intentioned person who had been fooled into this scam. But now we see you for a hired PR poster. Got it..

He is a scam artist... He got away with ruining an areas eco-system with shrewd lawyers, scammed money, and technicalities.

A nice video on his activities..

The Magic of Mr. Rossi

[ame=]The Magic of Mr. Rossi (English Translation) - ECAT Cold Fusion Generator Validations - YouTube[/ame]

Again, more bullshit from a liar like you does not demonstrate or prove anything, other than that you are an irrational asshole.

BTW, go fuck yourself.
Keep posting propaganda and I will keep posting the video..

[ame=]The Magic of Mr. Rossi (English Translation) - ECAT Cold Fusion Generator Validations - YouTube[/ame]

Lol, I post scientists that are familiar with the technology, and you keep posting journalists vids that are nothing more than journalists fucking up a story again.

But LENR scientists are propaganda while your journalist is the real shit?


Your video is actually fairly pro-Rossi, btw. But that is not a technical evaluation, it is just people talking about the general activity. And it is from MAY 2011, so it doesn't even address the validation tests from this year.

You once again demonstrate that you are either a liar, an idiot or corrupt.

LENR is real. It is finally getting some of the press it deserves as more and more information gets out to the public despite the efforts of asstroturfing whores like you.

BTW, go fuck yourself, you lying bitch.
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