House and Senate Bills wrong on fix for Obamacare!

The GOP does not have an alternate plan on the table, and no one wants to go backward to the fucked up system we had before ObamaCare that was getting worse by the year.

So at this fork in the road, there are two choices: Fix ObamaCare, or go to single payer healthcare.

This is the conscious choice that was made by the GOP. They chose not to get any alternate plan out there.

Just ask everyone you know. "Suppose the GOP managed to repeal ObamaCare. Then what? What is their plan after that?"

You will get shrugs. And for all intents and purposes, that means the GOP has no plan.

So that's our two choices now. Fix ObamaCare or single payer.

Republicans always advocated taking moderate, reasonable, practical steps to address various aspects of healthcare. That's what they were saying all along while the democrats were meeting behind locked doors in the dead of night to cook up ways to force through a law Americans largely did not want. These targeted steps would have been easier to pass, easier to implement, and easier to undo if they turned out not to be effective. But no, the democrats - led (from behind) by obama had to have a massive government power/money grab or nothing. And now here we are. The arrogance and corruption of this administration and their minions in the Congress and the media have led us to this junction. Don't seek to lay blame elsewhere. Even obama knows that won't fly at this point. Said so himself on TV.
It is a fact the GOP would take us back to the pre-ObamaCare days.

They have no forward plan.

The American people don't want to go backward.

wrongo....Rs have been proposing alternative plans for years.....but we need to let this trainwreck finish its run up to 2014....
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Wow. Thanks for articulating my point so precisely for me. This is exactly why the GOP is getting kicked in the nuts. "What, me worry?" That's the GOP plan.

Have you been asleep since the 80s? Health care costs have been rising faster than inflation. This is what we call a...PROBLEM!!! And there you are, saying, "Why should we have a plan for that?"

Holy smokes.

The rise in healthcare costs is mainly DUE to government encroachment in the industry. Having them step in and do more is suppoe to help? :lmao:

What a cowardly attitude. "Waaah. Our plan will be attacked!"

Hell yes, it will be attacked. The GOP knows all about attacking and whining and throwing mud at someone else's plan. They are experts at it like all cowards are.

If you have a superior idea, it will be stand up to any attack if it has true merit.

And like I just said, the GOP had the high ground. They had all the power. House, Senate, and White House. And did NOTHING.

So, with a lot of help by inaction of the GOP, we have only two choices. Fix ObamaCare, or single payer. We are going to see single payer in our lifetimes. I guarantee it.

Be attacked? There is no way in hell that democrats in the senate, or the president would allow a vote to come to the floor even if the republicans did have a plan. That's simply politics 101. You think the democrats are going to lose all power on the issue and hand over a republican victory on healthcare? :lmao:

Even if the plan was absolutely polished and workable, it would never see a vote on the senate floor. And even if it did, the president is certain to veto it. Certain.

You sound bitter that Statists didn't try to fix the healthcare disaster they created over the last several decades with mandates, regualtions, handouts to big pharma, etc...

The GOp should keep their hands out of this meat grinder. it's a politcial win for them to do so. But it seems they'd rather take a run jump right into the cow patty.
Ted Cruz is coming out with his plan in the next few weeks....

Oh, I'm so sure it will be met with open debate arms... :lmao:

As if the senate or president is going to cave in and let a republican take credit. They'd rather burn the place down with Obama Tax.
Ted Cruz is coming out with his plan in the next few weeks....

Oh, I'm so sure it will be met with open debate arms... :lmao:

As if the senate or president is going to cave in and let a republican take credit. They'd rather burn the place down with Obama Tax.

debate?....yeah that'll happen.....:lol:

but at least the Rs will have some leadership....

Yup. Here is Alan Grayson demonstrating the level of debate Democrats will engage in.
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the problem with this bipartisan Upton bill is that now Rs own a piece of Obamacare too....stupid...stupid....stupid...:cuckoo:
Fix it or single-payer. America will accept nothing else. The small minority will continue to lose on this issue.

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