House Bill to Lower Insulin Costs PASSES - 193 GOPers Voted AGAINST it - Just 12 Voted FOR

Well, you can start here. It's usually a good place to find out what Republicans are actually saying, as opposed to what the mainstream media is reporting about them. It looks like their major objection really is the concerns about price controls, lack of addressing the core problem, and shifting the cost.

Thanks for that. I knew it wasn't as simple as 'evil Republicans voting for higher prices' as the OP tries to lie about.
"Government control over the manufacture and sale of goods and services". What do you call that again? Oh, yeah "fascism".

The measure would cap insulin costs at $35 a month for consumers enrolled in both private health insurance plans and Medicare. Currently, based on the patient’s condition and choice of treatments, costs can range from $334 to $1,000 a month for insulin, according to a 2020 Kaiser Family Foundation report.

This is a really good bill. If you know any Diabetics - it is a very expensive and unfair lifestyle. Those poor people pay a truckload for treatment. Anything to help their burden is great.

193 GOPers voted against it of course. Thoughts?
It is a stupid bill you stupid Moon Bat. Typical Democrat farting around that will increase the cost of premiums and co payments just like that filthy ass Obamacare bill did. Democrats fuck up everything they touch.

Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers, R-Wash., complained the legislation is only “a small piece of a larger package around government price controls for prescription drugs.” Critics say the bill would raise premiums and fails to target pharmaceutical middlemen seen as contributing to high list prices for insulin.

Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, said Democrats could have a deal on prescription drugs if they drop their bid to authorize Medicare to negotiate prices. “Do Democrats really want to help seniors, or would they rather have the campaign issue?” Grassley said.
Well, you can start here. It's usually a good place to find out what Republicans are actually saying, as opposed to what the mainstream media is reporting about them. It looks like their major objection really is the concerns about price controls, lack of addressing the core problem, and shifting the cost.

Republicans have no problem with increased shareholder value.
Well, let's keep in mind that the high prices the United States pays for all pharmaceuticals underwrites the low prices other countries pay. The governments of other countries impose strict price controls on the pharmaceutical companies, who then shift that cost onto Americans.

Do you know how much it cost to make insulin?

How Much Does It Cost To Make Insulin

The three main suppliers are screwing us big time and you don't seem to care. There is now a Federal Lawsuit to stop the absurd price hikes and to stop the malicious effort to prevent the ways to reduce the cost and allow for generics to come in.
Do you know how much it cost to make insulin?

How Much Does It Cost To Make Insulin

The three main suppliers are screwing us big time and you don't seem to care. There is now a Federal Lawsuit to stop the absurd price hikes and to stop the malicious effort to prevent the ways to reduce the cost and allow for generics to come in.
Well said! Very well
Here is an article talking about the ways the big 3 pharma prevents low Insulin prices:



So how much does it actually cost to produce insulin? And if a truly competitive market existed, how much could insulin cost per person?

Researchers from Imperial College London, the Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health, and Liverpool University set out to answer these questions with support from the ACCISS study, aiming to improve access to insulin globally. A recent study estimated the price tag associated with creating regular human insulin, analog insulin and their biosimilars.


Biosimilars are insulins designed to work similarly to an insulin product that already exists and has previously been licensed. This allows for lower costs of research and development, streamlined governmental and regulatory approvals, and ideally lower costs for the product.

Few biosimilar insulin products have come to market in the United States. In some instances, current insulin manufacturers have taken active steps to prevent new biosimilars from coming to market. For more on this, read “Where are all the generic insulins hiding?”.



There have been many big companies over the last 140 years been caught manipulating people and products for their own benefit this is just the latest manipulations the 3 big pharma has been caught doing which is why government regulations and Lawsuits (one pending now) are INEVITABLE as Anti-trust lawsuits were 120 years ago and why pure foods act of 1906 had to be passed and many more law to curb the excess and power of big corporations over the people.
Do you know how much it cost to make insulin?

How Much Does It Cost To Make Insulin

The three main suppliers are screwing us big time and you don't seem to care. There is now a Federal Lawsuit to stop the absurd price hikes and to stop the malicious effort to prevent the ways to reduce the cost and allow for generics to come in.

My, that's certainly a radical reading of the text. Can you show me where I said, or even indicated, that I didn't care? Or did you just really, REALLY want to give that speech and jump on someone for not caring about your pet issue, and imagine that I said it so that you had a target?
Well, let's keep in mind that the high prices the United States pays for all pharmaceuticals underwrites the low prices other countries pay. The governments of other countries impose strict price controls on the pharmaceutical companies, who then shift that cost onto Americans.

I can't honestly be sure if Sunset disagrees that price controls in other countries leave us subsidizing their health care, or if he's pissed about it happening, or if he's disagreeing with what his imagination told him I was saying in the conversation he created in his own head.
My, that's certainly a radical reading of the text. Can you show me where I said, or even indicated, that I didn't care? Or did you just really, REALLY want to give that speech and jump on someone for not caring about your pet issue, and imagine that I said it so that you had a target?

I responded your erroneous statement an article showing a different reality:

"Well, let's keep in mind that the high prices the United States pays for all pharmaceuticals underwrites the low prices other countries pay. The governments of other countries impose strict price controls on the pharmaceutical companies, who then shift that cost onto Americans."


There is plenty of evidence that the big 3 pharma companies are indeed screwing Diabetics for PROFIT!

That is what YOU are overlooking.
Monopoly isn't a part what Free Market is supposed to be about and you seem oblivious that it is the Corporations who DEVELOP Monopolies not Governments who eventually have to break it up or regulate it to some level.

Wikipedia helpfully tells us:

Free market​

In economics, a free market is a system in which the prices for goods and services are self-regulated by buyers and sellers negotiating in an open market without market coercions. In a free market, the laws and forces of supply and demand are free from any intervention by a government or other authority other than those interventions which are made to prohibit market coercions. Examples of such prohibited market coercions include: economic privilege, monopolies, and artificial scarcities.[1] Proponents of the concept of free market contrast it with a regulated market in which a government intervenes in the exchange of property for any reason other than reducing market coercions."


Red bolding mine
THIS monopoly is created and protected by the government.

Are you contesting that FACT.

And if not, what does your post have to do with THIS monopoly?
Those other countries listed in the link have controlled markets so it can't be that.
Yes, it can be that.

Because this particular problem is 100 percent created by a government enforced monopoly. Other examples that are not this are utterly irrelevant.

Free markets have lowered the price of computers so it cant be that.

Do you see how utterly vapid that statement is?
THIS monopoly is created and protected by the government.

Are you contesting that FACT.

And if not, what does your post have to do with THIS monopoly?

LOLOLOLO no The Corporations of all THREE of them who makes 96% of the world Insulin are indeed have a monopoly control which they use to resist generic insulin and resist biosimilar insulin production here in America while Europe have all that at hand which greatly drives down the price.

Read the article I posted showing all this.
Yes, it can be that.

Because this particular problem is 100 percent created by a government enforced monopoly. Other examples that are not this are utterly irrelevant.

Free markets have lowered the price of computers so it cant be that.

Do you see how utterly vapid that statement is?

Computers are things you can choose to buy or not. Insulin is not.

If the price of a computer is too high, people don't buy them.

If Insulin prices are high, people do not have the option of just not buying it.

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