House Bill to Lower Insulin Costs PASSES - 193 GOPers Voted AGAINST it - Just 12 Voted FOR

Actually, it was Obama health scam that did it to us. Between 2012 and 2016, the price of insulin doubled. Thanks Obama

In that Obamacare did absolutely nothing to address the cost side it never should have passed.
"Here sign this agreement to permit us to chop off your legs... don't want your mother to get 50% off gas for the next year??...hmmmm...?"

So fucking stupid.
There are ways to lower the cost using the free market.
Why is the federal supremacists answer always CONTROL?

Oddly the "free marketers" never seem to present these great idea's. Saying something can be done is a long ways from actually doing it.
Oddly the "free marketers" never seem to present these great idea's. Saying something can be done is a long ways from actually doing it.
Oddly, the free market cant address this issue with the federal govt keeping the market closed.
How does the entire FDA facilitate rent seeking and monopolists?

History of the Food and Drug Administration - Wikipedia

"In June 1906, President Theodore Roosevelt signed into law the Food and Drug Act, also known as the 'Wiley Act' after its chief advocate.[1]

"The Act prohibited, under penalty of seizure of goods, the interstate transport of food which had been 'adulterated,' with that term referring to the addition of fillers of reduced 'quality or strength,' coloring to conceal "damage or inferiority," formulation with additives 'injurious to health,' or the use of 'filthy, decomposed, or putrid' substances"
If you have to ask that after the last two years, you probably shouldn't be around sharp objects.
From your link:

Top 10 Countries Where Insulin is Most Expensive (2018 RAND Corporation):​

  1. United States — $98.70
  2. Chile — $21.48
  3. Mexico — $16.48
  4. Japan — $14.40
  5. Switzerland — $12.46
  6. Canada — $12.00
  7. Germany — $11.00
  8. Korea — $10.30
  9. Luxembourg — $10.15
  10. Italy — $10.03

This is what American Free Market ideology does to us.

Well, let's keep in mind that the high prices the United States pays for all pharmaceuticals underwrites the low prices other countries pay. The governments of other countries impose strict price controls on the pharmaceutical companies, who then shift that cost onto Americans.
I'd asking you to stop being a fucking idiot, but it must be genetic.

You cannot "invent' something that occurs naturally! Who discovered gold in California? Do you say he invented it?

What you CAN invent is a synthetic version of the naturally-occurring substance, however. The naturally-occurring insulins from dogs and pigs that we used prior to 1978 caused allergic reactions in some people.

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