House Dem: Impeaching Trump on party lines would 'tear the country apart'

Wyatt earp

Diamond Member
Apr 21, 2012
Of course it would, it would be pure war...

House Dem: Impeaching Trump on party lines would 'tear the country apart'

Rep. Jerry Nadler warned Monday that any impeachment proceedings against President Donald Trump that begin in the new, Democrat-controlled House of Representatives would need to clear an obvious partisan bar.

Nadler, who is set to take over as chairman of the House Judiciary Committee and would oversee a potential impeachment process, outlined in an interview on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” a three-pronged test that he said would make for a legitimate impeachment proceeding, including that the offenses in question must be so grave and the evidence so clear that even some supporters of the president concede that impeachment is necessary.

Once it’s determined that a president has committed an impeachable offense, Nadler said, lawmakers need to consider whether the offense will “rise to the gravity where it’s worth putting the country through the trauma of an impeachment proceeding.”

The New York Democrat, who voted against impeaching former President Bill Clinton, said that the impeachment process must transcend party lines “because you don't want to tear the country apart.”

yep. we need to stop this partisan bullshit where we make up reasons to make the other guy go away.
they won't jump the gun. they will wait for mueller's report to make it all the more delicious. & the best part is there just might be such over whelming evidence that even the rat fucking complacent (R)s will hafta go along.
I agree with the "don't impeach" sentiment. As much as I detest Trump, I philosophically oppose impeachment. Impeachment is bad for the country.

Impeachment is the political version of an abortion.

If Trump shot someone on Fifth Avenue, then impeach. Or if he laundered Russian mob money, impeach.

I don't believe Trump directly colluded with the Russians, but I do believe he is trying to cover up for those who did. He's kind of like Nixon in that way, but I still don't see Trump's actions rising to the level of impeachment.

He's more of a stumbling, incompetent boob with no respect for the office. That is STILL not something to impeach him over.

If anything, we should impeach the people who voted for him every day on this forum like we are.
they won't jump the gun. they will wait for mueller's report to make it all the more delicious. & the best part is there just might be such over whelming evidence that even the rat fucking complacent (R)s will hafta go along.

I agree with Jerry Nadler (as reported in the OP) on this. Let's see if the bar for impeachment stays at that level.

Firing Comey in no way reaches that level.
I agree with the "don't impeach" sentiment. As much as I detest Trump, I philosophically oppose impeachment. Impeachment is bad for the country.

Impeachment is the political version of an abortion.

If Trump shot someone on Fifth Avenue, then impeach. Or if he laundered Russian mob money, impeach.

I don't believe Trump directly colluded with the Russians, but I do believe he is trying to cover up for those who did. He's kind of like Nixon in that way, but I still don't see Trump's actions rising to the level of impeachment.

He's more of a stumbling, incompetent boob with no respect for the office. That is STILL not something to impeach him over.

If anything, we should impeach the people who voted for him every day on this forum like we are.

Trump is covering for Hillary and Podesta colluding with Russia?
Of course it would, it would be pure war...

House Dem: Impeaching Trump on party lines would 'tear the country apart'

Rep. Jerry Nadler warned Monday that any impeachment proceedings against President Donald Trump that begin in the new, Democrat-controlled House of Representatives would need to clear an obvious partisan bar.

Nadler, who is set to take over as chairman of the House Judiciary Committee and would oversee a potential impeachment process, outlined in an interview on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” a three-pronged test that he said would make for a legitimate impeachment proceeding, including that the offenses in question must be so grave and the evidence so clear that even some supporters of the president concede that impeachment is necessary.

Once it’s determined that a president has committed an impeachable offense, Nadler said, lawmakers need to consider whether the offense will “rise to the gravity where it’s worth putting the country through the trauma of an impeachment proceeding.”

The New York Democrat, who voted against impeaching former President Bill Clinton, said that the impeachment process must transcend party lines “because you don't want to tear the country apart.”

/----/ The Leftards need to have a sit down with Jerry and make his mind right.
Of course it would, it would be pure war...

House Dem: Impeaching Trump on party lines would 'tear the country apart'

Rep. Jerry Nadler warned Monday that any impeachment proceedings against President Donald Trump that begin in the new, Democrat-controlled House of Representatives would need to clear an obvious partisan bar.

Nadler, who is set to take over as chairman of the House Judiciary Committee and would oversee a potential impeachment process, outlined in an interview on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” a three-pronged test that he said would make for a legitimate impeachment proceeding, including that the offenses in question must be so grave and the evidence so clear that even some supporters of the president concede that impeachment is necessary.

Once it’s determined that a president has committed an impeachable offense, Nadler said, lawmakers need to consider whether the offense will “rise to the gravity where it’s worth putting the country through the trauma of an impeachment proceeding.”

The New York Democrat, who voted against impeaching former President Bill Clinton, said that the impeachment process must transcend party lines “because you don't want to tear the country apart.”

I think almost all Dems on the Hill agree with him, anyway. IMO, Mueller's report will be what tears us apart, whether there is an impeachment hearing or not. We have moved far beyond rational when it comes to Trump, on both sides. I kind of dread it, no matter what it says.
The “lock her up “ crowd is all upset about impeachment talk? Hypocrites.
The “lock her up “ crowd is all upset about impeachment talk? Hypocrites.
and people who are not into the LOCK HER UP crowd are upset also.

people keep trying to pigeonhole issues into a category and then blasting an entire base off of it. part of our collective stupidity these days is general laziness in who you're actually talking to.
The “lock her up “ crowd is all upset about impeachment talk? Hypocrites.

Try it. You have been saying impeach Trump before he was sworn in

And I would love to see it with out collusion..he would win in 2020.

Of course it would, it would be pure war...

House Dem: Impeaching Trump on party lines would 'tear the country apart'

Rep. Jerry Nadler warned Monday that any impeachment proceedings against President Donald Trump that begin in the new, Democrat-controlled House of Representatives would need to clear an obvious partisan bar.

Nadler, who is set to take over as chairman of the House Judiciary Committee and would oversee a potential impeachment process, outlined in an interview on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” a three-pronged test that he said would make for a legitimate impeachment proceeding, including that the offenses in question must be so grave and the evidence so clear that even some supporters of the president concede that impeachment is necessary.

Once it’s determined that a president has committed an impeachable offense, Nadler said, lawmakers need to consider whether the offense will “rise to the gravity where it’s worth putting the country through the trauma of an impeachment proceeding.”

The New York Democrat, who voted against impeaching former President Bill Clinton, said that the impeachment process must transcend party lines “because you don't want to tear the country apart.”

I think almost all Dems on the Hill agree with him, anyway. IMO, Mueller's report will be what tears us apart, whether there is an impeachment hearing or not. We have moved far beyond rational when it comes to Trump, on both sides. I kind of dread it, no matter what it says.
people are going to spin and spin hard to their direction which will spawn a billion stupid arguments that have nothing much to do with the core reason for the argument.

it will be certain chaos and far from "the final word". no one even knows what "the final word" looks like anymore. we're all too used to bitching til we get *our* way regardless of which side it is.
All Bill did was cheat on his wife and lie about it. Hair Commandant has him beat.
Nothing sucks more than a freakish partisan pretending to be a person who is pragmatic and willing to compromise.

At least G5K has gained credibility by stating clearly that Trump is unfit and incapable.

Others here fail on that score...and therefore suck bigly.
Of course it would, it would be pure war...

House Dem: Impeaching Trump on party lines would 'tear the country apart'

Rep. Jerry Nadler warned Monday that any impeachment proceedings against President Donald Trump that begin in the new, Democrat-controlled House of Representatives would need to clear an obvious partisan bar.

Nadler, who is set to take over as chairman of the House Judiciary Committee and would oversee a potential impeachment process, outlined in an interview on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” a three-pronged test that he said would make for a legitimate impeachment proceeding, including that the offenses in question must be so grave and the evidence so clear that even some supporters of the president concede that impeachment is necessary.

Once it’s determined that a president has committed an impeachable offense, Nadler said, lawmakers need to consider whether the offense will “rise to the gravity where it’s worth putting the country through the trauma of an impeachment proceeding.”

The New York Democrat, who voted against impeaching former President Bill Clinton, said that the impeachment process must transcend party lines “because you don't want to tear the country apart.”

I think almost all Dems on the Hill agree with him, anyway. IMO, Mueller's report will be what tears us apart, whether there is an impeachment hearing or not. We have moved far beyond rational when it comes to Trump, on both sides. I kind of dread it, no matter what it says.
people are going to spin and spin hard to their direction which will spawn a billion stupid arguments that have nothing much to do with the core reason for the argument.

it will be certain chaos and far from "the final word". no one even knows what "the final word" looks like anymore. we're all too used to bitching til we get *our* way regardless of which side it is.
I'm just gonna go by the report and ignore all the spin doctors who will never stop twisting reality to suit their outlook.
Nothing sucks more than a freakish partisan pretending to be a person who is pragmatic and willing to compromise.

At least G5K has gained credibility by stating clearly that Trump is unfit and incapable.

Others here fail on that score...and therefore suck bigly.
Nothing short of blood, as far as you're concerned, huh?
I don't have anything against an impeachment proceeding, but you have no evidence--only opinion that the President is unfit and incapable. He's doing the job, however much we might not approve of his decisions. There is a difference and you should know better.
The “lock her up “ crowd is all upset about impeachment talk? Hypocrites.

Can't wait for it to happen here. It will start the revolution.

My best chance to see the new, "old" America.
Nothing sucks more than a freakish partisan pretending to be a person who is pragmatic and willing to compromise.

At least G5K has gained credibility by stating clearly that Trump is unfit and incapable.

Others here fail on that score...and therefore suck bigly.
Nothing short of blood, as far as you're concerned, huh?
I don't have anything against an impeachment proceeding, but you have no evidence--only opinion that the President is unfit and incapable. He's doing the job, however much we might not approve of his decisions. There is a difference and you should know better.
yea, i loved his "gained cred by thinking like i do!!!!"

that's the type of "thought process" that got us into this crappile.

Im not sure it would make things any worse :) The Democrats have never accepted elections. They carry water for foreigners. And they have been joining with foreign powers to try and take down America's President since he was inaugurated. If they try this (1) they cant remove him and (2) it will be simply a difference in degree rather than kind. A continuation of the Deep State attacks on America. Why not have it in the open?

So let them get to it. You know their fondness for shutting governments down. Maybe this will keep them tied up for a while unable to wreak such havoc on the American people. And as i said there is nothing they can do ultimately except posture.

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