House Democrats Haven’t Even Taken Their Oaths and Already Acting Dumb

What did you expect, their stuck in their own fantasy world and have no clue as to how the real world works.
Haven't Dems warned em about Trumphitler
They are nuts. Cortez thinks the United States compares to Nazi, Germany. Sure...we exterminated 9million people in gas chambers. She is a complete fucking psychotic bitch.
I had 6 uncles in World War Two...3 of them wounded fighting the Nazis. I resent this dope saying that about the United States. When is she going to realize she is a tool for the DNC and liberal media. Flash in the pan ding-dong. Flavor of the moment for CNN and MSNBC.
I had 6 uncles in World War Two...3 of them wounded fighting the Nazis. I resent this dope saying that about the United States. When is she going to realize she is a tool for the DNC and liberal media. Flash in the pan ding-dong. Flavor of the moment for CNN and MSNBC.

I think she's a loose monkey wrench in the machine. I don't believe the globalists like having a wild eyed lunatic like her representing their party. Why do you think there was never a Saturday Night Live Skit of Hank Johnson on a capsized Island or Nanzi Pillousy stuttering through a McDonald's drive thru order at a bank teller window? If people start to see that it's the DNC that have the dumbest fucking people on earth wasting all of the efforts of the trees in DC as well as their tax dollars the billionaire donor class will have to buy a whole new political party, or just merge it into the CPUSA.
Anyone who disagrees with liberals is a Nazi. Learn history dip shit and the rest of America should look closely at the morons in Democratic Party.
Ocasio-Cortez compares members of migrant caravan to Jews fleeing Nazi Germany
Ocasio Cortez...I think the caravan should take refuge in the space between her ears.

She is right. These people are innocents fleeing for their lives from the drug lords. These drug lords are no different than Nazis. Yet Trump makes war on these people rather than the drug lords. You are the brainless fool.
Anyone who disagrees with liberals is a Nazi. Learn history dip shit and the rest of America should look closely at the morons in Democratic Party.
Ocasio-Cortez compares members of migrant caravan to Jews fleeing Nazi Germany
Ocasio Cortez...I think the caravan should take refuge in the space between her ears.

She is right. These people are innocents fleeing for their lives from the drug lords. These drug lords are no different than Nazis. Yet Trump makes war on these people rather than the drug lords. You are the brainless fool.
These people are not “innocents.” Stay in their own country and fight back. Why can’t they immigrate to Brazil?
I had 6 uncles in World War Two...3 of them wounded fighting the Nazis. I resent this dope saying that about the United States. When is she going to realize she is a tool for the DNC and liberal media. Flash in the pan ding-dong. Flavor of the moment for CNN and MSNBC.

Trump has used the Nazi playbook in his rise, Find a enemy and blame them for the country's problems. The Nazis used Jews. Trump uses Muslims and Hispanics. Trump makes war on women and children.
Anyone who disagrees with liberals is a Nazi. Learn history dip shit and the rest of America should look closely at the morons in Democratic Party.
Ocasio-Cortez compares members of migrant caravan to Jews fleeing Nazi Germany
Ocasio Cortez...I think the caravan should take refuge in the space between her ears.

She is right. These people are innocents fleeing for their lives from the drug lords. These drug lords are no different than Nazis. Yet Trump makes war on these people rather than the drug lords. You are the brainless fool.
If the corrupt Mexican government would get out of the way Trump would rip the drug cartels a new asshole. Where do you get your fantasy ideas from...MSNBC?
Anyone who disagrees with liberals is a Nazi. Learn history dip shit and the rest of America should look closely at the morons in Democratic Party.
Ocasio-Cortez compares members of migrant caravan to Jews fleeing Nazi Germany
Ocasio Cortez...I think the caravan should take refuge in the space between her ears.

Yet it is the Liberals who adopt Nazi principles...... checking private citizens’ trash cans to see if they disposed of lightbulbs improperly. How is this a conservative initiative??
Anyone who disagrees with liberals is a Nazi. Learn history dip shit and the rest of America should look closely at the morons in Democratic Party.
Ocasio-Cortez compares members of migrant caravan to Jews fleeing Nazi Germany
Ocasio Cortez...I think the caravan should take refuge in the space between her ears.

She is right. These people are innocents fleeing for their lives from the drug lords. These drug lords are no different than Nazis. Yet Trump makes war on these people rather than the drug lords. You are the brainless fool.
These people are not “innocents.” Stay in their own country and fight back. Why can’t they immigrate to Brazil?

They are innocents. Don't give me any of your crazy conspiracy theories. They can't fight back. Also WE are responsible for these drug lords. This country's desire for drugs finances the drug lords. Why don't you immigrate to Brazil.
Anyone who disagrees with liberals is a Nazi. Learn history dip shit and the rest of America should look closely at the morons in Democratic Party.
Ocasio-Cortez compares members of migrant caravan to Jews fleeing Nazi Germany
Ocasio Cortez...I think the caravan should take refuge in the space between her ears.

She is right. These people are innocents fleeing for their lives from the drug lords. These drug lords are no different than Nazis. Yet Trump makes war on these people rather than the drug lords. You are the brainless fool.
If the corrupt Mexican government would get out of the way Trump would rip the drug cartels a new asshole. Where do you get your fantasy ideas from...MSNBC?

We are not talking about Mexico. We are talking about Central America. We can attack their financing and we don't need Mexico for that. All Trump supporters live on Fantasy Island including you.
busybee01 said:
WE are responsible for these drug lords. This country's desire for drugs finances the drug lords. Why don't you immigrate to Brazil.
Deport Drug Users To Brazil
Will You Have Internet Access There ??
Anyone who disagrees with liberals is a Nazi. Learn history dip shit and the rest of America should look closely at the morons in Democratic Party.
Ocasio-Cortez compares members of migrant caravan to Jews fleeing Nazi Germany
Ocasio Cortez...I think the caravan should take refuge in the space between her ears.

She is right. These people are innocents fleeing for their lives from the drug lords. These drug lords are no different than Nazis. Yet Trump makes war on these people rather than the drug lords. You are the brainless fool.
If the corrupt Mexican government would get out of the way Trump would rip the drug cartels a new asshole. Where do you get your fantasy ideas from...MSNBC?

We are not talking about Mexico. We are talking about Central America. We can attack their financing and we don't need Mexico for that. All Trump supporters live on Fantasy Island including you.
Arm them...send them back to fight. Every male in that caravan is a coward. They are running like cowards instead of fighting back. Why can’t they fight back? Oh...that’s right...they don’t have a 2nd Amendment.
They Don't Give One Flip About Their Home Countries
They Just Want To Come To The United States

Our Inner City Slums
Are More Dangerous Than The Slums They're Leaving
And Maybe More Dirty
The world is a big scary place getting bigger and scarier by the day. And only Donald Trump will tell you how scary it is and only Donald Trump can save you!

crock of shit

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