House democrats introduce bill that would give Americans a $2000 dollar a month stipend

There’s about 30k new cases of COVID cases popping up each day. That’s with extreme social distancing measures put in place. 1500-2000 people dying a day. If things go back to normal many more lives will be sacrificed. And most people don’t even want to work in conditions where their safety is in jeopardy

Or maybe the social distancing simply isn't making any difference

The evidence says that it is working.

That’s what should guide your comments.

No, there's not. There's more evidence that this entire thing has been planned. Quit being so gullible. You're smarter than that.

There is zero evidence that “this entire thing has been planned”.

I’m in awe that someone who’d say what you’ve said has the balls to call any human gullible.

It is truly remarkable.

We have as much evidence that it was organic or that it was created in a lab. Bat soup, lol. Speaking of gullible.

Created in a lab is not the same thing as “the entire thing is planned”.

Unless you are willing to accept responsibility for any virus that we have in one of our labs getting released to the public.

Of course, if that happened, Trump would be quick to announce the matter and take the blame. Right?

You believe that Trump is trustworthy. You must never accuse anyone of being stupid or gullible.

I dont trust either of these two parties. Local and state with D and R have become little dictators sending down decrees to the populace. If this was created in a lab, it was planned to some degree. Im not going to accept as fact that this virus was the result of some bat picking up the virus and it spreading because someone ate some bat soup. This is ludicrous. The molecular environment in a bat is completely different than a human. When a virus makes a jump, there is usually an intermediary host that can attenuate it before it is transmitted to a human.

It's too suspicious that there was a biological lab very near by that market. More than that, our people were there a few years ago, and came back to report the lab wad run disgracefully and a real danger to the world. My money is that it came from that lab, and the government knew about it weeks before they disclosed what it really was.

That is not the same thing as being planned. Is it?

We don't know if it was or not. They are saying it was not meant as an immediate attack, but who knows what their motive was for creating and experimenting with this virus.
All nations have an interest in biological warfare

hitler had chemical and bio weapons but so did the Brits

he knew they would retaliate so he never used his
Just stop and think about the arrogance of some people.

None of the RW Trombie fools who post here will tell you that they, personally, would stop working and sit on their ass if someone offered to pay their salary plus. No way! They’d say no and go to work because that is what productive people do.

But, they are absolutely certain that “those lazy kids” or “those negroes” or “those libs” are gonna take the money and play video games all day.

Fucking arrogant assholes.

Most well adjusted Americans prefer to work.
Even some Dimms....

Almost all sane, able bodied adult Americans prefer to work. Very few that you cannot even tell me how many...refuse to work an available job and instead choose to live off of our tax dollars.

When you fuckers understand that fact, you will be PISSED at the assholes who convinced you otherwise.

At least in my state, if you made a livable wage, unemployment pays around 400 bucks a week. Factor in what the feds are handing out, that's a thousand bucks a week, which when taxes are figured in, like having a 60K a year job.

So if you are making 40K, and getting paid like a working person making 60K, why would you want to go back to work?

"Folks, when you pay people not to work, don't be too surprised when they don't"
Rush Limbaugh

Because that is the human condition. Humans want to be productive.

Liberals know this. RW nutbags don’t. It’s the key difference between us.

You can't be serious. Your average human would rather go to work for 40K a year than stay home and get paid a comparable 60K a year? Don't you believe it.

Would you take the 40k job or sit home and take 60k from your fellow citizens for doing nothing?

Why wouldn't I? Making 20K a year more than working? Why are you even posing that question? Who would take a 20K loss by working? Hell, we all want to payoff our cars, perhaps drive nicer ones, buy the newest iPhone, payoff the house early.......

You’d sit on your ass and do nothing while living off public funds if doing so meant you could earn more than if you worked?

How about if it paid the same?

Let's see, work and make 40K a year, or government will pay me 40K a year to sit home. Which one should I take?

I'm glad you love work so much that you wouldn't stop working if possible. But a lot of people hate working. They do it because that's the only way to put food on the table. I don't need work to live a happy life. I'm a boring guy, and I still have better ways to occupy my time than working.

This conversation reminds me of my next door neighbor. He worked all his life, but during the DumBama recession, he stayed on unemployment the entire two years. When he finally ran out of benefits, he went to work for his brother-in-law; a job he could have taken anytime in that two years.

So one of three things here: you either have such a pathetic life that working is the only joy you have, you don't work, and don't understand how exhausting working is; getting up morning after morning, working week after week, year after year, decade after decade. Or you are a very young person who hasn't been in the workforce for a very long time, and work is relatively new and challenging to you. Because when I was much younger, I felt the exact same way. I used to love going to work.

Man. You are what you despise.

I’m 55 and have been working since I was 14.

I’d work an available job rather than stay at home and MOOCH OFF OF MY FELLOW AMERICANS.

That’s the point, moron. If I won the lottery, I’d probably retire early and do community service work or run for office. But I would NEVER refuse an available job so I could sit on my ass and MOOCH.

You’re a fucking moocher at heart.

The first RW nutbag to admit that in the history of the USMB.


It’s a drastic measure, but who really knows how long this shutdown will last
After they have killed all the jobs where they gonna get the money from?
Its obvious that libs plan on going back to work - NEVER

This lib hasn’t stopped working, moron.
Stick the name-calling up your ass

No. You are a moron for making the statement that you just made. A divisive and hopeless moron.
There’s about 30k new cases of COVID cases popping up each day. That’s with extreme social distancing measures put in place. 1500-2000 people dying a day. If things go back to normal many more lives will be sacrificed. And most people don’t even want to work in conditions where their safety is in jeopardy

Or maybe the social distancing simply isn't making any difference

The evidence says that it is working.

That’s what should guide your comments.

No, there's not. There's more evidence that this entire thing has been planned. Quit being so gullible. You're smarter than that.

There is zero evidence that “this entire thing has been planned”.

I’m in awe that someone who’d say what you’ve said has the balls to call any human gullible.

It is truly remarkable.

We have as much evidence that it was organic or that it was created in a lab. Bat soup, lol. Speaking of gullible.

Created in a lab is not the same thing as “the entire thing is planned”.

Unless you are willing to accept responsibility for any virus that we have in one of our labs getting released to the public.

Of course, if that happened, Trump would be quick to announce the matter and take the blame. Right?

You believe that Trump is trustworthy. You must never accuse anyone of being stupid or gullible.

I dont trust either of these two parties. Local and state with D and R have become little dictators sending down decrees to the populace. If this was created in a lab, it was planned to some degree. Im not going to accept as fact that this virus was the result of some bat picking up the virus and it spreading because someone ate some bat soup. This is ludicrous. The molecular environment in a bat is completely different than a human. When a virus makes a jump, there is usually an intermediary host that can attenuate it before it is transmitted to a human.

It's too suspicious that there was a biological lab very near by that market. More than that, our people were there a few years ago, and came back to report the lab wad run disgracefully and a real danger to the world. My money is that it came from that lab, and the government knew about it weeks before they disclosed what it really was.

That is not the same thing as being planned. Is it?

We don't know if it was or not. They are saying it was not meant as an immediate attack, but who knows what their motive was for creating and experimenting with this virus.

You don’t you make assumptions. Good Trombie. Good.

It’s a drastic measure, but who really knows how long this shutdown will last
After they have killed all the jobs where they gonna get the money from?
Its obvious that libs plan on going back to work - NEVER

This lib hasn’t stopped working, moron.
Stick the name-calling up your ass

No. You are a moron for making the statement that you just made. A divisive and hopeless moron.

because you claim to be the exception?

big deal

every lib claims to be the one-of-a-kind exception

and you can still stick rhe cheap insults back up you ass where they come from
Just stop and think about the arrogance of some people.

None of the RW Trombie fools who post here will tell you that they, personally, would stop working and sit on their ass if someone offered to pay their salary plus. No way! They’d say no and go to work because that is what productive people do.

But, they are absolutely certain that “those lazy kids” or “those negroes” or “those libs” are gonna take the money and play video games all day.

Fucking arrogant assholes.

Most well adjusted Americans prefer to work.
Even some Dimms....

Almost all sane, able bodied adult Americans prefer to work. Very few that you cannot even tell me how many...refuse to work an available job and instead choose to live off of our tax dollars.

When you fuckers understand that fact, you will be PISSED at the assholes who convinced you otherwise.

At least in my state, if you made a livable wage, unemployment pays around 400 bucks a week. Factor in what the feds are handing out, that's a thousand bucks a week, which when taxes are figured in, like having a 60K a year job.

So if you are making 40K, and getting paid like a working person making 60K, why would you want to go back to work?

"Folks, when you pay people not to work, don't be too surprised when they don't"
Rush Limbaugh

Because that is the human condition. Humans want to be productive.

Liberals know this. RW nutbags don’t. It’s the key difference between us.

You can't be serious. Your average human would rather go to work for 40K a year than stay home and get paid a comparable 60K a year? Don't you believe it.

Would you take the 40k job or sit home and take 60k from your fellow citizens for doing nothing?

Why wouldn't I? Making 20K a year more than working? Why are you even posing that question? Who would take a 20K loss by working? Hell, we all want to payoff our cars, perhaps drive nicer ones, buy the newest iPhone, payoff the house early.......

You’d sit on your ass and do nothing while living off public funds if doing so meant you could earn more than if you worked?

How about if it paid the same?

Let's see, work and make 40K a year, or government will pay me 40K a year to sit home. Which one should I take?

I'm glad you love work so much that you wouldn't stop working if possible. But a lot of people hate working. They do it because that's the only way to put food on the table. I don't need work to live a happy life. I'm a boring guy, and I still have better ways to occupy my time than working.

This conversation reminds me of my next door neighbor. He worked all his life, but during the DumBama recession, he stayed on unemployment the entire two years. When he finally ran out of benefits, he went to work for his brother-in-law; a job he could have taken anytime in that two years.

So one of three things here: you either have such a pathetic life that working is the only joy you have, you don't work, and don't understand how exhausting working is; getting up morning after morning, working week after week, year after year, decade after decade. Or you are a very young person who hasn't been in the workforce for a very long time, and work is relatively new and challenging to you. Because when I was much younger, I felt the exact same way. I used to love going to work.

Man. You are what you despise.

I’m 55 and have been working since I was 14.

I’d work an available job rather than stay at home and MOOCH OFF OF MY FELLOW AMERICANS.

That’s the point, moron. If I won the lottery, I’d probably retire early and do community service work or run for office. But I would NEVER refuse an available job so I could sit on my ass and MOOCH.

You’re a fucking moocher at heart.

The first RW nutbag to admit that in the history of the USMB.


Newsflash: most Americans work out of necessity, not because they love working. If people are paid sufficiently enough to stay home that’s exactly what they’ll do. Unless you have evidence to back your theory up, I’ll go with mine.
There’s about 30k new cases of COVID cases popping up each day. That’s with extreme social distancing measures put in place. 1500-2000 people dying a day. If things go back to normal many more lives will be sacrificed. And most people don’t even want to work in conditions where their safety is in jeopardy

Or maybe the social distancing simply isn't making any difference

The evidence says that it is working.

That’s what should guide your comments.

No, there's not. There's more evidence that this entire thing has been planned. Quit being so gullible. You're smarter than that.

There is zero evidence that “this entire thing has been planned”.

I’m in awe that someone who’d say what you’ve said has the balls to call any human gullible.

It is truly remarkable.

We have as much evidence that it was organic or that it was created in a lab. Bat soup, lol. Speaking of gullible.

Created in a lab is not the same thing as “the entire thing is planned”.

Unless you are willing to accept responsibility for any virus that we have in one of our labs getting released to the public.

Of course, if that happened, Trump would be quick to announce the matter and take the blame. Right?

You believe that Trump is trustworthy. You must never accuse anyone of being stupid or gullible.

I dont trust either of these two parties. Local and state with D and R have become little dictators sending down decrees to the populace. If this was created in a lab, it was planned to some degree. Im not going to accept as fact that this virus was the result of some bat picking up the virus and it spreading because someone ate some bat soup. This is ludicrous. The molecular environment in a bat is completely different than a human. When a virus makes a jump, there is usually an intermediary host that can attenuate it before it is transmitted to a human.

It's too suspicious that there was a biological lab very near by that market. More than that, our people were there a few years ago, and came back to report the lab wad run disgracefully and a real danger to the world. My money is that it came from that lab, and the government knew about it weeks before they disclosed what it really was.

That is not the same thing as being planned. Is it?

We don't know if it was or not. They are saying it was not meant as an immediate attack, but who knows what their motive was for creating and experimenting with this virus.

You don’t you make assumptions. Good Trombie. Good.

Don't we all make assumptions? I stated I don't know, and I don't like to say things I have no proof of. It will be looked into, and as evidence comes out, we can draw a more accurate conclusion. What we do know however is that China stopped all domestic flights in and out of Wuhan upon the discover of this virus. They allowed international flights. Now over 30,000 Americans are dead, many many more suffering, and this thing has brought America to her knees.
Just stop and think about the arrogance of some people.

None of the RW Trombie fools who post here will tell you that they, personally, would stop working and sit on their ass if someone offered to pay their salary plus. No way! They’d say no and go to work because that is what productive people do.

But, they are absolutely certain that “those lazy kids” or “those negroes” or “those libs” are gonna take the money and play video games all day.

Fucking arrogant assholes.

Most well adjusted Americans prefer to work.
Even some Dimms....

Almost all sane, able bodied adult Americans prefer to work. Very few that you cannot even tell me how many...refuse to work an available job and instead choose to live off of our tax dollars.

When you fuckers understand that fact, you will be PISSED at the assholes who convinced you otherwise.

At least in my state, if you made a livable wage, unemployment pays around 400 bucks a week. Factor in what the feds are handing out, that's a thousand bucks a week, which when taxes are figured in, like having a 60K a year job.

So if you are making 40K, and getting paid like a working person making 60K, why would you want to go back to work?

"Folks, when you pay people not to work, don't be too surprised when they don't"
Rush Limbaugh

Because that is the human condition. Humans want to be productive.

Liberals know this. RW nutbags don’t. It’s the key difference between us.

You can't be serious. Your average human would rather go to work for 40K a year than stay home and get paid a comparable 60K a year? Don't you believe it.

Would you take the 40k job or sit home and take 60k from your fellow citizens for doing nothing?

Why wouldn't I? Making 20K a year more than working? Why are you even posing that question? Who would take a 20K loss by working? Hell, we all want to payoff our cars, perhaps drive nicer ones, buy the newest iPhone, payoff the house early.......

You’d sit on your ass and do nothing while living off public funds if doing so meant you could earn more than if you worked?

How about if it paid the same?

Let's see, work and make 40K a year, or government will pay me 40K a year to sit home. Which one should I take?

I'm glad you love work so much that you wouldn't stop working if possible. But a lot of people hate working. They do it because that's the only way to put food on the table. I don't need work to live a happy life. I'm a boring guy, and I still have better ways to occupy my time than working.

This conversation reminds me of my next door neighbor. He worked all his life, but during the DumBama recession, he stayed on unemployment the entire two years. When he finally ran out of benefits, he went to work for his brother-in-law; a job he could have taken anytime in that two years.

So one of three things here: you either have such a pathetic life that working is the only joy you have, you don't work, and don't understand how exhausting working is; getting up morning after morning, working week after week, year after year, decade after decade. Or you are a very young person who hasn't been in the workforce for a very long time, and work is relatively new and challenging to you. Because when I was much younger, I felt the exact same way. I used to love going to work.

Man. You are what you despise.

I’m 55 and have been working since I was 14.

I’d work an available job rather than stay at home and MOOCH OFF OF MY FELLOW AMERICANS.

That’s the point, moron. If I won the lottery, I’d probably retire early and do community service work or run for office. But I would NEVER refuse an available job so I could sit on my ass and MOOCH.

You’re a fucking moocher at heart.

The first RW nutbag to admit that in the history of the USMB.


Newsflash: most Americans work out of necessity, not because they love working. If people are paid sufficiently enough to stay home that’s exactly what they’ll do. Unless you have evidence to back your theory up, I’ll go with mine.
You’d mooch too?

It’s a drastic measure, but who really knows how long this shutdown will last
After they have killed all the jobs where they gonna get the money from?
Its obvious that libs plan on going back to work - NEVER

This lib hasn’t stopped working, moron.
Stick the name-calling up your ass

No. You are a moron for making the statement that you just made. A divisive and hopeless moron.

because you claim to be the exception?

big deal

every lib claims to be the one-of-a-kind exception

and you can still stick rhe cheap insults back up you ass where they come from

Not an exception. Libs work just as hard as cons. Dummy.
Just stop and think about the arrogance of some people.

None of the RW Trombie fools who post here will tell you that they, personally, would stop working and sit on their ass if someone offered to pay their salary plus. No way! They’d say no and go to work because that is what productive people do.

But, they are absolutely certain that “those lazy kids” or “those negroes” or “those libs” are gonna take the money and play video games all day.

Fucking arrogant assholes.

Most well adjusted Americans prefer to work.
Even some Dimms....

Almost all sane, able bodied adult Americans prefer to work. Very few that you cannot even tell me how many...refuse to work an available job and instead choose to live off of our tax dollars.

When you fuckers understand that fact, you will be PISSED at the assholes who convinced you otherwise.

At least in my state, if you made a livable wage, unemployment pays around 400 bucks a week. Factor in what the feds are handing out, that's a thousand bucks a week, which when taxes are figured in, like having a 60K a year job.

So if you are making 40K, and getting paid like a working person making 60K, why would you want to go back to work?

"Folks, when you pay people not to work, don't be too surprised when they don't"
Rush Limbaugh

Because that is the human condition. Humans want to be productive.

Liberals know this. RW nutbags don’t. It’s the key difference between us.

You can't be serious. Your average human would rather go to work for 40K a year than stay home and get paid a comparable 60K a year? Don't you believe it.

Would you take the 40k job or sit home and take 60k from your fellow citizens for doing nothing?

Why wouldn't I? Making 20K a year more than working? Why are you even posing that question? Who would take a 20K loss by working? Hell, we all want to payoff our cars, perhaps drive nicer ones, buy the newest iPhone, payoff the house early.......

You’d sit on your ass and do nothing while living off public funds if doing so meant you could earn more than if you worked?

How about if it paid the same?

Let's see, work and make 40K a year, or government will pay me 40K a year to sit home. Which one should I take?

I'm glad you love work so much that you wouldn't stop working if possible. But a lot of people hate working. They do it because that's the only way to put food on the table. I don't need work to live a happy life. I'm a boring guy, and I still have better ways to occupy my time than working.

This conversation reminds me of my next door neighbor. He worked all his life, but during the DumBama recession, he stayed on unemployment the entire two years. When he finally ran out of benefits, he went to work for his brother-in-law; a job he could have taken anytime in that two years.

So one of three things here: you either have such a pathetic life that working is the only joy you have, you don't work, and don't understand how exhausting working is; getting up morning after morning, working week after week, year after year, decade after decade. Or you are a very young person who hasn't been in the workforce for a very long time, and work is relatively new and challenging to you. Because when I was much younger, I felt the exact same way. I used to love going to work.

Man. You are what you despise.

I’m 55 and have been working since I was 14.

I’d work an available job rather than stay at home and MOOCH OFF OF MY FELLOW AMERICANS.

That’s the point, moron. If I won the lottery, I’d probably retire early and do community service work or run for office. But I would NEVER refuse an available job so I could sit on my ass and MOOCH.

You’re a fucking moocher at heart.

The first RW nutbag to admit that in the history of the USMB.


I think most people would, and political affiliation has nothing to do with it. Where are most of the welfare recipients at? They are in the inner-cities, who vote Democrat by 99%.

A few of my coworkers were former government workers. I asked why they came back to work when they retired at 55? They told me they were bored. I felt sorry for them. I couldn't imagine having a life where the most sensational part of it is working for somebody else. Back in the late 80's, I had a coworker that did hit the lottery. I didn't know him very well, he worked in a different department. But what I was told is that he hit for a million dollars.

So there are people who just enjoy working. It was great when I was younger, but when I started getting older, I realized life is really too short, and I could use my time on this planet for other things than working.

It’s a drastic measure, but who really knows how long this shutdown will last
After they have killed all the jobs where they gonna get the money from?
Its obvious that libs plan on going back to work - NEVER

This lib hasn’t stopped working, moron.
Stick the name-calling up your ass

No. You are a moron for making the statement that you just made. A divisive and hopeless moron.

because you claim to be the exception?

big deal

every lib claims to be the one-of-a-kind exception

and you can still stick rhe cheap insults back up you ass where they come from

Not an exception. Libs work just as hard as cons. Dummy.
Yes, we can can see how hard you are working to destroy this country.

It’s a drastic measure, but who really knows how long this shutdown will last
After they have killed all the jobs where they gonna get the money from?
Its obvious that libs plan on going back to work - NEVER

This lib hasn’t stopped working, moron.
Stick the name-calling up your ass

No. You are a moron for making the statement that you just made. A divisive and hopeless moron.

because you claim to be the exception?

big deal

every lib claims to be the one-of-a-kind exception

and you can still stick rhe cheap insults back up you ass where they come from

Not an exception. Libs work just as hard as cons. Dummy.
you are still posting from the gutter I see
Just stop and think about the arrogance of some people.

None of the RW Trombie fools who post here will tell you that they, personally, would stop working and sit on their ass if someone offered to pay their salary plus. No way! They’d say no and go to work because that is what productive people do.

But, they are absolutely certain that “those lazy kids” or “those negroes” or “those libs” are gonna take the money and play video games all day.

Fucking arrogant assholes.

Most well adjusted Americans prefer to work.
Even some Dimms....

Almost all sane, able bodied adult Americans prefer to work. Very few that you cannot even tell me how many...refuse to work an available job and instead choose to live off of our tax dollars.

When you fuckers understand that fact, you will be PISSED at the assholes who convinced you otherwise.

At least in my state, if you made a livable wage, unemployment pays around 400 bucks a week. Factor in what the feds are handing out, that's a thousand bucks a week, which when taxes are figured in, like having a 60K a year job.

So if you are making 40K, and getting paid like a working person making 60K, why would you want to go back to work?

"Folks, when you pay people not to work, don't be too surprised when they don't"
Rush Limbaugh

Because that is the human condition. Humans want to be productive.

Liberals know this. RW nutbags don’t. It’s the key difference between us.

You can't be serious. Your average human would rather go to work for 40K a year than stay home and get paid a comparable 60K a year? Don't you believe it.

Would you take the 40k job or sit home and take 60k from your fellow citizens for doing nothing?

Why wouldn't I? Making 20K a year more than working? Why are you even posing that question? Who would take a 20K loss by working? Hell, we all want to payoff our cars, perhaps drive nicer ones, buy the newest iPhone, payoff the house early.......

You’d sit on your ass and do nothing while living off public funds if doing so meant you could earn more than if you worked?

How about if it paid the same?

Let's see, work and make 40K a year, or government will pay me 40K a year to sit home. Which one should I take?

I'm glad you love work so much that you wouldn't stop working if possible. But a lot of people hate working. They do it because that's the only way to put food on the table. I don't need work to live a happy life. I'm a boring guy, and I still have better ways to occupy my time than working.

This conversation reminds me of my next door neighbor. He worked all his life, but during the DumBama recession, he stayed on unemployment the entire two years. When he finally ran out of benefits, he went to work for his brother-in-law; a job he could have taken anytime in that two years.

So one of three things here: you either have such a pathetic life that working is the only joy you have, you don't work, and don't understand how exhausting working is; getting up morning after morning, working week after week, year after year, decade after decade. Or you are a very young person who hasn't been in the workforce for a very long time, and work is relatively new and challenging to you. Because when I was much younger, I felt the exact same way. I used to love going to work.

Man. You are what you despise.

I’m 55 and have been working since I was 14.

I’d work an available job rather than stay at home and MOOCH OFF OF MY FELLOW AMERICANS.

That’s the point, moron. If I won the lottery, I’d probably retire early and do community service work or run for office. But I would NEVER refuse an available job so I could sit on my ass and MOOCH.

You’re a fucking moocher at heart.

The first RW nutbag to admit that in the history of the USMB.


Newsflash: most Americans work out of necessity, not because they love working. If people are paid sufficiently enough to stay home that’s exactly what they’ll do. Unless you have evidence to back your theory up, I’ll go with mine.
You’d mooch too?

well if you offered me more money to stay at home I’d be an idiot not to accept
Just stop and think about the arrogance of some people.

None of the RW Trombie fools who post here will tell you that they, personally, would stop working and sit on their ass if someone offered to pay their salary plus. No way! They’d say no and go to work because that is what productive people do.

But, they are absolutely certain that “those lazy kids” or “those negroes” or “those libs” are gonna take the money and play video games all day.

Fucking arrogant assholes.

Most well adjusted Americans prefer to work.
Even some Dimms....

Almost all sane, able bodied adult Americans prefer to work. Very few that you cannot even tell me how many...refuse to work an available job and instead choose to live off of our tax dollars.

When you fuckers understand that fact, you will be PISSED at the assholes who convinced you otherwise.

At least in my state, if you made a livable wage, unemployment pays around 400 bucks a week. Factor in what the feds are handing out, that's a thousand bucks a week, which when taxes are figured in, like having a 60K a year job.

So if you are making 40K, and getting paid like a working person making 60K, why would you want to go back to work?

"Folks, when you pay people not to work, don't be too surprised when they don't"
Rush Limbaugh

Because that is the human condition. Humans want to be productive.

Liberals know this. RW nutbags don’t. It’s the key difference between us.

You can't be serious. Your average human would rather go to work for 40K a year than stay home and get paid a comparable 60K a year? Don't you believe it.

Would you take the 40k job or sit home and take 60k from your fellow citizens for doing nothing?

Why wouldn't I? Making 20K a year more than working? Why are you even posing that question? Who would take a 20K loss by working? Hell, we all want to payoff our cars, perhaps drive nicer ones, buy the newest iPhone, payoff the house early.......

You’d sit on your ass and do nothing while living off public funds if doing so meant you could earn more than if you worked?

How about if it paid the same?

Let's see, work and make 40K a year, or government will pay me 40K a year to sit home. Which one should I take?

I'm glad you love work so much that you wouldn't stop working if possible. But a lot of people hate working. They do it because that's the only way to put food on the table. I don't need work to live a happy life. I'm a boring guy, and I still have better ways to occupy my time than working.

This conversation reminds me of my next door neighbor. He worked all his life, but during the DumBama recession, he stayed on unemployment the entire two years. When he finally ran out of benefits, he went to work for his brother-in-law; a job he could have taken anytime in that two years.

So one of three things here: you either have such a pathetic life that working is the only joy you have, you don't work, and don't understand how exhausting working is; getting up morning after morning, working week after week, year after year, decade after decade. Or you are a very young person who hasn't been in the workforce for a very long time, and work is relatively new and challenging to you. Because when I was much younger, I felt the exact same way. I used to love going to work.

Man. You are what you despise.

I’m 55 and have been working since I was 14.

I’d work an available job rather than stay at home and MOOCH OFF OF MY FELLOW AMERICANS.

That’s the point, moron. If I won the lottery, I’d probably retire early and do community service work or run for office. But I would NEVER refuse an available job so I could sit on my ass and MOOCH.

You’re a fucking moocher at heart.

The first RW nutbag to admit that in the history of the USMB.


I think most people would, and political affiliation has nothing to do with it. Where are most of the welfare recipients at? They are in the inner-cities, who vote Democrat by 99%.

A few of my coworkers were former government workers. I asked why they came back to work when they retired at 55? They told me they were bored. I felt sorry for them. I couldn't imagine having a life where the most sensational part of it is working for somebody else. Back in the late 80's, I had a coworker that did hit the lottery. I didn't know him very well, he worked in a different department. But what I was told is that he hit for a million dollars.

So there are people who just enjoy working. It was great when I was younger, but when I started getting older, I realized life is really too short, and I could use my time on this planet for other things than working.

Yea. You despise “welfare recipients” for doing (in your fantasy land) what you say you would do.

Inner City poor people are low percentage voters, by the way. It is a myth that they are given free shit in return for votes.

I’m still blown away by the admission from you that you’d become a burden to society if it paid you enough.

A real eye opener.
Just stop and think about the arrogance of some people.

None of the RW Trombie fools who post here will tell you that they, personally, would stop working and sit on their ass if someone offered to pay their salary plus. No way! They’d say no and go to work because that is what productive people do.

But, they are absolutely certain that “those lazy kids” or “those negroes” or “those libs” are gonna take the money and play video games all day.

Fucking arrogant assholes.

Most well adjusted Americans prefer to work.
Even some Dimms....

Almost all sane, able bodied adult Americans prefer to work. Very few that you cannot even tell me how many...refuse to work an available job and instead choose to live off of our tax dollars.

When you fuckers understand that fact, you will be PISSED at the assholes who convinced you otherwise.

At least in my state, if you made a livable wage, unemployment pays around 400 bucks a week. Factor in what the feds are handing out, that's a thousand bucks a week, which when taxes are figured in, like having a 60K a year job.

So if you are making 40K, and getting paid like a working person making 60K, why would you want to go back to work?

"Folks, when you pay people not to work, don't be too surprised when they don't"
Rush Limbaugh

Because that is the human condition. Humans want to be productive.

Liberals know this. RW nutbags don’t. It’s the key difference between us.

You can't be serious. Your average human would rather go to work for 40K a year than stay home and get paid a comparable 60K a year? Don't you believe it.

Would you take the 40k job or sit home and take 60k from your fellow citizens for doing nothing?

Why wouldn't I? Making 20K a year more than working? Why are you even posing that question? Who would take a 20K loss by working? Hell, we all want to payoff our cars, perhaps drive nicer ones, buy the newest iPhone, payoff the house early.......

You’d sit on your ass and do nothing while living off public funds if doing so meant you could earn more than if you worked?

How about if it paid the same?

Let's see, work and make 40K a year, or government will pay me 40K a year to sit home. Which one should I take?

I'm glad you love work so much that you wouldn't stop working if possible. But a lot of people hate working. They do it because that's the only way to put food on the table. I don't need work to live a happy life. I'm a boring guy, and I still have better ways to occupy my time than working.

This conversation reminds me of my next door neighbor. He worked all his life, but during the DumBama recession, he stayed on unemployment the entire two years. When he finally ran out of benefits, he went to work for his brother-in-law; a job he could have taken anytime in that two years.

So one of three things here: you either have such a pathetic life that working is the only joy you have, you don't work, and don't understand how exhausting working is; getting up morning after morning, working week after week, year after year, decade after decade. Or you are a very young person who hasn't been in the workforce for a very long time, and work is relatively new and challenging to you. Because when I was much younger, I felt the exact same way. I used to love going to work.

Man. You are what you despise.

I’m 55 and have been working since I was 14.

I’d work an available job rather than stay at home and MOOCH OFF OF MY FELLOW AMERICANS.

That’s the point, moron. If I won the lottery, I’d probably retire early and do community service work or run for office. But I would NEVER refuse an available job so I could sit on my ass and MOOCH.

You’re a fucking moocher at heart.

The first RW nutbag to admit that in the history of the USMB.


I think most people would, and political affiliation has nothing to do with it. Where are most of the welfare recipients at? They are in the inner-cities, who vote Democrat by 99%.

A few of my coworkers were former government workers. I asked why they came back to work when they retired at 55? They told me they were bored. I felt sorry for them. I couldn't imagine having a life where the most sensational part of it is working for somebody else. Back in the late 80's, I had a coworker that did hit the lottery. I didn't know him very well, he worked in a different department. But what I was told is that he hit for a million dollars.

So there are people who just enjoy working. It was great when I was younger, but when I started getting older, I realized life is really too short, and I could use my time on this planet for other things than working.

Yea. You despise “welfare recipients” for doing (in your fantasy land) what you say you would do.

Inner City poor people are low percentage voters, by the way. It is a myth that they are given free shit in return for votes.

I’m still blown away by the admission from you that you’d become a burden to society if it paid you enough.

A real eye opener.

Oh come on. NYC has over 8 million people alone. Of course you have a lot of lower income voters there just like any other city. They mostly vote Democrat and many are using our welfare programs. Do you really think Democrats push for more and more social programs because they are such nice people? Better look at the man behind the curtain.
Just stop and think about the arrogance of some people.

None of the RW Trombie fools who post here will tell you that they, personally, would stop working and sit on their ass if someone offered to pay their salary plus. No way! They’d say no and go to work because that is what productive people do.

But, they are absolutely certain that “those lazy kids” or “those negroes” or “those libs” are gonna take the money and play video games all day.

Fucking arrogant assholes.

Most well adjusted Americans prefer to work.
Even some Dimms....

Almost all sane, able bodied adult Americans prefer to work. Very few that you cannot even tell me how many...refuse to work an available job and instead choose to live off of our tax dollars.

When you fuckers understand that fact, you will be PISSED at the assholes who convinced you otherwise.

At least in my state, if you made a livable wage, unemployment pays around 400 bucks a week. Factor in what the feds are handing out, that's a thousand bucks a week, which when taxes are figured in, like having a 60K a year job.

So if you are making 40K, and getting paid like a working person making 60K, why would you want to go back to work?

"Folks, when you pay people not to work, don't be too surprised when they don't"
Rush Limbaugh

Because that is the human condition. Humans want to be productive.

Liberals know this. RW nutbags don’t. It’s the key difference between us.

You can't be serious. Your average human would rather go to work for 40K a year than stay home and get paid a comparable 60K a year? Don't you believe it.

Would you take the 40k job or sit home and take 60k from your fellow citizens for doing nothing?

Why wouldn't I? Making 20K a year more than working? Why are you even posing that question? Who would take a 20K loss by working? Hell, we all want to payoff our cars, perhaps drive nicer ones, buy the newest iPhone, payoff the house early.......

You’d sit on your ass and do nothing while living off public funds if doing so meant you could earn more than if you worked?

How about if it paid the same?

Let's see, work and make 40K a year, or government will pay me 40K a year to sit home. Which one should I take?

I'm glad you love work so much that you wouldn't stop working if possible. But a lot of people hate working. They do it because that's the only way to put food on the table. I don't need work to live a happy life. I'm a boring guy, and I still have better ways to occupy my time than working.

This conversation reminds me of my next door neighbor. He worked all his life, but during the DumBama recession, he stayed on unemployment the entire two years. When he finally ran out of benefits, he went to work for his brother-in-law; a job he could have taken anytime in that two years.

So one of three things here: you either have such a pathetic life that working is the only joy you have, you don't work, and don't understand how exhausting working is; getting up morning after morning, working week after week, year after year, decade after decade. Or you are a very young person who hasn't been in the workforce for a very long time, and work is relatively new and challenging to you. Because when I was much younger, I felt the exact same way. I used to love going to work.

Man. You are what you despise.

I’m 55 and have been working since I was 14.

I’d work an available job rather than stay at home and MOOCH OFF OF MY FELLOW AMERICANS.

That’s the point, moron. If I won the lottery, I’d probably retire early and do community service work or run for office. But I would NEVER refuse an available job so I could sit on my ass and MOOCH.

You’re a fucking moocher at heart.

The first RW nutbag to admit that in the history of the USMB.


Newsflash: most Americans work out of necessity, not because they love working. If people are paid sufficiently enough to stay home that’s exactly what they’ll do. Unless you have evidence to back your theory up, I’ll go with mine.
You’d mooch too?

well if you offered me more money to stay at home I’d be an idiot not to accept

Let’s be clear. I’m not the one offering. The question regards you taking public funds instead of working a job. You
Just stop and think about the arrogance of some people.

None of the RW Trombie fools who post here will tell you that they, personally, would stop working and sit on their ass if someone offered to pay their salary plus. No way! They’d say no and go to work because that is what productive people do.

But, they are absolutely certain that “those lazy kids” or “those negroes” or “those libs” are gonna take the money and play video games all day.

Fucking arrogant assholes.

Most well adjusted Americans prefer to work.
Even some Dimms....

Almost all sane, able bodied adult Americans prefer to work. Very few that you cannot even tell me how many...refuse to work an available job and instead choose to live off of our tax dollars.

When you fuckers understand that fact, you will be PISSED at the assholes who convinced you otherwise.

At least in my state, if you made a livable wage, unemployment pays around 400 bucks a week. Factor in what the feds are handing out, that's a thousand bucks a week, which when taxes are figured in, like having a 60K a year job.

So if you are making 40K, and getting paid like a working person making 60K, why would you want to go back to work?

"Folks, when you pay people not to work, don't be too surprised when they don't"
Rush Limbaugh

Because that is the human condition. Humans want to be productive.

Liberals know this. RW nutbags don’t. It’s the key difference between us.

You can't be serious. Your average human would rather go to work for 40K a year than stay home and get paid a comparable 60K a year? Don't you believe it.

Would you take the 40k job or sit home and take 60k from your fellow citizens for doing nothing?

Why wouldn't I? Making 20K a year more than working? Why are you even posing that question? Who would take a 20K loss by working? Hell, we all want to payoff our cars, perhaps drive nicer ones, buy the newest iPhone, payoff the house early.......

You’d sit on your ass and do nothing while living off public funds if doing so meant you could earn more than if you worked?

How about if it paid the same?

Let's see, work and make 40K a year, or government will pay me 40K a year to sit home. Which one should I take?

I'm glad you love work so much that you wouldn't stop working if possible. But a lot of people hate working. They do it because that's the only way to put food on the table. I don't need work to live a happy life. I'm a boring guy, and I still have better ways to occupy my time than working.

This conversation reminds me of my next door neighbor. He worked all his life, but during the DumBama recession, he stayed on unemployment the entire two years. When he finally ran out of benefits, he went to work for his brother-in-law; a job he could have taken anytime in that two years.

So one of three things here: you either have such a pathetic life that working is the only joy you have, you don't work, and don't understand how exhausting working is; getting up morning after morning, working week after week, year after year, decade after decade. Or you are a very young person who hasn't been in the workforce for a very long time, and work is relatively new and challenging to you. Because when I was much younger, I felt the exact same way. I used to love going to work.

Man. You are what you despise.

I’m 55 and have been working since I was 14.

I’d work an available job rather than stay at home and MOOCH OFF OF MY FELLOW AMERICANS.

That’s the point, moron. If I won the lottery, I’d probably retire early and do community service work or run for office. But I would NEVER refuse an available job so I could sit on my ass and MOOCH.

You’re a fucking moocher at heart.

The first RW nutbag to admit that in the history of the USMB.


I think most people would, and political affiliation has nothing to do with it. Where are most of the welfare recipients at? They are in the inner-cities, who vote Democrat by 99%.

A few of my coworkers were former government workers. I asked why they came back to work when they retired at 55? They told me they were bored. I felt sorry for them. I couldn't imagine having a life where the most sensational part of it is working for somebody else. Back in the late 80's, I had a coworker that did hit the lottery. I didn't know him very well, he worked in a different department. But what I was told is that he hit for a million dollars.

So there are people who just enjoy working. It was great when I was younger, but when I started getting older, I realized life is really too short, and I could use my time on this planet for other things than working.

Yea. You despise “welfare recipients” for doing (in your fantasy land) what you say you would do.

Inner City poor people are low percentage voters, by the way. It is a myth that they are given free shit in return for votes.

I’m still blown away by the admission from you that you’d become a burden to society if it paid you enough.

A real eye opener.

Oh come on. NYC has over 8 million people alone. Of course you have a lot of lower income voters there just like any other city. They mostly vote Democrat and many are using our welfare programs. Do you really think Democrats push for more and more social programs because they are such nice people? Better look at the man behind the curtain.

Got numbers? How many of NYC’s 8 million people are lazy welfare recipients who refuse to work an available job?

What percentage of welfare recipients vote?

Anything to support your claims?

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