House Democrats push for remote voting due to coronavirus

As Pelosi is now pushing remote voting it has become apparent that citizens no longer need someone to represent them. We can just as easily "remote vote" for ourselves. I can just as easily cast my own vote instead of hoping my representative votes my way instead of my neighbors way.
All budgets at the very least need to be up for public approval. As do any commitment of military assets lasting longer than 30 days.
Welfare recipients should be prohibited from voting on budgetary issues as they have proven to be fiscally irresponsible.

We could use a couple small permanent groups to keep things organized and votes scheduled.
I know a lot of you will likely lol but we have the technology & ability to truly give the power back to the people.
This is something I've been saying for a long time. The arguments that "people won't study issues" and "people won't vote" are outweighed by the fact that these are already true about those currently occupying the House.
Direct vote to replace representatives. Keep the Senate so that things don't go too far too fast. We could at least try it for s few years; it couldn't be worse than what we have now.
As Pelosi is now pushing remote voting it has become apparent that citizens no longer need someone to represent them. We can just as easily "remote vote" for ourselves. I can just as easily cast my own vote instead of hoping my representative votes my way instead of my neighbors way.
All budgets at the very least need to be up for public approval. As do any commitment of military assets lasting longer than 30 days.
Welfare recipients should be prohibited from voting on budgetary issues as they have proven to be fiscally irresponsible.

We could use a couple small permanent groups to keep things organized and votes scheduled.
I know a lot of you will likely lol but we have the technology & ability to truly give the power back to the people.
You would either have to amend the Constitution or have a revolution

Which do you prefer?

As for amending the Constitution, Congress will never do that to themselves, so that leaves the states to do it.

It has never been done before but states have the Constitutional power to amend the Constitution. Currently, the Article V movement is going about to do just that, primarily trying to enact amendments such as term limits for those in Congress and some sort of Federal Spending amendment which are favored by about 80% of the populace.

If you really value democracy then you will join them and find your local representative and motivate them to vote for it. It takes about 2/3 of the states and currently I think they are up to around 15 states who have joined.
As Pelosi is now pushing remote voting it has become apparent that citizens no longer need someone to represent them. We can just as easily "remote vote" for ourselves. I can just as easily cast my own vote instead of hoping my representative votes my way instead of my neighbors way.
All budgets at the very least need to be up for public approval. As do any commitment of military assets lasting longer than 30 days.
Welfare recipients should be prohibited from voting on budgetary issues as they have proven to be fiscally irresponsible.

We could use a couple small permanent groups to keep things organized and votes scheduled.
I know a lot of you will likely lol but we have the technology & ability to truly give the power back to the people.
Wrong. We no longer need a senate. They are not representative of the people.
Also, if we can "remote vote for ourselves" as you put it we don't need an electoral college either.
As Pelosi is now pushing remote voting it has become apparent that citizens no longer need someone to represent them. We can just as easily "remote vote" for ourselves. I can just as easily cast my own vote instead of hoping my representative votes my way instead of my neighbors way.
All budgets at the very least need to be up for public approval. As do any commitment of military assets lasting longer than 30 days.
Welfare recipients should be prohibited from voting on budgetary issues as they have proven to be fiscally irresponsible.

We could use a couple small permanent groups to keep things organized and votes scheduled.
I know a lot of you will likely lol but we have the technology & ability to truly give the power back to the people.
As Pelosi is now pushing remote voting it has become apparent that citizens no longer need someone to represent them. We can just as easily "remote vote" for ourselves. I can just as easily cast my own vote instead of hoping my representative votes my way instead of my neighbors way.
All budgets at the very least need to be up for public approval. As do any commitment of military assets lasting longer than 30 days.
Welfare recipients should be prohibited from voting on budgetary issues as they have proven to be fiscally irresponsible.

We could use a couple small permanent groups to keep things organized and votes scheduled.
I know a lot of you will likely lol but we have the technology & ability to truly give the power back to the people.
Wrong. We no longer need a senate. They are not representative of the people.
You have a point. Ever since the Progressives passed a Constitutional amendment that allowed those in the Senate to be directly elected by the people, the Senate became just like the House in that regard. Really at that point you only need one house to do everything.

Understand though that the Founding Fathers set things up so that states appointed Senators, so that the states would have more sway at the federal level. They were extremely wary of direct democracy, which is why those in the House only have 2 years to serve and those in the Senate serve far more years. In addition, there are only 2 Senators per state verses a myriad of those in the House. And lastly, the Senate gets to do things like confirm people to SCOTUS and the House does not, which means that they intentionally gave a Congressional body more power than the other which was not directly elected by the people.

This is also why the Electoral College exists which Progressives also want to dissemble.
As Pelosi is now pushing remote voting it has become apparent that citizens no longer need someone to represent them. We can just as easily "remote vote" for ourselves. I can just as easily cast my own vote instead of hoping my representative votes my way instead of my neighbors way.
All budgets at the very least need to be up for public approval. As do any commitment of military assets lasting longer than 30 days.
Welfare recipients should be prohibited from voting on budgetary issues as they have proven to be fiscally irresponsible.

We could use a couple small permanent groups to keep things organized and votes scheduled.
I know a lot of you will likely lol but we have the technology & ability to truly give the power back to the people.
Wrong. We no longer need a senate. They are not representative of the people.
You have a point. Ever since the Progressives passed a Constitutional amendment that allowed those in the Senate to be directly elected by the people, the Senate became just like the House in that regard. Really at that point you only need one house to do everything.

Understand though that the Founding Fathers set things up so that states appointed Senators, so that the states would have more sway at the federal level. They were extremely wary of direct democracy, which is why those in the House only have 2 years to serve and those in the Senate serve far more years. In addition, there are only 2 Senators per state verses a myriad of those in the House. And lastly, the Senate gets to do things like confirm people to SCOTUS and the House does not, which means that they intentionally gave a Congressional body more power than the other which was not directly elected by the people.

This is also why the Electoral College exists which Progressives also want to dissemble.
Not so. The house has it's duties, and the senate theirs. Equal houses
Hey, I voted by mail every time I was deployed during elections. The voting officer would come around, find out what our hometowns were and then order absentee ballots for each of us. Never had a problem with it in the 20 years I served in the Navy. Matter of fact, I appreciated the ease of using an absentee ballot, and was happy I was able to vote.

Same here for the USAF. In Colorado, we use mail-in ballots and have a fantastic record of success. There has only been two cases of Voter Fraud until early this year and that was done by two republicans including the State Republican Chairperson that sent in his ex wifes ballot even though she moved to another state and established residency there. These were found in the After Election Probes that ALL states should have but many don't. The last fraud was finding a ballot box in a Republican Controlled County early this year that was left non picked up. It was in a Democratic area of the County. Guess what, the County Clerk (an elected position) blames everyone including the Democrats and the Elderly but refuses to accept any responsibility. Meanwhile the Republican are accepting her reasons. We, the People, don't buy her BS.

Mail in ballots are just as secure as voting in person. The chances that an illegal can vote that way is ZERO.
Mmmmm! A former Repub state now Prog. I get it.

It's called, "Using Common Sense". We have half the state that is Rural. And it's a hassle to get into the "Shrinking" Polling Centers. It also removed the Political Scam of any one party strategically placing the voting centers. Yes, Dorathy, I live in the deepest Red part of the state and the closest polling place is 3 miles away. Since 2008, the two closest voting places were shut down and I live in a 50-50 DemVRep area. They shut down the two polling centers in a large urban area and kept the one in a small (less than 500 people) area. If you don't thing that doesn't have an effect on who gets vote for or not, you are drinking way too much of your home grown hooch. The mail-in voting has made it not much of a point to where they have the polling stations. That means that if the people want a Rep then they vote that way without the games. But, if they don't want a Rep, they can vote for the other choices . You get what you deserve in an election. We, the People.
ID checks? For Congress?

When they are NOT PRESENT and "checked in" by Hill security.. You bet your ass.. VPNs can be hacked by foreign Intel agencies. Tim Scott of S. Carolina was stopped at Hill check-in while wearing a fucking senator pin...

HOWEVER they solve this -- the "rule" need to be RARELY used,.. Because the reason Congress is in session is NOT JUST THE VOTING -- it's the bribery and horse trading that goes on to WIN votes and make deals that means they've discussed the deal. and have the AVAILABILITY in person and at work TOGETHER as a deliberative body to edit and add amendments and all that stuff..

A congress critter is a stuffed suit or pants suit without their HUGE staffs and advisors.. They lose about 50 more IQ points NOT being "programmed" by their staffs...
What say you? Is this another end-justifies-the-means to unfairness on the part of Pelosi et al?

I'm saying that it's so easy to mask the votes of the people when no one is looking. And I am horrified.

Remote voting makes it easier to vote from the graveyard.
I expect there'll be a lot of trump voters doing that after this wave of corona virus goes thru the Red states. Sad.
Hey, I voted by mail every time I was deployed during elections. The voting officer would come around, find out what our hometowns were and then order absentee ballots for each of us. Never had a problem with it in the 20 years I served in the Navy. Matter of fact, I appreciated the ease of using an absentee ballot, and was happy I was able to vote.
And the voting officer swapped out your ballot.

Wrong. I mailed it in myself after I filled it out. You never spent time in the military, have you?

Few and I mean VERY few people even bothered voting when I was active. Of course, Carter and Clinton almost destroyed what little military we had left.

The first extended sea period I had, we simply could not vote. The mail service on our submarine really sucked.
What say you? Is this another end-justifies-the-means to unfairness on the part of Pelosi et al?

I'm saying that it's so easy to mask the votes of the people when no one is looking. And I am horrified.

Remote voting makes it easier to vote from the graveyard.
I expect there'll be a lot of trump voters doing that after this wave of corona virus goes thru the Red states. Sad.
The top 9 death states have Dimsocialist Governors.

Hey, I voted by mail every time I was deployed during elections. The voting officer would come around, find out what our hometowns were and then order absentee ballots for each of us. Never had a problem with it in the 20 years I served in the Navy. Matter of fact, I appreciated the ease of using an absentee ballot, and was happy I was able to vote.
And the voting officer swapped out your ballot.

Wrong. I mailed it in myself after I filled it out. You never spent time in the military, have you?

Few and I mean VERY few people even bothered voting when I was active. Of course, Carter and Clinton almost destroyed what little military we had left.

The first extended sea period I had, we simply could not vote. The mail service on our submarine really sucked.

Maybe in the commands you were at, that is what you experienced. In the majority of commands that I was at, people were enthusiastic about getting their absentee ballots.
What say you? Is this another end-justifies-the-means to unfairness on the part of Pelosi et al?

I'm saying that it's so easy to mask the votes of the people when no one is looking. And I am horrified.

There's a spike on corona virus in Wisconsin after the primary. You'd like more of the same, I wager.

Yeah.. CNN reporting a whole 19 NEW cases that COULD be related to voting.. Other media LESS than a dozen.. Is that YOUR SPIKE? You have scientific evidence that the ELECTION is to blame for that # of new cases?? :rolleyes: Guaranteed those few people didnt pick it up at the gas station, grocery store or liquor store they stopped at before voting?
What say you? Is this another end-justifies-the-means to unfairness on the part of Pelosi et al?

I'm saying that it's so easy to mask the votes of the people when no one is looking. And I am horrified.

Remote voting makes it easier to vote from the graveyard.
I expect there'll be a lot of trump voters doing that after this wave of corona virus goes thru the Red states. Sad.
The top 9 death states have Dimsocialist Governors.


I don't know exactly what states you are talking about since you just shotgun stated something stupid. But 3 of those 9 make up the bulk of the Population. And then there is Texas. Imagine mail-in voting in Texas. The legal possible voters are more than 50% Democrat and Indies. Same goes for Florida. The LAST thing that you party of the rumpsters want is for those people being able to vote with the fun and games done at the polling stations.
Hey, I voted by mail every time I was deployed during elections. The voting officer would come around, find out what our hometowns were and then order absentee ballots for each of us. Never had a problem with it in the 20 years I served in the Navy. Matter of fact, I appreciated the ease of using an absentee ballot, and was happy I was able to vote.
And the voting officer swapped out your ballot.

Wrong. I mailed it in myself after I filled it out. You never spent time in the military, have you?

Few and I mean VERY few people even bothered voting when I was active. Of course, Carter and Clinton almost destroyed what little military we had left.

The first extended sea period I had, we simply could not vote. The mail service on our submarine really sucked.

Maybe in the commands you were at, that is what you experienced. In the majority of commands that I was at, people were enthusiastic about getting their absentee ballots.

The Party of the Rumpsters are already coming with bogus reasons to lose. And to lose even more BIGLY allowing mail-in or Absentee Voting would allow many of the people to vote from their homes. The harder they fight this the more Party of the Rumpsters will find themselves heading home for good.
What say you? Is this another end-justifies-the-means to unfairness on the part of Pelosi et al?

I'm saying that it's so easy to mask the votes of the people when no one is looking. And I am horrified.

Remote voting makes it easier to vote from the graveyard.
I expect there'll be a lot of trump voters doing that after this wave of corona virus goes thru the Red states. Sad.
The top 9 death states have Dimsocialist Governors.


I don't know exactly what states you are talking about since you just shotgun stated something stupid. But 3 of those 9 make up the bulk of the Population. And then there is Texas. Imagine mail-in voting in Texas. The legal possible voters are more than 50% Democrat and Indies. Same goes for Florida. The LAST thing that you party of the rumpsters want is for those people being able to vote with the fun and games done at the polling stations.
Too 9 death states all run by your Dimsocialist brethren morons.


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