House Democrats push for remote voting due to coronavirus

Democrats can’t be entrusted with something like this given their track record. In 2000, Democrats made certain that the votes of remote troops did not count. Further, they believe dead people should never be purged from registered voter lists and it is always the Democrats getting busted for voting register fraud.
Wrong on every count.
This is Candycorny who just can't see the massive and serial criminal wrongdoing by his own party:

Well, I'm not a democrat shit brains but thanks for your usual contribution of....nothing.
You're not a Democrat, you just vote Democrat, support Democrat hubris on coronavirus as well as lies, and you use 4-letter words to describe Republicans who support President Trump's timely approach to combating the disease. In my opinion, you are a Democrat, because you act like one in your word, thought and deed of using 4-letter words on anybody whose opinion differs from that of the Democrats, whose bread and butter is sedition, lying, and beating up on not only Republican leaders, but supporters of those who tell the truth and get impeached for it by Democrats. Furthermore, you act like a sicko.
Hey, I voted by mail every time I was deployed during elections. The voting officer would come around, find out what our hometowns were and then order absentee ballots for each of us. Never had a problem with it in the 20 years I served in the Navy. Matter of fact, I appreciated the ease of using an absentee ballot, and was happy I was able to vote.
And the voting officer swapped out your ballot.

Wrong. I mailed it in myself after I filled it out. You never spent time in the military, have you?
You were not in every single unit in the military....
Neither were you. Military and overseas voters send in their ballots themselves in California. When I served, the Voting Officer only helped you get registered. They didn't do anything with your ballot.

Then why did Gore try and stop their Ballots in 2000?

He challenged late ballots...just like every single candidate in a contested campaign does. Oh look, here is Trump doing worse...

Snopes lied.
Democrats can’t be entrusted with something like this given their track record. In 2000, Democrats made certain that the votes of remote troops did not count. Further, they believe dead people should never be purged from registered voter lists and it is always the Democrats getting busted for voting register fraud.
Wrong on every count.
This is Candycorny who just can't see the massive and serial criminal wrongdoing by his own party:

Well, I'm not a democrat shit brains but thanks for your usual contribution of....nothing.
You're not a Democrat, you just vote Democrat, support Democrat hubris on coronavirus as well as lies, and you use 4-letter words to describe Republicans who support President Trump's timely approach to combating the disease. In my opinion, you are a Democrat, because you act like one in your word, thought and deed of using 4-letter words on anybody whose opinion differs from that of the Democrats, whose bread and butter is sedition, lying, and beating up on not only Republican leaders, but supporters of those who tell the truth and get impeached for it by Democrats. Furthermore, you act like a sicko.

Your opinion is worthless as are you.

You're actually going to argue that Blob supporters tell the truth? Really?
Democrats can’t be entrusted with something like this given their track record. In 2000, Democrats made certain that the votes of remote troops did not count. Further, they believe dead people should never be purged from registered voter lists and it is always the Democrats getting busted for voting register fraud.
Wrong on every count.
This is Candycorny who just can't see the massive and serial criminal wrongdoing by his own party:

Well, I'm not a democrat shit brains but thanks for your usual contribution of....nothing.
You're not a Democrat, you just vote Democrat, support Democrat hubris on coronavirus as well as lies, and you use 4-letter words to describe Republicans who support President Trump's timely approach to combating the disease. In my opinion, you are a Democrat, because you act like one in your word, thought and deed of using 4-letter words on anybody whose opinion differs from that of the Democrats, whose bread and butter is sedition, lying, and beating up on not only Republican leaders, but supporters of those who tell the truth and get impeached for it by Democrats. Furthermore, you act like a sicko.

Your opinion is worthless as are you.

You're actually going to argue that Blob supporters tell the truth? Really?
Candycorn, the Righteous Judge sez: "Your opinion is worthless as are you. You're actually going to argue that Blob supporters tell the truth? Really?"​

What a sicko way Candycorny has of addressing Republican President Donald Trump.
Democrats can’t be entrusted with something like this given their track record. In 2000, Democrats made certain that the votes of remote troops did not count. Further, they believe dead people should never be purged from registered voter lists and it is always the Democrats getting busted for voting register fraud.
Wrong on every count.
This is Candycorny who just can't see the massive and serial criminal wrongdoing by his own party:

Well, I'm not a democrat shit brains but thanks for your usual contribution of....nothing.
You're not a Democrat, you just vote Democrat, support Democrat hubris on coronavirus as well as lies, and you use 4-letter words to describe Republicans who support President Trump's timely approach to combating the disease. In my opinion, you are a Democrat, because you act like one in your word, thought and deed of using 4-letter words on anybody whose opinion differs from that of the Democrats, whose bread and butter is sedition, lying, and beating up on not only Republican leaders, but supporters of those who tell the truth and get impeached for it by Democrats. Furthermore, you act like a sicko.

Your opinion is worthless as are you.

You're actually going to argue that Blob supporters tell the truth? Really?
Candycorn, the Righteous Judge sez: "Your opinion is worthless as are you. You're actually going to argue that Blob supporters tell the truth? Really?"​

What a sicko way Candycorny has of addressing Republican President Donald Trump.

Does it hurt your feelings that I call your lord and master "the blob"? Of course it does. Am I going to stop? No.

Your opinion is worthless.
Democrats can’t be entrusted with something like this given their track record. In 2000, Democrats made certain that the votes of remote troops did not count. Further, they believe dead people should never be purged from registered voter lists and it is always the Democrats getting busted for voting register fraud.
Wrong on every count.
This is Candycorny who just can't see the massive and serial criminal wrongdoing by his own party:

Well, I'm not a democrat shit brains but thanks for your usual contribution of....nothing.
You're not a Democrat, you just vote Democrat, support Democrat hubris on coronavirus as well as lies, and you use 4-letter words to describe Republicans who support President Trump's timely approach to combating the disease. In my opinion, you are a Democrat, because you act like one in your word, thought and deed of using 4-letter words on anybody whose opinion differs from that of the Democrats, whose bread and butter is sedition, lying, and beating up on not only Republican leaders, but supporters of those who tell the truth and get impeached for it by Democrats. Furthermore, you act like a sicko.

Your opinion is worthless as are you.

You're actually going to argue that Blob supporters tell the truth? Really?
Candycorn, the Righteous Judge sez: "Your opinion is worthless as are you. You're actually going to argue that Blob supporters tell the truth? Really?"​

What a sicko way Candycorny has of addressing Republican President Donald Trump.

Does it hurt your feelings that I call your lord and master "the blob"? Of course it does. Am I going to stop? No.

Your opinion is worthless.
To you the truth is worthless, so I am not surprised by anything you smear me and all other people here you hate with nastiness aforethought.

Candycorn I believe that at this point, you are trolling me and calling the President "the Blob" on every thread and calling me and other conservative USMB posters "worthless." We're here to say what we understand from exhaustive reading, both sides, so it's real easy for a troll to come along with false narratives and blaming us on a constant basis that is grounded in Democrat theory where the truth is optional, and what difference does it make rules. I read both sides. I find reading the side of people who accused the President falsely for 3 years unlikely sources of the truth. It was proven 7 times during the pre-impeachment times when President Trump's false narrative accusers ignored the findings that cost the American taxpayer a hundred million dollars to fund, each of which found Trump not tied to the crime Democrats accused him of, including the Democrats' own inquiry, the findings of zilch which was soundly ignored by Nancy Pelosi.
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Democrats can’t be entrusted with something like this given their track record. In 2000, Democrats made certain that the votes of remote troops did not count. Further, they believe dead people should never be purged from registered voter lists and it is always the Democrats getting busted for voting register fraud.
Wrong on every count.
This is Candycorny who just can't see the massive and serial criminal wrongdoing by his own party:

Well, I'm not a democrat shit brains but thanks for your usual contribution of....nothing.
You're not a Democrat, you just vote Democrat, support Democrat hubris on coronavirus as well as lies, and you use 4-letter words to describe Republicans who support President Trump's timely approach to combating the disease. In my opinion, you are a Democrat, because you act like one in your word, thought and deed of using 4-letter words on anybody whose opinion differs from that of the Democrats, whose bread and butter is sedition, lying, and beating up on not only Republican leaders, but supporters of those who tell the truth and get impeached for it by Democrats. Furthermore, you act like a sicko.

Your opinion is worthless as are you.

You're actually going to argue that Blob supporters tell the truth? Really?
Candycorn, the Righteous Judge sez: "Your opinion is worthless as are you. You're actually going to argue that Blob supporters tell the truth? Really?"​

What a sicko way Candycorny has of addressing Republican President Donald Trump.

Does it hurt your feelings that I call your lord and master "the blob"? Of course it does. Am I going to stop? No.

Your opinion is worthless.
To you the truth is worthless, so I am not surprised by anything you smear me and all other people here you hate with nastiness aforethought.
A blob supporter claiming they stand for truth...
Thanks for the chuckle.
What say you? Is this another end-justifies-the-means to unfairness on the part of Pelosi et al?

I'm saying that it's so easy to mask the votes of the people when no one is looking. And I am horrified.

your link is about Remote Proxy Voting for the House of Representatives, when they are away from Washington DC due to the Corona Virus..... so that they can continue working for the money we pay them, instead of being paid by us their full salary, to just sit at home.

It absolutely has NOTHING to do with absentee voting or voting in any election?

Your article link is about Congressmen not in DC, but shuttered in their homes being able to PROXY vote on bills, where their paper proxy vote is given to a Congressman who is able to be in DC, and read off as their goes in to the record as the particular Congress critter's vote....

There is no way to cheat...? it's ALL on the RECORD.... a recorded vote. No one can change the Representative's is via a paper proxy.... the Representative would KNOW if someone changed his vote, as well.


At least on the first page of this thread that I was able to read, it looks like everyone posting in your thread think the link is about the election in November and we the people's vote??? Just crazy, when your link is SPECIFICALLY about the House of Representatives, being allowed to vote via proxy, if they are shuttered at home due to this epidemic.... and it is ONLY a temporary measure.
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This only applies to congress voting on bills.

What say you? Is this another end-justifies-the-means to unfairness on the part of Pelosi et al?

I'm saying that it's so easy to mask the votes of the people when no one is looking. And I am horrified.


There’s no reason to be ‘horrified.’

There’s also no reason that elected officials can’t vote remotely.

Speaker Pelosi is seeking to ensure the health and safety of all House members – both Democratic and Republican.

That you and far too many on the right would make this partisan comes as no surprise.

WTF? Why are they NOW considering "historic changes" and not 20 years ago when the tech became available??? They have NO WAY TO VOTE from OUTSIDE those chambers... Wake up !!!
Of course they do. Its not complicated and would not take any great effort to accomplish. They would have some logistical challenges simply because there are so many...can't get them all into one Zoom meeting, but they could figure something out.

There's this matter of security that needs to be addressed.. ID verification and making sure someone isn't holding a gun to their head... Not as easy as Zoom -- which BTW is currently in CRISIS because RANDOM people are crashing private meetings, medical consults and other sensitive meetings and "mooning" people...

"No great effort" --- Then why didn't the mental midgets DO this for emergencies 20 years ago? Too busy investigating each other????
Who is going to hold a gun to a congressperson's head? It's Congress. They can use a VPN to provide conferencing security. ID checks? For Congress?

They didn't need it before now.
Hey, I voted by mail every time I was deployed during elections. The voting officer would come around, find out what our hometowns were and then order absentee ballots for each of us. Never had a problem with it in the 20 years I served in the Navy. Matter of fact, I appreciated the ease of using an absentee ballot, and was happy I was able to vote.
And the voting officer swapped out your ballot.

Wrong. I mailed it in myself after I filled it out. You never spent time in the military, have you?
You were not in every single unit in the military....
Neither were you. Military and overseas voters send in their ballots themselves in California. When I served, the Voting Officer only helped you get registered. They didn't do anything with your ballot.

Then why did Gore try and stop their Ballots in 2000?

He challenged late ballots...just like every single candidate in a contested campaign does. Oh look, here is Trump doing worse...

Snopes lied.
Oh? So where is your link proving that "snopes lied"?
Hey, I voted by mail every time I was deployed during elections. The voting officer would come around, find out what our hometowns were and then order absentee ballots for each of us. Never had a problem with it in the 20 years I served in the Navy. Matter of fact, I appreciated the ease of using an absentee ballot, and was happy I was able to vote.
And the voting officer swapped out your ballot.

Wrong. I mailed it in myself after I filled it out. You never spent time in the military, have you?
You were not in every single unit in the military....
Neither were you. Military and overseas voters send in their ballots themselves in California. When I served, the Voting Officer only helped you get registered. They didn't do anything with your ballot.

Then why did Gore try and stop their Ballots in 2000?

He challenged late ballots...just like every single candidate in a contested campaign does. Oh look, here is Trump doing worse...

Snopes lied.
Oh? So where is your link proving that "snopes lied"?
Snopes is too busy fact checking satire websites.
If you can’t vote in person then trump is our president until 2024
nope! his term ends after the 4 year term elected for, is up....

I think without an election or a number of weird scenarios, Constitutionally our Congress then picks our president.
If you can’t vote in person then trump is our president until 2024
nope! his term ends after the 4 year term elected for, is up....

I think without an election or a number of weird scenarios, Constitutionally our Congress then picks our president.
I wish there was someone running with a passion of latino and African reparation act.. that could beat trump but that’s not running in 2020.. so he will be president again! I hope he gets his act together
As Pelosi is now pushing remote voting it has become apparent that citizens no longer need someone to represent them. We can just as easily "remote vote" for ourselves. I can just as easily cast my own vote instead of hoping my representative votes my way instead of my neighbors way.
All budgets at the very least need to be up for public approval. As do any commitment of military assets lasting longer than 30 days.
Welfare recipients should be prohibited from voting on budgetary issues as they have proven to be fiscally irresponsible.

We could use a couple small permanent groups to keep things organized and votes scheduled.
I know a lot of you will likely lol but we have the technology & ability to truly give the power back to the people.
Most people are too stupid to vote wisely. How would you prevent hackers from controlling the votes?
The House is a mess, but its worked for about 250 years, so keep it.
Most people are too stupid to vote wisely. How would you prevent hackers from controlling the votes?
The House is a mess, but its worked for about 250 years, so keep it.
It's a factitious thread ment to expose the laziness of house leadership.
Most people are too stupid to vote wisely. How would you prevent hackers from controlling the votes?
The House is a mess, but its worked for about 250 years, so keep it.
It's a factitious thread ment to expose the laziness of house leadership.
It shouldn't be. We actually DO have the technology to:
  • Screen hackers so only legitimate votes are cast.
  • Qualify voters so that you must prove a rudimentary understanding of the issue rather than just flipping a coin.
  • And no, the House hasn't been working for the voters for a very long time. The very fact that this is even an issue proves it.
Congress works just fine, so long as you cut a big campaign check and/or represent Wall and K Street. How will those people make any money without their puppets? :lol:

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