House Democrats push for remote voting due to coronavirus

This using the Coronavirus for a foot in the door doesn't stop at voter cheating desires of someone who doesn't have all the power they claim they have--Democrats are screwing the pooch with Coronavirus for every little thing:

Ingraham: Democrats take the viral path to socialism

Cheating on the numbers of people remotely voting are horrific. If we let them go for more votes than ever with remote voting, we're going to see this nation become something the people do not agree to, because their votes were smothered by cheating at the polls.

Hey, I voted by mail every time I was deployed during elections. The voting officer would come around, find out what our hometowns were and then order absentee ballots for each of us. Never had a problem with it in the 20 years I served in the Navy. Matter of fact, I appreciated the ease of using an absentee ballot, and was happy I was able to vote.
And the voting officer swapped out your ballot.

Wrong. I mailed it in myself after I filled it out. You never spent time in the military, have you?
You were not in every single unit in the military....
His personal experience represents what every service member experienced.
If the stepford moron is against it; that’s a good sign that it’s a good idea. Mail in voting is very secure as the military has proven for decades.
So you think Joe should decide?
Who is Joe?
He asks ‘Who’s Joe?’ all the time too.
Hey, I voted by mail every time I was deployed during elections. The voting officer would come around, find out what our hometowns were and then order absentee ballots for each of us. Never had a problem with it in the 20 years I served in the Navy. Matter of fact, I appreciated the ease of using an absentee ballot, and was happy I was able to vote.

I trust voting officers. I do not trust community organizers.
Democrats can’t be entrusted with something like this given their track record. In 2000, Democrats made certain that the votes of remote troops did not count. Further, they believe dead people should never be purged from registered voter lists and it is always the Democrats getting busted for voting register fraud.
Democrats can’t be entrusted with something like this given their track record. In 2000, Democrats made certain that the votes of remote troops did not count. Further, they believe dead people should never be purged from registered voter lists and it is always the Democrats getting busted for voting register fraud.
Wrong on every count.
Democrats can’t be entrusted with something like this given their track record. In 2000, Democrats made certain that the votes of remote troops did not count. Further, they believe dead people should never be purged from registered voter lists and it is always the Democrats getting busted for voting register fraud.
Wrong on every count.
You vote in one of two ways, show up in person or vote absentee period, end of story.
The Gold Standard of voting is: A pre-registered voter goes to the polls, identifies himself with a government-issued photo ID, casts a written ballot that is recorded and kept for future reference.

Every initiative that takes "us" further away from the Gold Standard creates more and more opportunities for fraud and abuse. Whether it's motor voter, same-day registration, absentee ballots, or massive mail-in voting, "we" invite the votes of the uninformed, un-involved, ignorant, maleable, and unqualified persons. And in an election like the coming one that is sure to be razor thin, I thing we need to fight this initiative, where the outcome literally could depend on the performance of the United States Postal Service, which has lost literally millions of ballots in the past.

Look closely at who is pushing it and who is fighting it. That tells you all you need to know.
Democrats can’t be entrusted with something like this given their track record. In 2000, Democrats made certain that the votes of remote troops did not count. Further, they believe dead people should never be purged from registered voter lists and it is always the Democrats getting busted for voting register fraud.
Wrong on every count.

Prove it empirically and not based on what lies between your ears.
If we're not in a position to be able to vote by November, the election will be to see who is president of a smoldering crater.

I'd hold off on this in any case for a couple of months.
This world needs our free America to continue to make the world a free place. We can't do that if we are not free ourselves and have to wait on angry Democrats who want to end the Constitutional freedoms by using their power in a terrible way, Fueri. By November we should be free again.
remote voting is only allowable if the remote voters are likely to vote for republicans.
Said by a person who supports the Control-Freak Democrats who want to shut down President Trump forever.

I hope the Senate shuts down this really bad idea.
you have no idea what i support, crazy person. go knit something.
I listened to hubris like yours in the late 1990's, and one of the most impressive discussions I read were of 5 Democrat precinct chairmen laughing it up about who voted the most times, and at that time, 30 was the top number of votes by one of them, and 20 was the least, with all others somewhere in between. I believe they weren't kidding. These corruption claims troubled me, so in order to clear it up with those bragging Democrats, I went back the next morning, and the editors of Times Magazine's discussion boards had removed and deleted the conversation on a thread about voting. I was going to copy and show it to the Republican Party, but with all removed from the public forums they had at the time, all I have are haunting memories of that conversation, and I understand from time to time, votes with unexpected Democrat wins have cropped up with more votes than the voting population, and what little respect I had for the Democrats at the lowest levels vanished. They cheated the American people of the vote, and that made me mad at such practices for a lifetime.

Now, the Democrat party has engaged in a lying schema to try and unseat a Republican President based on Hillary Clinton's viciousness and orchestrated sedition against this nation's elected President, all because she is a world-class poor sport who was brainwashed by liberal professors back in the late 60s and early 70s. They were teaching students back then to break the law to institute changes and go for high office by corrupting the press with money they seized the same way Joe Biden did in the Ukraine, calling in 1/3 of taxpayer-funded gifts from Congress to put in his personal war chest in running for President of the United States and key senate and house members who would do dirt for promises of high offices in the future. Adam Schiff for President?

Thanks to Judicial Watch, the FOIA laws saved America for a few more months. It's up to the American people to insist on accurate vote counts and no more God-forsaken cheating at the polls to gain enough power to force the population to give up their freedoms penned by some of the wisest men of all time, the Founders, most of whom received severe punishment by the Redcoats, who targeted them in particular during the Revolutionary War.

It was a sorry fate the American founders had:

We all know the stories of the most famous leaders of that momentous era - Washington, Jefferson, Franklin, and John/Abigail Adams will be remembered for time immemorial. Yet the 56 men who signed the Declaration of Independence in the summer of 1776 could not have known just how successful their effort would be.

Rather, all they knew was that they had committed High Treason against Great Britain and their sovereign, King George the 3rd, by signing their name to a document that renounced their allegiance to their mother country. "We mutually pledge to each other our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor" is Jefferson's final sentence; for over 20 of the signers, that pledge would take on a woeful meaning in the years after 1776.

9 signers paid the ultimate sacrifice - their lives - for the cause of Independence. 17 (almost 1 for every 3 who signed) lost every penny they had and every piece of property they owned. Yet not a single one reneged on their pledge to stand "for the support of this Declaration".

Press "show more" for a listing of the sacrifices individual and named founders gave up for their country: The "Founding Fathers" who lost their lives and fortunes - but not their honor

Its author ended his Fourth-of-July article with these words: So, as we celebrate the birth of the United States of America today, let's pause to remember our ancestors - those we remember and those who were forgotten - who pledged "our lives, our fortunes and our sacred honor" for a cause that was lucky to survive the next few months, let alone 235 years. 56 men suffered varying degrees of misfortune for placing their signature underneath John Hancock's - but none of them wavered, and none of them repudiated their pledge. For this, and despite all the difficulties we have faced - and will continue to face - here in America, we should always give our thanks.
What say you? Is this another end-justifies-the-means to unfairness on the part of Pelosi et al?

I'm saying that it's so easy to mask the votes of the people when no one is looking. And I am horrified.

yea, we're going to be able to design a remote system on the fly that will work, not be hacked, and be fair to everyone involved for THIS YEARS election.

no. put a mask on and go vote. mail it in if you need to. we have time to prepare for this if they'd stop bitching.

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